Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 163

Wei Wei suspects that the pirates who stole their ship and burned their ship have a grudge against Sardinson.

And it is very likely that someone instructed them to do so, otherwise those other ships did not steal, but they would steal theirs. Although their ships are new, it seems that the launching test has not been completed. Those people are not afraid that those ships have not been built. Well, when you go out, you usually go silent?

So there must be an inside story.

But it's a pity that they don't know what the inside story is. Even if they want to investigate, it is difficult to get any clues, and it is impossible to chase them to the sea.

So for the time being, we can only hope that the king will find something.

The formation of the fleet can only be postponed temporarily. Felix and Wei Wei both hope that their shipyard can be built sooner and start shipbuilding, but even if the shipyard is built, it will take more than half a year to build a ship. things will work.

This news cast a haze on Little Anthony's birthday, but the couple tacitly didn't bring this emotion to others. They went out of the room door and treated their son's birthday as if it had never happened.

Birthday cakes are made by bakers in the bakery. Their craftsmanship is becoming more and more exquisite, and the cakes they make are more and more delicious. They have also innovated many types. The new desserts of the town's milk tea shop are all developed here. from.

In fact, the birthday cake is not much different from the ordinary cake. At most, the size is a little bigger, and there is a blessing text on the cake.

It is not the first time for bakers to make birthday cakes. Although they have not been sold to the outside world, they will prepare one for the birthday of the owners in the castle. , The decoration is also done very well, and the decoration craftsmanship is first-class.

But this time, unlike before, the bakers made a chocolate cream birthday cake.

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans by bakers. When they got the bag of cocoa beans, no one thought that the humble beans could become so charming and delicious.

According to the production method provided by Wei Wei, when they made the first chocolate liquid, when they tasted it, they were captured by the smooth taste, mellow and sweet, and pleasant delicacy.

Of course, because there was only a small bag of cocoa beans, they only tasted it once and never had the chance to taste it again. Even Wei Wei only planned to use it on a birthday cake.

Of course, even though it was made into a birthday cake, our little birthday star still couldn't eat it, and even Caroline couldn't eat more, so in this cake, only a little chocolate shavings were sprinkled on the surface, and the cream flowers on the top Decorated with a few chocolate **** and a heart-shaped chocolate chip.

She had told the bakers to keep the chocolate buttercream a secret, so everyone was surprised when the servant lifted the plate over the cake to reveal the tan cake underneath.

At that moment, they thought the cake was soiled with soil, because the color was so soil-like.

"What's this?"

As a sweet tooth lover, Felix has an unusual hobby for every dessert Wei Wei brought out. At this time, he reached out to get the chocolate chip inserted first, but before he could touch it, he was caught by Wei Wei. Clap your hands.

She said angrily: "Our little birthday star hasn't blown the candle yet, don't move."

The little birthday star Anthony was sitting in her arms, bouncing non-stop. Like his father, he wanted to touch the birthday cake, but unfortunately his hands were too short to reach, and he had to climb on the table.

On the long table, the family did not take their usual seats, but Felix and Wei Wei sat on one side, Dolores and Caroline on the other side, the decorations in the middle of the table were removed, and birthday cakes were placed around the table. It is a delicious and delicious dish that has been eaten by the masters.

Caroline, who could already eat by herself, wore a beautiful little dress, finished her dinner, and then held up a wooden spoon, drooling over the cake, but when Wei Wei said she wanted to blow out the candles, she immediately clapped her hands and said, "Blow out the candles! Caroline will blow too!"

Not only did she want to blow it, she also wanted to light her own birthday candles.

The maids dared not let her play with fire, so they quickly took the burning candle and lit the small birthday candle in the middle of the cake.

Seeing this, Caroline immediately climbed down from her chair and ran between Wei Wei and Felix, looking at the candle eagerly, wanting to blow it.

She remembered having this for her birthday too, and there were more candles than little Anthony's!

When Felix saw it, he simply carried her to his lap and teased her: "What are you going to do before blowing out the candles?"

Caroline was puzzled for a moment, frowning and trying to think of the answer, and then happily shouted: "Sing!"

"Yes, sing." Wei Wei repeated with a smile, then grabbed Little Anthony's little hand, beat the beat softly, and sang, "Happy birthday to you..."

When the song was simple and easy to remember, she sang the beginning, Caroline joined in, then Dolores, and finally Felix reluctantly finished singing together.

Little Anthony can't sing, but it doesn't prevent him from laughing while listening. Without Wei Wei's lead, he started clapping his hands, and the more he clapped, the more powerful he was, the little mouth cracked and laughed very happily, and then the saliva flowed out and fell. When he got to the saliva pocket, Wei Wei was soon found out and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.

After singing, Caroline volunteered that she could help her brother make a wish.

"I hope Anthony grows up soon, let's play in the garden together!" She said aloud, then got up, stood on Felix's lap, propped up the table, and went to blow out the candles.

The candle went out with that force.

The three elders laughed, and Dolores teased: "Is this Anthony's birthday or Caroline's?"

Caroline didn't understand that she was teasing her, and she answered her with a serious expression of "Why are you so stupid": "Of course it's Anthony's, he's one year old!"

After speaking, he proudly stopped his small chest, as if he was talking about himself.

That small appearance made everyone laugh again, and even the servants around couldn't help but snicker while covering their mouths with their necks shrunk.

After blowing out the candles, you can naturally cut the cake. This time Caroline didn't rush to help, but just held her small wooden plate and waited eagerly to divide the cake.

Wei Wei held Anthony's hand and cut the cake with him. It's a pity that there is no camera at this time to take pictures of this scene.

But there are other ways to make memories.

From the corner of her eyes, she looked at the corner of the dining room, where a painter was holding the painter to paint, and the painting was the scene of their birthday.

This painter is a popular oil painter today. Although he is young, he is very talented. His paintings are fresh and vivid. Wei Wei likes his paintings very much, and will invite him to paint when he needs to paint.

After the cake was cut, the housekeeper stepped forward and packaged it for the hosts.

Caroline looked at the piece on her plate, then looked at other people's, and pouted unhappily: "Why is Caroline's so small!"

Yes, the cake on her plate was only half the size of others, which in her opinion was a loss.

"Because you are small, you can only eat so much. When you grow to our age, you can eat the same size as us." Felix took the man back to his seat and sat down, solemnly said: "Look at your brother, is he smaller? It's because he is smaller than you."

Caroline looked at Anthony, and sure enough, there was only a small piece of cake on the plate that belonged to Anthony, and there was no cream, no chocolate, and only a yellow cake embryo.

Cub looked down at her own, not only the cream, but the cream flowers adorned with chocolate balls, and even the chocolate chip that said Happy Birthday was on her plate.

This time, Caroline is balanced.

Intuitively, she reached out and picked up the chocolate ball and stuffed it into her mouth.

The rich chocolate aroma melts in the mouth, sweet and super delicious!

Caroline's eyes lit up, and she couldn't wait to see the remaining birthday cake on the table, but instead of taking it directly, she asked the adults, "Can I have another ball of this ball?"

Wei Wei smiled and said, "This is a chocolate ball, does Caroline like it?"

"I like it!" Caroline nodded her head, then looked at Wei Wei expectantly.

Wei Wei didn't touch what was left on the table, but took off her share and gave it to her: "You can only eat one more, okay?"

Caroline agreed. She is a good child who is easy to satisfy. She will not easily go back on what she promised. So after getting the chocolate ball, she sat down obediently and was ready to start eating cakes. As for the chocolate ball, of course, she had to keep it. Eat at the end.

Then Caroline found that the crumbs on this cake also tasted the same as chocolate, so she ate it even more happily.

Not only her, Felix and Dolores are also very accepting of chocolate, or they love the taste.

"What's this for? Anything else?"

Wei Wei was putting the cake embryo into her son's mouth. She deliberately controlled the weight of Anthony's dinner, so he could have another cake at this time. After all, it was his birthday and he was treated specially on special occasions.

Fortunately, this baby is young and easy to be fooled. She has sweet cakes to eat, and she doesn't make a fuss about chocolate.

"Cocoa beans, there is still some chocolate left. If you like it, you can ask the bakery to make some more, but you can eat it a few times."

Felix is ​​still a bit impressed with the cocoa beans. He knew that Wei Wei bought it from a merchant at sea. It was not too much, but the merchant promised to help them send more. If you count the time, you should be able to do it in two months. It's been a while, so if nothing else happens, they'll arrive at Sardinson again soon, and if it goes well, there's no need to worry about running out of cocoa beans at that time.

"When the time comes, this chocolate can be sold in the store. I believe that many people will like it."

"Of course, that's what I mean."

As an indispensable member of the dessert industry, chocolate can be used in a wide range, and it can also be used to make milk tea. It can be said that it is very suitable for milk tea shops.

Knowing that there was still stock, Felix ate one piece and Dolores another piece, and then gave the remaining two untouched pieces to the Bartons.

This makes them very happy. In the whole castle, they are the only ones who can taste the little master's birthday cake with the master. What a joyful thing this is, it is an affirmation for them!

Butler Patton carefully put away the cake, and decided to taste it slowly with his wife after a break. Well, he would also open a bottle of wine from his collection. The couple should celebrate.