Krypton Gold

Chapter 91: "Welcome Cup" Flying Sword Rally

   After all the teachers were seated, Yang Lin stepped onto the podium as the counselor of the freshmen.

   She introduced herself first, and then introduced the principal and teachers to the freshmen.

   Every time one introduced, the freshmen responded with warm applause.

   In the end, the principal came to make the concluding remarks.

  The old principal took the microphone and said with a smile: "I will just say a few words... Don't worry, it's really simple. I won't waste your time by talking nonsense and let you doze off listening."

   The freshmen chuckle, thinking that the principal is very funny.

The old principal continued: "You have all the teachers of all majors. Some of you have taken multiple majors. It doesn't matter. The teachers will give full consideration when arranging courses to ensure that everyone can successfully attend the class. In the future, apart from the basic professional knowledge, you will have two very important tasks: one is to build a foundation, and the other is to learn the basic manipulation and modification techniques of flying swords."

   It’s easy to say that you know the importance of building a foundation. I heard that if you can’t build a foundation for three years, you can only leave the school with a certificate of completion.

  What is the basic control and modification technology of the Flying Sword?

   If you are not a Feijian major, you should learn it? Still an important task?

   When the freshmen heard this, they all showed a black question mark face.

   The old principal did not sell Guanzi and quickly explained the reason:

"In ancient Shu province, sword cultivation was prevalent, and many schools of cultivation focused on sword cultivation. Later, it was transformed into a cultivation university with all-round professional development, but Feijian is still our strength. Learn the basic manipulation of Feijian And the transformation technology has been preserved as a tradition, and it is a required course for all majors."

   "In November every year, all Xiuzhen universities in Shu Province will jointly hold the'Welcome Cup' Flying Sword Rally. Participants are new students of the year, not only to compare the individual rankings, but also to determine the team points ranking."

"Our Qingchengshan Xiuzhen University has always been a strong contender for the championship in this event. Unfortunately, in recent years, we have had bad luck and have repeatedly missed the championship. You are all talented children. I hope you will be able to compete in this rally. Have outstanding performance and return the championship trophy to the school! As long as you can get a good ranking, the school will never be stingy with awards!"

   The old principal waved his hand, and a ray of light appeared in the auditorium, converging into a paragraph of text, which was the reward given for the rally, not only money, but also various resource rewards, and academic support.

   All the students raised their heads and looked curiously.

   Su Mu is no exception.

   After a look, I found that in individual competitions, not only the champions can get rewards, but the top 100 are rewarded, but the rewards between 100 and 50 are relatively small, and it is more like a participation award.

  From fifty to the top, the rewards increase in steps, and every ten is promoted by one level.

  After reaching the top ten, the rewards will increase by a large amount for each higher one. The champion has the highest reward and the most attractive.

   In addition to the rewards for individual competitions, there are also generous rewards for group points to reach the top three.

Su Mu felt that this reward model was very familiar. After pondering for a while, he muttered: "Damn, isn't this the reward model of the personal power list and the guild leaderboard in the mobile game? The person who developed this reward method, don't be a Come with me? This is forcing us to rush up!"

   He looked around, and as expected, let alone ordinary students, even the gods like Kevin and the children of the family like Pei Jun were dry and tempted for these rewards.

   What they value is not money, but resources and academic support.

Many of the resources are new products independently cultivated and developed by Qingcheng Mountain Xiuzhen University, such as the pill and medicinal incense to aid cultivation, the spiritual food and spiritual tea that are usually eaten, and they are all long-term supplies and are bought on the market. Less than.

   As for academic support, it is even more important. As a freshman, you can follow master and doctoral supervisors to practice, accept their guidance, and let them formulate exclusive training and learning plans. This is a good thing that money can't buy!

   In order to regain the championship trophy of the "Welcome Cup" Flying Sword Rally, Qingchengshan Xiuzhen University also spent the money.

   The freshmen in the auditorium all looked straight, and some even swallowed.

   Su Mu was also heart-stricken, but he had a question in his heart, but it was not easy to ask on such an occasion. After waiting, he planned to consult with the counselor Yang Lin.

   The old principal was very satisfied with the response of the freshmen, and once again inspired: "Classmates, come on, I look forward to your honor for the school!"

  The fighting spirit of the freshmen was aroused, and they responded:

   "Don't worry, principal, we will work hard to win back the championship trophy!"

   "We will definitely bring honor to the school!"

   "We are the strongest! The strongest!"

   "I am waiting for the day when I am here to celebrate you." The old principal was satisfied with the reaction of the freshmen, and he ended the freshmen meeting with these words.

   After the principal and teachers left, the freshmen were also going to leave.

   "Have you two dorms arranged? Where do you live?" Su Mu asked.

   Kevin and Pei Jun reported their dormitory number. They searched the map on the school APP. The three of them were not far away, but it was convenient to visit them later.

   "What are you going to do next?" Su Mu glanced at the time, and it was only a quarter past four, thinking about going to the library to borrow some books that will be used to break through the foundation of applied science.

   "I have nothing to do, I plan to go back to the house and rest." Pei Jun said, he is a quiet person, so he is afraid of Kevin who is familiar with him.

   "What are you going to do?" Kevin asked back.

   "I plan to go to the library." Su Mu said.

   "The library? What to do there? How boring." Kevin frowned.

   His least favorite place is the library, because it is torture for him to keep quiet there. He twisted his head and said to Pei Jun: "Old Pei, I'll go to your place and sit for a while."

   Pei Jun's face changed, and he hurriedly pulled Su Mu: "I will go to the library with you."

   "I said you are boring like this." Kevin spread his hands, and his Chinese is getting more and more slippery.

   The three of them were talking while walking toward the outside of the auditorium. Suddenly a figure jumped over from the side and stopped in front of the three of them.

   is the school’s security Da...Uncle, what's the matter? "Su Mu originally wanted to be called Xiong Da, but he felt a little impolite, so he simply called uncle. Anyway, this panda can spit out people's words, it must have been cultivated in Qingcheng Mountain Cultivation University for a long time. Uncle Sheng, maybe Still take advantage.

   Even in the auditorium, the panda still took a root of the bamboo and ate it, looking confident and confident.

Hearing Su Mu’s greeting, it nodded. Although it didn’t say anything, Su Mu knew that it was quite satisfied with this name, and if he really dared to call it Xiong Da, he would offend people... No, it’s an offense. Bear.

   "Xiao Suzi, why did you come alone, your sister?" the panda asked.

   Su Mu replied: "She is not a student in our school, so she did not come to this meeting."

   After a pause, he made a request: "Uncle Xiong, you can call me Xiaosu, don't take it, otherwise I always feel chilly below."

   "Oh, I don't call you Xiao Suzi, won't you get cold below you?" The panda sneered.

   Su Mu looked confused, what do you mean? Look down on me? Take it out and scare to death, you know!

   Panda ignored him and continued: "Go back and tell your sister, let her come to us next Saturday."

   "May I ask, what can you do with her?" Su Mu asked. It's not that they are afraid that these elites will be detrimental to Xiao Ye Zi. In Qingcheng Mountain Cultivation University, both humans and ghosts dare not mess around.

   "She is a little weak. We plan to get something to make up for her. If you don't worry, come together and make up for you." After the panda finished, he gnawed the spirit bamboo and walked outside the auditorium.

   "Thank you, Uncle Xiong." Su Mu hurried to catch up and thank him, no matter what, the other party was kind, polite and correct.