Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 147

When the young lady of the Aldridge family was about to marry Prince Andrew, Earl Williams suddenly married the Aldridge family. It was hard not to think that Earl Williams planned to stand on Prince Andrew's side.

Although everyone said that Earl Williams belonged to the king, being loyal to the king was different from standing behind the prince.

The baron felt that the marriage plan of Duke Romanov might not go ahead.

In fact, there were signs of this before. When the letter went wrong, the baron didn't think about it because he was in a panic, but after he left, he quickly figured it out. If it was intentional at the time, Felix explained to him that the marriage candidate was a card. When she was Lorraine, she should have said something, instead of directly dismissing her under the pretext of being young.

Obviously, no matter whether the letter is wrong or not, he will not accept the Duke's proposal. The only difference is that because the letter is wrong, the Duke is in the wrong, and even if it is rejected, there is not much to say.

In fact, one thing Felix guessed wrong was that Duke Romanov really wanted to marry him, in order to draw Sardinson to his side, after all, he was already a He is recognized as the most profitable noble, and even secretly has the title of the richest man in the empire. Even for their family's money, Duke Romanov is very willing to win him over.

Although everyone knows that Felix is ​​the king's person, as long as he does not clearly stand behind which prince, then there is the possibility of being drawn in. In particular, Duke Romanov has always been very confident that he will inherit the throne. He had never even put the two princes in his eyes, and he was proud that Felix would be on his side sooner or later as long as he handed out the olive branch.

The baron thought the same thing in the past, but seeing the current situation, he knew that the duke's expectations were about to fail.

When he goes back this time, I am afraid he will be scolded again.

While he was thinking about this, no one else was idle. The serfs who had already gathered in the sweet potato field had already started digging at Felix's suggestion.

With the experience of collecting potatoes before, this time, their work has been called skilled.

The sweet potato under a sweet potato seedling was carefully dug out, and the serf stretched out his hand to mention it. Everyone could see that the sweet potatoes on it had purple-skinned sweet potatoes with thick arms and palms, and the smallest weight was more than half a catty. , and this nest has as many as five.

Although they knew early on that the yield of this crop would be high, when they actually saw the dug out sweet potatoes, everyone couldn't help exclaiming, and then looked at the whole green land with fiery eyes.

If there is such a harvest under every plant, what a yield.

And the facts tell them that it is, and there are even more and bigger sweet potatoes under the sweet potato vines.

According to the instructions, the serfs took the sweet potatoes dug out first from the sweet potato vines, sent them to a ditch to wash the soil above them, and then put them in a wooden bucket filled with clean water to wash them again, and then cut them into small pieces. Blocks, sent to the front of every bystander.

"It's a food that can be eaten raw, and everyone can taste it."

The taste of raw sweet potatoes is relatively hard and a bit astringent, but if you chew it carefully, you can still taste the sweetness of starch, but for the rich who often eat all kinds of good things, this is not a very good taste. After eating good food, many people feel that although the yield of sweet potatoes is high, the taste is still a lot worse.

But soon, they didn't think much of it.

It takes a lot of time to dig sweet potatoes, especially since the planting area is so huge, even if a lot of serfs are dispatched, it is impossible to harvest them in one day.

And watching them dig sweet potatoes is actually a very boring thing, so originally everyone just wanted to watch it for a while, and then leave after confirming the yield of this new variety per mu.

However, because there are only a few serfs working in each field, this time is still a bit long.

But soon they were not bored.

The wheat that was originally planted around the land where sweet potatoes were planted had already been harvested, so the land was temporarily empty. In the crowd gathering place, slaves brought a lot of firewood, lit the fire, and set up several pots to boil water.

At first everyone didn't know what they were going to do, but soon, they saw the serfs throw some dug sweet potatoes into those fires, and also took a lot of them, washed them, peeled them off, cut them into small pieces and discarded them. Boiled in water.

Because it was cut into small pieces, the sweet potatoes were quickly cooked in the pot, and the smell of food began to waft in the air, very light, but I have to say it was very attractive at this time.

The boiled sweet potato soup was distributed to everyone, and Qin and the others tasted it.

The cooked sweet potatoes are very soft and rotten, and there is no astringency when eaten raw. It melts in the mouth. It does not need any chewing at all, and obviously no seasoning is added. This sweet potato soup also has a sweet taste. After a few bites, there is a clear feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

The previous disappointment was immediately forgotten. Although the taste of sweet potato soup is very mild, it can undoubtedly make people eat sweet, which is of great significance to ordinary people who rarely can eat sugar. Attractive and easy to eat without having to chew, especially for those who are older with bad teeth.

Therefore, as a staple food, it is undoubtedly very qualified, and it is obviously more popular than beans and brown bread.

Savvy traders figured this out quickly, and they knew that with such a large yield of sweet potatoes, while the price of the seeds would be high at first—as they are now—but later on, it was bound to be A very cheap food, cheaper than wheat, and maybe even cheaper than beans.

So it is destined that this kind of food will eventually be popular among the common people, delicious and cheap, and naturally it will be very popular.

Even if the yield per mu has not been seen, someone can't wait to sign a purchase contract with Felix.

But the surprise didn't end, and soon after, the sweet potatoes that had been thrown into the fire began to emit an enchanting aroma.

The sweet potatoes that were thrown in were all small and slender sweet potatoes, which were easier to cook than the big ones. The slaves turned the almost boiled sweet potatoes out of the gradually extinguished fire, and one by one had turned black. The sweet potatoes, painted like charcoal, were left to cool in the open space, then wrapped in leaves, divided into two, and given to everyone to taste again.

This is another kind of delicacy. The golden flesh in the black skin seems to be flowing oil, and the aroma emerges from the heat, making people swallow their saliva, peel off the charred skin on the outside, and bite it carefully. One bite, the sweet and glutinous taste is almost sweet to the heart.

Wei Wei may not have eaten a roasted sweet potato for a long time. Unlike others, she got a whole roasted sweet potato. The skin on the top has been carefully peeled off by the slave, and the other half is wrapped in thick leaves to ensure that It won't burn her and it won't get her hands dirty.

She also got a wooden spoon, so she didn't have to bite it directly like the men, but with Salina, one person, one spoonful by one spoonful, eat slowly.

"This taste is really amazing." Salina's eyes lit up after eating the first bite of roasted sweet potatoes. Women rarely refuse sweetness, and she is no exception. In the era of lack of desserts, even if The sweetness that the nobles can taste also basically comes from honey and high sugar cubes. It was the first time that she ate sweet potatoes with their own sweetness, and it was not a little sweet potato. She was really amazed.

Apparently, it wasn't just her who was attracted to roasted sweet potatoes. After tasting it, other people changed their minds about sweet potatoes. Even aristocrats couldn't refuse it from appearing on their dining table.

They doubled the price of sweet potatoes in their hearts, not to mention later, at least this year, as long as they can order enough sweet potatoes, they are confident that they can sell it at the same price as sugar.

And when everyone tasted the roasted sweet potatoes, a few sweet potato fields were finally collected.

Huge piles of sweet potatoes are piled on the side of the field, and on the other side are the cut sweet potato vines. The sweet potato vines are too old to eat, but whether they are used to feed pigs, cattle, sheep or rabbits, they are very good. It was suitable, so they collected these sweet potato vines together and waited for them to be transported away to make silage for use in winter.

Finally, when the sweet potatoes were harvested, the piles of fruits once again attracted everyone's attention. Even if they had not weighed them, they knew that the yield per mu of these sweet potatoes must be very high.

The serfs had harvested potatoes before, and they thought that the hills they harvested were much smaller than those in front of them. After a little estimation, they had some spectrum of the output of these sweet potatoes. Bright eyes can't deceive people.

They heard from Steward George before that this year, although these sweet potatoes will be sold to the nobles and merchants, the Countess has agreed to leave a batch to sell to the lands, although the price is not preferential and the quantity is not necessarily certain. There are many, but as long as they can buy them, they will be able to cultivate enough numbers sooner or later, and will they worry about having no food to eat in the future.

The agricultural officer who had been waiting for a long time immediately began to weigh these sweet potatoes. If it wasn't for the count who wanted the guests to see the output of the sweet potatoes more intuitively, I'm afraid they would be able to come up with the results by now, instead of needing to Waiting here.

However, although more time was delayed, no one felt it was a waste. They looked at the baskets of sweet potatoes that were weighed in the basket, and their eyes became brighter after hearing the report from the agricultural officer. .

Four thousand, five thousand, six thousand... 10,000, 20,000, 30,000—the numbers were superimposed again and again, and finally the output of sweet potatoes in the first field stopped at more than 40,000 catties.

As soon as this number came out, everyone's heart skipped a beat even if they were already mentally prepared.

Forty thousand pounds! It is more than twice as much as potatoes, not to mention compared with wheat, which has a yield of only 2,000 catties. The yield of this mu of land alone can feed several families.

The excited serfs burst into tears. With such high yields and not picking the crops in the fields, they will no longer have to worry about starvation in the future!