Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 127

In February, the wheat planted in the fields began to turn green one after another. In March, the earth rejuvenated, and the green wheat seedlings occupied a large number of fields. Swaying, waiting for the peasants to pour the important rejuvenation water for them.

The irrigation system in Sardinson County was fully repaired as early as last year. There are carefully dug canals scattered all over the fields of the plain. Going back and forth between the river and the fields saves time and effort. At this time, no one remembers the hard work of digging the canal before. I just felt that it was a wise decision to build the canal after listening to the suggestion.

In the manor, most of the serfs are busy irrigating the wheat fields. After the irrigation is completed, they will start a new season of spring ploughing, while the serfs who were previously selected to plant new crops do not need to take care of the rejuvenation because there is no winter wheat in the fields. The wheat, now one step ahead of the others, has begun to clean up the fields and prepare to sow and raise seedlings.

Steward George is the person in charge of supervising the serfs. Because their hostess is getting bigger and bigger now, it is no longer suitable to go out and instruct the serfs to plant new food crops, so George has been assigned the task of supervision and has already learned about planting in advance. As a method, he needs to watch the serfs plant all the corn, sweet potatoes and potatoes that they sent. If there is any problem that cannot be solved, he needs to go to the castle to ask Wei Wei for help. Of course, so far, they have not encountered any problems. on such trouble.

And compared to the trouble with planting, George is more worried about the crowds who run to these fields from time to time to watch the excitement. He looks at those people with vigilant eyes, always worried that these people will take advantage of them to not pay attention. Steal seeds from the ground.

You know, there are other things to say, the sweet potato is very big, and the seeds are food, and you can eat any one you dig out.

George could not wait to tell his mistress that she should send soldiers to guard these fields.

Of course, although he didn't do it in the end, it was because he felt that it was a bit of a fuss to keep the soldiers guarding - he was going to arrange for a few serfs to guard the fields every night with himself.

Of course, the serfs and freedmen who came to watch really didn't have any bad intentions. Well, although some of them did think so, this is the field of the earl's family. Who dares to steal here? Even if it's just a seed, if it is found, it will be caught and put in jail, okay?

In the past, when everyone was hungry, they might steal food from the fields because they were too hungry, but now each of them can fill their stomachs. In the past two years, no one has been hungry anymore. Take something for an adventure, even if they're a high-yielding crop you've never seen before.

From the countess' generous distribution of seeds to everyone, we know that these crops can be planted by others sooner or later, so they don't need to take risks at all, okay?

And now most of the people are also watching, they have been growing wheat for a long time, whether it is wheat, rye, barley or oats are their main sources of food, it is obvious that they are so quick to accept new food crops they have not seen before It is impractical, even if those crops seem very productive, but whether they are filling, delicious, and whether they are good to grow is a mystery, no one knows.

So people don't talk about it, in fact, they all hope to understand how these new crops are grown first, and whether the final harvest is really as high-yield as they have heard, so the serfs and free people whose fields are nearby will move at every turn. The reason for running to these fields is because they are observing and learning how to plant.

And everyone is a veteran of farming. For them, the way of planting these new crops seems to be very simple. At least the preliminary work does not seem to be troublesome. If you let them do it, it should be very easy. Can get started.

With this kind of mood, after having some knowledge about planting new crops, everyone began to care about the germination rate and growth process of these new crops, so after the seed potatoes were planted, they would still come to see them from time to time. Look, George is so nervous that he can't wait to stay here every day.

Later, he did let people build a thatched hut beside these fields, and then sent a serf to watch the night here every day until this batch of grain was harvested, so there was no incident of theft during this period.

And Wei Wei had to give up attention to this year's spring ploughing after letting George take charge of the planting. She was eight months pregnant with a very big chubby belly. The edema of the lower extremities is inevitable. Now Wei Wei needs someone to massage her legs and feet to reduce the swelling. At first, Felix did this work himself, but with the arrival of spring ploughing, he had to take over everything, including For the ones that Wei Wei was in charge of before, the increased workload made him unable to spare much time, so he could only massage Wei Wei for a few minutes every day, and then hand over the work to Wei Wei's maid.

After the inconvenience of mobility, Wei Wei felt more and more that the manpower around her didn't seem to be enough.

Among the six maids around Wei Wei, Qin has almost begun to take over some of the housekeeper's affairs. The previous housekeeper was Mrs. Nancy, but she always preferred to stay with Caroline to take care of her, so Qin was trained almost At the time, she took the initiative to hand over the work belonging to the housekeeper to her, so now Qin has quit her part-time job as an accountant and began to gradually take over the work of the housekeeper. Naturally, she needs to manage all the work of the maids in the castle. It was arranged that she would need to leave Wei Wei to do other things from time to time, so the time she spent with her was naturally reduced.

Before and after Kama was selected as a personal maid, she was mainly responsible for assisting Wei Wei in the treatment of herbal medicine. In this winter, she was sent to observe the births of the pregnant peasant women in the manor, and learned a lot from the midwives. Wei Wei has instilled a lot of scientific production knowledge, so that when she is giving birth, if something happens that she can't handle by herself, someone can help her. Karma is very active in learning, and she herself sets future goals. Putting it on studying medicine, it is very likely that she will become a female pharmacist or doctor in the future. Naturally, it is the work of a personal maid, which she rarely does.

Among the remaining four maids, Lisa helped Wei Wei manage the kitchen. In addition to their work as secretaries, Monica and Mary also managed the breeding of hares. It can be said that they were very busy. Ni Hui has been with Wei Wei all day long.

So giving Wei Wei a massage is naturally what Penny is doing.

"Do you feel overwhelmed?" Wei Wei asked suddenly, leaning back on the bed and letting Penny massage her legs.

Penny, who couldn't hear clearly, raised her head: "What, ma'am?" The work at hand didn't stop when she asked.

Wei Wei said: "Everyone needs to be busy with a lot of things, and you are the only one who has followed me all day. Will you feel tired taking care of me like this?"

Wei Wei stared at her belly. During the pregnancy, her body was out of the belly and chest, and there was almost no change in other places, and she still looked thin and small, which caused her belly to be surprisingly big, like Is it like a giant watermelon is tied to it, or the kind that bangs and frys, let alone other people, even she sometimes feels a little frightened when she looks at her stomach, worrying about when it will be It broke itself.

Of course, there is really only one little guy in her stomach, and she is not overweight. As a doctor, she always pays attention to self-care during pregnancy, and will never let her fetus be too big to be born. The reason why it seems It's too big, but it's because she didn't grow much flesh during her pregnancy. The gap between the two herself is too big to give people a feeling that her belly is too big. In fact, it's normal, and it's within the healthy range.

Wei Wei has already calculated her due date. If there is no accident, she should give birth at the end of April and the beginning of May. At this time, the temperature is not bad or bad, but it is very suitable for confinement.

And now that it's March, Wei Wei has to consider the staffing arrangements before and after her delivery.

"Of course not, ma'am, I'm very happy to take care of you." Penny hurriedly expressed her loyalty, of course she was speaking the truth.

"But if you're the only one, you won't be busy." Wei Wei looked at Penny's slightly dark eyes, because she couldn't be without people now. Even if her husband was with her at night, she had to arrange a vigil outside the door. Penny is also the one who has the most time among the six, so after she has been keeping watch at night, she will volunteer to stay by her side during the day without resting, even if she doesn't feel it herself, but in fact she does look tired recently than before.

Penny couldn't say anything to refute. Sometimes she did have a feeling that she couldn't take good care of Wei Wei by herself. Although other maids would follow Wei Wei, occasionally they would leave to do other things. If Wei Wei happens to need to do something at this time, such as dealing with physical problems, when Penny helps her go to the toilet alone, she always feels frightened and worried that something will happen.

This long-term tense state obviously affects her energy, so even if the work of the vigil is not tiring - after all, the so-called vigil is just to let them sleep in the corridor and wait for the summons that may not be available all night. , Generally speaking, if Wei Wei really needs anything at night, Felix can help her do it, and she doesn't need the help of a maid at all, and will arrange a vigil, just in case.

Thinking of her nervousness and anxiety when she was taking care of Wei Wei alone, Penny couldn't help but suggest, "Then Madam, why don't you arrange more maids for yourself?"

Although there is a certain number of maids around the hostess in general, six maids are not too few, and there are not necessarily so many people around ordinary noble ladies, but Wei Wei is different. The maids beside her In fact, now there are other things in charge, and more and more focus of work on those things, if you really want to say that the main job is to take care of her, and can do it wholeheartedly, there is only one Penny.

Then, Penny added: "When the little master is born, he will also need to take care of people around him. You should also consider this lady."

This is indeed the case. European ladies, like the wealthy wives in China, do not take care of their children by themselves. They will ask their nanny to take care of their children, and they only visit occasionally. Therefore, most mother-child/mother-daughter relationships The relationship between the child and the nurse is not as close as the relationship between the child and the nurse. Wei Wei cannot agree with this point. She feels that her child still needs to be taken care of by herself. Even if there is really no such time, there should be stable parent-child contact time. Just maintain a good intimacy.

So the nanny needs to arrange, but if she can, she still prepares to nurse the child by herself. Unless the milk is not enough, there is no need to arrange a nurse.

She thought about what happened next, but she didn't forget to consider Penny's proposal, but Wei Wei didn't plan to add another personal maid, but said: "How are the rules of the little maids who were selected before? "

Before the little serfs were chosen to be servants in the castle, Wei Wei ordered six of them herself. In addition to preparing them to take over the work of personal maids in the future, they also wanted to protect them, so these little maids were being taught the rules of servants. In addition, he also regularly learns from the knights, and even seems to be trained by Felix as a shadow guard.

However, although it is not clear what they and other children are studying, Wei Wei remembers that the training of these little maids in the Knights is only half a day, and now she is short of people, if they do not delay their study, let them come over to give It should be appropriate for Penny to start. After all, although other maids are always busy with other things, they will return to Wei Wei to take care of her after they have finished their work, so in fact, when there is a real shortage of people, Just a short time period of the day.

Penny doesn't know much about the little maids. Although it is said that these little maids should be trained by the current personal maids, that is, they help train them, but because they are also responsible for the task of protecting the mistress, they need to participate in training. The people around Wei are always busy, so the training of servants' etiquette and rules is still in charge of Butler Patton.

So Penny replied to her: "When the others come back, I'll ask Butler Patton."

Not long after she finished speaking, Monica, who was in charge of taking care of the hares, and Mary came back from a different shift. At the same time, Lisa, who went to the kitchen to help Wei Wei make soup, came back one after the other. Back in the bedroom, just in time to take over Penny's job.

So Penny, who had finished massaging Wei Wei, went to Butler Barton to ask about things, leaving Lisa and Monica to take care of her.

Wei Wei was helped up and sat on the sofa while drinking the chicken soup that Lisa had stewed all morning, while asking Monica about the hare.

The group of hares were raised in the castle garden for a winter, and most of them survived smoothly. Some hares have already given birth, so the number of little rabbits has increased a lot, because the smell of hares in captivity is not good. No matter how good it smells, Wei Wei can't stand the smell now, so she no longer runs there by herself, even Monica and Mary just went over to watch the slaves take care of them. The smell left on her body, affecting Wei Wei.

However, after the weather has warmed up recently, those wild rabbits are about to be relocated and sent to the hillside of the free-range farm that is about to be repaired. Therefore, the two maids have been running more diligently recently. After the rabbits are sent away, they will be able to When she is free, this is why Wei Wei is reluctant to add more staff directly, because after this period of time, she actually has no shortage of people.

But it just happened that everything went together, which caused the problem of not enough people. If Wei Wei is finished giving birth and confinement, she doesn't need someone to follow her every day to take care of herself. She doesn't really have nothing. The lady who can do it.

Penny came back soon, and she told Wei Wei, "The housekeeper said that those little maids learned things quickly, and they learned the basic etiquette and rules, but he didn't know about the training. Of course, if you want to If you use people, you can ask them to come and help first."

In any case, nothing was as important as taking care of the mistress who was about to give birth.

"Will it delay their training?"

Penny shook her head: "I don't know, but if it is Lord Earl, I believe that even if it really delays training, he will definitely give priority to your affairs. Do you need me to ask Lord Earl?"

"No, it's not urgent, I'll talk to him myself."

When Felix found time to visit his wife and eat something to replenish his strength, Wei Wei really asked him.

And Felix's answer was the same as what Penny said, nothing is more important than Wei Wei's needs.

"Just let them suspend their training for a while. Anyway, you said that the current lack of people is only for this period of time. When your maids are finished, let them go back to continue training."

Felix naturally wouldn't let Wei Wei be short of people at this time, so he immediately suspended the training of the little maids, and the next day, the six girls were sent to Wei Wei.

Wei Wei's memory is very good, and she is somewhat impressed by the little maids she personally selected, especially the most beautiful Meng Na, this cold-looking little girl, her memory is very deep.

What impressed her even more was Penny. Seeing people, Penny remembered that when this little girl was just bought, she was thin and small, her face was always dirty, and her hair was never groomed. , the whole person is sloppy, and he always keeps his head down, which looks really unflattering, so when the little serfs were arranged by the maids she brought to wash, change clothes and clean up, Meng Na revealed that They were still surprised when Zhang was thin and yellow, but had a very delicate face.

But after being surprised, Penny can understand why Meng Na made herself like that before. For these girls who were sold by their parents, it is not a good thing to look good. If they are not bought by the earl, Meng Na will probably be sold to the academy at a high price because of her good looks. In that kind of place, being good-looking is not a lucky thing.

After a period of training, the temperament of the six little maids has changed a lot, and their standing posture is not the same as that of ordinary maids. Wei Wei can feel a sense of forbidding seriousness from them. There will inevitably be traces left after military training, but I have to say that they look more reliable than before.

Wei Wei gave them an immediate and simple lesson, and handed these little maids to Penny. In the past, everything around her was dominated by Qin, but now Qin has taken over the job of the housekeeper and has to manage all the maids in the castle. Some of the things that the hostess has to deal with are temporarily represented by Wei Wei because of her physical factors, so the big and small affairs around Wei Wei are handed over to Penny, who is the oldest except Qin.

And after two years of training, Penny has also grown into a qualified personal maid, and it is not a big problem for her to lead six little maids.

The little maids were told that they would take care of Wei Wei until she gave birth, and then they could go back to continue training. No one was unhappy. I knew for a long time that I would work next to the Countess in the future, and being able to take care of her in advance would make them happy. This is a rare opportunity that no one else wants.

Although the little maids are relatively young, they are all thirteen or fourteen years old. In addition, girls in Europe develop earlier, and their early life experiences made them mature earlier than their peers, which made them look similar to ten Seven-year-old Penny is not much different, even two of the little maids are taller than Penny.

With the help of the six little maids, Penny's work immediately eased a lot, and she didn't have to strain herself every day to get very tired.

As the due date is getting closer and closer, preparations for production are also on the agenda. The first step is to start preparing the delivery room. Because the hostess's bedroom next door has been empty and useless, Wei Wei simply asked people to set it up as a delivery room. , In addition, although Karma has been trained as a suitable birth attendant, Felix has hired several experienced and famous midwives, and these people have been arranged to live in a month before her delivery. The castle is always ready for battle. After all, even if Wei Wei has calculated her due date, it does not rule out the possibility that she may live in advance and delay the birth, so the closer to this time, the more worried everyone is. During this time, the castle up and down When Wei Wei went out for a walk, she didn't even dare to breathe, for fear of disturbing her and causing an accident.

In such a tense atmosphere, Wei Wei finally ushered in the time of giving birth. Her due date was calculated very accurately. On May 1st, Wei Wei, who stayed in the room and did not go out, was surrounded by all the maids. , While circling the room, he felt the signs of childbirth.

First, regular labor pains began to occur frequently, and soon after, she felt traces of fluid dripping from her thighs under her skirt, and asked the maid to help to see that it was the amniotic fluid that had ruptured.

As soon as this situation appeared, the maids panicked, but she, the pregnant woman who was about to give birth, calmly commanded: "Mary Monica, you help me go to the next door, Qin, you go to call the midwife, and Penny go to inform Fei. Er, Lisa, you go to the kitchen and let them prepare hot water, and make me something to eat by the way, Karma, you also go to the kitchen to prepare the soup, the recipes are the ones I told you before, I may use them later, others go Prepare scissors, towels and other things to use, don't panic!"

With her instructions, everyone seemed to have a backbone. After listening to her arrangement, they immediately found someone to prepare things, and Kama and Monica also carefully helped her to the next room. Ready for production.