Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 103

Wei Wei gave Pope John a cat.

To be precise, it wasn't from her, but from the Pope himself.

The copper-eyed kitten with black and white splayed face, almost two months old, is very cute, the child of the mother cat of the two cats she keeps.

Last year, a farmer caught two cats for Wei Wei. At that time, the two cats were only two months old. After a winter, the two cats were already adults. When they were in heat in the spring, they ran out of the castle to find a mate. Well, Wei Wei hadn't come back at that time, but the servants were worried that the cat would be punished if the cat lost its owner and came back. They searched for it for a long time.

It's a pity that the two black cats were originally born wild cats. The older they are, the more independent they are. They are usually elusive in the castle, and they don't even want to find them after they run out.

Fortunately, after the wave was over, the two cats still knew how to go home.

And they also brought their respective partners back.

The two black cats were born wild cats, which are different from domesticated pet cats in later generations. They are monogamous, confirming that their partners will not change unless there is an accident, and even male cats will raise offspring together with female cats.

However, the partners of the two black cats are cats who have lived in the wild since they were young. They are afraid of humans and will not get close to the places where humans live easily. Even if they come back because of their partners, they are very careful. At first, the people in the castle did not even find them. , Only the maid in charge of taking care of the cat found that the food prepared for the cat was always consumed very fast, and the two cats always did not have enough food. She became suspicious and increased the amount of feeding while secretly observing. Two new cats.

She told Butler Barton about it, but the butler didn't intend to catch the cat after hearing it.

At that time, the wedding had already been held, and although the owner hadn't returned yet, the people from the castle had changed their minds: "Mrs. likes cats, and now she may be happier when she sees two more."

After returning, Wei Wei really likes the two new members in the castle. They are a female cat with three flowers and a male cat with milky white and two colors. The appearance and fur color of the two cats are obviously more pleasing than the black cats, and they are also easy to discuss. The maids like it, although they are not relatives, but the maids who are getting better and better can't help but secretly put some snacks in the places they pass by.

Although highly vigilant cats never eat it, they prefer the mouse in the castle, or the cat meal specially prepared for the cat, over human food.

However, although they did not feed successfully, they also gave the two cats a certain sense of security in the new environment, and gradually they stopped hiding. Although they were still elusive, they appeared more and more in everyone's eyes, etc. When Wei Wei came back, they were used to treating the castle as their own territory.

It's a pity that her owner has been out for too long, not to mention that the new cats don't know her, even the black cats who have been raising them for a long time have become unfamiliar with her, and it took her a long time to coax them to accept her again.

The two female cats were not unexpectedly pregnant this spring.

Female cats will have some special reactions after pregnancy, such as increased food intake, not fond of activities, like to rest in a quiet and bright place, and their body will not be rolled up but stretched out when sleeping, and the body will also sleep. There are some changes.

After noticing this, she guessed that the two female cats were pregnant, and the cat's belly that gradually grew larger also confirmed this.

In May, both cats gave birth smoothly. When they gave birth, they hid and found a safe and hidden place to give birth.

However, the two cats have different standards for "safety and concealment". The three-color female cat is a kitten who hides from everyone and gave birth in an unoccupied room, while the black cat chooses the bedroom of the Earl and his wife. There was a delivery room that Wei Wei specially asked the maid to prepare. The black cat raised by her obviously trusted her and stayed in it to give birth.

When Wei Wei saw it, her little black cat had successfully given birth to two kittens. Their coat color was a mixture of the characteristics of both parents, one was black and the other was milky white. Although the eight-character face was not straight, the coat color was very different. Cute, the piece of white hair in the middle of the eyes and the two pieces on both sides of the mouth and nose look like a clover at first glance, even if the eyes are not opened, they are very cute.

The other three-flowered female cat has more babies, five in a litter, pure white, pure black, black and white, three flowers, and any coat color, but because the mother cat is strict, Wei Wei has only seen a few from a distance. Second, there is no chance to get close to them at all.

There were seven more kittens in the castle at once, and the quiet corridor became lively. From time to time, a faint cat meow could be heard from somewhere. When the milk cats were one month old, the mother cat would They began to wander around the castle with them. The cool and elegant mother cat was followed by a string of kittens and kittens who were still stumbling around. The picture was not so interesting.

Under the influence of Wei Wei, the servants who didn't have much affection for cats became fond of this animal that they didn't like before, especially when they discovered that the mice in the castle became less and less, and the ones in the kitchen became less and less. After the food will not be stolen, and the clothes and items of the servants will not be damaged, this kind of favor is even more.

There are so many cats Wei Wei can't raise by herself, and mother cats can raise them up to five months of age. After that, they have to make a living on their own. If you don't want the kittens to become wild cats, Wei Wei has to give them to them. Find a good host.

This is relatively easy to do. Wei Wei allows people who want to keep cats to keep them in the castle, or they can take them home, as long as they can take good care of cats, and don’t want to keep them or die after a period of time. .

The first one who expressed her desire to raise a cat was Dolores. She was a little afraid of black cats, but she liked the two double flowers born by black cats, especially the milky white one. She thought it was cute, cute and special. She can act like a spoiled child, so she often comes to play with kittens, and the mother cat doesn't stop her. The black cat is probably really evil. It seems to understand Wei Wei's meaning, so she does not refuse Dolores to approach it. , so the kitten whose coat color is named cream has already determined his future **** shoveling officer when he is one month old.

As for the remaining kitten with a black and white face, several people had already wanted to raise it, but before a victory was won, Pope John, who suddenly came out, took the lead.

After Pope John was injured, he was naturally not allowed to enter the laboratory again, and Raymond's laboratory was affected by the explosion and could not be used now. Thinking that he would have to recover from his injuries for a long time, the laboratory was not set up again. The damaged things were cleaned out and put in another place, just waiting for the research institute to be built and moved directly there.

There is no experiment to do, the injury is not serious, and the Pope, who does not need to lie in bed every day, has nothing to do except find someone to chat, and his favorite heavenly objects are naturally Raymond and Wei Wei, but the former is recovering, so he can't disturb too much. For a long time, the latter's busy feet did not touch the ground, and he could not see people from time to time, so the idle and bored Pope could only pass the time by himself.

Then he saw cats running around in groups in the castle.

Cats have always had a bad impression on medieval Europeans, who thought cats were evil animals and had a deep prejudice against them.

But now that cats, especially black cats, have not yet been blamed, their dislike is more just because cats are loners, not close to people, and scary strange creatures with bright eyes at night.

But as long as they don't stubbornly reject them, the aesthetic nature makes few people able to resist the cuteness of kittens.

Pope John was clearly one of those who could not resist.

He has joined the church since he was very young, and he has only a stereotyped impression of the cat, except for a few times he has seen a string of figures passing through the grass - it comes from the painter's paintings, which are all Ugly cat-like cats, they are coiled into a circle, sticking out their tongues and licking (eggs). This extremely indecent behavior is also one of the reasons why cats are criticized. Humans put their own moral standards Put it on the cat and think that their act of cleaning up the body is a discordant move by Chi Guoguo.

Pope John never knew that real cats, especially kittens, are so cute, fluffy like a ball of fur, and the way they stumble around can make people feel suffocated.

"... my god..." He felt as if he was being tempted by the devil, unable to take his eyes off the kitten.

- Pope John, who has never been in contact with cats, has no idea that he is actually a cat control.

This afternoon, Pope John, like a stalker, has been following behind the cats, watching the mother cat take the kittens to play in the cat room specially arranged by Wei Wei.

And this behavior continued for several days, and then Pope John had learned to seduce kittens with food without a teacher.

Compared with big cats, kittens are not so vigilant, and with their mother cat around, they are more courageous, because the kitten with the name "Oreo" is black and white. Lively and daring little male cat, he is very interested in this strange and recent human being Pope John, plus Pope John always brings the small dried fish that the cat eats from the kitchen, and this tribute to the cat mother , it turned a blind eye to the fact that he licked his own children, and even brought the kitten to his door every day to hang out.

Selling children for fish, that's it.

Cat licking is addictive, and Pope John, who is becoming more and more cat slave, quickly fell under Oreo's tender paws, and couldn't help but ran to ask Wei Wei to give him the kitten.

This happened on the third day Wei Wei came back from the villa. In the past two days, she was busy in her study, drawing and copying bank related matters. She only went to see Raymond give him medicine once, and went to The cat-sucking pope was staggered, but someone in the castle would tell her, so she was not surprised that Pope John would come to her.

She has no regrets about giving cats away. She originally planned to give them to others, as long as the owner can take good care of them, and when Pope John was stalking the cat, there were servants watching him. For now, this performance The love for cats that came out was enough to satisfy Wei Wei.

And Wei Wei can be said to be happy about this. People in the Middle Ages had a bad impression of cats, but if the church, especially the Pope, kept cats, everyone would naturally change their views. Eliminate the stigma of black cats in the future.

The cat is so cute, how can it be a devil, and the cute devil is almost the same!

So as soon as Pope John came to ask, Wei Wei agreed immediately. Not only that, she also suspended her work and gave Pope John some common knowledge about cat raising.

For example, cats don’t lick their fur, they just clean up their bodies. Most long-haired animals do this, such as dogs. So if you can’t do the same thing, it’s evil for cats.

Of course, in addition to these cognitive common sense, it is more about how to take care of the cat, how to play with it, and important content such as cat taboos.

After all, the kitten was given to Pope John, and she will follow him back to Rome in the future. When the sky is high and the emperor is far away, she can't go to see it, so she can only explain what she wants to say first.

Worried that the Pope could not remember, she still wrote while talking. She wrote fast and quickly wrote a lot of precautions. By the way, she also gave him a wave of cat toys. Hearing Pope John sighed that he had a cat It's not easy, while looking forward to the fun of raising cats in the future.

Wei Wei is noncommittal, knowing that it is impossible for Pope John to take care of the cat’s diet and daily life, and it must be handed over to the servant, so she wrote these things and brought him back to find someone to take care of the cat.

"By the way, you'd better keep the cat catching the mouse, so when it's older, you need to control the feeding, and you can't feed it too full."

Modern pet cats basically don't catch mice. They have enough food and don't need to hunt by themselves. Occasionally catching one is just a game. Wei Wei still doesn't like the kitten she goes out to become that kind of pet cat.

Knowing that Pope John likes to study medicine, she simply told him that the existence of rats is likely to cause a large-scale infectious disease, that is, the plague, and the death rate after the plague is very terrifying.

Historians have speculated that the Black Death in the 14th century was actually the plague, and the Black Death appeared in 1347, brought by Mongolia, and the earliest point of origin was Italy, and then spread throughout Europe.

If the time in this world is like this, then the Black Death will come to Europe in sixty or seventy years. At that time, she may have passed away, but her descendants will still be there.

Wei Wei touched her belly. Although she is not pregnant yet, she has a hunch that it will not be too late.

So she wants to avoid this situation as much as possible, and the medical system must develop. After all, Sardinson will develop his own harbor in the future. If someone brings the source of the disease, it will be bad.

Speaking of the plague, Pope John's expression became serious. He is also a doctor. He is no stranger to the plague. He naturally knows the severity of the plague. , after such a thing happened in the territory, the nobles would not give the patients a way to survive. If it was a small village or town, it would be set on fire directly. If it was a town with a lot of people, it would be surrounded. Leave, and often these places will not have a few living people left in the end, and they will basically be destroyed.

So when it comes to the plague, Pope John is also apprehensive, especially Wei Wei specially told him a lot of plague symptoms and preventive measures recorded in China. He also took a pen and paper to record while listening. How to come down.

If this were in Europe, not a single one would be saved.

"So the place where people live should be kept clean, and it's better to have some cats. Cats can drive away mice, so that they don't multiply, and a clean environment can also make people healthier and not get sick easily."

Pope John nodded, he watched Wei Wei check himself and Raymond every day, especially when Raymond changed dressings, Wei Wei's handling methods and explanations could not be avoided to keep the wound clean, his personal personal A mercenary in the guard was accidentally scratched by an opponent's weapon during training. The wound is big and a little deep. In the past, the wound must not recover well. There may be signs of suppuration in the middle, and it will eventually heal. It will leave hideous scars.

But the Pope was holding the medicine given by Wei Wei and was trying to find someone to try it, so he personally went to treat the wound according to Wei Wei's procedure. As long as the wound was kept clean and the medicine was changed every day, the speed of recovery was absolutely It had never been seen before. Although the wound was not completely healed, it was obvious that the final scar would not be ugly. He sighed at the usefulness of the saline solution and the golden sore medicine, and at the same time made the mercenary grateful to him.

So now he believes everything Wei Wei says, and Sardinson Castle is definitely the cleanest castle he has ever seen, and the people in the castle do look healthier and more energetic, and there is nothing wrong with keeping it clean.

The Pope left contentedly with Wei Wei's promise and a stack of documents. The kitten can be regarded as his now, but he still has to continue to follow the mother cat and take care of him, so the Pope's idiotic behavior will continue.

A few days later, Penny also came back.

Penny, who stayed at the villa for almost a week, was slightly tanned, but she looked flushed and in good spirits. As soon as she came back, she couldn't wait to report the good news to Wei Wei.

Felix, who was also very concerned about the harvest in the villa, naturally listened to it with Wei Wei.

"The 8 acres of corn field yielded 48,000 catties of corn, and the one acre of potato fields yielded 19,000 catties of corn. In addition, although only two-thirds of the land was planted with peanuts, the harvest was also 3,000 catties. Penny excitedly talked about the huge numbers, and finally said distressed: "Lord Earl, Madam, this time the harvest is really too much, the cellar of the villa can't be put down, and now a lot of corn is still piled up." It's drying on the ground."

Although Felix had already made up his mind, when he heard the actual output, his heart beat faster.

Wei Wei began to calculate in her mind whether this output was qualified.

Last year, the yield of corn was 300 catties. Of course, after drying the corn cob, only 255 catties of corn kernels remained. The yield of potatoes was 1500 catties, which was higher than she expected. 100 catties, peanuts are only a little 80 catties - this is mainly because the yield of peanuts is only 800 per mu, and the weight of nearly a thousand peanuts is less than two catties, which is only enough to grow one piece of land.

It stands to reason that among these three crops this year, potatoes should be the most planted and the most harvested.

But in fact, as seeds, potatoes are consumed the most.

Taking the yield per mu of Huaxia, the corn seed required for one mu of land is five catties, the peanuts with a yield of about 800 catties per mu need at least 20 catties of seeds, and the potatoes need three hundred catties.

If you just look at the ratio of seeds to harvest, corn is 1:200, peanuts are 1:40, potatoes are only 1:10, so even if the potatoes harvested last year were 1,500 kilograms, only one acre will be planted this year. .

This year, the yield per mu of these three crops is still at the average yield per mu of later generations, which is the number Wei Wei told Felix at the beginning. Of course, as the high-yielding varieties provided by the system, they should have been able to reach similar crops in later generations. The highest value of output, but unfortunately, although the slaves take good care of it, it is very difficult to increase the output in the absence of various fertilizers that increase production, and even maintaining the current level depends on the care of the slaves. With sufficient care and manpower, if this kind of crops is popularized, ordinary farmers cannot sit on the sidelines every day like slaves, so their output will definitely decline in the future.

But even with the drop, the harvest is definitely higher than wheat.

Wei Wei went through the numbers in her mind, and she felt that she could start large-scale farming next year.

With this amount of production, corn alone is enough to grow 1,500 acres, not to mention other crops.

In fact, she originally planned to take advantage of this harvest to let the serfs see the yield of these new crops, so that they would be more willing to cooperate more actively when they start large-scale planting next year.

But now the Pope and his party are in the castle. Although she has a good opinion of the Pope, isn't Bishop Roberto still there? Wei Wei doesn't want them to know this now, lest they have any bad thoughts.

Felix was still thinking about the storage problem: "It's not easy to transport the corn back to the castle now, and the castle's cellar is obviously not big enough, so it's better to dig a bigger one."

He didn't forget that there are still sweet potatoes to be harvested later, and its output will only be greater.

Wei Wei thinks it is the same, and it is better to build a few more, because it will always be used.

The sweet potatoes planted last year relied on planting to raise seedlings, from 1,000 plants to 4,000 plants, planting an acre, and finally harvesting 6,000 catties. This year, Wei Wei was busy and didn’t have time to continue planting, but only Relying on the sweet potatoes produced last year, they still planted 10 acres of sweet potatoes. The harvest is calculated according to the yield of 6,000 catties per mu. I am afraid that there will be 360,000 catties. So many sweet potatoes are not eaten or sold, and they are all stored. , the required storage space is no joke.

So she agrees with Felix's proposal to dig a cellar, because it is really necessary. After all, they have a lot of high-yielding crops, and it is necessary to save the seeds.

Penny reminded: "Ma'am, the corn is still drying, and when it is dry, you will need to make a trip to determine when you can peel the corn."

"I see."

After Penny's report, she was called by Wei Wei to rest, and she talked to Felix about the promotion.

"Next year, we can start large-scale planting of high-yielding crops such as corn, sweet potatoes, and potatoes in the territory. The church can hide it for now. They will be leaving soon anyway, but what do you think about the capital?"