Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 157

Aldridge County is a famous commercial county in the entire Prady Empire and even in the whole of Europe. The main city of Aldridge is also known as the commercial capital, even more than the king's capital.

Although this is an inland county, its development is no worse than that of several large coastal ports. Many people like to do business here for development. It can be said that it is a holy place in the hearts of businessmen. Patriarch Aldridge painstakingly managed to come.

Satinson and his party took a day off, and the next day they were arranged to visit this prosperous commercial capital.

At the instigation of Salina, Adonis invited Dolores alone. The two did not even bring servants. They changed their clothes to travel alone, that is, on a date, while Elina and Prince Andrew came to Audrey It's been a while. One was born and raised and has no interest in the city, let alone going out for shopping in winter. The other has already visited the city and wanted to stay with his wife and stayed in the castle together. So in the end, only Salina took Felix and Wei Wei to visit the city alone.

Aldrich is a colder city than Sadinson. It started to snow in November, but it was only light snow. Usually, it melted during the day after a while at night, but it was also hidden, and it was always cold outside.

Wei Wei's current physique is not very cold, but she used to be afraid of cold, so she was still afraid of cold, so she still took adequate measures to keep warm before going out. It is also a thick section of pure cashmere woven, and a pair of cashmere pants of the same material are worn under the skirt as a base. The long skirt is also covered with a thick black cloak. Padded with thick fleece, it is gentle, waterproof and non-slip to wear. A pair of leather gloves on his hands wraps his slender and slender fingers, and the hood is around the hood. The whole body is completely hidden except for his face.

In addition, she also prepared an umbrella, which can be used to keep out the snow if it snows.

However, Salina's dress is not inferior to her. From head to toe, it should be a necessary measure for women to go out during this period.

Salina took them to the most prosperous part of Oder City, where all kinds of shops were opened. Even in winter, the business of the shops was not affected, and there was an endless stream of customers coming and going. Everything can be bought here.

They came out in a carriage. Salina introduced Wei Wei to the shops on both sides along the way. She said that she would recommend to Wei Wei if she was familiar with them. If she was interested, let the coachman stop and have a look. The desire to shop is always strong. After seeing a store, the two simply stopped riding in the carriage and switched to walking. They wandered from store to store, and unknowingly, they followed in the carriage behind them. , The roof of the car is full of things bought back.

Felix, as an escort, felt tired just by helping them to buy things, but they could continue to walk to the next house without getting tired at all.

Until I got to a store with the best location and the largest shop on this street, but the door was closed.

In front of the store, a chubby man dressed as a servant looked like he had been waiting for a long time. When he saw them coming, he immediately stepped forward and saluted.

"Good afternoon, Countess."

When she saw him, Salina remembered that she had to go out for business today. She pointed to the closed shop and turned to Wei Wei and said, "There is the shop that Adonis helped you to pay attention to, you go and have a look first. , if you are not satisfied, you can find it again.”

Naturally, I am satisfied. How prosperous this street is. Wei Wei and Felix have already felt this way. There are so many passengers and the area is located at the junction of the cross road. This shop is obviously very popular. If it weren't for Adonis Helping to find them, because they are unfamiliar in the city of Oder, it is impossible for them to come to see them, and they are afraid that they will be taken away early in the morning.

The servant went up and opened it up. Wei Wei and Felix walked in and took a look. Because it is located at the corner of the intersection, the store has doors on both sides of the street, and the interior area is larger than that of the neighbors. It is still two floors. Go up the stairs on the inner side. The area of ​​the upper floor is the same as the area below. Moreover, the windows on the second floor are opened several times, and the windows are also very large, so the lighting is very good.

There is also a door on the first floor. Entering through the door will pass through two empty rooms, one large and one small. After passing through the room, you will find the back door. The back door is locked, and you cannot see where it leads from outside.

Wei Wei circled around and felt very good: "What is this place for?"

Salina only knew that Adonis helped find the store, but she didn't know the inside story, she just recalled: "I remember it seems to be a restaurant."

The servant hurriedly said, "Yes ma'am, this is indeed a restaurant, but it has been closed for a long time due to poor management. Because this shop is large, ordinary businessmen do not need such a large place, and the original landlord's price is very high. High, so it has not been rented out.”

What he didn't say is that the shop was originally bought by Adonis from the original owner and planned to open the shop himself. It turned out that all the items in the shop had been emptied, and he was about to start the decoration. I heard that Felix wanted to open a shop in Oder City. When opening the store, he stopped the construction period and asked them to take a look first. If the uncle was satisfied with the place, he would find another shop to open the store.

But he didn't say it, Felix still saw something, the place had obviously been cleaned up in advance, from some things in the corner, and there were some traces of decoration.

But whether he saw it or not, since he was willing to let it go, he accepted it rudely.

"Is it for sale here?" If you rent something, you have to be controlled by the original owner. Of course, he chose to buy it directly.

After listening to the master's instructions, the servant nodded hurriedly: "For sale, this shop has two floors up and down, with a total area of ​​600 square meters. Together with the well outside the back door, a total of 250,000 gold coins are needed."

This price is more expensive than the house that Felix bought in the capital, but this is a shop, and the location is good. Felix knew in advance that the price of shops on this street is not low, and it is 250,000 gold coins. A shop of 600 square meters, the price is very fair, if the owner is not Adonis, others may not be willing to sell it.

"How much did Adonis cost to buy it?" Felix asked suddenly.

"300,000..." As soon as the servant opened his mouth, he knew he had missed the point, and quickly shut his mouth and glanced at Felix, then lowered his head and dared not speak.

Wei Wei also heard this sentence and raised her eyebrows, this sister-in-law is fine.

She looked at Sarina beside her, there was no change in the latter's face, but it was obvious that she did not hear the servant's words.

Seeing her look over, Salina just smiled and didn't speak.

On the contrary, she was a little relieved. Her Adonis knew how to please her eldest brother. It seemed that her son was really interested in his fiancee.

That's good, although Sarina has been looking forward to the marriage of Adonis, but after Elina is forced to accept a marriage she does not want, Sarina hopes that at least her Adonis are walking because of love for each other into the palace of marriage.

Felix said: "Three hundred thousand?"

The servant saw that he was wearing a gang, and was worried that he would be scolded by the master when he returned. Hearing Felix's answer, he could only nod his head.

"Then let's buy it at this price, we can't take advantage of him." He got what his brother-in-law wanted, but they didn't miss out on that amount of money.

He has said so, and Salina has no objection: "So here it is?"

"Well, it's very suitable here, please ma'am."

"You're welcome."

Seeing that he had made a decision, the servant took out the prepared transfer contract, but the amount for the door was the 250,000 gold coins set before. Felix did not agree with the price. To sign a contract, another contract must be prepared. .

They are not in a hurry, just sign the contract with Adonis directly after returning.

So after seeing the store, Felix looked at the two ladies: "Are you going to go shopping?"

The beautiful ladies of different grades looked at each other and laughed together: "Of course."

It's only halfway through, and they still have a lot of shops that they haven't visited yet.

Felix had to work hard to keep up as a purse and a laborer.

He is well-trained and never forgets to exercise when he is the busiest. Felix, who is conscious of his extraordinary physical strength, deeply doubts whether his physical strength is really that good today, otherwise why would the two women in high heels leave? He didn't feel tired all afternoon, but he, a big man, felt sore waist and weak legs?

This is completely reversed.

After the winter, the sky will get dark soon. At four to five o'clock in the afternoon, the sky will darken, and the two ladies who are still unfinished will join hands and finally prepare to go back.

Walking out of the last store, snowflakes began to float outside unknowingly.

Small snowflakes fell on his hands and immediately turned into water, more like rain than snow.

"Fortunately, I brought an umbrella." Wei Wei smiled and unbuttoned the umbrella that she had been holding.

"I wanted to ask you before, what is this?" Salina originally thought that Wei Wei was holding something like a strange cane. The road was slippery in winter, and some people would take a stick with them when they go out. In addition, they also like to use this when hiking and traveling. It can be said that it is the predecessor of the civilization stick used by later generations of gentlemen.

"This? This is the umbrella."

Wei Wei picked up the black umbrella in her hand, pressed it lightly in the air, and with a bang, the black umbrella opened.

Although the metal umbrella rib is made hollow, it is still much heavier than the stainless steel rain rib that has been used before. You don't have to worry about breaking it when you use it as a cane. The flower-like umbrella surface is made of black cloth. It is finished, with two layers of red lace bordering the edge, which looks gorgeous and mysterious.

The fabric of this black umbrella was not originally waterproof, but it was coated with a layer of wax. After treatment, it could not block heavy rain, light rain and snowflakes. However, its main purpose was to provide shade. It's an umbrella.

As for umbrellas to keep out the rain, Dongfang's oil-paper umbrellas are very good. She has bamboo, but the oil-paper has not been produced for the time being. She simply doesn't need to go out in the rain.

On the contrary, since there are beautiful tutu skirts and fans, such as the umbrella that European noble women love, how can it be missing.

The author has something to say: Felix: Dear called my husband before, does it mean labor?