Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 110

There has been a lot of good stuff going on in Sardinson recently.

With the return of Lord Count, another good news also followed, reaching everyone's ears.

Their countess, pregnant!

This news, whether it is for nobles or commoners, as long as it is people in Sardinson County, is important news.

It represents that in the near future, this increasingly prosperous land will finally usher in a new heir.

Many people even breathed a sigh of relief.

For the territorial people, the more stable life is, the better, but if they are fully aware that their life is getting better, it is acceptable to be less stable, and no one wants to live a better life.

And now in Sardinson County, even the barons who were suppressed by Felix had to admit that it was better than ever, and it would be better and better visible to the naked eye.

So even these barons hope that this prosperity and stability can continue.

And an heir is a must.

Everyone hopes that the Countess's child is a boy. Think of the Count's elder brother. If he didn't have only one daughter, how could this land fall into the hands of the Count's lord. Although it is precisely because of this, Sardinson County It only became what it is now, but at the beginning, it did have a short period of unease and turmoil.

Especially now that there is only one male in the Williams family, Lord Earl. If there are no other male heirs after him, then the glory and everything of this family will belong to the other males, but who knows what it will be like. As for the people, it will never be better than it is now.

Therefore, everyone sincerely hopes that the Earl's child will be a healthy boy.

"Can I touch him?" Dolores arrived at the castle two days later than Felix. As soon as she came back, she heard the good news. She sat beside Wei Wei and looked at Wei Wei's belly expectantly. .

And in this expectation, there is also a mixture of nervousness and worry, as if afraid of Wei Wei's rejection.

There is no difference from the past. It is flat without a single bulge, but there is already a baby inside. How incredible.

Dolores is very fond of children, which can be seen from the fact that she is always willing to play with Caroline, even giving her her favorite doll, Amy.

——Of course, there is no shortage of pity for each other because of the similar experiences between the two.

And now, she will soon have another nephew.

Wei Wei smiled casually. It seemed that everyone thought that there would be a boy in her stomach. Although she hoped so, this kind of thing would not cater to the wishes of human beings. It was too early to say whether it was a boy or a girl.

But even she hopes that the first child will be a boy. It has nothing to do with sexism or son preference, but if it is a boy, a lot of trouble can be avoided.

"Of course." She took the initiative to grab Dolores' hand, put it on her stomach, and asked her after a while, "How do you feel?"

"Nothing." Dolores stared at Wei Wei's belly with a blank look on her face. Is there really her little nephew in it?

Her puzzled expression was too obvious, Wei Wei explained with a smile: "The fetus is still too small, so naturally I can't feel anything now. Have you never seen a pregnant woman before?"

"I've seen it. I've seen it when Sister-in-law Peina was pregnant." Dolores didn't change her feelings much when she heard the elder sister-in-law who died in childbirth: "But she never let me get close."

Two of her maids were the sister-in-law's personal maids, so Wei Wei still knew a little about the lady she had never seen before.

She is a very traditional aristocratic woman, and in the eyes of most people, she is also a gentle, kind and polite heir wife. Of course, in private, she is not a person who is different from the outside, but her mind is indeed a little deep.

This lady doesn't get along very well with her husband's younger siblings. Felix is ​​okay, at least he is not in Sardinson County all the year round, and there are very few opportunities to see Pena, so although he can vaguely feel that the other party is not as good as his performance. He came out so friendly, even with a hint of hostility, he could pretend he didn't know.

But Dolores is different. As the daughter of the old earl, she was originally a transparent person in the castle, and there are few people who can talk to others, so she is looking forward to the gentle and generous sister-in-law to be with her. friendly.

But the fact is that the other party agreed to treat her as a dispensable existence because of the old earl's attitude. All contact is one-sided, and the indifference and alienation hidden under the smile, the sensitive Dolores can naturally feel it. arrive.

And this estrangement, after Peina became pregnant, became even more unavoidable.

The kind of hiding that seemed to be doomed to stay in the same place with her once made Dolores very sad, but she knew why the other party was like this. She heard people in the castle privately say more than once that the reason why Pena wanted to hide With her, she didn't want to suffer the same misfortune as the old countess.

After that, Dolores gave up the idea of ​​having a good relationship with her and kept away from the elder sister-in-law, but this obviously did not bring her good luck, and Peina still died of dystocia.

So now that Wei Wei is pregnant, she is both looking forward to and afraid, looking forward to the birth of her nephew, afraid that Wei Wei will be as alienated from her as Peina.

She made this request carefully, not only because she really wanted to touch her future nephew, but also to test Wei Wei's attitude.

Fortunately, it turns out that Wei Wei is not like Peina, and she doesn't care about it at all.

"It's not your fault. Her dystocia has nothing to do with you."

Like most married noble women, Pena was very young when she married Felix's brother Eric, as old as Dolores now. At the age of thirteen, her body had not yet developed. At full time, whether it is pregnancy or childbirth, she should not belong to her age, but she did not wait to have a child soon after marriage, and made a lot of efforts to do so.

When she gave birth to Caroline, she was only fifteen years old, her body had not yet grown, and she could not bear the hardships of childbirth. The poor little lady just withered at the most beautiful age.

And this is not just her fate. In fact, many women get married and have children at the same age as her, and then unfortunately die prematurely. Wei Wei didn't want to get pregnant so early at first, and she also considered her current body. A little young.

But since she dares to conceive naturally, she has her own confidence. This is a body created by the system. Even if she looks young, she is actually healthier than most people, and her body has basically remained unchanged over the past year. Aside from her naturally growing hair and nails, which proves that her body is growing, her height, weight, appearance, and other aspects have not changed much.

Her body, which looks young and tender, is actually fully unfolded and can withstand the test of fertility.

And Wei Wei is a doctor herself. She knows how to take care of herself and make the delivery go more smoothly, so she is not afraid of the last hurdle, as long as she keeps her body healthy anyway.

Wei Wei's comfort gave Dolores a great impact, because she could vaguely hear that Wei Wei was talking about not only Peina, but also her mother, the old countess who died to give birth to herself.

She said, it has nothing to do with you, not your fault.

No one had ever said something like this to her, something she had always wished someone could say to herself.

At the earliest, she wished her father would say that to her, but he didn't, his indifferent eyes always proved that he thought his daughter was the one who took away his wife, so she had the name Dolores, he Putting all the faults on her daughter, and thinking about it all the time, she didn't hear any words of comfort from her father until he died.

The same goes for her brothers. Dolores doesn't know if they blame her, but they do not care about her like her father. This is what she has fully felt since she was sensible, the indifference and ignore.

And now, finally someone will tell her that, from the family she has identified.

Wei Wei hugged the little girl who suddenly collapsed and cried, and gently patted her back to comfort her. She was a little overwhelmed and didn't understand why it was such a simple sentence. She suddenly cried like this, and she still cried. Why is there no image, the eyes are pouring out like an open faucet, and there are snot bubbles hanging from the nose, it looks really sad and sad.

If it wasn't for her sister-in-law, who dared to leave tears and snot on her body, Wei Wei would have to push people away immediately.

At this moment, she could only helplessly hug her, let her cry on her shoulders, and take out a handkerchief for her to use.

This is what Felix saw when he came in with the fruit that his wife called for.

He looked suspiciously at his sister who was crying in his wife's arms, then met Wei Wei's eyes, his mouth moved, and asked her silently: What's wrong?

Wei Wei sighed helplessly: I don't know.

She motioned Felix to go out first, and waited for the little girl to calm down. Dolores didn't want anyone to see her now.

Felix walked over quietly and put the fruit bowl on the long table, and left quietly, without disturbing the crying sister.

Dolores has been crying for a long time, and she stammered while crying. Wei Wei's gentle comfort made her completely let go of her guard, as if she wanted to vent all her thoughts. At this moment, all the thoughts that have not been told to anyone are exposed.

After listening to the bitter tears of the little girl, Wei Wei also understood why she was crying, so she kept quiet from beginning to end and let her vent until Dolores had enough crying and said enough, and realized her current situation. The behavior was really unladylike, so he hurriedly withdrew from her arms.

The little girl hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I lost my way." As she said that, she couldn't help but hiccup, so she became even more embarrassed.

Wei Wei just pretended that she couldn't see her eyes were swollen from crying and still forced herself to be calm, and handed her the handkerchief: "It's okay, are you in a better mood now?"


"If you have something in the future, just say it directly, don't keep it in your heart, it's not good for your health." Wei Wei touched her head gently, as gentle as always: "Go wash your face now, and then sleep for a while before you come back, You also need a good rest.”

Dolores ran to her bedroom to look for her as soon as she heard the news. She was wearing all the clothes she wore when she went out, and she didn't have time to change it. Thinking of the little girl's exhaustion in the past few days, she really should have a good rest. .

Dolores was too embarrassed to stay in front of Wei Wei at the moment, so she got up and said goodbye very obediently, walking a lot faster than usual.

Shortly after she left, Felix entered the room again.

He walked over to Wei Wei and sat down, took the fruit plate, took out a grape from it, peeled it and put it into her mouth.

At this time, most of the grapes in Europe were used to make wine, but many of them were edible. The Williams family did not have their own vineyards, but there were still poor aristocrats in Sardinson who made a living by growing grapes and making wine. Descendants, these grapes come from one of them.

"What happened, the first time I saw her cry like this."

To be honest, when he saw it just now, he was really frightened. No one had ever cried so much in front of him before, and the sadness seemed to be broken.

He almost wondered if Dolores was being bullied.

Wei Wei told him the reason why Dolores was crying, and finally said: "Little girl has a heavy heart, it's better to vent."

She paused, then couldn't help but ask him, "Do you really think your mother should be blamed for her death?"

Felix didn't expect Dolores to think so. He was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said solemnly: "No, I never thought about it that way, we all know it was just an accident."

Here we refer to him and his brother Eric.

Both brothers did know that their father's attitude towards their sister was very problematic, but that was out of their control, but they did not anger Dolores over their mother's affairs.

"When Dolores was born, her mother was already quite old. She should not have given birth again, but she insisted on giving birth to a child after knowing that she was pregnant, so when the unfortunate happened, we were actually mentally prepared. ."

The medical technology of this era is too backward. There are countless women in the delivery room. It is the mother's life to buy a child. People have long accepted this.

It's just that the old earl clearly didn't want this child, but he couldn't beat his wife, and there was also a certain danger in having an abortion, so he had to agree, and finally ushered in the last thing he didn't want to see.

No one can be blamed for this tragedy, only fate.

"Actually, I don't quite understand why my mother insisted on doing that, but it's her own choice. Father can't interfere, and we naturally can't intervene."

When Felix said this, there was no ups and downs in his emotions. Time is a good medicine to heal all wounds. Dolores is thirteen years old, and their mother has passed away for thirteen years, and all grief has turned into regret. and miss.

Thinking back to himself, Felix doesn't even remember his mother very much. He left the family when he was seven years old to learn how to become a qualified knight. He spent too little time at home. Even if he came back, As he grows older, he spends less and less time with his mother. It is impossible for him to have no influence on each other. Perhaps because of this, after the two children grew up and left her, the old countess insisted on rebirth. One, she should feel lonely.

"I don't get close to Lola, just because I really don't stay at home often, and I'm not used to contacting her. We are so old that we don't have a common language at all."

The age gap is there. When Dolores was born, Felix was already eleven or twelve years old. At this age, such an age difference can even be a father and daughter, and he was just a big boy at that time. , he likes to play with his peers, how could he be willing to play with a little baby, and the bigger the difference, the more obvious the difference between men and women, and he has no time to care about his sister's thoughts, so he still doesn't Knowing that Dolores thought so.

He put his arms around his wife, leaned against the soft back of the sofa, and whispered, "Although I didn't say it, I do love her."

They get together less often, but every time they come home, Felix brings gifts to his family, never forgetting Dolores, and these gifts are all carefully selected by himself, and every thought is identical.

"You should have told her." Wei Wei put her head on his shoulder: "Some things can't be said without saying it."

"Okay, I'll go back and talk to her sometime." Felix responded readily. He never hesitated to express his feelings. This was true for Wei Wei and his family. He just didn't notice this before. Just a point.

The couple didn't speak for a while, and quietly leaned against each other to enjoy the peace of this moment.

After a while, Felix suddenly said, "Are you worried?"

Wei Wei didn't know why, so she raised her head to look at him: "What are you nervous about?"

Felix put his hand on Wei Wei's stomach: "This."

After a while, Wei Wei realized what he wanted to say.

Because of the mention of her mother, Felix worries that she will be just like her.

"Don't worry." Wei Wei leaned back again, with a relaxed tone: "I'm a doctor, I know how my body is, and I know if I can give birth. Don't worry, I won't be the same as them."

She has this confidence.

"But don't they all say that doctors can't heal themselves?"

It seemed that he was the one who was worried.

"There are still several months before I give birth. During this period, I will train Karma to be a qualified birth doctor. Even if I can't handle it myself, someone will be able to take care of me."

Not only Karma, she is going to teach a few more people out. After all, she is not the only one who will encounter production problems.

Of course, she prefers that everything goes well.

This is not a good topic. Not wanting Felix to think further and scare himself, Wei Wei changed the topic: "Do you want this child to be a boy or a girl?"

This is obviously a topic Felix likes: "I like both boys and girls, but if possible, it's better to have a boy as the first child."

"Because of the heir?"

"Well, because of the heir." Felix nodded and explained frankly: "I have seen many families that are down because they have no heirs. As the owner of the Williams family, I am obliged to keep it going. This is mine. responsibility."

Wei Wei: "What if I can't have a son?"

"Don't say this kind of scary words." Felix said, and then really thought about it: "If there is no boy, then let our daughter have one, and it will be the same for the grandson to inherit."

The inheritance laws of European countries stipulate that when the family has other male bloodlines, women cannot inherit the family. Even if the relationship between the male bloodline and the family is very far away, the inheritance rights are still ranked ahead of women. Of course, it must be stated. The only thing is that blood is not the only criterion. If it is an illegitimate child, even if he is the only son, he will not have any inheritance rights - so many families with only daughters will eventually have to choose not their own children to become the heirs because of the issue of the heir. .

But things are not absolute, for the sake of family inheritance, they can make any changes.

In recent years, more and more nobles have thought of marrying their daughters to nobles with the same title, and signed an agreement before marriage that their children other than the eldest son must have a family name that follows the mother's family name and will inherit it when they grow up. The woman's family, and although this has not become a law, it is true that all nobles acquiesce in this. After all, everyone also wants children other than the eldest son to have a better future.

Just like Allen, after his mother married his father, the title of his mother's family belonged to his father, but it was only in name. When he got married and changed his surname, he would inherit the title of Earl of Princia. , which didn't even have to wait until the Duke of Devonhill died, as they had a prenup that was allowed by law.

So Allen can, and Felix can also, no matter what gender the child Wei Wei gives birth to, as long as it is healthy, it doesn't matter if there is no boy, he will make the same decision as Allen's grandfather.

"It's really not good, and Dolores, her future child is also a good choice."

"Anyway, as long as we live long enough, we will always wait for the heir."

Felix has this information, they are in good health, Wei Wei pays special attention to maintenance, the couple will not be short-lived no matter what.

Wei Wei didn't expect that he had thought so far, but she had to say that Felix's answer calmed her worried heart because people around her were always saying that she was a boy in her stomach.

As long as Felix, who is a father, doesn't mind, and it won't affect her future children, she has nothing to worry about.

At this moment, she was even in the mood to joke: "Then I still pray that the first child is a boy, otherwise I don't know how many more children will be born in the future."

"You can have a few more babies." Felix kissed her: "A child is too lonely. They should feel the excitement of having brothers and sisters. I liked playing with my brother when I was a child."

He began to talk about the life of himself and his brother when they were young, with a tone of nostalgia and sentimentality. After all, he never thought that Eric would leave him so early.

Wei Wei listened quietly and didn't disturb his memory, this was the time that belonged to their brothers.

But soon, Felix stopped the topic that made him unhappy, and he thought about Dolores.

"The King seems to have intended for Prince Andrew to marry Dolores."