
Chapter 200: alive

Xie Wei finally let her go slowly.

Darkness is silent.

Only when no one can see who is like this, can someone dare to cut open this normal and bright body, revealing something darker than darkness inside, allowing people to have a glimpse of what is under the skin.

His hands were still clasped together with hers, fingers intersecting.

Jiang Xuening said: "Go to sleep for a while."

However, Xie Wei's fingers moved to her wrist bit by bit, touched the shallow scar with few traces left, and gently caressed it with his lowered eyes.

He said: "I thought you were not rare."

Jiang Xuening stood up and added more firewood to the fire that was about to go out, regardless of whether there would be enough tomorrow, just watching the flames rising slowly again, illuminating the dark and lonely cave, her heart gradually recovered .

She didn't turn her head back: "Are you worthy of death?"

Xie Wei was silent behind her for a long time before he chuckled softly: "You are right, I am not worthy."

All was well that night.

Xie Wei really fell asleep.

Didn't dream anything.

Jiang Xuening, however, guarded the fire and sat there all night until dawn, when the dry firewood was burned out and slowly extinguished, leaving only a few dark red embers exuding warmth.

When he came back to his senses, Xie Wei got up at some point, sat opposite her, and calmly reminded: "It's burnt."

Jiang Xuening looked down.

Indeed, the roe deer flesh on the bamboo pole had been scorched, and even gave off an unpleasant smell.

She lost interest: "I can't see clearly, but my nose is very good."

Xie Wei didn't ask her how she knew it, because it was too obvious, and only asked: "Last night, why didn't you agree?"

Jiang Xuening sneered: "Promised to die with you?"

Xie Wei was silent for a while, his expression was different from last night, with long brows and straight nose, narrow eyes and thin lips, there was a kind of insignificant indifference, and he didn't mean to deny it at all: "Why?"

Still asking why?

Which normal person wants to die!

Jiang Xuening tore off the burnt part vigorously, wanted to say a few rude words, but finally compromised and let it go softly.

Because she knew that this person was serious last night.

So he said, "I'm afraid of pain."

Unexpectedly, Xie Wei continued to ask: "What if it doesn't hurt?"

How could death not hurt?

Jiang Xuening stared at the scorched meat, dazed for a moment, then looked at Xie Wei again, and rarely answered him seriously: "You can eat, drink, and enjoy everything. Not only do I long to live, but I also long to live Longer, longer. Mr. Xie, I have been thinking about your words for two years. Life is not free, and you are right. I miss His Highness, miss Yan Lin, and miss Fang Yin... so many people need me and like me; Let me die, I am reluctant. I will live every day I can live, and I will be happy even if I don’t have a day.”

In the past, she thought Xie Wei was a saint, but later she thought Xie Wei was a devil.

But they were all wrong.

Xie Wei is also only a mortal body, exactly as Lu Xian said, but this world of mortals is struggling in purgatory, and her life is not even as good as her ordinary person.

When he said the words "Only I can understand you", Jiang Xuening understood him completely.

In the previous life, You Fangyin guessed right.

Xie Wei, who never admitted that identity from the beginning to the end, is the real descendant of Xiao Yan's bloodline, who has been merciful to the heavens, and who has survived by luck.

There is no need to recognize the ancestors.

No blood relationship is required.

From the moment the royal family and the Xiao family pushed him out to Li Daitao, he was Xie Wei, throwing away his old name and surname. There will no longer be a day of peace, no night of sleep, only bathed in the cold fire of hatred.

In a world of chaos, saints cannot live.

Only the devil can use the banner of the hero to clear up the old unwillingness.

She has suffered from the word "family love" all her life, why not Xie Wei?

So if he can understand her, she can understand him too.

It's just that she knew it too late, and Xie Weixing may have seen her through when he went to Beijing with her many years ago and learned of her life experience.

Jiang Xuening felt that the world was really strange, and after she finished speaking, she thought of those people who had passed through her life, some left her scars, and some healed her pain.

This kind of struggle and ups and downs is life.

She suddenly became open and calm, as if she had fully realized it, and asked him: "Are you snow blind? How much more can you see?"

Xie Wei didn't speak for a long time, maybe he was thinking about the "reluctant" in her words.

Jiang Xuening tore a good piece of meat and handed it over.

Xie Wei didn't answer, but raised his eyes and asked: "Last night, I was unconscious and drowsy, and Meng Lang acted frivolously. You don't seem to be scared, and you don't mind?"


A little bit.

But if she minded, she didn't seem to care that much. Investigating the cause and effect, after all, the two kisses seemed to be more of an extremely intense emotion, instead of having much desire and lust.

At this moment, she saw him as clearly as she saw herself.

His stature is firm, like a mountain.

Jiang Xuening stared at him for a moment, took back the piece of meat that he hadn't picked up, took a small bite, snorted, but said solemnly: "Xie Ju'an, you are not sick, you are just crazy."

Xie Wei laughed when he heard this.

Jiang Xuening couldn't understand the smile again, and didn't bother to think about it anymore, she just put the bamboo pole with the remaining meat in his hand, took a small piece in her mouth, got up and walked out of the cave.

The snow had indeed stopped.

Even melted a little.

But walking on the snow and stepping on the hollow, half of the calf can sink into it.

Looking at the distant mountains, there are many layers, even if there is not much distance left, it is difficult for them to go forward under such circumstances, crossing mountains and ridges to reach Jinan Prefecture.


Jiang Xuening looked far away, and her eyes fell on the mountain in the distance.

In fact, she was watching it yesterday evening.

It's just that the light was too dim at that time, so I couldn't see clearly.

But now that the sky is bright, everything that was blurred last night becomes crystal clear.

There is not much snow on the southeast side of that mountain!

At this time, it can be seen with the naked eye, the dense forest on the hillside is dark, withered and yellow...

Her heart beat violently, she took a deep breath, didn't even eat the piece of meat, hurried back to the cave, and said to Xie Wei: "Let's go back now, go around to the back of this mountain! "

Xie Wei followed the voice and looked at her.

But there was a vast expanse of whiteness behind her, which made him close his eyes.

Jiang Xuening couldn't help saying that she had already started packing up some things they left in the cave that could be taken away, and she spoke quickly: "I just saw that the snow on the mountain in front is in the northwest, and there is no snow in the southeast! If the wind and snow come from the northwest , then there won’t be a lot of snow on the slopes behind our mountain! We may not be able to get out of trouble, but at least you can see it, and we won’t die of hunger!”

Xie Wei sat still.

Jiang Xuening picked up his bow and arrow, took the water bag, and finally looked at him. After a moment's hesitation, she took a knife and slashed at the hem of the clothes, tore off a piece of fine silk, tied one end to Xie Wei's wrist, and the other end Tie it on your wrist.

He felt familiar, and pursed his lips and smiled: "I thought you were confused, lacking in thought, and forgot."

Jiang Xuening snorted softly: "I would rather not remember."

Who wants to remember all the bad things in the past every day?

She said: "We are already at the foot of the mountain. We just go around the mountain from the west and go back. It shouldn't take long. The road at the foot of the mountain is much flatter than the hillside. I will go ahead and you will go behind."

Xie Wei was dragged up by her.

The wrists of the two were tied together, but the middle was hanging empty. He didn't make a sound, but moved forward to hold Jiang Xuening's hand.

Jiang Xuening: "..."

She turned to look at him, intending to say a few words.

But with a wrong look, he saw that when he got up, his sleeves fluttered, but something fell from his sleeves to the place.

So he said, "You dropped something."

Xie Wei looked down.

Jiang Xuening thought that he should be called "Xie Banblin" at the moment, so she was so merciful that she bent down and picked it up for him: it was a two-inch square paper bag, painted with cinnabar on the outside, and it seemed to be filled with some kind of powder. It looks like medicine wrapped in origami in a pharmacy.

But the folding method is not very similar.

The red seal drawn was even weirder, but it made her feel a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

Jiang Xuening frowned slightly, handed it back to him, and said, "Prepare medicine even if you're not sick?"

Xie Wei took the paper-wrapped finger and froze for a moment.

But he didn't show the slightest flaw, he put his sleeves back as if nothing had happened, and said: "Heart disease is also a disease."

Jiang Xuening didn't think too much after hearing this, and wanted to break free from his hand, but felt that their wrists were tied together, and his eyes were not very good, so he didn't let go, but instead held it openly, and walked towards the cave. go outside.

The location of this cave was not very high.

After they came out, they walked westward, stepping on the piled up snow with deep feet and shallow feet. After walking for a while, the cold wind poured in from the jackets and robes, making people shiver, and the shoes and boots were even worse. Going deep into the snow, my feet know how to feel pain, and gradually I don't even feel it.

Jiang Xuening walked in front with difficulty, inevitably bumping into rocks and tree roots, stumbling and stumbling, falling down to eat a bite of snow at every turn, and sometimes even Xie Wei would be pulled down by her.

Now she hated her own name.

She couldn't stop shivering, her lips were blue, and she joked with Xie Wei: "I thought about it before, my name is Jiang Xuening, and you probably hate this name, after all, nothing good happens when you meet her."

Xie Wei said, "I don't hate it."

Jiang Xuening looked at him: "Aren't you against your will?"

Although Xie Wei was useless when it was snowing, his body was much better than hers. Seeing that she couldn't stand upright, he was able to support her with all his strength, and said, "Your name is not Jiang Xue."

Snow Ning.

The snow at the end of winter, met the wind of early spring, all stopped, calmed down, and melted.

Why not?

After thinking about it, Jiang Xuening did the same, panting and stood firm, and continued to walk forward, only saying: "Then I should be your savior, right? I saved you twice when I met you. If it wasn't for me, it would be you This virtue..."

Xie Wei from the previous life came to mind.

Her footsteps stopped abruptly, and the scene of the time when she went to great lengths to find Xie Wei after the palace change in her previous life was suddenly magnified to the limit, and it was fixed on a few exquisite small bowls placed on the corner of the imperial case. paint on a plate. At that time, a piece of paper with a stroke of red was lightly falling on the plate...

She finally remembered where she was familiar with.

There is always something like this in the palace.

But she would never associate this thing with Xie Wei.

Seeing that she didn't leave, Xie Wei also stopped: "What about me?"

Jiang Xuening turned around slowly, looked at him with disappointed and sad eyes, and clenched her teeth, fearing that she would be shivering due to the cold right now.

She reached out to him: "Give it to me."

Xie Wei asked: "What?"

Jiang Xuening finally couldn't bear it anymore, the corners of her eyes were slightly red, and she said loudly to him: "Give me five stones!"

Xie Wei really didn't know how she could guess it.

He blinked lightly: "Ning Er, there is something I wanted to tell you a long time ago."

Jiang Xuening looked at him with wide eyes, still stretching out her hand.

Xie Wei sighed helplessly, and at this moment, he raised his hand and landed on her neck, knocking her out, and then said like smoke and dust: "The things you bake are really bad."

She could hardly believe what he had done.

After shaking his eyes a few times, he fell limply.

Xie Wei reached out to catch her in time, looked at the whiteness around him, and thought: last time she was a bad doctor, he was treated so badly that he could not smell blood for half a year after returning to the capital; this time she is a bad cook , He ate it so much that he suspected that the meat she roasted was not the same as the one he roasted...

The delicate little girl is really not very good.

He took five stone powder with him.

It's hard to say without thinking of giving it a try.

But he hasn't really tasted it yet.

Ning Er's worried posture really seemed to turn against him immediately. Are you still on your way, don't you have a priority?

Xie Wei flipped his fingers, and the paper bag containing the powder twirled around between his fingers.

After all, he was still afraid of the cold.

Glancing at Jiang Xuening in his arms, he rolled his eyes, and didn't care about this thing as much as before. He only opened his mouth to bite the corner of the paper bag, and ate the medicine together with the paper. After staying for a while, there is a bit of warmth, even heat, gushing out from the limbs, making people feel that the wind and snow around them seem to have subsided.

Xie Wei then bent his lips and smiled, bowed his head and kissed her slightly frowning brow lightly, then carefully carried her on his back and walked forward.