Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 111

"The King seems to have intended for Prince Andrew to marry Dolores."

Seeing Dolores, Felix, who had been immersed in the joy of being a father for the past few days, finally remembered the bad thing.

Dolores and Prince Andrew?

Hearing this sentence, Wei Wei's first thought was that it was impossible.

Felix and Dolores' grandmother is the king's sister, which means that Prince Andrew is their cousin, or the blood relationship is not more than three generations, and such a relationship cannot be married at all.

Not to mention the adverse effects of consanguineous marriage on offspring, just the generational generation will be messed up.

Because it was too absurd, Wei Wei said, "Is he crazy?"

She sat up straight in shock and looked at Felix: "Is Prince Andrew your cousin? He and Dolores? How is that possible?"

Actually, it's possible.

Felix didn't expect such a big reaction from her, and hurriedly explained.

In the Middle Ages, it was not uncommon for close relatives to marry. It is common for cousins ​​in China, let alone in Europe, let alone cousins. It is very common for uncles to marry nieces and nephews to marry aunts. The royal family of some countries It even allows siblings/sisters to marry, so as to ensure the existence of the royal bloodline.

"Take the king as an example, his previous queen also has royal blood, which is relatively close."

Felix didn't tell Wei Wei what the blood relationship between the king and the previous queen was, because it was too complicated. Probably all the royal families in Europe are keen on marriage, between countries, between kings and nobles, the longer the history The royal family, the more in-laws, the nobles of Prady, all the first- and second-class aristocrats with some rights, among their families, must have been married to the royal family once or now, more or less in the family blood. There is some royal blood.

Like Felix's family, not the same.

So the king wanted Prince Andrew to marry Dolores. In fact, in the eyes of people at this time, there was nothing wrong with it. Although the church would object to some degree - they did not approve of inbreeding - but the church encountered aristocrats. Things have always turned a blind eye, and Prady's King never birded the church.

Wei Wei has long known that European royal families love marriage, and some countries still allow consanguineous marriages, but that was just an anecdote she saw in the past. When the truth was really in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but feel an absurd feeling.

"You can't let them get married, something will happen." Wei Wei protested very seriously.

Although Felix did not agree with this marriage, he made the decision after weighing the pros and cons, instead of considering the other's blood relatives like Wei Wei.

Wei Wei told him about the adverse consequences of consanguineous marriage, and it was even more terrible.

"If you want Dolores' future child to be born a fool, deformed or even stillborn, you can do it."

Although he said "you can do this", Wei Wei's expression clearly said that if he really nodded and agreed, she would definitely turn his face immediately.

She also told him very seriously: "In addition, children born to people with similar bloodline have a very high chance of inheriting their genetic defects from their parents, one of which I know of is bleeding disease, I don't think you have this name. strangeness?"

Bleeding disease, also known as hemophilia, is mainly manifested in that even if the body has only minor damage, it will continue to bleed for a long time, and this disease is present for life after an attack. Most of those affected are men.

In the 19th century, Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom was a carrier of the hemophilia gene (I did not have the disease), and she also became the initiator of the epidemic of hemophilia in the royal family. At the same time, the marriage between the royal families caused the disease. The gene was passed down from the British royal family to the European royal families such as Russia and Spain, and these royal families produced a series of patients and carriers. Therefore, the disease has another name of "royal family disease".

Of course, the medieval hemorrhagic disease in the thirteenth century was not very common, but people already knew that this disease was terrible. The treatment methods in this period were very crude. If someone suffered from hemorrhagic disease, they could not use medicine to stop the bleeding. The conventional operation is to scald the wound with a soldering iron to force the bleeding to stop, but the sequelae left by the burn may also be fatal to the patient, and the bleeding disease is life-long. Once stopped, it does not mean that it will not occur in the future. A terrible disease that can cause blood loss and death.

And because the patients with hemorrhagic disease are basically male, this is undoubtedly a lingering terrible nightmare for many families, and it is unknown how many family heirs have died from this disease.

Felix not only knew about the disease, he also saw it with his own eyes, right in the capital, and the person who was sick was a member of the royal family.

So after listening to Wei Wei's words, his face was really ugly, as if he had been wiped with a layer of ashes from the bottom of a pot.

"The sick person has been dead for many years. Although he and the king have a long blood relationship, is it possible that this disease is lurking in the blood of the royal family?"

Felix was worried that their grandmother was also of royal blood and very close to the king.

"It may be, but since the Williams family has not had this disease so far, then you don't have to worry too much."

No one can tell about heredity, but this does not delay Wei Wei's comfort to Felix: "And the earlier the onset of this disease, the more serious it is. The disease is the most serious before the age of two, and it is much milder after the age of five or six. Now, at your age, you basically don't have to worry about this."

Felix is ​​a knight. There are many times when he bleeds and gets injured. There are no problems now, so of course there is no problem.

And hemophilia is a rare disease even in later generations. It is famous entirely because it once plagued most of the European royal families.

So instead of worrying about hemophilia for herself and those around her, Felix should worry about other, more common conditions.

However, Felix was obviously not so easy to be appeased at this time. Wei Wei aroused his vigilance and made him more determined not to marry the king, and at the same time made another decision.

"In the future, no one in our family is allowed to marry someone who is too close by blood, nor is anyone with a family history of illness!"

He was going to write this into the family regulations, clearly stating the terrible consequences for those who violated it.

What's more, if the news is spread, not to mention this kind of genetic disease, the problem of bad offspring caused by consanguineous marriage is enough to scare off those nobles who value their offspring.

Among nobles, it is not uncommon for a child to be born with a stillbirth. The biggest reason why everyone works so hard is that they cannot guarantee that their children will live to adulthood smoothly. If they can ensure that the heir grows up healthily, Many people actually don't want to have one more child. They don't pay much attention to having more children and more blessings. Instead, they only care about whether there is an heir who can inherit everything in the family.

If the eldest son can successfully live to adulthood and inherit the family business, then the other children are not important, they are just spare tires.

In the king's situation, Felix felt that as long as he knew that there was a big problem, the marriage of Prince Andrew and Dolores would not be successful.

"But we can't say it ourselves. Doing that will only make Your Majesty think it's just an excuse for refusal."

And the king who decides this is likely to become angry and have a bad opinion of the Williams family.

"Then how about asking the church to come forward?" Wei Wei thought of Pope John: "Isn't the church always opposed to consanguineous marriages? Pope John himself is a doctor, so we wrote him a letter and asked him to make an investigation report to prove that close relatives marry. The danger is extremely great, and it will be released again, and it will be fine.”

Given the power of the church in various European countries, even if Pope John was not in power, it would be very simple to make such an investigation report. Moreover, the church has always been the representative of the medical field, and has a high level of authority.

Felix frowned, he still didn't like the church, but he had to say it was a good idea, just: "They would be willing to help this? Doing so would offend many nobles."

Many nobles like to win over other people through marriage, and the blood relationship among nobles is very complicated. If the church makes such an investigation report and publishes it, I am afraid that for a long time, everyone will be panicked.

"I think Pope John will be willing." Wei Wei said: "The church is now in power with hawks, and the Pope is dove. They should be very happy to have this opportunity to attack hawks."

Whether you want to or not, you can write a letter and ask if you want to know.

Felix is ​​not very optimistic about the church, and Pope John is still visiting various countries. He doesn't know when he will receive their letters. Even if he receives and agrees, it will take a long time for him to make an investigation report. During this period, the king is likely to propose the possibility of marriage to Felix again. Felix does not want to sit still. He feels that in addition to writing letters, he has to make other preparations.

"Let out some rumors in private? Will the king suspect you at this time?"

"I plan to start with Prince Edward and make the king suspect Duke Romanov."

Felix speaks out about his plans.

The crown prince of the Prady Empire, Edward Prady's health is notoriously bad. At the age of sixteen, he has been married for two years, but has no children yet. So far, there is no news of having the same room with the crown prince and concubine, and the credibility is very high, so so far the crown prince and concubine have no signs of pregnancy, and the king has never been dissatisfied with her because of this, but is very protective of it.

Felix's plan is to attribute the reason for the crown prince's poor health to genetics - this may not be his fake, because the crown prince's mother is indeed not in good health, and in her family's history, there are really some people who are the same The situation - and then release the news that even if the crown prince has a child in the future, his body may be the same as him.

This piece of news actually already exists in the aristocratic circle, and many people even doubt whether the crown prince can have his own heir, which is why many people secretly support the Duke Romanov. Compared with an unhealthy crown prince, a poor A too smart prince, healthy and strong, and indeed the smart Duke Romanov would be better suited to succeed that position.

What Felix has to do is to follow this message and infer more things about the various adverse consequences of inbreeding.

"The crown prince and the crown prince are also related by blood, they are cousins."

The crown prince is a member of the former queen's family. Her mother and the former queen are sisters. The position of the crown prince is simply given to them by the king in order to appease the former queen's family.

Wei Wei also knew that the young couple was very close by blood. She knew it when she was in the capital, but it was none of her business at the time. It was common for cousins ​​and sisters to get married. Judging these in public will attract public anger.

"Isn't this likely to affect the marriage of the crown prince and the crown prince?"

"It's all about influencing."

As soon as the investigation report came out, the crown prince was the first to bear the brunt. She and the crown prince are cousins ​​and have never had children. If the king believes that view, then the crown prince and princess are likely to divorce the crown prince.

It was just a stranger. Felix didn't care what happened to her. It's okay to call him cold-blooded. He only cares about the people around him. Now it's about Dolores. Of course he's willing to trade a stranger's marriage for his sister. freedom of marriage.

Wei Wei recalled the only few times she saw the Crown Princess. It was a young girl, the same age as the sixteen-year-old Crown Prince Edward, a little beauty with blonde hair and green eyes, if she was still single , there must be many men pursuing her.

But in the crown prince who has been married for more than two years, Wei Wei can't see any youthful vitality that belongs to that age. During several banquets, she always sits quietly beside the crown prince, and her body looks okay. Jian'an is unhappy, and his beautiful green eyes always show a kind of confusion about the future, as if he can't see the way forward.

On top of that, the young couple didn't have a good relationship.

Wei Wei once noticed that they could spend the whole banquet without saying a word to each other, and the people around them were well aware of their love life. Everyone said that the crown prince did not like the crown prince and he would not complain to her. Or do some other bad things, but he has never been indifferent to the crown prince, and he doesn't even have basic cousin's relationship with his cousin.

Domestic cold violence, this may be what the Crown Princess is experiencing.

And this is probably the reason why the Crown Princess has been unhappy and seems to have no vitality. She is like a rose that is about to open at an unsuitable time, but encounters frost, and may wither at any time in this cold.

Maybe divorce would be a good result for her. After all, Europe does not exclude divorce, and women have a better choice in this regard than women in the East.

Of course, this matter may not affect her, and whether the king will believe that no one can be sure at present.

"Actually, he doesn't have to believe it." Felix touched the beard that was about to appear on his chin: "As long as he believes that this is not what we did, and I just refuse to accept the marriage because of this rumor, I will Okay."

Although this result will still make the king angry, it will not be too serious. After all, judging from his attitude, the girl from the Williams family is not his first choice. He should be more angry at the one who sent these messages. Man, that is, Duke Romanov.

Convincing him to believe that it was Duke Romanov was actually the easiest thing to do. Even if Felix asked the duke to give him some insight, the other party would be happy to do so himself. He has always been very active in targeting two people. A prince, don't miss an opportunity.

I don't know if it's his self-confidence or arrogance. Duke Romanov's ambitions for the throne have never been concealed, but the king can't do anything to him, not only because he is very smart to grasp this degree, but also because Romanov The Duke's own power is not small, if it is not handled properly, it is likely to cause turmoil in the kingdom.

Even Wei Wei could think that if Duke Romanov did not successfully deal with the two princes, after the death of the king and one of them took over the throne, that duke would likely cause a rebellion.

"Aren't you worried about that?"

"Your Majesty won't give him this chance." Felix said: "The reason why Duke Romanov is still alive and kicking like now is just because the king is in good health and he is confident that he can hold the other party down. Really worried that his two sons won't outlive him, the duke is one of the options he left for the throne, so he's not going to deal with him now."

Although the king wants to leave the throne to his own descendants, if he really has no successor, then it is not impossible for Duke Romanov, who also has royal blood, to succeed him, provided that his children are not born because of him. gone.

Duke Romanov obviously understood this, so no matter how much he struggled, he never thought of getting rid of the two princes directly, because in that case, no matter whether there was any evidence pointing to him, the king would not let him go.

"But if the king has a premonition that his end is coming, and his children are still alive, he will probably take Duke Romanov away at that time."

If you can't solve him clearly, then do it secretly.

After all, he will not be spared.

Felix thought of this early on, because in his cognition, the king is such a person. He is really reckless when he is cruel, just like when his ancestors pulled out the power of the church, they never cared. and your own reputation, only follow your heart and choose the point that is most beneficial to yourself.

So when he was about to die, wouldn't it be natural to take away people who would threaten his children and grandchildren?

And the smart Duke Romanov is obviously not smart enough to see through this, otherwise he would not have been jumping so hard all the time, showing his ambitions to the king without hesitation.

"It's a puddle of muddy water."

After listening to Felix's analysis, Wei Wei could only sigh.

"Fortunately, we are not in the capital." Those grievances and grievances about the throne could not find them.

And this also strengthened their idea of ​​not wanting to marry the royal family.

"Just do as you said. Dolores still needs her own consent to get married." This is what she promised the little girl, so she can't break the promise.

Felix nodded. In fact, he had prepared for this before. Wei Wei's words just gave him a more suitable reason.

After the army came back, Felix also took Wei Wei to see the various gifts he brought back.

Box after box of exquisite jewelry, the most popular fabrics and furs in the capital are piled up in a whole carriage, and there are countless rare items from foreign countries. These expensive luxury goods occupy several carriages in the convoy, and they They were all gifts that Felix deliberately collected to give to Wei Wei.

Wei Wei took out a certain hat from the box. It was an unusually ornate hat. The wide brim was decorated with pink pearls and white feathers. Under the hat were two wide white straps that could be tied around the chin. With a big bow, it looks gorgeous and elegant, which is Wei Wei's favorite style.

"This has already spread to the capital?" She picked up the hat and put it on her head. The decorations made the hat heavier than expected. No wonder there was a **** the bottom.

"I opened a new hat shop in the capital." Felix laughed, "And Dolores is a good publicity."

As his dance partner, and the only single woman in the Williams family, Dolores' trip to the capital was naturally a show off. The last time she and Wei Wei were dressed up was what others were vying for. When Dolores appeared at the banquet this time, the different styles of hats she wore naturally attracted the attention of others, especially when they entered the door, the hat would be hung on the coat rack at the door. Everyone will see it, but it looks much better than other people's headscarves.

Before that, Satinson's hats had actually begun to become popular in other regions, and even some of the royal capitals appeared one after another, but they had not been passed on to the upper classes.

Doloresna was designed by herself and was recognized by Wei Wei. The variety of hats naturally attracted the attention of other women.

And Felix is ​​very good at seizing business opportunities now. He originally only had one essential oil store in the capital, which was modified from a grain store. Now, in addition to two essential oil stores that also sell perfumes and cosmetics, he also has several stores that sell various Sardinson's food shop, and a shop specializing in fans, when he went to the capital this time, thinking of the popularity of hats in Sardinson, he would naturally not forget this business.

So the hat shop also opened up.

In addition, this store sells not only women's hats but also men's hats. At the beginning, there were few styles, but he hired a few tailors with very good craftsmanship, some of whom are good at designing, but they used to design new styles Dress, now changed to design hat.

Of course, the hat shop has just opened, and there shouldn't be a lot of stock in it, but when Felix went to the capital, a batch of straw hats had already been made, all without any decoration. , let people process it, first wrap a layer of fabric on the outside to hide the essence of the straw hat, and then inlaid the hat with various decorations, lace, simulated flowers, elegant feathers and precious gems, what looks good What to add, and these decorations are not too laborious to add, skilled workers can decorate dozens of hats a day.

Aristocratic women obviously love such fashionable and beautiful hats. The popularity is just a banquet time. In such a short period of time, they naturally go to Felix's hat shop to buy ready-made hats. Many customers swarmed in, swept away all the inventory in the store, and left a lot of orders, so that the hat shop that had just started business immediately returned to its original business.

"So, as long as you find the right way, women's money is really easy to make."

And most of their business seems to be making money from these noble ladies.

The author has something to say: Felix: We do not participate in the battle of the royal family, so we will use the situation to create some confusion.

Wei Wei: It's far away anyway, so I don't know.