Krypton Gold

Chapter 672: Right way light

The Fei Lei, who had been paying attention to Su Mu, came to him silently, and the voice transmission asked: "What result did you get from the divination?"


   Su Mu's shocked expression made Fei Lei very curious.


  Kevin and the others also got together and gathered around Su Mu.


   Still the same as before, Su Mu first released the sound insulation technique and blind eye technique, and then used the Martian script to explain the scene he had just seen to several people.


   Although they didn't see the picture with their own eyes, they just listened to Su Mu's talk, but everyone still felt a chill in their backs.


   turned into a monster when he found the exit? This is too miserable!


   "Why is this?" Gu Ranxi frowned and asked.


   Su Mu shook his head: "I don't know. I saw this scene through divination. There is neither an antecedent nor a consequence. But I suspect that this matter is probably related to the fairy palace on Yushan!"


   Everyone thought of Luo Cheng and Sun Yu's ‘reminder’, and they all felt that Su Mu’s suspicion was not unreasonable.


   But new problems also follow.


   "What exactly will the demons in the fairy palace do? How can we guard against them so that we can miss their tricks and not become monsters?"


   Everyone is silent. There is too little information, which makes them feel helpless.


Su Mu groaned a little, and said, "From now on, everyone must be more vigilant than before. Any suspicious discovery must be reported, and you must not be negligent. You will be quietly notified of this arrangement to the students. ."


   "Yes!" Kevin, Lin Jian'e and others nodded together, with serious expressions.


Su Mu then instructed Amiya and Xiao Ai: "You let the'headhunters' outside find a way to find out more relevant information. Especially if you want to find out, they are hiding in the Yushan Immortal Palace. The demons in here, what kind of category they are, and what are their skills, can they analyze their plans."


   "Understand!" The two rune figures responded in unison.


   After finishing the arrangement, Su Mu said: "Let's do it for now, let's see the tricks, take one step at a time."


   After a pause, he cheered everyone up: "The images in the divination are just a possibility in many futures. As long as we deal with them properly, it won't happen!"


  'S remarks are not just to comfort everyone, but Su Mu also has this confidence.


   After all, he is a hang-up, and there are two great gods, Gu and Jingwei, who are behind him. His younger sister Su Ye has the blood of the European Emperor, and foreseeing the danger in advance. With preparation, unbelief will make this terrible future happen.


   Sumu removes the blind eye technique and the sound insulation technique. Kevin, Lin Jian'e and others immediately used the sound transmission technique one by one to inform the students to be vigilant.


   But they didn't talk about Sumu's divination. First, they were afraid of leaking the wind, and second, they didn't want to cause panic.


   Amiya and Xiao Ai also immediately contacted the ‘headhunting’ outside, and asked them to focus on collecting intelligence.


   Fei Lei asked about what he was curious about at this time: "Boss, when did you learn water divination?"


   Su Mu found an excuse and said: "After you divination for the first time, I thought it was amazing, so I asked Principal Wen to find a teacher for me..."


   It's the right thing to tweet everything to Principal Wen, and it's not like the principal backs up the story twice.


   Fei Carp frowned: "Then teacher can still use water divination?"


   "Yes, isn't it a coincidence?"


   Fei Lei did not entangle this question, and turned to surprise and said, "It doesn't take long, right? You have learned water divination? And can you see the future directly?"


   "It's probably my talent." Su Mu smiled.


   At the same time, the heart said that this was surprised? If I tell you the truth and let you know that I actually learned water divination by just looking at it and spending some money, wouldn't you have to stare at your eyes like goldfish?


   After a pause, he added: "As for the future picture, it is actually drenched in the light of He Xiangu's supernatural power. I actually did divination before, but they all failed."


   "So that's the case." Fei Lei breathed a sigh of relief, and said jokingly: "Scare me, I thought the boss had opened it up."


   "Haha." Su Mu also laughed, saying that not only the intuition of women is terrible, but the instincts of female spirits are equally strong!


at the same time.


   Yushan Peak, in the fairy palace.


   Luocheng and Sun Yu, six people, are standing next to a timing omission.


   This set of clepsydra is made of pure copper. There are four clepsydra on the top and a big kettle on the bottom. There is a bronze figure standing inside and holding a gong in his hands.


   But what flows in this set of leaks is not ordinary water, but a dark, sticky liquid. Drop by drop fell in the receiving kettle, making a strange muffled noise, and the scalp was tingling.


   Seeing the weird black liquor in the receiver, gradually reaching a certain height, Luo Cheng and Sun Yu exchanged their eyes calmly.


   Although he did not speak, he understood the meaning hidden in the other's eyes:


   "It's almost time."


   "I hope Su Mu can take everyone through this disaster!"


   At this moment, the weird black liquor in the kettle overflowed a scale on the wall of the kettle.


   The bronze man standing in the water bottle suddenly opened his eyes, and the brass gong banged in his hand.


"it has started!"


   The six Luo Cheng and Sun Yu trembled together.


   A beam of blood-colored moonlight, at this moment, shone in along a gap at the top of the fairy palace, and the blood-red light happened to shine on the bronze figure in the kettle.


  , together with Luo Cheng and Sun Yu, standing next to Ouke, were also shrouded in **** moonlight.




   There was a sound similar to the sound of burning red iron immersed in cold water, which was immediately heard from the six bodies of Luo Cheng and Sun Yu.


   Under the skins of six people at the same time, there was violent peristalsis, as if there were countless small bugs spreading joy and writhing in their bodies.


   In a short moment, the six of Luo Cheng and Sun Yu turned into flesh and blood! Just as Su Mu saw through the water spray divination, the monsters the students had changed!




   Luocheng and Sun Yu all screamed in pain, which made people hear the horror. They hurriedly moved towards the darkness beside them, trying to avoid the **** moonlight.


   At this moment, the weird black liquor in the kettle boiled like boiling water.


   In the next moment, they actually climbed into the **** moonlight, and crawled quickly toward the night sky along the beam.


   The **** moonlight that they crawled over seemed to have been ‘infected’, changing from blood to black, and no longer had a killing effect on Luo Cheng and Sun Yu. The bodies of the six of them immediately recovered from the monster to their previous appearance.


   Soon, these weird black liquids gushing from the leaks crawled up the sky along the **** light, covering and obscuring the blood moon that monitors the night.


   Blood Moon seemed to be aware of this situation, and the Blood Moonlight suddenly mastered it, as if it wanted to repel and tear these weird black liquors.


Inside the    temple, the classmates who were on duty found the blood moon in the night sky obscured.


   A similar situation has not happened in the past few days, so the students on duty did not panic. Instead, they strengthened their defenses according to the established plan and notified Su Mu.


   Su Mu quickly walked to the temple wall and looked at the night sky with his probe.


   The blood moon was really obscured by darkness, but Su Mu did not immediately visualize the blood moon.


   In the past few days, the demons have all converged a lot after suffering a loss. Not only did the number of people following the team decreased during the day, but even after the blood moon was covered in the dark night, no demons came to attack them again.


   Of course, this situation is also related to the special order that the demon masters received from unknown existence.


   Su Mu glanced into the darkness.


  Although the rune searchlights on the armored vehicles are all turned on, the effect of expelling the weird night is limited. If the blood moon is still there, there is no problem, but it is not enough now.


   Su Mu turned his head and shouted at Lin Junjie: "Brother Lin, help me increase the lighting effect!"


"No problem!" Lin Junjie responded loudly, and immediately gathered all the students who had practiced fairy vocal music, and sang in unison: "The light of the right way shines on the earth, illuminating every dark place... …"


In the song of   , the light from the rune searchlight has been strengthened, and the range of illumination has been expanded a lot.


   With the help of the strengthened talisman light, Su Mu and his classmates on duty discovered that the surging darkness that had attacked them before appeared again.


   They are like black tentacles, and they are like a series of hideous and weird black snakes, coming from all directions toward the temple, trying to submerge it.


   Some students who joined the team only today were frightened by the sight outside the temple.


   "Don't panic, prepare to fight!" Su Mu shouted in a deep voice, and at the same time, he was ready to visualize the blood moon and activate the statues, stone tablets and other things carried in the team.


   But the blood moon in the night sky ripped the weird black liquid that covered it at this and re-projected the blood-red moonlight.


   The surging darkness was illuminated by the **** moonlight, and without waiting for the idols, stone tablets and other objects to be activated, they quickly retreated, faster than when they came.


   Su Mu raised his head and glanced at the scarlet moon in the night sky.


   Among the classmates around, there are also people who are looking up at the sky, and they are still muttering: "After the blood moon was covered today, it came out quite quickly."


   No one thought there was a problem with the blood moon being covered today, but it was a pity that it broke away too early.


   If it is later and the surging darkness gets closer, they can kill a lot of the surging darkness, as well as the monsters and monsters who hide in the darkness and want to fish in troubled waters.


   The eye monster that I killed before was not enough for a group of people. There are a few more so that everyone can have specimen research, paper writing, and semester homework.


   Compared to fighting with monsters, ghosts and monsters, but the thesis and the semester homework are not completed, it seems more terrifying.


   "Continue to be on guard." Su Mu told the students on duty a few words, and then smoked them with a refreshing medicinal fragrance. Then he turned around and prepared to return to Su Ye to practice breathing.


   Without taking two steps, he suddenly found a data rain in his eyes.


   Then, a line of text appeared before his eyes:


  【Shadow Gu breeding and disease and insect pest control technology, classification, grade four, etc.】