Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 167

Little Anthony has always been well-raised, nutritionally balanced, and healthy. His body has always been chubby, and when he pokes a dimple with his small arms and calves, he is just fat enough, but if you just look at his pointed chin. With a small face, it was easy to be coaxed, thinking that this was a skinny baby with no flesh.

Therefore, if little Anthony loses weight, his face is the first to lose flesh.

Wei Wei went out for a few days, and when she came back, the baby fat on her son's face was almost gone (it's not that exaggerated). Little crying bag, this makes Wei Wei feel bad.

Taking over the son who had been trying to pounce on her from Dolores' hands, Wei Wei felt even more distressed and hurriedly coaxed him.

After being busy for a while, this little crying bag finally stopped the magic sound piercing her ears, lying in her arms and sobbing aggrievedly, staring straight at her, and calling out "ma" from time to time, if Wei Wei doesn't reply , he pouted, ready to cry again.

After all, she didn't cry anymore.

Seeing that he finally quieted down, Dolores and the others finally felt relieved.

"You guys are finally back. If you don't come back, I'm worried that Anthony's voice will be broken."

Dolores relaxes and begins pouring bitterness.

On the first day Wei Wei left, little Anthony didn't realize that his mother was not there at all. Although he was clingy, he didn't really have to see his mother 24 hours a day. Usually Wei Wei was busy and disappeared for a long time. Yes, and Caroline, the best playmate, played with him, distracting little Anthony and making him forget to find his mother, so at first, little Anthony behaved normally.

When he was going to sleep at night, but he couldn't find Wei Wei, things became serious.

Before going to bed, he found that his mother, who used to come to coax him, didn't come this time, and even his father was not there. Little Anthony began to cry. He was obviously very sleepy, but he just didn't want to sleep. She couldn't even coax her. In the end, Dolores thought of a way to make a maid with a similar physique to Wei Wei wear Wei Wei's clothes and pretend to be her. The children can't see the adults and can only smell them. The familiar scent on the clothes, coupled with the fact that he was really sleepy, little Anthony was really tricked and fell asleep quickly.

They used this method to trick Little Anthony into falling asleep obediently every night, but during the day they couldn't help it. Little Anthony's eyesight developed very well, and he had begun to recognize people again. Even if people pretended to be Wei Wei, he would recognize them. That's fake, after finding out that he couldn't see his mother for days in a row, little Anthony was less easily coaxed.

He began to become very restless, he would cry at every turn, he would not eat well, and other wet nurses were unwilling to drink the milk. Dolores and the others had a terrible headache, but there was nothing they could do about him.

"If you don't come back, it is estimated that you will have to help with your absence at night. In the past two days, he couldn't coax him any more at night. Every time he fell asleep crying."

Hearing Wei Wei's face full of guilt: "It's hard for you, I should have brought him."

She said that such a small child should not be left alone. It has only been a few days and she has lost so much weight.

Felix also came over, reached out and touched his son's small head: "It's my fault."

He didn't let Wei Wei take him with him.

The latter turned his attention to him, and found that it was his father who he hadn't seen for a long time. He stared at him for a while with tears in his eyes, and then whispered, "Daddy?"

Felix keenly noticed that his son was looking at him with some doubts. Obviously, after leaving for ten days, his son was a little unrecognizable.

This is not surprising. In fact, when he was at home, little Anthony didn't see him often. He was always very busy, so naturally he didn't have time to play with his son. Anthony was already asleep, and seriously, they hadn't seen each other for more than ten days.

Immediately, the feeling in my heart became more complicated.

"Well, it's Daddy." Felix lowered his head and kissed his little cheek, then touched him again.

A bit of a piercing kiss, this Anthony remembered that all those who could kiss him were soft and fragrant when they kissed him, only Daddy would always pierce him, because even if his beard was cleanly shaved, it was still There will be a bit of stubble left, and Anthony's skin is tender and feels even more pronounced.

He giggled, as if to confirm his identity, called "daddy" again, and reached out to grab his fingers, holding on tightly once he got them.

Felix also let him hold it, took the towel handed over by the butler with his free hand, and carefully wiped his face.

Little Anthony didn't make trouble anymore, he raised his head obediently, and let his father wipe his face for him.

Wei Wei took the child and led her husband to sit down together, while instructing the maid, "Go to the room and bring Anthony's moisturizer."

Children's skin is tender, Anthony's moisturizing cream is Wei Wei's special, and the same as Caroline's, all formulas are pure natural edible things, and they are non-irritating to the skin and very safe.

It's also because every time little Anthony cried, someone would wipe his face with cream, otherwise his face would be broken with the way he cried today.

Mom came back, and Anthony was the good laughing baby again. Whatever he did, he would eat well, and he was probably hungry before, and his appetite was a little bigger than when they left.

However, the sudden separation from his parents still cast a shadow on him, and the little guy was more clingy than before.

When it was time to go to bed at night, Wei Wei wanted to put him in the crib to sleep, but this time the little guy was unwilling. As soon as Wei Wei let go, he would cry. All used.

Felix, who was already lying on the bed, saw him and moved his position: "Bring him here and let him sleep with us."

Wei Wei glanced at him after hearing the words: "What? Feeling distressed? Usually you don't want to let him sleep with him."

Felix refused to admit it: "I used to worry about crushing him while sleeping. He is so young, isn't it dangerous to sleep with us?"

At first, he was really worried about his son's safety. Later, when Wei Wei recovered, he really didn't want his son to disturb their nightlife.

Even, in order to ensure that the child will not see anything that should not be seen at night, between the couple's big bed and the son's small cradle, he specially asked people to hang up a curtain. Once the curtain is down, everything can be seen on both sides. Not anymore.

Wei Wei saw that although he was stubborn, he changed his mind when he knew he was wrong. He didn't pursue this issue any further and went to bed with his son.

This is not the first time that little Anthony has slept in a big bed. Usually Wei Wei will take a nap with him when he is free, but it is indeed the first time at night.

Naturally, it was also the first time Felix slept with his son.

Wei Wei put him in the middle of the bed, with his father on one side and his mother on one side. Little Anthony immediately stopped making trouble. He got up by himself and sat there, turning his little head around, looking at Felix for a while, and then again. Looking at Wei Wei, she didn't know what to think, and she laughed after a while.

It was eight o'clock at this time, and it was time for little Anthony to sleep, but his biological clock should have been disrupted in the past ten days. At this moment, the little guy was in good spirits and had no intention of going to sleep at all. After sitting for a while He couldn't stay still, so he simply used his hands and feet to climb directly onto Felix's body.

Felix was lying on his pillow and reading a book, but suddenly there was a weight on his stomach. As soon as he removed the book, he met his son's smiling face.

The little guy not only climbed up, but also tried to climb up. It had already climbed from his stomach to his chest. As soon as the book was removed, he reached out and touched Felix's face.

I couldn't read the book anymore. Felix put the book aside and played with Anthony in this posture.

The son's attention was drawn away. He should not have thought of himself for a while, Wei Wei quietly got out of bed, stepped up to change his pajamas, brushed his hair, and then came back again.

She didn't make much movement in and out of bed, and Anthony was accompanied by his father, so he didn't notice that she left for a while. When Wei Wei got into bed and came to play with their father and son, little Anthony was even happier.

But it was already past bedtime. Wei Wei didn't dare to make him too excited to avoid being sleepy. After a while, she took her son off Felix, put him on the bed, lay down herself, and started Put him to sleep.

Felix blew out most of the candles, leaving only one. The faint candle light illuminated a corner of the room. In Wei Wei's soft lullaby, the little baby who had just recovered quickly became dazed. She huddled beside her mother, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing that he was asleep, Wei Wei stopped singing and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She said softly to her husband on the other side, "Take him wherever you go in the future. Although the road is a little hard, but leaving him at home alone makes me more worried."

Not to mention one or two years old, even if it is three or five years old, seven or eight years old or even older, Wei Wei is not at ease. In future generations, what if my son has a headache when she is away? Who will treat it? She really can't trust the medical skills of these doctors now.

"Well, if you need to go out with you in the future, take it with you." Felix agreed with Wei Wei that the plan to cultivate your independence in darkness is obviously not going to work now. The child is too young to even speak. Said that he couldn't understand the reasoning with him, and he really needed to wait a little longer to make him independent.

And he didn't recognize people for a few days after he went out. If it was a little longer, I'm afraid his son would really forget him.

Felix felt a headache at the thought of such a situation.

After the couple negotiated, they would take Wei Wei with them when they needed to go out together, but when they wanted to come, there should be very few such cases. At least so far, they have nothing to do except marry Dolores next year. We need Wei Wei's plan to travel far away.

But they didn't expect that Wei Wei had to pack up, take her husband and son with them, and set off for the royal capital less than half a month after they returned to the castle.

The reason is that the king is in critical condition.