Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 119

While the Earl's family spent Christmas merry, the town of Dingle also welcomed the biggest crowd ever.

Dingle, as the closest town to Fort Sardinson, used to pass from the castle, even if it was a plain all the way, but because of road conditions and the distribution of fields, it took about two hours to drive by horse and cart.

But since the construction team re-planned the route and built a spacious and easy-to-walk concrete road, the ride has been faster. Basically, the carriage runs from one end to the other in 50 minutes at the average speed of the carriage. This is to prevent the horses from running too fast. Due to the slippage on the road and the fact that the road surface is too hard to cause damage to the horse, if there is an emergency, the speed can be even faster by driving directly along the excess dirt road next to the road that has not been poured with cement.

But under normal circumstances, everyone is still willing to walk slowly with a carriage.

The carriages that came out of Sardinson today were full of people, adults and children, men and women, young and old, all dressed in thick clothes, sitting on the carriage chatting excitedly, and when they stepped out of the gate of the manor, Seeing those guards let them go without asking, the smiles on the faces of many of them will be even deeper, and these are the serfs in the manor, and there are even a small number of slaves in them.

Fortunately, the snow that was still falling last night finally stopped today, and there is a rare winter sun in the sky, so although the road is not easy to walk, at least they should not go out in the wind and snow.

Hank and Jimmy also sat in the carriage, surrounded by the little serfs who usually study together. They were also put on vacation today, and they didn't need to work or study. Everyone turned out the money they saved the day before. , secretly hiding in the bed and lighting the money, thinking about what to buy and play today, all excited and unable to sleep.

Hank has never been to Dingle Town, but he heard other serfs say that it used to be a very ordinary town, there were only a few shopping shops in the town, and it was not very lively. Of course, there are many people coming and going there now. It slowly prospered.

But no matter how prosperous it is, it will not be more prosperous than the capital. Hank remembered the bustling streets belonging to the Midtown and Uptown that he had seen on the way to the slave market with the bad guys several times, and then thought about himself. On the way to Sardinson, the ordinary towns that would stop to be repaired from time to time, I think Dingle Town is probably the same as the latter, at most there may be more foreign merchants.

It's a shame they didn't stop there the last time they passed by, otherwise they would know what Dingle Town is like.

But although he knew it was probably not a particularly interesting place, Hank was still looking forward to this trip like everyone else, after all, it was the first time they had been allowed to leave the manor since they came to Sardinson.

On the way, his younger brother Chimi was chatting with him about what to do when he got to Dingle, and I don't know who he heard from, saying that Dingle Town will be very lively today, there are many Delicious food, so been looking forward to getting to the place early.

It's not that they don't usually have enough to eat, it's just children, they are always very obsessed with fun and delicious food. Buying toys is very extravagant for children like them, but eat something delicious and cheap. , it's always possible.

In the distance, they saw Dingle sitting by the lake.

Hank compared the scenes he saw when he passed by here at the beginning of the year. The town with the curling smoke seemed to him to be really different.

This feeling was deepened when their carriage had to stop because there were too many carriages ahead.

The coachman driving the car looked at the carriages in front of them that were blocked for dozens of meters. It was a surprise. The road was built so wide that four carriages could travel side by side at the same time, and there were very few traffic jams.

And from a distance, it should be the location of the town entrance, and only the carriages leaving from his side in their direction have no traffic jams.

Did you have a car accident?

The coachman was a little anxious. There was a lot of goods on his carriage besides the people. He thought that he would take advantage of the crowd today and make two more trips to the manor after the goods were delivered. Don't know when to wait.

He turned his head to look at the carriage coming from the town on the side and he was not in the same direction. The driver also knew him, and he quickly shouted, "Hey Mark, what happened ahead, why is there such a traffic jam?"

The oncoming coachman heard his voice, slowed down a little, and shouted to him: "Nothing happened, but there are too many people going to the town, blocking the road, and many carriages can't get in. Go, you can only wait, if you don't pull the goods, put the people here and let them go the way back by themselves, it's more convenient to turn around from here."

Dingle was originally just an ordinary town. The streets in the town are not spacious, and it is barely enough for two carriages to run side by side. Since the development of Sardinson, there are more and more people here, and the original roads are for people who come and go. It’s not very comfortable. There have been cases where small vendors set up stalls on the street and caused the carriage to fail to run normally. After that, the town had to prohibit people from setting up stalls on the street, but built a new one next to the town. In the farmers market, those who set up stalls first and who want to buy things can go there. In this way, the roads in the town are barely restored, but occasionally, when they come across the Earl’s factory store to buy raw materials and deliver goods, The traffic of large caravan merchants can still block the road for a while.

Today, I heard not long ago that the Count gave the workers and serfs a holiday, so that they can freely enter and leave the manor today. After seeing the business opportunity, the merchants immediately dispatched more goods and wanted to sell it at a good price today, so this In the past few days, there were more carriages than usual for delivery. In addition, a large number of local residents heard that it was very lively here today, and they all came to join in the fun. As a result, the current situation appeared, traffic jams.

The coachman was very helpless after listening to the words of his peers. There was also cargo in his car, so he couldn't turn around if he wanted to, so he had to wait slowly.

The people in his car and the other carriages heard what the companion said, so the passengers who were just taking a ride got off the carriage. Anyway, it was only a few dozen meters away, so they just walked over.

The driver did not stop them, the fare was paid before getting on the bus, and passengers could get off at any time.

Hank led his brother down from the carriage. In addition to the money, they also brought a sack, which did not contain anything, but they were going to use it to store the things they bought back.

Hank walked with his younger brother and thought about what they were going to buy. Now the children live in a group dormitory, four children in a room. In addition to a single bed, each room has a table with a cabinet. , Everyone's personal items are distributed uniformly, clothes and shoes are distributed according to the season, two thin sets and two thick sets, the thin ones can be worn all year round, and the thick ones are worn over thin clothes in winter. Make it easier for them to be happy.

However, when the children are growing, the girls are fine. They develop early. Even if they are older, they will not grow much, but the boys are different. In half a year, the clothes are often a lot shorter. The most important thing is The problem is that many of the shoes don't fit. Even if I made clothes and shoes for them at the beginning, they were purposely made bigger, but some people couldn't stand the growth too fast.

Hank is like this. He has been in Sardinson for almost a year. Because of his nutrition, he has jumped 5 inches (12.7cm) in height in the past year and is now five feet three. He's an inch (about 1.6 meters) tall, and the shoe size is two sizes too big. His old shoes are a little tight, and it's very uncomfortable for his feet to walk. Hank can't wait to buy a new pair.

There are also some daily necessities. He knows that the Earl's family loves cleanliness, so he wants to keep himself and his younger brother clean, so that the next time he picks people, maybe they will be selected.

This is also the news that Chimi asked, and it came from the knight attendant who taught them swordsmanship. Chimi's swordsmanship talent is very good, the knight attendant is very optimistic about him, so he will occasionally tell him some small news, and these small news Chimi would secretly tell Hank that what he heard this time was that the castle would choose people from their group of small serfs to serve as servants in the castle in the beginning of spring.

As soon as the news came out, Hank was excited. These little serfs often go to the castle to do some work. Although he has not been there since he became a little teacher, other people who have not been selected will still go. , I will also talk about a lot of city affairs when I come back. Hank has listened a lot, and he has concluded that the castle lacks people. Doing other things, such as the heads of several factories now, I heard that they used to be servants of the castle, as well as the caravan, tax collector and other stewards dedicated to the count, and there are people who used to be servants.

If the castle wants to recruit people, he thinks this will be a very high opportunity, starting from servants, if it can be reused, maybe he will become the confidant of the count in the future, even if it does not go so well, when he is old, he can also join the civil service Exams, if both sides work together, one side will always succeed, right?

So for this possible candidate, Hank gave up a lot of thought in private. In addition to accumulating knowledge, he also deliberately imitated the words and deeds of adults. Their teacher was Qin at the beginning, the maid of the castle, her teacher He imitates a lot of mannerisms, but he also knows that a manservant and a maid are different, so Hank's main goal is to imitate Father Matthew, and even occasionally ask him some questions.

I don't know if Father Matthew saw something, but Hank thinks he should see it. Every time he smiles, he has the feeling that he sees through him. That kind of insightful and clear look must be guessed. his purpose.

But Hank doesn't think there's anything wrong with being seen through. He wants to climb up in an open and honest way, and he doesn't want to commit a crime. What is he afraid of? Not only is he not afraid, but he also takes his younger brother to ask for advice. Anyway, the priest guessed it. , but did not refuse his advice, and even took the initiative to help him quit some bad habits.

After a period of hard practice, Hank doesn't look like the gangster who used to be kidnapped in Xiacheng District. Instead, he looks like a child raised by some family members. Although it is jerky, it seems that he has been well educated for a period of time. It's the kind of look that others will like when they see it.

His younger brother, Chimi, was a little worse in this regard, but there was still progress. In the words of the knight attendant, he looked like he was going to be a soldier in the future.

The development of one piece of literature and one martial arts, in the eyes of the brothers themselves, is very good.

Thinking about things in their hearts did not delay them from entering the farmers' market next to the town. Originally, they wanted to go shopping in the town and see the shop of Lord Earl. Even if they couldn't afford it, it would be good to take a look at the door, but there The road is blocked, they still don't want to join in the fun.

Moreover, the farmer's market is obviously more lively.

Because it's Christmas, although people didn't celebrate it like this before, but this time, because of the attention of the earl family, this side of the town also learned from the other side of the castle to use mistletoe to decorate every corner of the town, hanging everywhere. Mistletoe with red fruit, the red, green and green colors are particularly conspicuous in this snowy winter day

Dingle Town has sent a large number of people to maintain the order, so although there are many people in the town now, there is no chaos. People come and go in the market, and the people who maintain the order will stand on the side of the road and hold things like horns. Shout out to everyone to pay attention to safety, not to crowd, to be careful of thieves, etc., so everyone consciously covers their wallets to avoid attracting thieves.

Hank has a deep understanding of this. In the past, where there were many people like this, it was a good opportunity for thieves like them to start, but now, he would not do that. He held his younger brother and walked with his head held high. In front of a booth, I bought a sandwich for myself and my brother.

The bread slices of the sandwich are slices of brown bread, but there are only wheat bran and flour in it. There is no wheat husk and no sand and small stones, so it will not be hard to bite. Pickled vegetables and a small slice of thin bacon, the ingredients are average, but the people who make the sandwich are good, otherwise they would not dare to sell this here, and the business is not bad, so the taste is still good.

Of course, the price is also very affordable. Because of the bumper wheat harvest in Sardinson County this year, the price of wheat has dropped to a certain extent. Black bread is a common food for commoners. With bacon and pickles, a sandwich is just one. Copper coins, they can also afford it.

After eating the sandwiches, the two and a half-year-old boys are still unsatisfied. Their serfs have no breakfast, and everyone is used to keeping a little food for themselves to eat in the morning when they are hungry. Noon is the first meal of the day, but the little serfs are all It's a child, but Hank doesn't have the habit of hiding food. He used to eat anything with his brother immediately, otherwise it would only be cheaper for others to stay, so he hadn't eaten anything since he woke up in the morning. The manor came out to make a car all the way, it was really cold and hungry.

Neither Hank nor Kimmy plan to go back before noon, so they have to settle for lunch by themselves. Of course, Hank didn't plan to spend all his money on food, he has a lot of things to buy.

He grabbed his brother who wanted to run to the next food stall: "Let's go and buy things first, then eat."

Chimi reluctantly followed his brother and went to buy a pair of shoes that fit his feet. Hank deliberately picked a pair of shoes with some flaws on the surface, but they were very warm to wear. Such shoes can have a certain discount. He will try harder to talk about them. At the price of only three large copper coins and two copper coins, I bought the leather of this pair of shoes, and a small piece of shoes was scratched due to accidental collision.

His savings are only two silver coins, which are all Hank's remuneration for being a little teacher. Because of their young age, these little serfs pay less tax than their size. Yes, but because I still have to attend classes, I have to deduct a part of this reward. Lord Earl will give a little teacher like him four big copper coins every month. After being a little teacher for almost half a year, all his money is here.

After buying shoes, they went to buy soap that can cleanse the body. Soap is cheaper than soap, but it also cost him a big copper coin, but the most expensive one is a bottle of face moisturizer he bought Oil, this is the formula provided by the countess before winter. The commoner body lotion produced by the count has a certain preventive effect on frostbite. The price is very affordable compared to those skin care products that only nobles can afford. Basically, women in Sardinson County like to buy this for home use and for their children. Their skin condition is much better than before this winter, and they no longer have to worry about cracking skin on their faces blown by the wind.

But although the price of body lotion is affordable, it is also very expensive for a child like Hank. A bottle can be used for almost two months, and it needs a silver coin, which is half of his savings.

But Hank still bought it. Both his and Chimi's faces were frostbitten. If he didn't pay attention, the cracking was inevitable. If the castle came to choose people at this time, and seeing them like this, would they not choose them? what?

After all, everyone in the castle is well-dressed (work attire) and well-behaved (on-the-job training), not only their faces look clean and their skin is good, but they don't even have frostbite on their fingers (in fact, there are some, but he didn't see them) ), he felt that he had become such a person, and the possibility of being selected should be very high.

So Hank still took out a bunch of big copper coins and bought a bottle of body lotion.

In this way, there were only eight large copper coins left in his pocket.

But the things he wanted to buy had already been bought. Hank's whole body was loosened, and he felt that even if there was no money left, it would be fine. Anyway, they had food and clothing, and there was nowhere to spend the money.

So after buying things, Hank took Chimi to eat. They didn't go to restaurants and pubs, but just strolled around the stalls in the farmers' market. Compared with expensive dinners, these foods were more attractive to them.

"I heard that a lot of the food here is made from the way they learned from the castle. Those are taught by the Countess. The Countess is really a very beautiful and kind lady, she is like Father Matthew. The Virgin Mary, no, the countess is more powerful than her, and I must become a knight of the countess in the future!"

Chimi's little mouth chatter, he was born a lively child, and a little talkative, even in the poorest time he did not change this hobby, but although he is a small talker and loves to inquire about news, he is also very He is good at keeping secrets, just like he always only told his brother the news that he thought was important, and what Hank told him not to say, he would never say a word, and he would not say a word when others asked him.

"Didn't you say before that you want to be a knight of the Count?"

Hank is in a good mood at the moment. He is holding a hot and improved version of the pancake fruit. The crust is not mung bean, but is made from ground peas and whole wheat flour without gluten. The inside is baked. It can be wrapped in eggs, pea sprouts, bacon, pickles, etc., and then brushed with a special sauce. It tastes delicious and filling, and it is still hot, not to mention more comfortable.

The two children's pancakes are full of side dishes. The big one is enough to fill their stomachs. Of course, the price is also higher. The two pancakes cost them five copper coins, but they all feel that they have it. value for money.

"The Count has so many knights, one more than me is not much, and one less is not more than me, but the Countess doesn't have her own knights, none of them, so I will protect her in the future!"

Chimi chews the cake and can articulate and speak clearly, which is also a kind of talent.

Hank teased him: "The countess doesn't like a knight who eats and talks like you, and the countess is protected by the count, and the other knights must listen to her."

"That's different." Jimmy swallowed the food in his mouth, looked at the pancake fruit in his hand, and ate it in no hurry: "Well, I promise not to speak when I eat in the future."

Don't talk when there is something in your mouth. Teacher Qin taught them when they were eating. First, they were afraid that the children would choke when they were talking and eating. It was also because such behavior was really impolite.

Hank asked him, "Why is it different?"

"The Countess protects the lady because they are husband and wife, he loves her very much, and the others protect the Countess because they are the Count's knights, so the Countess does not have her own knight, I think she needs to have her own knight, I would be that kind of knight."

In Chimi's cognition, nobles must have their own knights. He doesn't have much conception of the social status gap between men and women. In the past, he didn't have the opportunity to understand it because he was young, but now it's because he Most of his classmates are girls. Everyone's grades are better than him. There are even girls who are better at swordsmanship than him. Even the teacher who taught them and the knight attendant praised them more, so he even I don't know that girls are generally not allowed to access these educations, regardless of civil and military affairs.

But after talking about his goals, Chimi was a little depressed: "Those sisters are really powerful and older than me, they will definitely become the countess' knights earlier than me."

Damn, so he can't be the first knight of the Countess! Who made him too young? I heard that a knight must be at least in his twenties to become a knight. When he grows up to that age, the Countess must already have many knights of her own.

Hank didn't tell him that girls couldn't be knights, but just patted him: "It's okay, you can start by being a servant for your wife."

Chimi wondered, "But can a servant still be a knight?"

"As long as there is a knight who is willing to make you his attendant, there are so many knights in the castle, maybe you can find a suitable teacher."

This chance is actually not big, but Hank feels that compared to becoming a knight from a serf, the success rate of a servant is obviously higher.

And even if it doesn't work now, he will find a way to get his brother to find a suitable teacher in the future. After he has a certain position, as long as he is willing to pay someone to teach him, he thinks that some knights will be willing to teach his brother. Mi is still young, he can afford to wait.

"Okay, I heard that the lake next to Dingle Town will form a thick layer of ice in winter, and the people in the town will go ice skating at this time, as if there are sleds or something, let's go and have a look. "

As soon as he heard it was funny, Jimmy immediately put aside his little troubles, and happily went to watch the fun with his brother.