Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 108

Raymond changed rooms quickly. After he got out of bed, he was unwilling to continue lying on the bed, but Wei Wei did not allow him to use crutches to walk for a long time. Naturally, the newly made wheelchair came in great use. , Every day I can see him in a wheelchair being pushed around by Maike, and the wooden wheelchair makes a clicking sound on the stone floor, which can be heard from afar.

Of course, if you want to get out of bed, you must first complete the rehabilitation training arranged by Wei Wei. At the beginning, the calf stretches three times a day for half an hour each time. The training time is fixed, and it is completed by Karma and Maike together. No, you must be done before you can get out of bed.

For the sake of being able to go out, even though the initial training always caused pain in the leg injury, Raymond endured it, and after getting used to it for a while, he found that after the rehabilitation training, he could clearly feel the pain in his right leg. The situation was much better than at the beginning, so I stopped screaming and started exercising more seriously.

On the other hand, Wei Wei also began to prepare for the recruitment test. Although Felix had not returned yet, the registration and arrangement of the test room had to be prepared early.

She asked people to set up registration locations in all three towns in Sardinson. As for the location of the exam, although I am not sure how many people will take part, it is not too small, and Sardinson is not that big at the moment. The house can be used as an examination room, so simply prepare an open-air examination room in the forecourt of the castle, and let people prepare tables and chairs first.

"It's just a temporary use, and you don't need to do it too well. It's just a matter of building some long tables and benches with wooden boards." After use, the wooden boards can be used for other things.

It’s easy to find wooden boards. Sardinson is building roads and houses every day, and the number of wooden boards used is no longer small. It is enough to call a group of carpenters to polish the surface smoother.

It didn't take much effort, but there was a little trouble at the beginning of the registration, because the exam was announced several months in advance, and many people from other places came here, many of whom were confident that they had some skills. Some of those who passed the test were unlucky in their hearts, and some even did not know a few words at all, just to join in the fun. In short, there are all kinds of people, and there are many people. I didn't expect that there would be so many people. Fewer people were sent out to register. The scene was very chaotic. Even the accident was almost discovered. It was the sheriffs in the town who saw that the situation was not right and spontaneously organized personnel to maintain the order. predicament.

However, this situation is the first day. After that, there will be fewer people joining in the fun, because everyone who signs up needs to pay a registration fee and fill in the form. Affordable, but for those who join in the fun, they are still reluctant to give this money, so when they hear the charge, they immediately withdraw from the queue.

And filling in the form is to brush down a group of people. Although the content of this form is the same as the population registration form, it only fills in some basic information, but if you don't know the word, you can't write it if you want to. , but you can't always find someone to take the test, right? The previous notice said that the first test was a written test.

It's not that no one has thought about cheating, but the people who come to take the test are basically civilians, and it is very rare to find someone who can take the test. What will be tested, there is no way to prepare.

The reason is because the lord announcement of Sardinson only said that they wanted to recruit talents. Although the departments and duties were divided, the size of the duties was not specified. Most people thought that they were recruiting ordinary officials.

People born into aristocracy will not be willing to take this kind of exam that takes a long time to find a job. Those who can inherit the title have their own fiefs, and the nobles never need work, nor do they despise such work, so they cannot Those who inherit the title of nobility either choose to become knights and enter the army to seek promotion opportunities, or they go to the church to study and take the priest route. A small number of people also choose to be scholars and businessmen. Of course, joining the church is very common in other countries. But in Prady it is less, after all, this is a country that does not like to see the church very much.

The registration form can only be filled in by myself. If it was placed in the early months, most of the applicants could be brushed off by this level alone. After all, civilians rarely have the opportunity to learn, but now it is different, at least The territorial residents who are currently registered in Sardinson County have no problem with basic reading and writing.

The popularization of education since the spring, although it is only aimed at the residents in the manor, even now, the manor has not been promoted, but it does not mean that people outside the manor have no benefit. First of all, the residents living in the manor Although most of them were serfs, there were also a few freemen who had rented the manor land very early on. Therefore, the number of freemen living in the manor was not large, but there were still some. Everywhere in the manor is not a member of the serf village itself, so he will not live in the village, but it is not far away, and the relationship between the two is mostly good. The serfs who cannot leave the manor will invite free people. Helping to buy things when going out, the freedmen families who basically live alone often communicate and barter with the serfs around them, and they often come and go.

When the castle sent a group of children to popularize basic education in the villages of the serfs, although these free people were not included in the population of the village, they brought their children over to study with the children of the serfs, and even came here in their slack. When listening in, everyone would not specifically point out that they were not from the village, and they would just turn a blind eye to each other to make it easier for each other.

The little teachers don’t care about this situation either. The instruction they received before coming to class was that as long as they were people in the manor, whether they were serfs or freemen, they could come to the class as long as they were of the right age. They also take classes casually.

After discovering this situation, slowly, the freedmen who moved to the surrounding area of ​​the manor this year also secretly came to take classes. Although these part of the freedmen do not live in the manor, they also rent the land in the manor for farming. , there are no restrictions on entry and exit, and they are also members of the manor. The little teachers don’t care if they encounter such people who take classes. The serfs who only live close to them will be a little dissatisfied, but in this situation, people are willing to go out. After sharing the food with them, no one said anything. After all, one more person shared the food, and they could pay less food, although the little teachers only ate them one meal, and they didn't eat much.

As a result, more and more people in some serf villages were listening. Of course, not many of them insisted on learning. Many people who felt that they were not talented gradually stopped coming, and some people watched the class for two or three months. He didn't come even if he learned common words and arithmetic, and the latter would leave after he thought he had learned about the same, and became a teacher outside the manor.

I said before that there are not many literate people among ordinary civilians. The church during this period also had the obligation to educate. If ordinary people wanted to study, they had to pay the church tuition so that they could send their children to study, and the tuition was still very high. High, which is unaffordable for ordinary civilians.

In the past, Sardinson County was very poor, and the cultural popularization of the residents was even more worrying. Basically, only nobles and knights were able to study for their children. There were very few commoners who had the opportunity to learn like the qin. There is not necessarily one in the castle. The servants in the castle are still carefully selected, but most of them are also illiterate. A small number of people still learn from other people who can read after becoming servants. Everyone has that luck.

Not to mention the people outside the manor. After the recruitment announcement came out, many people were motivated to learn. But at that time, although everyone had a better life than before, they still couldn’t pay the tuition fees required by the church. Some people grit their teeth and send the brightest child in the family to study.

But this didn't make them give up either. The church side couldn't get through, so they wanted to find those literate people. Although there are very few such people, there are still some. It's just that at this time, people with knowledge are more than ordinary people. It is easy to get ahead, especially in the past year or so, Sardinson has been recruiting people everywhere, and those who can read and count are given priority by the factory, so most of them have their own decent jobs, and very few are willing to go to other civilians. For those who are teachers of their children, especially those who serve as tutors for nobles, this is completely self-indulgent status for them. If it is publicized, it will be difficult for them to find good customers in the future.

So the current situation is that there are many students who want to learn, but one teacher is hard to find.

Those free people who have studied in the manor for a period of time are aimed at these, and not everyone is willing to farm and become a farmer. These people wisely seized the opportunity to change their lives. After studying for a period of time, I went to be a teacher for other civilian children. Like the little teachers in the manor, they would temporarily take root in a certain village and teach the people in the village to learn basic knowledge. There is no limit to the number and age, but everyone To pay tuition, but this fee is much lower than that of the church, and it is allowed to deduct things. With the living conditions of the people of Sardinson, it is completely affordable.

In this way, small and large villages and towns in Sardinson County gradually have their own teachers. After a few months, those who are willing to learn have more or less mastered some knowledge. Filling out a form is naturally nothing. questionable.

Therefore, the number of applicants exceeded Wei Wei's expectations, reaching tens of thousands, and the application form she asked the paper factory to prepare was simply not enough, so she had to rush to make a batch.

After the final number was counted, Wei Wei also had a headache. More than 10,000 people signed up, plus the serfs in the castle, the number was several hundred more. All together, the castle front court was simply not enough to accommodate them for the exam. .

In the end, it was divided into five batches of exams. Each time, more than 2,000 people could still be arranged. One exam took two hours, and it could be done in one day, but it took her some time to produce a few more exam papers of the same level.

In addition, she has to find more people to be examiners. There are tens of thousands of people who have signed up, but she only plans to admit about 100 people. Temporarily set up a town government for trial operation in Dingle. The number of people is naturally expensive and not expensive. There are many, and the written test is the first level of selection. No matter what, most of the people have to be eliminated. Only the top 1,000 people are admitted, and then the second-level interview, 1,000 people can’t be selected only by her and Felix. , it is natural to arrange more manpower.

Of course, those who can pass the first round are all talents in the current situation. Although they will not all be admitted as civil servants, the 900 people who have been recruited can also arrange other jobs for them. No, where is Satinson now? There is a shortage of people, especially literate talents.

Even among the 9,000 people who were brushed down, there are a lot of people who can use it. At that time, should she hold a job fair by the way?

Well, for the time being, let’s forget it. Although several factories are currently lacking people, they only accept local residents. There are too many outsiders with insufficient identification information, and there are still certain security risks. Let’s talk about it later.

Wei Wei, the examiner, also had to be trained in advance, lest they don't know what to do during the interview, that is, the selection of candidates is a problem.

She held a list of people currently entrusted by Felix with important responsibilities, including knights and stewards, as well as organizers of their own caravans and managers of factories, as well as capable servants in the castle.

The pen in her hand sketched on it, and she quickly identified a group of people who she thought could be the examiners. These people were responsible for the marking of the written test and the second interview.

After this wave of arrangements, there will be more busyness inside and outside the manor.

The people above are busy preparing for the civil service exam, and the people below are still busy with the autumn harvest after watching the lively registration. The tax officials are running around the whole territory, bringing back batches of grain for the castle, and the warehouse where the grain is stored is not allowed. Not many were built.

Too much food is also a sweet worry, but Wei Wei has no plans to sell them. She knows that Felix has been training soldiers, and she can't help anything else. It is always right to stock up on more food.

Been busy until mid-September, Wei Wei was 100% sure she was pregnant, and Felix sent a letter every three days telling her that he was coming back.

Although he didn't write about the progress of what he was doing in the capital because he was worried that the letter would be intercepted, but judging from the joy in Felix's words, it was clear that the situation was very good, so Wei Wei decided to wait patiently. He came back and asked again.

And Felix is ​​really doing well in the capital. His revenge against the Clift family can be said to be progressing smoothly. Under his careful arrangements, the king has noticed that his minister of the seal has something that he is not satisfied with in private. In his actions, he can even tolerate him forging his own orders and committing some innocuous sins in his opinion. After all, this is a mistake made by the previous ministers of the seal, but he cannot tolerate his ministers and the rest of the royal family to leave. It's too close, especially if the other party is also a top contender for the throne.

The king only has two sons, which is a bit small for him, and the crown prince has always been in poor health. He has been married for two years and has no children. The younger son is relatively healthy, but he is not smart and not suitable. The heir, and the one that the Clift family secretly contacted is the king's cousin, oh, not the one that Mirabelle married and died, but the younger brother of her ex-husband, the Duke who inherited her ex-husband. A person of nobility.

It can be said that the queen's father married her to her ex-husband because he was the third in line to the heir besides the prince. At that time, the crown prince could already see that he was a sick child. Whether he could live to adulthood is still a question. , the young second prince is not optimistic, as long as he works hard, this cousin has a high possibility of inheriting his throne after the death of the king.

It's a pity that Queen Mirabelle's ex-husband was an unfortunate person. He died too early. Not only did he fail to fulfill the expectations of the queen and his father, but she did not even get the title of Duchess, and he directly took advantage of his younger brother. , Now that younger brother is the third in line to the Prady Empire, and is also a member of the royal family who has private connections with Clift, the Duke of Romanov.

And this duke, who is ten years younger than the king, does have certain abilities. He successfully obtained his father's title with military merit and became one of the only dukes in the Prady Empire. Ambitious young aristocrat.

Even in private, there has always been a reason why his brother died on the battlefield because of his relationship, but this is just a rumor, and no one has been able to prove it so far, but undoubtedly, he does not feel very friendly .

The king is also very afraid of this cousin. Undoubtedly, compared with the poor health, the crown prince and the incompetent second prince, most of the nobles support Duke Romanov more, which makes the king feel very dangerous. Naturally, he would not want someone to **** the throne from his own children, and even, not only the crown prince, but the existence of Duke Romanov already threatened the king's safety to a certain extent, so knowing that his official seal minister secretly After falling to him, the king could not tolerate his betrayal.

Felix was smart enough to take back his hand after revealing a little bit of information quietly. He believed that compared with sending all the information to the king himself, it would be better to let the king investigate it himself. You can also get out of it all, so that no one else will find out that you are also involved.

After all, he just wanted to avenge Wei Wei, but he didn't plan to join the competition for the throne.

Although he has not seen the defeat of the Clift family at present, it will not be too long.

The happy Felix temporarily stopped secretly targeting the Clift family and began to focus on expanding and stabilizing his network and social circle.

He attended several banquets, and received intimate invitations from many ladies because Wei Wei was not around, but he, who only saw Wei Wei, had never been seduced by these people before, and now he will not be, not to mention that there are still people around him. There is a Dolores who consciously wants to help her sister-in-law clean up the bad women with bad intentions around her brother. Every time she banquets, she and Felix stay close to each other, staring at the noble women who are trying to strike up a conversation, even He didn't say anything, and was stared at like a thief by those blue eyes that were the same as Felix's, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

But there are also people who don't care about Dolores' warnings, and radiate charm in front of Felix, thinking of gaining his favor and becoming the mistress of the increasingly influential Count.

This part of women is the social flower in the upper class.

They are beautiful, bold, enthusiastic, and have both ability and political integrity. They have rich cultural connotations. Most importantly, they are very good at seducing men. This is a characteristic that women rarely have in this era. The church will ask women from good families to restrain themselves. However, they will not require dignified and self-disciplined girls, and the courtesans of this period are synonymous with high-level girls.

This gives them almost no disadvantage in the social circle. Men will never refuse their temptation, and they are even proud of it, giving them a place in the upper class who were not born high.

And Felix, who has been on the right track recently, not only has a noble identity, proud wealth, but also a handsome appearance that can attract all women. Such a man is naturally the favorite of women, and also the favorite lover of courtesans.

What's more, Felix also has a very beautiful lady, and the other party even nearly took away the title of the first beauty of Queen Mirabelle in a short period of time. This is not only the queen's heart knot, but also attracts. With the competitive spirit of other women, who wouldn't want to compare a famous beauty, and for socialites, they can't win her with their status, but they can rob her husband to prove that they are more attractive .

Therefore, after the news that Felix was coming to the capital came out this time, several of the most famous courtesans at this time made a bet in public that whoever of them could win the favor of the Count would win the others. The bet that people pay is a lot of money.

Therefore, at the banquet, Felix was accepting sexual encounters almost all the time. The various provocative methods that those daring courtesans could use were not the ones that other noble ladies dared to try in public.

And the nobles who knew this bet were even willing to cooperate with them. They also wanted to see if Felix could stand the test and not betray his wife.

But in fact no one thinks he can succeed, they just want to watch the fun.

But what's shocking is that Felix not only didn't take the cues from these courtesans! Tempt and challenge! Instead, they were very repulsive to their behavior, even because a beautiful courtesan leaned against him with an ambiguous gesture, boldly trying to touch his chest, and actually left the banquet, leaving the other party full of embarrassment and puzzlement The attitude of the style does not know how many people are angry and cry.

Only Alan, the insider, shook his head at this. These courtesans went in the wrong direction. Felix's favorite type was never their beauty, but Wei Wei's innocence.

And when it comes to excellence, in Felix's heart, no one can compare to Wei Wei, round talent, and most of the courtesans are good at one or two instruments, and some are good at singing or drawing, but Wei Wei's Konghou can be called a master level. , the singing voice is even more tactful and charming. If you don't say anything about painting, oil painting can compare a group of people.

It turns out that women in this era have mastered one or two languages, and they can be admired if they can write and read, but Felix has never seen a language that Wei Wei doesn't understand, and her writing is so good that she can help him Handles various official duties and even writes announcements, and is also proficient in arithmetic and other subjects.

In addition, she has many, many good points. In Felix's point of view, everything is good, and even the shortcomings fascinate him, which is not comparable to other people.

So no matter how much temptation comes to him, it's all in vain. If he has the time to deal with a group of women who don't know what they are called, he might as well go back earlier and write more letters to her.

So as soon as he was done with his business, he hurriedly packed his bags and went back to Sardinson County. He didn't have any thoughts of nostalgic for the capital, which made a group of courtesans who lost the bet tickle their teeth.

By the way, Wei Wei's charm was once again increased, so that more people acquiesced to her status as the number one beauty in the capital.