Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 100

Felix listened to Wei Wei's "Little Black Room" torture method. Although he was dubious about this method, he still asked someone to prepare it.

It is not easy to set up a completely dark and absolutely quiet room for a while. Fortunately, there are enough rooms in the castle, so choose a remote room to prepare, and it can be used tomorrow at the latest.

And the effect of the little black house is really strong. As the first experimenter, Sean's willpower is not strong. He has not received professional training, and he has no preparation in advance. He was locked in at night. The hands and feet were still tied, only the chin was put back in - now they could see that the man wouldn't kill himself, so don't worry about him biting his tongue.

In the first hour he was locked in the small dark room, he began to collapse and yell, but the soldiers guarding had already received Felix's orders and did not respond at all, standing far away from the door. In the aisles on both sides, he was locked for a whole night before he was released.

"He's finally willing to recruit." Felix was very surprised. He didn't expect the effect to be so amazing. He wanted to stay for two more days, but one night passed, and the guard at the night watch said that Sean sounded like he was going crazy. I was worried that he was really crazy and couldn't ask anything, so he let people let him out.

After coming out, Sean really asked what to say, and if he hesitated, he only said that he would be locked back and changed immediately. It can be seen that he was very scared inside last night.

Everyone was amazed by that appearance. When Felix left, he heard a few knights behind him discussing to try the little dark room to see how scary it was. It was even more powerful than a whip and iron Fear.

They didn't know anything about the power of the little black room, they only thought that Sean was timid, and they would definitely not be like this, and a group of people would bet who could stay in it longer.

After hearing this, Wei Wei could only pray for them silently, hoping that these people would not suffer from claustrophobia when they came out. At this time, there was no psychiatrist to ease their mood.

"Did he say who ordered it?"

"I said a name." Felix was a little regretful: "It's an auxiliary bishop serving in the church headquarters, and I didn't travel with the visiting group this time."

If they are not in Sardinson, or even in the visiting group, the church will definitely not hand over people to them. This clue is basically useless to them.

Hearing this result, Wei Wei felt incredible: "An auxiliary bishop? Why did he murder the Pope? Sean didn't lie to you?"

Felix shook his head: "With his current situation, it should be impossible to deceive me."

Wei Wei thought about it too, very much he wanted to try the power of the little black house again.

"As for the person he recruited, I asked Bishop Umberto and Father Matthew, and they didn't have much impression of him, just a small person, but his former assistant bishop died unexpectedly not long ago, and he didn't have time to appoint an assistant bishop. , He is currently competing with another candidate for the post, but I heard that the chances of winning are not big."

Both auxiliary bishops and assistant bishops are assistants to the bishop of the diocese.

To put it simply, if a diocese bishop is vacant for various reasons (usually passing away), the assistant bishop will automatically become the next bishop of the diocese, while the auxiliary bishop has no right of succession.

Wei Wei doubted: "Can such a person bribe the Pope's attendant? A person who can't even compete for an assistant bishop?"

The clerical hierarchy of the church at this time includes the pope, cardinal, archbishop, chief bishop (the head of a country's church organization or the bishop where the capital is located), diocese bishops, assistant bishops, bishops and other high bishops, while assistant bishops are in the senior clergy. Among them, they belong to the lowest status, and the auxiliary bishop is even lower than the assistant bishop. It is a rank in name, but it can actually be counted as an ordinary bishop.

In terms of status, the auxiliary bishop sounds higher than the pope's attendant, but with Pope John's trust in Sean, if he wants, he can ask Pope John to give him a higher-ranking bishop after he has enough qualifications. Position, even if there is no real power, it is not difficult for the Pope to arrange the position of bishop of a diocese.

Therefore, it is obvious that the other party cannot be the real messenger, at most it is a **** to spread the word.

"When was he bought? What did the other party promise?"

The point is asked.

Felix raised the corner of his mouth and said with a hint of disdain: "Shortly before the visiting group departs, the future of a cardinal."

Wei Wei couldn't help taking a breath: "This is a lot of money, but this kind of false promise can be believed. I'm afraid that Sean is not smart enough."

Really not smart enough.

What is a cardinal, a high-ranking cleric second only to the Pope, a pinnacle of authority that very few people within the church can achieve, such a position that a person who cannot even be a bishop of a diocese can agree to?

I will believe him, either because I know that there is someone behind the other party, or it is really stupid.

"So he should know that there are people behind him." Wei Wei said firmly.

"He knew someone, but he didn't know who it was." Felix nodded. "In order to make sure he was telling the truth, I put the person in the dark room again, and I'll check later."

Felix has never been soft on enemies.

When he went to arraign again an hour later, Sean's mental state was indeed worse, but he didn't change his mouth, and what he said before was sure to be true.

In this case, Felix has to regretfully announce that the investigation can only end here.

"It's not easy for us to interfere in church affairs." Felix said, "I will hand over people to Pope John and let them handle this by themselves."

Wei Wei also agreed to do this, and by the way, he was able to sell his favor. Obviously, this incident was planned by the hawks in the church. If the murderer was handed over to the doves, they would definitely investigate on their own.

"I hope people can be useful when they get to them, and they won't be silenced soon."

Wei Wei is not optimistic about Pope John, who is keen on alchemy and has not even stepped out of the castle gate since he arrived in Sardinson.

But probably because he really has no political talent, he can sit in his current position.

"Not the Pope, and Bishop Umberto, who is not as harmless as he seems."

Even the person he had been looking for for so long could not find, but Bishop Umberto found it in less than half a month. Although part of it was because the other party was hiding in the monastery, Bishop Umberto also found it He is not the head of the church in the Prady Empire, and the church has always been suppressed here. In this case, it is possible to find people in such a short time. By the way, people are monitored. It can be seen that the power of his connections should not be underestimated. .

Calculate the time, if there is no accident, people should have been caught in the capital, but it will take some time to wait for the news to come back.

Although she didn't see how powerful the protagonist who was circling around her before asking about farming matters, Wei Wei still believed in Felix's judgment.

On the other hand, the knight sent by Bishop Roberto to interrogate him came back and reported that after Sean's confession, Bishop Roberto was not as eager as before.

He was so worried before because Sean, a traitor, was told to him by another left-behind cardinal when he entered Sardinson, in order to let him cooperate with the other party in this plan, so Bishop Roberto only Will act so impatient and malicious along the way, trying to attract everyone's attention.

However, he always thought that Sean was the other party's subordinate, so when the incident happened, he was afraid that he would be implicated, so he would rush to take people away. Bishop Berto was relieved.

But this matter is not over yet. There is still an auxiliary bishop who has been recruited to deal with. Unfortunately, after the previous explosion, Fort Sardinson blocked the entry and exit of church members. The most important thing at this stage is to deliver the message.

But although Sean confessed, their freedom was still restricted. Even Pope John and Bishop Umberto acquiesced in his behavior. Even though Bishop Roberto protested many times, nothing changed.

Even Umberto said with a smile when he protested: "Don't worry, I have told the other people who stayed behind about His Majesty the Pope, so they don't worry."

Who cares if anyone is worried about the Pope, his minor injuries won't last for a few days, and Bishop Roberto just wants to inform someone to fix the auxiliary bishop.

Of course, Felix cheated in private. Bishop Umberto's speed was much faster than his side. Even the news of the Pope's injury was delayed for a few days to confirm that he was in good condition before people dragged out. , but also to delay time.

Here Felix was busy fighting with people, and Wei Wei was busy taking care of the two wounded.

Pope John used to do medical care work, and even served as a physician for a former pope. The medical level can be said to be relatively high in Europe in this era. He was very clear about his injury. It took him a week to get out of bed, but after drinking the soup that Wei Wei sent people to cook every day, he lay in bed for two days, his head no longer aches, and people can get out of bed.

This was faster than he originally expected, so Wei Wei's medical skills naturally aroused his interest. Originally, the Pope liked the research direction of panacea when he studied alchemy. Now the experiment cannot be done for the time being. Let's discuss the success of medical skills with Wei Wei. his new hobby.

Wei Wei is also very happy to talk about this with him. Her knowledge of Western medicine is self-taught. Although her physical talent is there, it is not too difficult to learn, but she can have a discussion with someone who has a deeper understanding of this aspect and improve herself for her. Great help.

However, in view of the fact that Western medicine in this period was still in its infancy and the system was not established, a lot of knowledge would be proven wrong in the future, and many medical methods looked like superstitions, so relatively speaking, it was the Pope who benefited more. side.

And Raymond became their tool man.

The ready-made cases are out there, and they certainly don't leave them unused.

So Raymond has no time to worry about whether his legs will get worse. He just listens to Wei Wei and Pope John around his bed every day whispering to him. There is not even a quiet time, and there is no time to think about other things.

And at the beginning, Raymond really couldn't understand what they said, but the Pope also couldn't understand Wei Wei's words, which forced her to explain slowly, simply and straightforwardly. By the way, Raymond used Raymond as a reference for Pope John. As a tool and an observer, Meng can gradually understand what his situation is.

In order to prevent infection, his wound needs to be changed every three days. The first time was when Raymond was the most nervous. Although Wei Wei prescribed him analgesics in the past few days, the pain in the wound was still obvious. Yes, and the broken leg was wrapped in bandages, like a mummy in Egypt across the Mediterranean Sea. He didn't even know what the surgical wound under the bandage looked like, so when it was dead of night, Raymond couldn't help but make up his mind. Scare yourself with a bunch of scary looks.

Could it be that the wound has festered and he just can't see it? Maybe it has turned into rotten flesh. In this weather, the package is so tightly packed, it is possible to rot, maybe there are maggots inside...

Raymond couldn't help thinking about the meat that would rot after a day in summer. The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. In addition to the discomfort of his leg pain, even if the decoction Wei Wei prescribed for him had a calming effect, he couldn't sleep well. , In just a few days, people have lost a lot of weight.

Fortunately, this worry stopped abruptly at the first dressing change.

The plaster bandage was removed, revealing the surgical scar underneath. The long incision scar was smoother than they expected. The suture marks at the wound were very beautiful, and every knot was neat and orderly. Except for some redness, there was no lightning. issues of concern.

Seeing this result, Raymond finally let go of his worries. Now, no matter how much his leg can recover, he doesn't need to worry about amputation as long as he can keep it.

Because he had already prepared for amputation in his heart, and now that he found out that he didn't have to do this, he was relieved, and even had the mood to think that if he became lame in the future, he would have to prepare a better walking stick for himself.

There is only happiness when there is contrast. Compared with amputation, he is not very repelled that he may become a lame.

Wei Wei is also very satisfied with his recovery. It is a good thing that there is no sign of purulence in the wound. She first cleaned the wound with a saline solution prepared with distilled water and salt, and then changed the dressing, and finally wrapped a clean new bandage. There is still time to answer the Pope's questions.

"It's unbelievable. We used to operate on patients, and the wounds would basically have problems. Even if some people are lucky enough not to purify, the scars are very hideous, and the recovery is very slow."

Even in this period, there are not a few people who died of tetanus because of some small wounds.

Wei Wei told him about common sense of hygiene, precautions for wound care, and by the way, a wave of saline, alcohol, and the gold sore medicine he made.

"Everything that comes into contact with the wound should be thoroughly disinfected beforehand, and the wound should be kept clean and sterile after the wound is sutured, so that there will be basically no deterioration."

Wei Wei has actually said this before, but the Pope has always been skeptical. After all, this is an era when most people don't take a bath, and they really have no common sense of hygiene. Some people even think that cleaning themselves too clean will bring bad luck. .

He didn't really believe it until he saw Raymond's leg injury, and was very interested in the three medicinal items Wei Wei said.

Alcohol requires a large amount of wine to be distilled many times as a raw material, and the cost is very high. At present, it is only produced as a raw material for perfume and is not sold separately. Felix knows the use of alcohol and stores it in the wine cellar of the castle. One batch is used as military supplies; and the physiological saline is now transferred by Wei Wei for Raymond. Distilled water is a by-product of the essential oil factory, but it is basically used to make toner. Instead, the salt needs to be processed and purified before it can be used. It's a bit of magic; as for the golden sore medicine, she specially researched it for Felix and his subordinates who always needed to take people to hunt. It was specially used by the castle fighting forces. She didn't have much survival on her hands.

But Pope John kept asking her if she could sell some of these things to him. He wanted to buy a batch for the church hospital after confirming the effect, so that doctors could use it for patients.

He believes that if the effect of these things is as good as Wei Wei said, it will undoubtedly be very helpful for improving the cure rate of patients.

The so-called church hospital actually refers to the place where the wounded are placed in the church, and it is not an institution dedicated to medical treatment.

The word hospital was also heard by Pope John from Raymond, and Raymond also remembered it after hearing Wei Wei say it by accident.

If Pope John said something else, Wei Wei might not agree, but when he mentioned treating patients, Wei Wei couldn't care less.

Probably because the body is a doctor, Wei Wei has never been a doctor for a day, but she always has the idea of ​​saving lives and helping the wounded. When she sees the patient's injury, she can't let it go. It is impossible for her to let it go.

So she was very confused: "These things are only a little bit, and I can't give you if you want them now."

Pope John saw her wavering and continued: "Is it difficult to mass-produce it? If you need any help, please tell me."

Originally, Pope John intended to befriend Sardinson County. It would be even better if they could reach a cooperation. Although Bishop Umberto had obtained the wheat planting technology before, which had achieved their expected purpose, but now there is a bigger problem. With interests in front of him, the Pope is of course tempted.

And although he is not good at politics, he also knows that if this kind of life-saving thing can be promoted, as a promotion, the status of the church and even his church in the hearts of the people will only improve to a higher level.

He doesn't even doubt that if he can seize this opportunity, the doves will definitely get more support, and maybe there is a chance to overwhelm the hawks.

What he thinks of beauty is not so easy to let go of Wei Wei. She didn't like the church at all, and she treated Pope John as an ordinary guest. When it comes to friendship, she really doesn't have it.

So she didn't agree to his obvious intention to seek cooperation, and only said that she would discuss it with Felix.

"After all, you also know that we in Sadinson are short of people. There are so many things to do right now that we can't get any extra staff. Even if we plan to produce medicines, I'm afraid we will have to arrange it until next year at the earliest."

"It doesn't matter, as long as the production can be confirmed, it's fine to wait for a year." Pope John was half relieved when she heard this.

Although there is no explicit promise, this is already intentional, isn't it?

However, he then added another sentence: "Since there is no way to produce in large quantities for the time being, can you provide me with some in small batches?"

Whether it was a drug he had never seen before, he still wanted to try it himself before drawing a conclusion, but he couldn't just listen to her explanation.

"Alcohol and saline can be prepared for you, but gold sore medicine won't work." Wei Wei didn't completely refuse this time.

Although she said that things are not easy to prepare, in fact, the only troublesome thing is the gold sore medicine. You can go to the factory to make some alcohol. There is no shortage of distilled water for normal saline, and it can be prepared by adding some purified salt. There are a lot of them, but there are many kinds of medicinal materials used in the golden sore medicine. Some of them are not easy to find in this season. The pharmacy has not many reserves. It is possible to make a batch of them, but it will lead to a shortage of certain medicinal materials. If she needs it in the future It's troublesome to use.

Of course, it's not that she can't develop other similar formulas, but it can't be researched in a short time.

So in the end, Wei Wei only agreed to help prepare a batch of alcohol and saline before he left. As for the medicine for golden sore, he was only willing to give him two bottles at most.

Two bottles were enough. Pope John had seen Wei Wei apply medicine to Raymond, and he only poured a little powder at a time. The two bottles he got could be used for several days.

He really can't wait to find someone to try it now.

Unfortunately, he was also injured. After watching Raymond change his dressing, Pope John was urged by Wei Wei to go back to the guest room to rest.

"Your medicine should be almost ready, so go back and drink it while it's hot, then lie down and sleep, or you'll feel sick again later."

Although Pope John's recovery is good, he can get out of bed for a walk now, but if it is too long, he will still have a headache, so he still needs more rest.

When he heard that it was time to drink the medicine again, Pope John couldn't help but said to his friend before leaving: "Although I have always known that herbal medicine is very bad, the decoction made by the Countess is definitely the hardest I have ever drunk. drink."

Raymond gave him a thumbs up: "Same."

If there is anything that even he can't stand, there is only soup.

Wei Wei, who was still at the scene, showed a ladylike smile.

Dare to say this in front of the parties, I am afraid that you do not know how powerful the power of traditional Chinese medicine is.

The prestige of preferring an injection to drinking Chinese medicine is not a joke.

She turned her head and said softly to Karma beside her, "It seems that the two injured patients don't need to change their prescriptions."

Then, without hesitation, I cut down most of the herbs used to enhance the flavor in the original prescription, and then added some herbs with the same effect, but the taste is very "great", and the taste is almost comparable to that of Coptis chinensis.

Karma, who knew how disgusting the smell of those herbs could be, looked sympathetically at the two old men who were unaware of them.

Hopefully they can survive the next big blow.

"Need a candy bar for them?"

"...if they brought it up themselves."

That is no need, because the Countess has told them before that they can't eat sugar when drinking the medicine, it will reduce the efficacy of the medicine.