Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 161

In view of the fact that there were too many lovers in the garden, and many of them were Satinson's knights, the two masters, who did not want to disturb their subordinates to have a romantic relationship, finally returned to the banquet silently to deal with the guests.

Sure enough, after they went back, they soon became the target of everyone's pursuit, and there was an endless stream of conversations. Salina also came over and took Wei Wei from Felix and took her to meet other noble ladies.

Before she left, she was still saying, "I know you don't like this kind of occasion, but if you want to do business in Oder City in the future, your connections are very important."

Wei Wei was taught, and Dolores was with her. Obviously, Dolores of the two of them was the one who needed more connections here. Wei Wei was at most a foil.

In the second half of the banquet, they were busy communicating.

After the engagement banquet, Felix did not leave immediately with his family and subordinates. He still needs to stay here for a while to continue to understand the operation of the city and supervise the decoration of the store.

Of course, Wei Wei felt that the reason why he wanted to stay longer was mainly to give his knights more chances to fall in love.

If they go back after the engagement banquet, those knights who seem to have a goal to pursue will probably have to give up their goal. After all, it is only a one-night contact, I am afraid that there is no way for them to pursue beautiful girls, not everyone and Just like Adonis Dolores, she can use flying pigeons to communicate her feelings.

The proof is that he took a lot of vacations for the knights after the banquet, and when he needed to employ people, he also tried to take those who were married and had objects out.

After less than half a month, Wei Wei, who has been paying attention to the follow-up results, listened to the maids one after another, who among those knights has a love interest, and who heard that the action is very fast, Even the proposal was successful.

It turned out that Dolores' love line came too fast, but now she realized that other people will only be faster than her.

This made her unable to help but set her eyes on Penny.

Among the maids beside her, apart from Jyn who didn't come with her, only Penny was unmarried - of course, those little maids who went back to training were not counted.

"Are you really not going to have a relationship?" Wei Wei stared at Penny who was helping her pack her luggage. This half month is the maximum deadline. If they don't go back, the snow will fall, and the return journey will change by then. very difficult.

"Isn't there a lot of people in our knights who are chasing you? Are you really not interested?"

"No, ma'am." Penny said flatly. Since Wei Wei became a countess, her status has risen, and more people have pursued her. Many people in the castle, including servants, soldiers and even knights, have turned to her. She has been courteous, but Qin is not even as popular as her, because she is prettier than Qin.

But Penny was really unmoved.

"Like I told you, I'm not going to get married."

Penny had this belief before. Heqin wanted to be a housekeeper and everything was for her career, so she was not going to consider this difference for the time being. Penny really rejected marriage. When she was old, the master no longer needed her, so she went to live in a monastery.

But recently Penny's goal has become, save money well, buy a house and land, and then become too old to move, and can also rely on rent and savings to ask individuals to take care of herself.

With her current income, this is really not a difficult goal.

As for why she has such thoughts, it is probably related to her life experience, but Wei Wei didn't ask the specific reason. She knew that Penny seemed to have a bad life when she was at home, and she was completely cut off after being sold by her family. All the contacts and never mention the past.

In this regard, Wei Wei can only say: "Okay, you can tell me when you change your mind."

"Good lady." Never.

The people of Sardinson want to leave, but Salina is the most reluctant. Even Dolores and Adonis, the couple who are about to parting, don't look as sentimental as her. .

She was really reluctant, reluctant to partake of her daughter-in-law, and reluctant to reluctant Wei Wei, who was a rare friend of hers, that she didn't go to Sardinson as a guest, or it was because Elina was hard to leave here.

So before leaving, Salina packed a lot of things for Wei Wei and the others and asked them to take them back together.

Because the weather is getting colder and colder, the way back is much more difficult than when you came. Fortunately, if you are not in a hurry, just go slower.


The winter after returning from Old City was no different from last year. They were busy collecting pigs and selling meat, busy Christmas, witnessing the marriage of serfs, celebrating their second wedding anniversary, and Dolores turning fifteen. Rarely held several banquets in winter.

Unknowingly, winter passed in this rhythm of talking about whether you are busy or not.

The snow and ice are melting and the earth is rejuvenating, and the new spring ploughing has come again.

With last year's experience, Wei Wei is more comfortable in arranging spring ploughing. The serfs in the manor found that there are many unseen plants in the field, which has led to the fact that there is basically no wheat and beans in Sardinesburg this year. , The fields are basically corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes and other unseen species.

But no one complained. They had a good wheat harvest in the past two years. Even after paying taxes, there was still a lot of grain left in the family. Even if they only ate this grain, they could eat it for the next year. There are also laborers who can make money. Not to mention if they can eat enough, they can also bring a lot of food and money back home. Now it’s hard to be hungry.

And they know how big the output of corn and sweet potatoes is. They don't have to worry about running out of food after planting them.

Not only in the manor, but many people outside the manor also planted a piece of corn and sweet potatoes during the spring plowing, looking forward to the harvest of these crops in these fields in a few months.

Especially the experienced old people said that the weather this year may be bad, which will affect the harvest in the field.

This makes everyone very worried. I heard that the new crops are fine and can cope with such weather. However, if the wheat that is difficult to wait is planted, and the season is really bad, it is very likely that the production will be reduced on a large scale, or even no grains will be harvested.

Sure enough, it didn't rain much since the beginning of spring, and until May, the spring will be over, and there has not been a drop of rain in Sardinson all spring. The wheat in many fields is afraid that it will die of suffering due to lack of water.

They also began to worry that the river would stop flowing because it had not rained.

The river in Sardinson has never stopped flowing in the past, but it was because the canals were not dug to divert the water out. After the rain this year, the water level of the river dropped very fast. It was transported manually, and everyone was worried that when they woke up, they would find that there was no water in the river at all.

Fortunately, the weather in Sardinson was cold, and there seemed to be a lot of groundwater resources. Although it did not rain in a spring, the mild weather also reduced the evaporation of water. The water volume of several rivers dropped to a certain extent. , it stabilized and did not continue to decrease,

But at present, the reduction of field production is inevitable.

Felix and Wei Wei are already discussing the tax cut this year. They have many sources of income. Even if there is no output from the fields this year, they will lose a little tax at most. The overall impact is not large, but for the residents , it is a big issue about life and death. If lowering the tax can make them live better, then lower it. Anyway, Wei Wei absolutely has this land tax too high, and has always hoped to reduce it.

As a result, not long after the tax cut announcement was issued, God probably finally remembered that it had not rained here. At the end of April, thick clouds began to gather over Sardinson, and the wind was howling, and the sky was dark for several days. , Although it hasn't rained yet, it looks like it will be soon.

This time, everyone is not worried about the rain, but began to worry that this rain will not be small, will it rain too much, and harm their crops.

Little Anthony's first birthday came in this cloudy weather.

The one-year-old baby, although he can't walk yet, is already crawling very neatly, and he can also call Mom and Dad, and say some simple words, which attracts everyone to tease him and make him more endearing.

Little Anthony's health has been very good under Wei Wei's care. He has hardly been sick for one year after birth. When he was one year old, he had grown six teeth, and the four small front teeth were neatly grown. The outer front teeth on both sides also came out a little from the gums. Because of the long teeth, in the past few months, little Anthony always wanted to put the things he got in his mouth and bite. This bad habit can not be used to, Wei Wei made his teeth grinding biscuits, and then have him keep an eye on him all the time, take something away when he sees something else he's about to bite, distract him, or give him a cookie for grinding his teeth.

Slowly, the smart baby will know that nothing except molar biscuits can be stuffed into his mouth. If he wants to bite something in the future, he will reach out to the adults and ask for biscuits with saliva.

Of course, he didn't know the words for Biscuits this time, he just jumped out one sound at a time, but everyone knew what he said.

Little Anthony has started to eat complementary food, but Wei Wei has not weaned him yet. At this time, there are not many nutrients suitable for children to eat, and there is no vaccination of various antibodies. Children are very easy to get sick. In the past two years, there have been many newborns in Sardinson. , But a lot of people died because of illness. Even though she has tried her best to arrange for people to publicize and teach all kinds of medical knowledge to the residents, and improve the survival rate of newborns, but in the age of lack of doctors and medicines, the children who died will always be some.

Because of this, Wei Wei is very strict with little Anthony, and will not let him touch strangers easily. If she can take care of herself, she will never leave it to others. She always thinks of ways to increase his resistance, although now her milk has The nutrition that the child needs is no longer available, but the child can obtain the resistance given by the mother from the mother's milk. For this alone, she will not arrange weaning now, so she chooses the double combination of milk and complementary food, so that the child can Anthony can not only eat enough, but also have enough nutrition.

No one thinks there is anything wrong. The children of the commoners are weaned very early, but the children of the nobles, who may be several years old, are still drinking milk.