Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 17

During the few days she lived in the castle, the host Wei Wei had the most contact with was Dolores.

Because of her father's indifference, this young lady of the earl's family has developed a quiet, timid character to be honest.

Dolores' timidity is mainly manifested in fear of life. Except for the maid who is responsible for taking care of her, Dolores hardly communicates with other people, including her brother Felix.

This is very inadvisable in Felix's view, and it does not look like a noble lady at all.

It also made him worry about whether Dolores would be able to enter the social circle smoothly two years later.

After listening to the housekeeper's report that Dolores and Wei Wei were getting along well these days, Felix was surprised, but also had the idea of ​​wanting to keep Wei Wei.

What's more, he really fell in love with this young lady from the East at first sight, and very much hoped to attract her favor.

If he didn't leave someone behind, he wasn't sure if he would still have the chance to pursue the girl who made him tempted.

Felix's father is an earl, and his mother is the daughter of a royal princess. It can be said that he was born noble. Although he is the second son who cannot inherit the title, he is handsome and has outstanding military power. He is also a knight officially awarded by the king. Boundless, when he was in the capital, he was very popular with those noble ladies and ladies, but he lived for twenty-four years, and he didn't feel tempted even once.

Don't look at Felix as a big man, but he unexpectedly has a brilliant idea. He thinks that love should be the beauty of love at first sight. If he can't be moved at first sight, it is not the love he wants.

It's not that he can't appreciate the beauty of other women, but Felix always felt that something was missing when he saw the beautiful women who were praised, something that made his heart flutter.

Until he met Wei Wei, the feeling of being hit by Cupid's arrow, the heartbeat was fierce and exciting, and he realized that this was what he wanted.

If Wei Wei knew what he was thinking, she probably wouldn't agree, because unfortunately, unlike Felix's view of love, Wei Wei never believed in love at first sight. Of course, she didn't like it very much. Her own attitude towards love is dispensable, and love has never been considered by her until now.

To put it practically, she is the kind of person who can stay single for the best of her life, if not, just pick a person who is pleasing to the eye and is okay to live with.

Love was never in her consideration.

However, Felix's proposal really made Wei Wei a little moved.

Leaving aside his obvious motives, working in the castle is indeed the best choice for her at the moment.

She has to live in Sardinson in the future, and besides buying a house and land, she does need a decent job.

But this era is still harsh for women, and it is difficult to find a suitable job, especially since she is still an outsider. If it is not fortunate to meet Felix, I am afraid that people here will not accept her so easily. 's arrival

The range of jobs that can be held by women is very small, and the governess of aristocratic families can be said to be the most decent of all the choices.

And being able to become Dolores' tutor will also allow her to be sheltered by the Williams family, making her life in Sardinson County smoother in the future, without any harm.

All in all, this job is really good.

After confirming her heart, Wei Wei began to think about whether she had the ability to teach Dolores.

What does the noble lady need to learn at this time?

They often strolled around the garden together. Although Dolores didn't talk much, when Wei Wei asked, she could answer in a small voice like an ant and talk about her daily life.

In addition to the prescribed etiquette class, she will also learn dance and music. In addition, embroidery and reading are also things Dolores often do. Other than that, there seems to be nothing.

It is really a very standard lady education.

Because they only chatted when they were walking, and Dolores needed to go to class during the rest of the time. Wei Wei felt that she was a good guest and would not ask to come with her, so she didn't know much about Dolores. The degree of study, but if it is music and embroidery courses, she seems to be able to teach.

She didn't know how to embroider, but after acquiring life skills from the system, she secretly tried it in private. There are various embroidery methods in sewing, and as long as it is Chinese embroidery, no matter it is Shu embroidery She knows Hunan embroidery, Suzhou embroidery or Cantonese embroidery, and she can definitely be called a master after getting started.

As for music, Wei Wei studied Konghou at University, but before she took the university entrance exam, she studied harp.

Although I haven't touched the harp for many years, it's not difficult to get it back with practice.

And at this time, there is already a harp. If Dolores wants to learn, she can teach it, and even if she wants to learn Konghou, Wei Wei has a Konghou in the system, which is the female doctor in the game. The unique sect musical instrument, Wei Wei chose to play the female doctor at the beginning, and there are some bonuses from this sect musical instrument.

The Konghou disappeared in China for a period of time. The restored Konghou has many similarities with the harp in terms of shape and playing method. With her Konghou as a blueprint, it is not difficult to find a musical instrument craftsman to copy it.

After confirming that she had something to teach Dolores, Wei Wei had confidence in this job.

She pondered for a long time before she made her decision: "I can serve as Dolores' governess, but I cannot accept the position of housekeeper."

Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, Felix frowned again and thought she would refuse, but now he was really relieved to hear her answer.

Although the housekeeper's job was dismissed, it was enough for Wei Weiken to stay, and other matters could be discussed slowly, not in a hurry.

"Then Dolores will trouble you - if possible, I hope you can take care of the kitchen side at the same time."

Felix has been obsessed with eating the food prepared by Wei Wei, and even hopes to eat more in the future.

Wei Wei is of course very happy about this. In fact, the chef Bob in the kitchen these days often finds opportunities to ask Wei Wei for advice, and she will not be stingy in giving advice for her own mouth.

Then, they discussed the salary issue. Felix accepted it as soon as he saw it. Instead of giving too high salary, he was given two gold coins per month according to the standard of the current governess and a part of the allowance for managing the kitchen. salary.

Don't think that the money is less. In fact, in this era, the baron with the lowest title in the nobility can only earn between 200 gold coins and 500 gold coins a year. Ordinary people can't even earn two gold coins a year. The salary of twenty gold coins is already very high.

Wei Wei was very satisfied with the salary. As far as she knew, maids like Qin and Penny were less than two silver coins a month.

After negotiating the salary, it was naturally the land issue that Wei Wei wanted to discuss with Felix the most.

In fact, Felix is ​​not going to sell his private land. Selling land is a prodigal act that only a poor noble would do. If he did, his father could jump out of the coffin and beat him to death.

What he wants to sell to Wei Wei is the land allocated to the serfs in his manor.

Serfs are a kind of status between free serfs and slaves. They do not have their own land, but they can get the land from the lord. The price is that they have no personal freedom and cannot leave the lord's land, and they have to cultivate the land for the lord for free. Served all kinds of labor and handed over most of the labor products.

Felix intends to resell some land to Wei Wei along with the serfs above.

This is his kindness. If Wei Wei wants to buy land, she must also need someone who farms for her. Felix's decision can save her the trouble of hiring.

But he also stated in advance that after the land was resold to Wei Wei, she could not sell it to other people. If she didn't need it in the future (Wei Wei suspected that Felix thought she would lose her family), she could only sell the land. Sold back to the Williams family.

In addition, he also gave Wei Wei a benefit that only a noble could have.

The taxation system in Sardinsonshire is as complicated as all noble estates. In addition to the land tax, they also need to pay a poll tax, a firewood tax, a marriage tax... and the church tithe - which is a tenth of the output of the land. There are as many as a dozen taxes, including those belonging to the church, which are mixed together, and basically allow the lord to take half or more of the land output.

In addition, the freedmen, like the serfs, had to serve their lords, and if they refused, they had to replace them with food and money, which was also a huge expense.

But the nobles are different. From the knights and above, the nobles do not need to pay taxes. They only need to serve their superior lords to replace the tax. Like the knights in Sardinson, when they served Felix, they The fiefs of the fiefs are actually their wages, and this wages do not need to be taxed in addition to the tithes paid.

Of course, if the lords are generous enough, they often even get some extra rewards.

Wei Wei will serve as Dolores' governess in the future. In a sense, she is also serving Felix, so Felix is ​​quite at ease by exempting her from taxes.

The author has something to say: Wei Wei: I know you're trying to please me, but don't give it up for nothing.

Unlike the male protagonist's enthusiastic (silly) personality, the female protagonist's life should be a little selfish and pretend, but a smarter type.

Hope to write about their growth.