Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 159

With the passage of time, the day of the engagement banquet finally arrived.

The weather in November is not too cold when winter comes, especially for people who are used to cold weather. In such a season, even if there is snow in the sky, they can go out with only a thicker robe. When it's cold, it's still December, and the time around Christmas begins.

The sky is beautiful. On November 21st, Oder City is a sunny day. Although the sun in winter is basically empty and not hot, just looking at it makes people happy.

The engagement banquet at the castle was held at night. The guests all lived in the city, so there was no need to arrange accommodation for them. At the same time, no one would arrive at the castle too early, which would increase the workload for the masters.

Since the morning, the whole of Aldrich Castle has been moving up and down. The servants are busy preparing for the banquet. Salina goes to make the final confirmation with the housekeeper. It was too sudden, and Salina always felt that she had a lot of things to teach her, and now she is hurrying to make up lessons for her. She wants Elina to become a qualified hostess and know how to fight before returning to the capital. Manage business, prepare banquets and socialize with people.

Elina studied very seriously. After her fiancé had an accident, her father also fell ill. Her mother and brother were busy taking care of her father and taking care of the family business. She got engaged and married to Prince Andrew, so she really didn't learn much about housekeeping.

But she is the second princess, and she will be a duchess at the worst in the future. If she doesn't understand this, she will be laughed at. Elina doesn't want to be laughed at whether it is because of herself or her family, so now she is also hurrying up All the time with my mother learning all the things a good lady should know.

Before the day of the engagement banquet, even Wei Wei and Dolores would learn this from Salina. It has to be said that it has benefited them a lot. Wei Wei used to be helped by the housekeeper couple and her own exploration. She felt that she had done a good job in managing Sardinson Castle, but compared to an experienced countess, she was indeed lacking, even her, let alone Dolores.

But today is the engagement banquet, the protagonist only needs to stay in the room to prepare for the evening banquet, and Wei Wei has to help her make the final preparations while staying with her.

"I thought you would make a dress out of silk."

When Dolores was preparing her wedding dress, the Song Dynasty embassy had not come yet, but Wei Wei took out a lot of silk fabrics dismantled from fashion from her collection and gave her to her. Originally, Wei Wei thought Dolores Liz would make a skirt out of that silk, but she didn't use it, she made a skirt out of other fabrics.

At this time, Dolores was wearing a red dress, a very pure and rare bright red dyed with rouge-making safflower, like a red rose with dew in the garden, fresh and delicate.

The style of this skirt is very simple, not even the popular petticoat, nor the cumbersome decorations such as bows that Dolores liked, but a simple long A-line skirt, but its cut is great, high The slim waist perfectly fits Dolores' body curve, and the entire skirt is covered with delicate lace of the same color. The little beauty with blonde hair and blue eyes wears a bright red dress, and the greenness and innocence seem to recede from her. , exuding a touch of sensuality and temptation belonging to mature women.

She stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself in the mirror, Wei Wei was watching her from behind, the European blood made this little girl taller than Wei Wei now, almost 1.7 meters, and she seemed to be still Growing up, she may be able to exceed 1.7 meters in the future. Fortunately, her fiance, Adonis, is taller than 1.8 meters. Otherwise, Dolores might not be able to wear high heels and go out with him in the future.

At the same time as she grows taller, her body develops extremely well, with a large breast and a slender waist, which is more and more S-shaped. Wearing this kind of slim skirt is the most suitable.

The little girl swayed her skirt in front of the mirror and said while checking that there was no problem: "I want to keep those for marriage."

Dolores also wanted to be able to wear a wedding dress when she got married, like Wei Wei. She even thought about being able to borrow the wedding dress from Wei Wei when she got married. After all, silk is very expensive and scarce. She couldn't even buy it if she wanted to. .

But later Wei Wei gave her a lot of silk. At first, Dolores didn't plan to accept it, but Wei Wei said that it was useless to keep it, and silk would fade after a long time. If she didn't use it, The fabrics were useless in a few years, so Dolores was persuaded by her to change her mind and make her own.

But she was reluctant to use such precious fabrics at the engagement banquet, so she naturally wanted to keep it at the time of the wedding. Even if the Song Dynasty embassy came later and they bought a lot of silk, Dolores didn't change her mind.

Of course, there was also a time when her skirt had already made the basic style and started crocheting lace, and she didn't want to give up this well-prepared skirt.

Wei Wei teased: "It seems that our little Lola can't wait to get married."

As soon as these words came out, Dolores immediately blushed and chased and beat her all over the room. Wei Wei immediately pulled up her skirt and ran away, and by the way, she also pulled the maid to help block it. The whole room laughed and made trouble. Swept away Dolores' nervousness.

After a while, Wei Wei stopped and hurriedly surrendered, then pushed the little girl to the speed state and dressed her up.

As today's protagonist, Dolores's dress is naturally to overwhelm the audience. How can she be so delicate and elegant, with delicate and natural eyebrows and petal-like red lips, nothing can go wrong.

The jewelry used at the banquet was sent by Salina herself early in the morning, a set of precious gemstone jewelry collected by the Aldrich family.

When she finished dressing up, the guests outside came one after another.

And the castle became lively because of the arrival of these guests.

Every guest who arrives at the castle is inevitably surprised. Even if the carriage is parked at the door and people walk up the stairs in front of the house, they can't help but look back.

What they were looking at, very simple, a group of long-legged knights in improved military uniforms.

Felix brought about fifty knights, and now these people are all arranged from the city gate to the front of the house gate, all wearing black military uniforms and riding boots that reach below the knee. , Standing straight, with long legs and a waist, the shortcomings of the figure are completely concealed, the ordinary facial features have become heroic, and the whole body exudes a strong masculinity.

And this time, a large part of Felix's team were newly promoted knights. What they have in common is that they are young and there are many handsome guys with good looks.

It can be said that such knights fascinated the ladies even more than they were wearing armor.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, I'm afraid someone would have gone up to talk to him.

Of course, even if it is not suitable now, they may have a chance to come out and hook up later?

Aristocratic banquets are not the best time for men and women to have fun. Looking for a lover you like at such a time is a routine operation for many people, but at tonight's banquet, those who are usually very popular The gentlemen who welcomed him were probably about to be left out, because the hearts of the ladies and ladies were all taken away by the heroic knights outside.

This group of knights from Sardinson is not the regular garrison force of Aldrichburg. They are just standing outside for a while to give their master a face. When the guests come, they can go their own activities.

Even when there are no guests coming and going, these knights can relax a little and chat.

"Someone is watching us again." A knight winked at the people around him and said, "I think there may be a special harvest tonight."

The knights are all experienced fighters. Even the newly promoted young knights are very sensitive to the sight of people, so it is impossible for them not to notice the sight from the window of the castle hall. If someone notices the sight and turns back, You can also meet the eyes of the lady who is half hidden behind the curtain, and get a seductive wink.

Of course, such daring glances usually belong to married or widowed women, and unmarried young ladies are much more reserved. If a peek is discovered, they will immediately avoid the eyes of the other party and hide behind the curtain. The deer in my heart slammed around, with a shy look of spring heart.

But after a while, they will stick their heads out again, and the knight who has a good opinion of them will show a shy smile. If they can get a response, they will gently fan the fan in their hands, convey a cryptic message, and then rush Go away, find a suitable place, and wait for another person who may arrive in the near future.

Most of the nobles who came to the banquet today were actually not high in status. There were even descendants of nobles who did not have noble titles. If their daughters could marry Sardinson's knights, it would be a good choice.

On the knight side, when he noticed the messages sent by the noble ladies, he also thought about it.

Some people are attracted by those mature and beautiful ladies and plan to have a dewy relationship, but some people really see a good opposite **** and plan to think about their marriage.

They are all young knights, and it is not impossible to look forward to marrying a noble lady. After all, the descendants of nobles, except for heirs, have either entered the church or become knights, and even become businessmen. Those nobles The young lady of the family is not only married to nobles. It may be the case for a lady with a good family background and a favor, but it is very common for someone from an ordinary or unfavorable family to marry a knight, and even many nobles will marry their daughters to their confidants. Knights use this to win people over.

And Sardinson's knights don't say anything else, their masters are powerful and powerful, and they themselves have fiefs and wages, stable lives, and promising prospects. If they work hard, they may become nobles in the future.

Good looks and good conditions, if you are single again, wouldn't it become the most suitable target for those noble ladies who have average family conditions and are not very favored? If you miss them, they may only marry rich people. businessman.

How to choose, everyone knows.

And when the hearts of the young people began to be restless, the engagement banquet finally began.