Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 109

Felix's heart was like an arrow, but he had to say goodbye to the king before leaving. The king didn't keep him too much, but Dolores noticed that he was a little unhappy when he came back.

But she didn't dare to ask him why. Although the relationship between brother and sister was much better than before, Dolores never dared to ask more about her brother.

On the return boat, Felix suddenly asked her, "Lola, do you have someone you like?"

When suddenly asked this question, Dolores vaguely felt that something happened when she didn't know it, and the sensitive little girl shook her head with a little panic, saying that she didn't have anyone she liked.

He frowned and continued to ask: "Really not? Didn't many people invite you to dance at the banquet before? Don't you think any one is good?"

Not a good question for Dolores.

She said softly and firmly: "No, I don't like them."

Felix is ​​an upstart in the aristocracy, and likewise, while he is being sought after, his sister Dolores is also immensely popular.

When she came to the capital last year, even if Dolores was not old enough to enter the social circle, there were already many people who wanted to introduce her to a marriage partner, and there were not a few people who were attentive, but it was even more at that time than now. Shy and introverted little girls don't like overly attentive people at all, and those suitors naturally return.

The aristocratic girls of this period did not have their parents specially prepared social dances for them like in later generations to inform everyone that they had reached the age to join the social circle, but they publicly appeared at the banquet as someone's dance partner like this. It is a symbol of adulthood, after all, only the king is allowed to hold birthday parties at this time.

So Dolores attending the banquet as Felix's girlfriend, in the eyes of others, is a signal that she is ready to find a marriage partner. Naturally, there are more courteous people, and almost everyone who talks to him People will deliberately introduce men of the right age in their family, and the intention can be said to be very obvious.

If Dolores hadn't always kept Wei Wei's request in mind and stayed with Felix, I'm afraid she would have been busy dealing with the men who came to invite her to dance all night.

Dolores was a little timid, but not stupid. Knowing that Felix suddenly asked herself such a question, she must have something to do. She then added: "Vivi said that I can get married a few years later."

Find someone you like and get married like a brother because of love, not for any other reason.

"I know." Felix didn't mean to force his sister, he was just really annoyed.

When he was leaving the palace, the king suddenly asked Dolores. Although he didn't say it clearly, it seemed that he planned to ask the second prince to marry Dolores.

But Felix never planned to marry his sister to the prince, and he once served as the swordsmanship teacher of the two princes. He knew very well that the second prince Andrew was not a good boy. He was ordinary, even mediocre. Felix doesn't seem like a good sister-in-law choice.

To put it bluntly, he felt that the other party was somewhat unworthy of his sister, and it had nothing to do with identity, but only learned from his own abilities.

If Dolores had someone she liked, and the other party was also good, he wouldn't have to worry about this problem, but now he obviously didn't.

Fortunately, the king didn't say this clearly, and obviously he didn't make a decision. Felix could understand what he was hesitating about. It was nothing more than that he took a fancy to the wealth of the Williams family. Said that his future wife had better come from a more powerful noble, so as to bring him more bargaining chips and have a greater possibility of overpowering the ambitious Duke Romanov, and at this point, William The Moss family obviously doesn't, at least not now.

That's why the king hesitated. He was reluctant to part with the wealth of the Williams family, but he didn't look down on his family's current position of power. Even Felix felt that his sudden mention of Dolores might just be a spur of the moment. Marriage is not clearly expressed.

However, in this way, Felix was a little relieved, because he really did not intend to become an in-law with the king, and as long as he did not speak directly, there was still room for things to turn around.

He felt that in the past few years, he had better slow down his development in the capital and concentrate on taking care of his own territory, hoping that the king would give up this plan.

Of course, there is no need to shrink for too long. Just wait until Prince Andrew gets engaged. With the other party's age, no accident, that is, it will only be a matter of this year or two. After all, the king is obviously in a hurry.

He didn't reveal this to Dolores, and the little girl should not worry about it.

The returning ship arrived at the port of Princia a few days later. Now this time is the busiest time of the port of Princia. In the past, the merchants who received grain would transport a large amount of grain from here to other places. This year, there are still many merchants buying and selling food, but there are more people doing other businesses. There are even foreign merchants who come here to buy perfume, essential oils, cosmetics and other specialties of Sardinson, of course, canned spaghetti, meat sauce, fish, etc. They are also their favorite products. These delicious foods are very good whether they are sold or eaten by themselves. Especially this year, a lot of canned fruits have been added. This is a good thing for people who float on the sea all the year round. It can help them Supplement the lack of vitamins, and at the same time, it is more durable than fresh fruit.

And some of these things were ordered by merchants in Sardinson, but some were bought directly in the city of Princia. Felix was very generous to his friends. The price of the goods he gave Allen was The prices are lower than those sold to other people, and these items are hot-selling items in themselves. Just by changing hands, Allen can make a lot of money, and because you can buy these things in Princia, many Foreign businessmen are also willing to stay in the city to do business, which drives local business and increases a lot of taxes for Allen.

There are plans to expand the port of Princia recently. When Felix's ship is parked at the dock, you can see the workers busy on the dock, who are repairing the dock in the direction of Slot.

And this is also what Allen and Felix said after the discussion. Since the territories on both sides are connected and there are docks, it is better to repair them together in the middle, so that when they are linked together in the future, the two docks can be combined. into a larger harbour.

Of course, after all, they are separated by two places, and it is not easy to manage the seaports when they are mixed together, so the position in the middle of the two places will be empty.

Since Sardinson County wants to build a wharf and build a harbor, how can it not have its own ships? Felix has already ordered two ships at the Royal Harbor Shipyard when he went to the capital this time, and they will be delivered to the door in a while. , and also invited experienced captains and crews. After the ship is delivered, let the captains and crews who come with the ship train a group of oarsmen. In the future, they don't have to rent other people's boats when they want to go far. .

After getting off the boat and leaving for nearly a month, Felix couldn't wait to go home to see Wei Wei, so he simply entrusted his sister to the army.

As a lord, Felix's appearance is known to most of the territorial people in Sardinson and Slot. Even if he doesn't know it, his clothes are very conspicuous. At first glance, he looks like a nobleman, and several horses are on the road. Running wildly, all the horses, carts, donkeys and carts encountered had to give way automatically, and no one dared to stand in the way.

Returning to the heart is like an arrow. The journey from Princia to Sloth was completed in half a day. Felix didn’t stay in Sloth, but stopped to eat and drink water, and feed the horses. Went to see the salt fields here and the wharf that started construction.

Slaughter's salt field has been dug for several months. It is very good that it is the hottest time of the year. A lot of salt is also released one after another. Although it is only coarse salt, the content of various minerals exceeds the standard, and people eat it. It's not good, but for people in this period, they don't understand this. Before Huaxia entered the new China, the majority of people have always eaten this kind of coarse salt, and then they lived well and the technology advanced. There is so much attention to it, and at this time, refined salt can only be bought by nobles and lovers, and ordinary people eat unprocessed coarse salt.

Therefore, Slaughter's coarse salt is sold very well among the merchants who come and go. The fish they get by themselves are also coded with coarse salt and sent to Melk Town for reprocessing, except for the benefits obtained. The serfs who handed it over to the lords can also keep some of them themselves. Now the nearly 1,000 serfs living here are living much better than before, and they no longer have to worry about not having food to eat. The old shabby fishing village was also renovated. Well, each household has added a lot of things.

And the row of simple houses that the serfs were arranged to build in the past is located on the side of the main road, and it has become a temporary base for businessmen. Everyone no longer needs to live in tents when passing by at night, and there is no need to worry about food. There are peasant women who are good at cooking. It was arranged to open a restaurant in this area. The recipe was provided by Wei Wei. The authentic Mediterranean cuisine is mainly cooked with fresh seafood. The fish, shrimp and crabs are all delicious. The taste is mainly simple, light and nutritious, but delicious. Undoubtedly, at least for the medieval people who have eaten up the dark dishes, the food here is very attractive. Many travelers who did not intend to stay too much will temporarily change their minds after eating a meal and rent a house temporarily. Stay one night and have a bigger dinner along the way.

The lord Felix was seen by all the lords of Slot. When they saw him coming, all the people who were present ran to greet him. He was no longer trembling before, but all looked revered and joyful. When entertaining him, I can't wait to put all the good things in front of him.

Even after eating, there were serfs holding the dried seafood at home, and they had to bring them. It was not like the fear of seeing nobles in the past, and the enthusiasm was overwhelming.

However, he took it with good intentions, but Felix confiscated the things. He was on his way, and he didn’t want to bring so much burden to himself, so he left a few words and hurried away, leaving a group of serfs lamenting that their lords are really different. , not at all as greedy as other nobles.

Felix ran all the way from Princia back to Fort Sardinson at the fastest speed. He traveled day and night. The original four or five-day journey was driven back by him in three days. Everyone's horses who were tired lost a circle. , but what Felix didn't notice was that his horse was more eager to go home than he was along the way. When he got to the castle, Felix got off his horse and threw the reins to the soldiers who came to lead the horse. When the knot was finished, the black horse ran back to the stable.

"Welcome back, Master Felix!"

Butler Patton rushed to the door to greet him as soon as he received the news. He had also received a letter from Felix, but he didn't expect him to be a few days sooner than expected, and there was no preparation in the castle. There was no way to arrange for everyone to meet him.

"Where's Madam?" He untied the accessories around his waist, threw them to the servants beside him, and strode into the castle hall.

Butler Patton followed: "Madam should be in the study at this time."

The count came back so suddenly that he didn't have time to call Wei Wei in person, but he had already sent a servant to inform him, and he should have known the news by now.

Wei Wei really knew. Before Felix could finish her inquiries, she walked up the stairs. There was a thud of the heels touching the ground on the stairs. Holding her skirt and holding the handrail of the stairs, Wei Wei, who was walking downstairs quickly, was already there. Appeared at the corner of the second floor.

Felix showed a bright smile, took three steps and two steps, walked to Wei Wei, and hugged her with open arms: "Honey, I'm back!"

The man whom he hadn't seen in January misses his wife very much. His hug was a little uncontrollable, as tight as he wanted to rub someone into his body and never part again.

It's been a long time, and of course Wei Wei misses him very much, so it's rare that she didn't dislike the smell of dust and sweat on her husband's body. She raised her arms and put her arms around his neck, nestled on his shoulders and smiled happily: "Welcome back, Honey."

After living with open-minded Europeans for more than a year, she has also become accustomed to these intimate names.

Felix couldn't wait to kiss her, a lingering passionate French! tongue! They kissed until they were almost out of breath before they parted.

Butler Barton had already retreated from one end of the stairs in a low-key manner when the couple hugged, and before leaving, he did not forget to wave to the maids who followed Wei Wei, signaling to clear the scene.

Therefore, the couple's kiss at Xiaobiesheng's newlyweds was not seen, otherwise the maids would be blushing for a long time.

Seeing that their owners are so loving, even Qin, who doesn't want to get married now, can't help but want to find a lover sometimes.

After declaring their misses, Felix put his arms around Wei Wei and walked down the stairs. He saw the butler who was standing on the side of the stairs in the hall on the first floor and was studying the tapestries on the wall intently, and ordered him to prepare bath water.

Felix actually wanted to go directly to the well in the backyard to take a shower, but Wei Wei stopped him when he saw that he was sweating profusely when he came back.

With a clean wife, Felix must not be clean either.

"It's already being prepared." The housekeeper, who knew the habits of the masters, would not forget these trivial matters. When he knew that Felix was back, he quickly ordered: "The meal is already being prepared, you might as well use some first. ?"

The castle's kitchen is never short of food. The big dishes that take time to make are not ready for a while, but there are many simple, quick and delicious foods. It ensures that when the owner is hungry, just say something, and the food will be served immediately.

Especially the current time is between 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon. Wei Wei usually likes to use afternoon tea time, and Wei Wei's appetite is better than before. In addition to afternoon tea, she will also eat some snacks between morning and noon And so on, five meals a day completely surpassed the traditional two meals a day, but after she came, the castle has become a three-meal-a-day eating habit, and there is absolutely no problem with the host adding morning tea and afternoon tea. , and even everyone thinks that she should eat more. After all, although the number of meals has increased, she doesn't even eat half of what other people eat, and her appetite is not at the same level.

Even the housekeeper felt that the count was absent recently, their countess took over all the work, and the busy people lost weight, which was really distressing.

Butler Patton was always a worry, so he took this opportunity to complain to Felix: "Mrs. has lost weight recently."

Wei actually hasn't lost weight. It's just that the housekeeper thinks you're thin. Wei feels wronged. Her body was originally a physique that would never gain weight no matter how much she eats. The upper stomach has grown a bit, although the reason for the president's growth has nothing to do with eating and drinking.

When Felix heard this, he looked at Wei Wei carefully, and found that she had indeed lost some weight.

Wei Wei defended herself: "Actually, it's okay, most of the things are done by other people, and I'll just deal with the documents at most." And these are also the tasks she was originally supposed to do, but the number has recently increased. That's it.

Felix felt even more distressed when he heard it. What he hated the most was handling documents. When Wei Wei shared the burden, he felt that doing this was more tiring than training for a day. Now that he is away, Wei Wei has to take on all the work alone. , managing two territories, no matter how you think about it, it is very tiring.

Carefully hugging his wife's shoulder, he told the housekeeper to prepare some food now, and he wanted to eat with Wei Wei.

In fact, Wei Wei, who was still preparing for afternoon tea before:...

Well, just eat it.

They came to the restaurant and sat down. Before the food was served, the maids were holding warm water basins and clean towels for Felix to use.

After washing his face and hands with hot water, Felix touched his stubble chin, fully realizing that he must be sloppy now.

When I think about how sloppy I am, the wife who is obsessed with cleanliness can tolerate him being close, which is true love.

So I was even happier.

Wei Wei watched him wash his face before asking, "Why are you the only one, Dolores?"

"Follow the main force behind, I want to see you earlier, so I'll take a step first."

When it comes to sweet words, Felix has never been stingy, and every word of his is true and sincere from his heart, without any falsehood, even Wei Wei, who will feel sweet when he hears it more. nourishing.

This sweet, she remembered something important, the surprise she wanted to give Felix.

"I miss you too. I have something to tell you. When I found out, I wanted to be the first to tell you."

Hearing Wei Wei saying that he missed him, the smile on Felix's face deepened a bit, and a pair of charming blue eyes looked at her, unable to hold anything else.

"whats the matter?"

"You will be a father soon." Wei Wei touched her stomach with a gentle smile on her face: "I think this news should be the first to tell you." As for Penny, she already knew this. Treat it as non-existent, otherwise Felix will be jealous again.


There was a sound of things falling, and Wei Wei, who was startled, turned her head to look, and saw Butler Patton standing there with a look of surprise, his hand was still holding the tray, but the tray had fallen to the ground. On the ground, the sterling silver tableware on it fell to the ground without attracting his attention.

This is extremely rude, but the housekeeper at this time didn't care at all. He looked at Wei Wei in surprise, his eyes that had become cloudy because of his age seemed to be shining at the moment.

"Ma'am, are you pregnant?"

"Ah, yes." Wei Wei rubbed the chest that had just been frightened, and felt that she needed to explain: "It should have been a month and a half, and it has only been confirmed recently."

So she didn't hide it from the butler on purpose. I hope he doesn't mind. After all, everyone knows that in the entire castle, the one who cares most about this is Butler Patton.

Of course, the housekeeper didn't mind. He wanted to go to the church to praise God. This must be the gospel that God sent after hearing his expectation.

God knows how long he's been waiting for this day.

Their Williams family is about to have a new heir!

The butler almost jumped up and cheered a few times to announce his mood at this time.

However, he was well-trained and quickly regained his calm - at least on the surface, he squatted down to pick up the tableware that fell on the ground: "I'm sorry, I'll change it." After speaking, he quickly left the restaurant.

Wei Wei's keen sense of hearing made her hear the butler seemed to let out a burst of cheers similar to "Oh Hoo" after leaving the restaurant.

When I looked at the servants around, they were all happy to hear the good news, but no one dared to speak out because the Count did not speak.

Before she could look back at her husband, a pair of big hands pressed her into a warm embrace.

"Dear Vivi, I'm so happy, this is definitely one of the most moving words I've heard, second only to what you said when you were willing to marry me."

Felix hugged her and refused to let go. He was a little incoherent with excitement, but moved cautiously, as if a little force would hurt her.

Wei Wei wanted to say that she didn't need to be so careful, but the feeling of being cherished made the corners of her mouth rise, and her brows were full of tenderness, and Felix couldn't help but put a kiss on her forehead and nose, of course, sweet The corners of his mouth cannot fall.

"I like the news very much, thank you dear."

After several kisses, he reluctantly let go of her, and then said with a sigh, "I'm going to be a father."

Wei Wei nodded: "Yes, you are going to be a father."

And she's going to be a mother.

There has never been a moment when she realized more deeply that she truly has a complete home in this era.

The husband who loves each other, the child who is about to be born, and the things she dared not think about in the past have all come unwittingly.

The author has something to say: Felix turns on the silly dad mode: Am I going to give my child a good name now, what should I call it?