Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 15

In the next few days, Wei Wei was thinking about finding a place for herself while adjusting to life in the castle.

She knew from the two maids that there were three towns in Sardinson, the nearest town was two hours away by carriage, and the farthest was about a day's journey.

Among Wei Wei's two maids, Qin came from the nearest town of Dingle.

According to Jean, the population of Dingle is about 5,000, and it is already the most populous town in Sardinson County.

As a border county, and because it is across the mountains from neighboring countries, Sardinson is neither prosperous nor rich. It is a standard earldom that can no longer be standard.

The total area is 86,000 acres, and all the territorial residents add up to 10,000 households, about 35,000 people. In addition to the largest Earl of Williams, the nobles in Sardinson County also have ten barons, and Below the baron are one hundred and twenty knights with fiefs.

So Dingle with 5,000 townspeople can already be considered a big town.

After hearing about Dingle from Qin, Wei Wei felt that she might choose to buy a house in Dingle.

But as an outsider, the first thing Wei Wei had to solve was her residency in Sardinson.

And if you want to get the right of residence in Sardinson, it is naturally the fastest and most convenient to find the lord here.

But in the past few days in the castle, Wei Wei has never seen Felix again except for the two who just came. The maid said that this busy earl was out to inspect the territory.

In desperation, she could only ask Butler Barton to ask if she could buy a house and land in Sardinson County.

Butler Barton heard she was settling down in Sardinson and immediately said it wasn't a problem.

"Everything in Sardinson County is up to the earl. As long as he agrees, you can immediately become a member of the county."

Noble privileges are not a joke. The lord can do anything with his territory. Wei Wei is not a farmer or slave of other lords. She is even a noble lady from a foreign country. As long as Felix agrees, she can get it immediately. Residency in Sardinson County.

In fact, the management of household registration in the West is much looser than that in the East. Except for serfs and slaves who cannot leave the territory of their lords at will, free people can come and go as they please, and the lords of various places also welcome their arrival. After all, there is one more People are just one more tax.

Of course, under normal circumstances, free people rarely go to other places. After all, they all have their own land and houses, which cannot be taken with them. At the same time, random migration may also expose them to various dangers.

"Don't worry, I think the young master is very happy for you to live here."

He thought that not only the Count would be very happy with Wei Wei staying, but also other people in the castle thought the same.

Thanks to her, the food made in the castle's kitchen has become more and more delicious recently. Even if the servants can't eat as well as the masters, the chef has learned a new way of cooking, not only for brown bread with wheat bran. Noodles made from flour are delicious, and other foods are getting better and better.

Not only is it soft-spoken, Wei Wei's personality is definitely the most approachable among noble ladies, and there is no one in the entire castle who dislikes this guest.

Even Dolores, who is afraid of life, invites her to take a walk in the garden after dinner.

Hearing what he said, Wei Wei had a bottom line.

Then she told the housekeeper that she wanted to go to Dingle to see what was going on.

Butler Barton had already received an order from Felix to meet all of Wei Wei's reasonable requirements, so after hearing Wei Wei say this, he immediately said that he could arrange a carriage for her, and she could travel at any time.

So Wei Wei set off for Dingle early the next morning. In addition to the two maids, there were also a coachman and a knight attendant who was specially sent by Butler Patton to protect them.

In the carriage, she was wearing a newly-made tunic. Wei Wei, who was wearing a cloak outside, was uncomfortable being bumped by the carriage. The road conditions here were too bad, and the carriage did not have any shock-proof measures. Along the way, her bones were about to fall apart. .

This made Wei Wei have to work hard to focus on the scenery outside the carriage.

In fact, there is not much scenery to see. There are large tracts of land on both sides of the road. Because of the relationship between the early spring, the geographical crops are still in the early stage of planting, and there are only sparse greenery on the land.

Wei Wei noticed that, unlike the square fields in the east, the fields here are long strips and divided into areas, and the same crops are grown in each area.

Her good eyesight and the farming knowledge given by the game told her that oats, barley and beans were grown in these fields.

But there are also some lands that are completely empty and nothing to be planted.

The Samsara system solves her confusion: [That is fallow fields. Currently, the Western system adopts the three-bed system, which divides the cultivated land into three cultivated areas of roughly equal area: leisure land, spring planting land, and autumn (winter) planting land. A plot of land should be fallow for two years for one year. 】

[That's not too wasteful, so much land is left unused, so much less harvest every year. 】

[There is no way, it seems that Westerners don’t understand the technology of fertilizing fields. If the land is not cultivated, the land will lose its fertility after a long time. 】

【…I see it. 】Wei Wei stared numbly at a large pile of cow dung on the side of the road that no one cared about.

Probably seeing her looking outside, Penny told her enthusiastically that all the land they saw along the way belonged to Felix.

Jean corrected her: "Actually, it should be said that the entire Sardinson belongs to the Lord Earl, including other barons and knights, and the land near the castle is the Lord Earl's reserved land and the main source of income for the Williams family."

Aspiring to become the next housekeeper, Jean has been working hard to improve her knowledge. She is one of the few maids in the castle who can read and has a relatively in-depth understanding of the Williams family.

But Wei Wei was not interested in how much property the Williams family had. She instead asked about Qin and Dingle.

Although Jean has been a maid in the castle for five years, unlike Penny, who has been cut off by her family, the relationship between Jean and her family can be said to be very good. It is also because of her parents that she has the opportunity to work in the castle. , so Qin would go home to visit every month when she was on vacation, and she was naturally familiar with Dingle.

She told Wei Wei what she knew about Dingle. In Qin's description, Dingle was not only the largest town in Sardinson County, but also the most beautiful.

The name of Dingle comes from Dingle Lake next to the town. It is a beautiful lake surrounded by greenery. The lake is very large and rich in aquatic resources, so you can buy very good fish in the town.

The town's law and order is very good, there are many shops, in Qin's opinion, it is the most prosperous place in the whole of Sardinson.

After listening to her introduction, Wei Wei couldn't help but have some expectations for Dingle.

Unfortunately, she was disappointed in the end.

In Qin's opinion, Dingle may already be the best, but in Wei Wei's opinion, it's really not that good here.

The storefronts along the street are small and dark, the unplanned roads are muddy and full of dirt, and the townspeople who come and go have stepped on the filth without paying attention. Wei Wei even saw someone dumping from the second floor window into the side alley. Dirt, the whole town seems to be built on a garbage heap.

The taste here is simply worse than the castle.

Wei Wei did a lot of psychological construction for herself before she plucked up the courage to step out of the carriage. Fortunately, it was because the noble lady was required to wear a veil to wrap her hair when she went out at this time. You can raise a corner to cover your face, and it can act as a mask anyway.

She couldn't help but complain to the system: [If such a place is the best town in the whole of Sardinson, then I might as well consider going to other places. 】

[Believe me, other places are not necessarily better than here. 】

The system that is busy filling Wei Wei’s identity has recently gained a better understanding of the situation in the entire West. In its view, Dingle’s environment can still be regarded as upper-middle under the overall trend.

Wei Wei's face turned pale under the veil, thinking that sooner or later she would be driven crazy by such an environment.

Wei Wei first went to see the mayor of Dingle Town. The carriage they rode had the Williams family crest on it. As soon as the carriage entered the town, someone notified the mayor. The mayor The preparations were made for the reception early. Although he was surprised that it was a girl, he greeted her politely.

Wei Wei mainly wanted to know Dingle's house prices and land prices. The mayor was naturally familiar with these. He told her that the house prices were unbelievably cheap in Wei Wei's view, but it was difficult to buy land.

It is mainly the useless land that can be sold, especially the land that Wei Wei wants to buy is not small.

The people living in the town are all free people. In addition to various craftsmen, there are also many self-cultivators. They all have their own land, but most of them have very small land areas. Except for those who cannot survive, they will not sell it at all lose their land.

And those who can own more land are not short of money, and naturally they will not sell.

Of course, the lord has the most land, so Wei Wei still has to talk to Felix if she wants to buy land.

After learning about the situation from the mayor, Wei Wei could only leave with regret.

After coming out of the mayor's house, Penny asked Wei Wei if she wanted to stroll around the town.

Qin didn't speak, Penny couldn't see it, but she knew that Wei Wei didn't like Dingle very much. Thinking of how clean Wei Wei had shown these days, she quickly understood what made Wei Wei not like it here.

Wei Wei shook his head: "No, let's go back to the tailor and the shoemaker."

The speed of the two craftsmen was very fast. Although they did not finish all the orders that Wei Wei placed, they also made some of them in the past few days. Wei Wei checked the quality and paid the balance after confirming that there was no problem. Take home the ones you've made.

The author has something to say: Sardinson County is a border county, a relatively poor one, with only a few small towns, no big cities, and it is very much to be developed.