Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 134

In addition to the invited knights themselves, this group of visitors from the capital also brought a lot of followers and subordinates. For example, ordinary knights will be accompanied by at least one knight attendant, and those with higher conditions will inevitably bring a real one. Servants, and nobles with titles like Aaron and Adonis, even if they don't want to go out without a few guards and servants, they will be considered very rude. This is the so-called noble pomp.

So when such a large group of people rode into Felix's territory, it immediately attracted the attention of others.

Today's Sloot population is steadily recovering. Once the population is large, the defense issues that need attention naturally also need to be paid attention to. Therefore, from Princia to Sloot, and then to Sardinson behind, it takes a lot of money on the way. Lix sent soldiers to add several levels to check the business trips along the way. Of course, since the knights under his hands have other jobs, he can't send more people temporarily, so the soldiers on these levels are also temporarily by Slo. The two knights in the county who were transferred to lead the patrol were responsible for arranging the defense and deployment.

Unlike other places, they are only responsible for checking whether there is any problem with the goods brought by the merchants in the past, whether the origin is normal, and whether there is anything mixed in with robbers. Although there will be some benefits in private, the serious tolls are not Received.

Allen and his party were too conspicuous, and they were stopped at the first level to ask about the origin, so they hadn't reached the castle yet, and Felix had already received the news earlier and opened the gate to welcome him. my friends.

In particular, he also heard that among this group of visitors, there were representatives sent by the king. Felix was overjoyed, but had to be more cautious.

Wei Wei naturally followed him to greet those guests.

After resting in the bedroom for about four weeks, since she recovered well, this month is almost over, so Wei Wei followed Felix to the city gate and waited for others. It can be said that she left the castle for the first time after giving birth and made a public appearance. .

Wei Wei has recovered well during this period, but in almost a month, her belly has basically lost weight, leaving no unsightly stretch marks, and the size of her waist is as slender as ever. Her breasts, which had changed a lot during breastfeeding, became more prominent, and she also had a mother's brilliance on her body. She still looked like a girl who didn't know the world.

If she looks like this in the eyes of people who don't know her, I'm afraid no one will think that she is a new mother who has just given birth.

The baby was not brought out. The weather in June has already started to get hot. In this kind of weather, it is actually okay for the child who is about to be full moon to come out. Even for the sake of the child, it is best to bring the baby out to bask in the sun every day. more conducive to their growth and health.

But this time it was to welcome guests, and most of these guests were riding horses, and the scene would inevitably be dusty. This was not a scene suitable for a baby, so Wei Wei handed over the sleeping child to the The maid took care of him, and only hoped that he wouldn't wake up before she went back, otherwise the child who couldn't see his mother would probably cry endlessly.

Originally, if only his friends were visiting, Felix and Wei Wei would have been enough to greet them together, but with the addition of Earl Aldridge, the representative of the royal family, Felix had to send Dolores and Caroline together. They all called together to show their respect and sincerity to the royal family.

A group of people with servants lined up under the city gate to wait for the visitors. Felix's time was calculated very well. They didn't wait too long, and the soldiers on the city wall told them that those people were coming.

Although it is said that most people ride horses, Adonis, the representative of the royal family, can only choose a more temperamental way of appearing in a carriage at this time, and it is impossible for everyone to come to the naming ceremony empty-handed. So the carriage is still needed.

The knights gathered around the front and back of two carriages, both bearing the coat of arms of the nobility, the front one belonged to the Earl of Aldrich, and the rear was the emblem of the Princia family.

Of course, the current owner of Princia, Ellen Princia, did not take a carriage at the moment. He rode directly to the castle with the others.

As soon as they saw Felix under the city gate, all the knights showed bright smiles and waved to him. They were all people who had a good relationship with Felix. There are some changes due to identity issues, but friends are always friends, and they will not really alienate each other because of this kind of thing.

At least as long as Felix's side does not change his attitude, the others will not change.

"Long time no see, Felix!"

Ellen ran to Felix first and dismounted neatly. The others were a little slower because they estimated that there was a royal representative in the team, but after dismounting, they did come over and exchanged hugs with Felix at the first time. Tell the long-lost miss.

"Dear Weiwei, you are still as beautiful as ever." After greeting his friend, Alan walked around Wei Wei with a look of amazement. To be honest, he had seen many aristocratic ladies who were pregnant and gave birth, but Wei Wei It's definitely the best recovered one, no, it seems even more beautiful than before.

"You're as handsome as ever, Ellen." Wei Wei replied with a smile, having been with open-minded Europeans for a long time, she can come with such nasty words.

Then Wei Wei smiled and greeted the others. These were all Felix's friends. She had seen them all when she was in the capital, not to mention familiar or not. Her previous impressions were not bad, so she Greetings are also very warm.

In particular, this is a group of handsome knights. Not to mention their looks and their bodies are also very good. In the face of such a group of long legs, as long as they have not had bad relations with them, it is basically difficult to feel bad for them. After all, people They are all visual creatures.

And Wei Wei's friendly enthusiasm also surprised them unexpectedly, because she called everyone's name accurately, even if the other party only met her once in the winter of the previous year.

Whether it was her good memory or her serious homework, it was enough to make everyone smile at the countess.

Adonis came out of the carriage only after they said hello. The young noble was not at all angry that he was neglected, he smiled and shook hands with Felix.

When he stepped out of the carriage, Wei Wei clearly heard a commotion from the servants behind him. It was the maids who were amazed at the youngness and beauty of the Earl of Aldrich. To be honest, she did not expect the other party to look like this. Good-looking, the young count of seventeen or eighteen is between boys and men, and his appearance is different from Felix's masculine, with a gentle and delicate beauty, if he is younger, this black-haired green-eyed The little earl may be more androgynous, and it is completely in line with people's fantasy of angels.

This is a rare beautiful young man who does not have a disability.

Wei Wei is okay, she lives in an era of advanced information, there is never a shortage of beauties on the Internet, and there are many handsome men and beauties in the various two-dimensional elements in games and animations. You can find anything you want. So she was only slightly surprised when she saw Adonis, and recovered quickly, but for the other women present, the shock brought by this little earl almost made them forget the scene at this time, a Eyes glowing at the person who came.

This made Wei Wei unable to help but look back at Dolores, who also lowered her head at this time, but her pale face was a little red, and from time to time she raised her head to sneak a glance at Adonis who was communicating with Felix.

This made Wei Wei feel a little bit of vigilance in her heart. Her sister-in-law didn't like her, did she?

This is not impossible. Although Dolores has always shown that she has no interest in men, and she also rejects things like engagement and marriage, since she has a person who can fall in love at first sight based on her appearance, and it is very difficult to fall in love. Romantic brother, Wei Wei doubts that Dolores will be the same as Felix in this regard.

Now, it seems to be a bit of a sign.

But Count Adonis Aldridge? To be honest, Wei Wei has no impression of him at all, and doesn't know what the character of this young nobleman is, and the most important thing is that although he is still very young, people in this era are married early, especially since he has already inherited the title. , What if Dolores really likes someone, but the other person is already married?

It was probably a silly three years of pregnancy, and Wei Wei had already thought from Dolores' shyness that she might fall into the misfortune of other people's marriages in the future.

God knows she hasn't even figured out whether the other party is single or not.

Fortunately, the current situation did not give Wei Wei time to continue to open his mind. After saying hello to Felix, Adonis said hello to Wei Wei. Wei Wei immediately recovered and smiled, The two sides had a friendly greeting between nobles.

After that, his servants removed a lot of things from the carriage. Except for the luggage, most of them were gifts for the Williams family, which were given by the king and prepared by Adonis himself.

On Ellen's carriage were various gifts prepared by him and the knights.

The preciousness of things is different, but it is everyone's heart. Felix thanked him, and didn't look at what it was, but let Butler Patton accept them, and then invited everyone into the castle.

"The meal is ready. Today, my wife prepared it herself. I hope it suits your taste." These polite words are mainly aimed at Adonis. If he was not there, Felix would not say these words at all. .

And it can be seen from his expression that the politeness this man said was actually very proud of his wife's good cooking skills.

— while the crowd-pleasing lunch was actually handled by others in the kitchen, she was only responsible for the seasoning and final tasting.

But there is no doubt that the food seasoned by her herself is indeed more delicious than the chef's own.

And it's not a secret that Felix has a wife who is very away from cooking. In fact, he often mentions this in his correspondence with his friends, and sometimes he will share the gourmet recipes he eats. In the letter, if his friends are interested, they can also let their family members try to make them. Basically, as long as the steps are not too wrong, the final product is definitely better than those dark dishes.

So after hearing that this meal was prepared by Wei Wei, everyone expressed great expectations.

And the final tasting result did not disappoint their expectations. It was indeed the best meal that everyone had ever eaten, even better than the banquet they had at their wedding before. After all, the food was prepared at that time by The temporarily recruited chefs, although they were also famous chefs in the capital at that time, were not as good as the chefs in the castle who had been trained by Wei Wei for several years.

In particular, because the guests who came this time are basically knights, Wei Wei specially prepared drinks for them, not the wine that is more sought after by the nobles, but the beer that the knights prefer. Although the taste of wine is more amazing, but It needs to be tasted slowly, and beer that can be sipped in large gulps without worrying about manners and etiquette is the real favorite of this group of people.

And the beer Wei Wei prepared for the guests was different from ordinary beer. It was beer with hops, that is, hops. When the golden liquor was poured out of the bottle, a large amount of hops immediately poured out of the cup. Foam, which was not present in previous beers.

"What is this?! There are so many foams?" Everyone was immediately attracted by the beer in front of them. Food is good, but for alcoholic men, the attraction of wine is even greater.

As long as there is wine, even if the food tastes less, they can eat happily.

Felix looked at his wife affectionately: "This is a beer specially brewed by Vivi after she knew you were coming. It tastes very special. I think you will like it."

In the eyes of everyone, Wei Wei couldn't make any other expressions except smile. Although it is true that she brewed beer after knowing that Felix's knight friends were coming to the naming ceremony, but in fact it was only Because just happened to find the hops at this time.

At this time, Europeans drank more than water. The castle needed to consume a lot of beer every month, and beer was made with barley malt. In order to increase the quality of the beer, people also added a lot of Spices, spruce, pine, rosemary, etc., I have tried everything, but the final beer, although the taste has indeed improved, the shelf life is still only about two weeks at most, so the monthly beer can not be too much Put it, usually make a batch and drink a batch, because it is not conducive to transportation, there are very few specialized beer merchants, and those who can sell beer are generally small families, and they usually supply taverns, while the nobles are generally Arrange people to make them on a regular basis, and don't buy them much.

Although the history of beer is very long, it has never been added to hops. Wei Wei did not pay much attention to this aspect before, because there are no wild hops in Sardinson County, even if she knew that snakes could be used Twist enhances the taste of beer and increases the shelf life. It is also difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

But there is no hop in Sardinson, but Europe is the native place of this plant, and Europeans have used this plant, but they use it to make brown and yellow pigments, and even Rope and burlap are made from the stems of this plant, but not for winemaking.

The reason why Wei Wei, who didn't specifically look for this plant in Sardinson, found it because the paper mill was researching the production of colored paper, and found this plant that can be used as a pigment from a foreign businessman. , I bought a lot and came back, and it happened to be seen by Kama, and Kama heard Wei Wei say hops and twists before, and went out to look for it but never found it, so I kept it in my heart, so when I saw it I remembered this kind of plant, and immediately took a sample to find Wei Wei and asked if this was the plant she was looking for.

Wei Wei saw that although the hops had changed a bit because they had been picked for too long, she still recognized it.

After confirming that these were hops, Wei Wei asked Kama to go to the merchant to buy all his inventory, and also agreed with the other party that if there was still stock, she would send it to Sardinson. It is good to have seeds or live plants. In that case, she can give a higher price. After the other party heard it, she immediately went back happily to buy hops, while Wei Wei used the bought hops to brew a variety of hops. Less beer.

The brewing process of beer is very simple, and the time period is short. The preparation time in the early stage and the fermentation time in the later stage will not exceed two weeks, and they found that the hops were produced shortly after Wei Wei was produced, so when the beer was brewed After that, it became "specially prepared for his friends" in Felix's mouth.

This is really just a coincidence, but since Felix thought so and was happy about it for a long time, Wei Wei certainly wouldn't let him down by telling the truth stupidly.

Hearing that it was specially made for them, the knights looked better, raised their glasses to Wei Wei one by one, and then took a sip of the foam from the glass without hesitation.

No way, it was the first time that the servants poured this kind of wine with a lot of foam for the guests. Although the previous beer also had a lot of foam, but because of the lack of hops for the stability of the foam, the foam will be very strong after the beer is poured into the cup. It goes away quickly, so generally when they start drinking, the bubbles are gone.

But now the foam of this beer doesn't disappear so quickly, so the servants can't be sure of the amount of wine to pour, so in fact, most of the wine in a glass is foam. When the guests drink it, the first sip is naturally foam. .

Of course, the foam also has a taste in the mouth. The first thing you taste is the unique bitterness of hops. This taste makes everyone frown subconsciously, but soon, the bitterness turns into a charming in the mouth. of fragrance. It's special and delightful.

So the guests unconsciously took another gulp. This time, the bitter taste was better than Qingxi, but the unique bitter taste perfectly combined the refreshing taste of the beer itself, exuding a unique mellow aroma.

Just this sip, all beer lovers fell in love with it. They praised the deliciousness of this beer, praised Wei Wei's brewing skills, and even asked her what was added to it to make the beer taste so special.

"I added a plant called hop flower." Wei Wei didn't hide it, and directly told them the secret of the bitter taste in the beer, and even told them that the beer with this plant could be stored for a long time, even several years. Not bad.

"Please tell me the production process. I think I can drink this kind of wine in the future." Some knights pleaded directly, and others also agreed. They did not realize the business opportunities, but simply wanted to be able to drink it in the future. When it comes to beer like this, if they get the production method, these people probably won't think of using it for business. They will only give it to the ladies at home and let them brew the beer they need for their daily needs.

Since Wei Wei was willing to tell them the secret, naturally she would not be stingy to tell them the production process, so she agreed with a smile, saying that she would copy the production method to them later.

This move was naturally appreciated by everyone, so a group of people toasted her again, so Wei Wei also drank a rare glass of wine during this meal. Fortunately, everyone remembered that she was a lady, and She was a woman who had just given birth, so every time she toasted, she just let her drink a little, and didn't try to persuade her. Everyone's main drinking object was Felix.

What is more surprising is that the young Earl Aldridge, who looks very gentle, is also a good drinker. He has been acting with the knights these days. Although everyone is inevitably a little cautious at first, the knights are all He has a very bright personality, and he has some friendship along the way. With each other's deliberate friendship, the little earl also quickly joined the carnival of the knights, and the atmosphere at the table was completely lively. The meal turned into a large-scale drinking scene.

Wei Wei and Dolores didn't stay at the dinner table for too long. As an unmarried girl, this kind of occasion was not suitable for her to stay for a long time, so after the scene was a little chaotic, she left first, while Wei Wei As the hostess, she should have stayed to accompany the guests, but unfortunately, her little baby woke up while she was eating, and when she found that her mother was not around, she started to cry, unable to coax his maid and had to be anxious Take the baby down and find someone.

So Wei Wei naturally left the restaurant first, and she had to go back to the room to feed the obviously hungry baby.

She skillfully held the child while coaxing and walking. Wei Wei did not forget her promise. She asked Maca, who is familiar with the beer making process, to write a brewing recipe. Kama was also a maid who attended a literacy class, so she could write it herself. out the recipe.

The so-called Wei Wei only instructed her: "Copy it several times, and send a copy to each guest."

Karma: "Will the Earl of Aldridge also send it?"

"Yes." Wei Wei nodded. Since it was said in the restaurant, it is natural for those who see it to have a share, and one cannot favor one over another.

And hearing her mention Earl Aldridge, Wei Wei thought of Dolores again.

So she turned to Penny again and said, "Go to Butler Patton and ask him to see if he knows about the Earl of Aldridge. If he knows, come back and tell me, if he doesn't, ask him to send someone to ask him. As soon as the servant brought by Earl Aldridge said that I would like to know some of his preferences, so as to better serve this guest."

"Good lady." Penny took the order.