Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 146

Sarina and Adonis and their mother and son lived in the castle. Every day, people in the castle could see that Sarina was changing and urging Adonis to invite Dolores and create a suitable marriage proposal for them. .

This marriage has actually been approved by the parents of both parties, and it is only after the parties concerned have settled the matter that they can officially go through the engagement process.

But Adonis didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. The date was going to be a date, but he did not propose marriage as Salina expected.

This made me a little anxious.

Wei Wei observed for a while and found that although Adonis did not propose marriage, her pursuit was sincere enough, and Go Dolores did not have any dissatisfaction with this, she was completely in love.

Seeing that the relationship between the two people is getting better and better, and they are always in the right, it seems that there is some consensus in private, Wei Wei will not worry about it.

In fact, she didn't want Dolores to get married too early. After all, Dolores was still too young in her opinion. Even if she couldn't get married until she was 20 years old, she should at least be 16 years old.

Therefore, the later Adonis proposes to marry, the later they will discuss the marriage.

But what should be prepared is to start preparing, like a dowry.

The dowry of European women is slightly different from the dowry of Chinese women. Most of the dowries of the former are real gold and silver. Unlike Chinese dowries, there is a basic charter for everything to be prepared. .

However, Dolores was not liked by her father before, and her life education was ignored, not to mention preparing a dowry for her to marry, so Felix and Wei Wei had to come.

The more a girl's dowry, the higher her status in her husband's family after marriage. This is the same everywhere.

Felix and Wei Wei will not be stingy with money, and even the money they can give may be incomparable to the dowries of most noble girls, but other dowries, Wei Wei feels that it is necessary to prepare, It's impossible for her to just bring a bunch of money to marry. Even if she can get rid of furniture, she has to buy some land to build a manor for her, so that she can be a landlord's wife in the future, and she will not worry about food and clothing just by collecting rent so.

Wei Wei has already thought about it. When the time comes, she can give Dolores some land in the Sloth circle, and she can also teach her how to manage the land by the way. Then, after the new city is built, she will also leave a house for her. A few shops can't be put down in Aldridge County, so send someone over to take a look. If there are suitable shops and land, I will buy some and prepare. Anyway, the land will not lose money this year.

Her abacus clacked, and as soon as Adonis left, she officially began to teach Dolores how to manage land and real estate, so that she could practice her skills well, and she would not be afraid of being fooled by others in the future.

But these all take time to prepare, and Wei Wei didn't tell Dolores that she was just squeamishly approaching Wei Wei to talk about it when Salina refused to propose because of Adonis's delay. When the parents on both sides ordered the marriage directly, Dolores nodded and agreed without waiting for the enemy, but she also revealed a little bit about what they were preparing for the dowry and their arrangements for the wedding date.

Even if the engagement was made now, the wedding would not take place until Dolores was sixteen.

"She is still too young, we are reluctant to let her marry so early, and Lola still has a lot to learn. It's not good to be too hasty."

Salina can understand this point. Although there are many people who get married soon after getting engaged, there is still a period of preparation. And like the East side, the longer an engaged girl is kept by her family, the better. Showing the importance of the family, Wei Wei said that she did not want Dolores to marry so early, but it showed that they had a good relationship.

Moreover, although the marriage was not planned for the dowry, it is true that the more the bride's dowry, the more face the husband's family will have. It is naturally impossible for Salina to say that there is no need to prepare so much.

Another point, although the contact time is not long, Salina has heard about Wei Wei's deeds a long time ago, plus what she has seen in the castle these days, she is very sure that Wei Wei's housekeeper's financial methods are not good. Low, there are many places that even Salina feels incomparable. If she personally handed Dolores, then her family will have such an excellent hostess in the future. Of course, Salina is very happy.

And it's only about a year and a half before Dolores turns 16, which is actually not too long, and it still leaves them plenty of time to prepare for a grand wedding.

The more she thought about it, the more so, so Salina said instead of her son that they could wait, and then turned around to urge Adonis to propose marriage earlier.

The wedding can come slowly, but it has to be settled first.

There was Adonis' personal servant making a report, but she knew very well that Adonis was actually more and more interested in Dolores, but what did it mean by not proposing.

In fact, it doesn't mean anything special. Adonis just thinks that the two still need some time to develop their relationship. He feels that it is too hasty to propose marriage now, and after the proposal, although the two people who have made a marriage contract do not need to avoid suspicion, it is obviously impossible to be like now. So free.

So Adonis was going to propose before he was about to leave.

Originally, he wasn't going to tell Salina about his decision, but being read every day, he could only feel helpless.

This barely made Salina stare at him.

For the time being, let’s put aside the affairs of Adonis and Dolores. The number of guests in Sardinesburg has gradually increased. All of them are people from the royal capital, including nobles and commoners, but these people are all sent Came to do business with Felix.

They brought a lot of money, and after seeing the sweet potato harvest, they decided to order only corn and potatoes, or buy a batch with the sweet potatoes, but after knowing that there were not many potatoes in Sardinson , Most people automatically crossed out the name of potatoes in their minds, after all, Earl Williams made it clear that he did not want to sell potatoes.

After the arrival of these guests, the nobles around Sardinson also sent posts to visit. Although they did not receive a gift from Felix, these people have been paying attention to Sardinson's every move a long time ago. Naturally It is no wonder that Sardinsonburg has planted many unprecedented crops this year, and the high yield is terrifying.

Naturally, these people would not miss this opportunity. After knowing that Felix intends to sell some of the seeds, they came to visit one after another. Naturally, there were also those businessmen who had been eyeing this business for a long time.

Of course, it is impossible for these merchants to stay in the castle temporarily, and even it is not easy for them to visit Felix, but fortunately, the earl agreed early in the morning to arrange for some merchants to watch the sweet potato harvest together with other nobles and the nobles' messengers , In order to **** the places to watch, those businessmen also racked their brains and worked hard. Fortunately, the generous earl gave a lot of places, and these businessmen did not break their heads for this.

In the end, it was determined that there were only two or three hundred people watching the sweet potato harvest. With so many guests present, Felix and Wei Wei, who were the hosts, naturally had to come forward.

It was sunny in August. Wei Wei wore a light and breathable linen dress. The straw-woven hat on her head was about the width of a palm. The sunflowers are beautiful and delicate.

But compared to Sarina's cloth hat decorated with feathers and gems next to her, hers can only be described as frugal.

Women are always very concerned about fashion. Since the first hat appeared last year, Satinson quickly created a hat craze. Soon after, this trend spread from Satinson to other places, whether it was aristocratic. Or civilians, regardless of age, married or unmarried, it seems that overnight, women wearing hats can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys, and the things that everyone compares with have changed from clothes and jewelry to the material and top of the hat. Decorate.

Now, hats have become an important item in a woman's wardrobe in addition to clothes. All kinds of hat shops have sprung up like mushrooms after the rain. Now in Prady, no matter which city you go to, you can find one. A shop that specializes in custom hats.

Today's scene is destined not to have many ladies present. The only women with identities on the scene are Wei Wei and Salina. Even Dolores was left in the castle to help Wei Wei take care of little Anthony, so the only two women naturally received it. attention of others.

Especially one of the barons always put his eyes on Sarina.

This baron was the one who helped the Duke of Romanov deliver the letter before. At that time, he came with a mission, but because of the wrong words in the letter, he did not fulfill the Duke's expectations. After returning, he was naturally punished by the Duke of Romanov. He was even suspected of having something to do with him because of the letter.

Fortunately, the baron tried his best to shirk all responsibilities and convince the Duke of Romanov that he was not the one who changed the letter. Only then did he have the opportunity to visit Sardinson on behalf of the duke again.

Of course, the original intention was that the Duke still wanted to marry the Williams family, but when something like that happened just now, before he could figure out what was going on, he told the Baron to stop mentioning it for the time being, and just try to repair the relationship between the two parties. Don't let the past become an obstacle to their peaceful exchanges.

However, now it seems that it may be a little troublesome.

- Maybe not a little bit.

At that time, he thought that Duke Williams was just an excuse to say that their young lady had already got an engagement candidate, but now seeing Salina standing beside Wei Wei, the two were chatting and laughing, while Ya Ya on the other side The appearance of Dunis and Felix talking happily, and the news he heard in the castle in the past two days, the baron has confirmed that the person who is about to be engaged to that Miss Dolores is probably Adonis O. Earl of Deridge.

But now everyone knows that the young lady of the Aldridge family is about to marry Prince Andrew, and her family has naturally become the prince's faction. They belong to a different camp from the Duke, and the two sides are completely hostile.

And now that the Williams family is likely to marry the Aldrich family, doesn't that mean that the former will also oppose the Duke Romanov in the near future?

This is not good news.