Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 179

The news of what happened to Queen Mirabelle quickly spread throughout the entire palace. Because the specific news was blocked, the people in the palace only knew that the queen was under house arrest because of a crime, and together with the maid beside her, They were also taken away for investigation.

When Prince Edward knew about this, the search was over, the queen was taken away and put under house arrest in the tower, and the person who ordered it was naturally his father.

He soon realized that the queen's accident was probably related to the king's illness.

Although Crown Prince Edward didn't like Queen Mirabelle, but when such a big event happened, he went to ask the king specially.

The king did not hide that he was actually poisoned, and the person who poisoned it was the queen, but the king did not say that Prince Edward had also been poisoned by her.

Out of selfishness, he didn't want his son to feel resentment together with himself after he knew about this, and he didn't want to delay his son's treatment because of what the queen did.

So after saying that the queen poisoned him, the king asked the crown prince to leave the matter alone, and he would handle it himself.

When Edward heard that it was the queen who had poisoned him, he was really angry, but since the king said that he was not allowed to intervene, he had no choice but to quit and give up participating in this matter.

After all, Prince Edward is also very clear that his current body is not suitable for too much work.

After that, the general manager came to report the situation, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was rushed to Wei Wei's place to receive today's diagnosis.

As soon as the Crown Prince left, the Director General reported the current situation.

Mirabelle is still the queen, and in addition to this identity, she is also the princess of the neighboring country Baldo, no matter which identity she is, it is not suitable for her to be executed, and the queen herself is very aware of this, so she has always expressed refusal to cooperate.

Even if the steward hadn't threatened to mix the two ointments and feed it to her, the queen, who was afraid of death, would not even admit that she had poisoned the king.

As for her lover, the queen completely denied it, but she refused to say where those precious gifts came from.

To be honest, this attitude of refusal to cooperate is really annoying.

And the maid next to the queen has no other information to reveal except that she occasionally goes out for a walk alone at night.

But they really don't know, because these maids haven't been with the queen for a long time, and even though they are personal maids, the queen doesn't trust them, and the maids are also afraid of the queen, and they dare not ask her about her. .

For this, the manager is not very surprised. It is not a secret that the queen likes to abuse the maids around her. Even the king just turns a blind eye as if he doesn't know, so the maids by the queen's side are rarely able to stay. For a long time, of course, a queen who fell out of favor would not dare to do anything about the torture and murder of a maid, so her former maid was afraid of being beaten and scolded by her, so she resigned and left.

Now the steward has sent someone to find the maids who left to inquire about the situation, but he prefers that the king will allow them to use a little punishment on the queen.

Such a selfish and pampered queen, if she finds that she will endure hardship because of concealment, she will definitely recruit the person hiding behind her at the first time.

The king also hates the queen deeply, and doesn't mind punishing her, but considering her status as a princess, he plans to put a way.

He beckoned to the headmaster to come over.

At this time, Mila Belle had been imprisoned on the high tower of the palace. This tower used to imprison members of the royal family who made mistakes, so the conditions were not bad, at least much better than the prison below, but for Mila For Belle, it was quite a dusty, musty stone tower, and an empty prison with only a bed and a worn-out quilt that had not been changed for an unknown period of time. It was unbearable.

Not only that, the food sent by the guard looked disgusting and unpalatable, and she didn't want to touch it at all. After Mirabelle made a fire in the prison but no one cared about it, she could only sit down in frustration, impatient and uneasy. thinking about what to do.

But at this time, she was not in despair. Although she was not very smart, she knew that she could not die now. The king wanted the antidote in her hand - although there was no such thing in fact, she did not say , the king will not know not.

Mirabelle remembered Wei Wei she had seen before, and her heart was full of anger. She didn't believe that Wei Wei could really cure the king, but there was no doubt that the failure of her deeds was definitely related to her.

Mila Belle didn't like Wei Wei before, but now she hates her even more.

Helpless, no matter how much she hates her, she can't do anything about her. Now, Mirabelle can only hang the king with the antidote to delay time.

She was waiting, waiting for someone to rescue her.

As everyone knew, she did have a lover, and the other party encouraged her to poison the king, and she believed that he must have a way to save her.

With this belief, Mirabelle waited for two days in a row, and she was almost poisoned without waiting for anyone to save her.

That was what happened in the evening of the second day after being locked up in the tower. At first, Mila Belle refused to eat the disgusting food sent by the guards, but she didn't last long, because she really I was so hungry that I had to eat them. I felt sick while eating, and I couldn't help cursing everyone in my heart.

And in the evening of the second day, when she ate hard black bread like a stone again because she couldn't bear the hunger, she threw it away with a sharp pain in her stomach, and poured the soup all over without hesitation. The soup was on the ground, hugging his stomach and rolling over and wailing.

The guards guarding outside heard the movement and came over to see that something had happened to her, so they quickly sent someone to look for someone.

The manager quickly rushed over with the imperial doctor. The imperial doctor showed Mirabelle a look, and immediately said to the servant who was following her: "No, she is poisoned, go get the medicine for interpretation!"

The servant nodded, turned and walked outside.

Mirabelle was heartbroken with pain. She had never experienced such a thing before. When she heard the imperial doctor's words, the first feeling in her heart was that she was about to die.

Pain and fear tormented her, leaving her unable to utter a single word but howl.

The manager said suspiciously on the side: "How could it be poisoned? Who would want to kill her at this time?"

"Perhaps it was murder?" Mirabelle, who was in tears of pain, vaguely heard someone say this: "Poisoning the king is a serious crime that requires beheading. Now that the matter is revealed, there must be some people who don't want to be implicated, so Why don't you just kill her without doing anything?"

Kill her to silence her? ! ! !

As soon as this message appeared in my mind, the suffering brain suddenly became clear for a moment. Mirabelle, who felt that she was about to die, clung to the hand of the imperial doctor, her face was hideous and terrifying, like crawling in hell. out of the devil.

She said intermittently, with several degrees of hatred: "Amos, it's Amos, he did it!"

The manager was shocked and immediately asked, "Amos? Amos Romanov?"

"Yes, it's him..." Mirabelle finally fainted after saying this.

The general manager saw it, but he and the imperial doctor looked at each other and smiled at each other.

Finally asked.

After Mirabelle was placed under house arrest, no one was allowed to visit her. Her food was also inspected before being sent in. Even though it was unpalatable, it was actually very safe, so poisoning is impossible.

It was just a play they directed and acted on the orders of the king.

The king is very aware of the queen's character. She is too self-centered. As long as her own safety is involved, this woman can absolutely give up anyone or anything, so just let her believe that someone poisoned her and wanted to kill her. She would definitely betray the target she thought was poisoned immediately.

However, Mirabelle's confession surprised everyone.

Amos Romanov does not refer to Duke Romanov, but the younger brother of Duke Romanov.

The last Duke of Romanov, like the current Duke, is very good at giving birth to sons. He has five sons, but only three have been raised - now there are only two left - Amos is his youngest son, aged She is a year younger than Mirabelle.

When the second brother inherited the title of duke, he also won the title of earl.

If it was said that Amos himself and the queen conspired to do this, the king would not believe it.

Amos himself has no reason to attack the king. Although he also has the right to inherit the throne, because Duke Romanov has sons and more than one son, the heir to the throne ahead of Amos is only two princes and dukes. , and the Duke's children, unless all the people in front are dead, the throne will never be his turn.

And the relationship between the two brothers has always been very good. Everyone knows that Amos follows his brother's lead and listens to him in everything. Therefore, since this matter has something to do with him, then Duke Romanov must also be involved in it.

But because it was him, it was no wonder Mirabelle did this.

Not only is Amos handsome, but most importantly, he is not married yet. If the king dies and Duke Romanov succeeds the throne, Amos may be named a duke, and if he seduces honey with the position of a duchess Rabelle, she may indeed be tempted, even if her relationship with Duke Romanov is very bad.

Oh, no, now the king is very doubtful whether the relationship between the two of them is really that bad, maybe it's what they pretended, after all, no one knows when Mirabelle and Amos hooked up .

The king, who suspected that he had been wearing a green hat for a long time, sent someone to investigate Amos secretly.

Although the news of the queen's accident was spread in the palace, no one except a few insiders knew that she was arrested for poisoning the king, and this matter was forbidden to discuss. In addition, the news of the palace was blocked. No one knew what was going on in the palace.

After being rescued, Mirabelle had turned against the tide. She told the chief executive that as long as the king was willing to let her go back to Berdo, she would tell him everything she knew.

The steward thinks that this queen is really stupid. Even at this time, she still has such a naive idea. How could it be possible to let go of such a big crime as poisoning the king, as long as they reveal the news to King Berdo, for the sake of the two countries. Peace, King Berdo will not protect her, even if it is his favorite daughter.

The king was noncommittal, he wouldn't let anyone go, but that didn't stop him from deceiving that stupid woman.

Mirabelle, who was guaranteed, also came with a release letter signed by him, so she said everything with confidence.

Her lover was indeed Amos, and when she married into the Romanov family, her relationship with Amos was somewhat unclear.

However, Mirabelle herself said that since she was with the king, she and Amos broke off contact, and it was only last year that she hooked up with Amos again.

This is true, because Amos was not in the capital before, he was sent by Duke Romanov to supervise the territory, otherwise the duke would not be able to stay in the capital all year round.

And last year, Mirabelle was dissatisfied with the king who neglected her again, and with less and less money in her hand, she planned to use her beauty to find a rich admirer to maintain her decent life.

At that time, Amos suddenly appeared in front of her.

Originally an old lover, Amos's conditions and financial resources were in line with Mirabelle's requirements, and they quickly hooked up again.

Then when the two had an affair, Mirabelle complained to her lover again about the king's recent attitude towards her, and Amos took the opportunity to persuade her to attack the king.

Just as they thought, the promise that Amos made was to marry Mirabelle and make her a duchess after the event was fulfilled.

Although the duchess does not sound as majestic as the queen, Mirabelle, the queen, has always been very aggrieved. She and Amos are fighting hotly again, and the young and handsome lover is obviously older than her age. The king of the other mistresses was more like her, and after several persuasion, Mirabelle agreed to cooperate with their plan.

However, the poisoning proposed by Amos at the beginning was a real poisoning. They planned to poison the king directly with the poison, but Mirabelle felt that it was too risky. Once the king was poisoned, she might also be discovered. She had in her hand a debilitating medicine brought from Boldo, so she chose to use it.

Of course, Mirabelle didn't tell Amos about the secret medicine, she just told him that she had a way to make the king sick, and that no one would find out that they did it.

As soon as Amos heard that there was such a way, he readily agreed to cooperate with her. After all, it would be easy to get away with poisoning the king, and it was not only them who were staring at the throne. In order not to be caught, it was natural to be safe. how come.

Therefore, during this time, the talents of Duke Romanov's family have behaved so peacefully, and they are all waiting for the king to die.

Mirabelle knew everything she knew, and she even took out the love letter that Amos wrote to her, as well as a letter promising to marry her when the matter was done.

——Mirabelle's cleverness is probably used in how to seek welfare for herself. Amos' verbal promise can't coax her. If it wasn't for this handwritten promise, Mirabelle would never help them. Poisoned the king.

This letter was kept very closely by Mila Belle, and the previous search had not found it. If she hadn't said it herself, no one might have found such important evidence.

The letter not only stated their cooperation, but also Amos' autograph, and with it, as well as Mirabell's testimony, they could arrest Amos directly.

But in order not to frighten the snake, they did not act immediately, but asked Mirabell to cooperate and lead Amos out to secretly arrest him.

This is also easy to do. No one else knows the specific situation of the king. Amos will secretly enter the palace and have private meetings with Mirabell every once in a while to inquire about the king. The spy who was a servant in the palace communicated secretly, so as long as you handed the written letter to him, the other party would help her make an appointment.

And this made the king even more vigilant about Duke Romanov. When he found out that his situation was not right, he checked the people in the palace. All suspicious ones were either chased away or arrested by him. Thinking that there are still fish that slip through the net, and there may be more than this one, otherwise, when the palace is under martial law, how can Amos easily enter and leave the palace?

It looks like a more thorough cleaning is needed.

Mirabelle wrote a letter to Amos on the grounds that she had new information about the king, inviting him to enter the palace to meet with her. This is the information that the duke's family wants to know most at the moment, and they are not afraid that he will not come.

Sure enough, Amos quickly took the bait. After receiving the letter, he asked the messenger to reply to Mirabelle, saying that he would find her tonight.

Then, under the cover of others, Amos, who sneaked into the palace, did not wait for his lover, but saw a group of guards who were waiting, headed by another confidant of the king, and the chief knight of the Royal Knights even more so. He gave a sneer.

Amos, who found that the situation was wrong, wanted to run immediately, but unfortunately he was just an ordinary nobleman. After being surrounded by a group of soldiers, he had nowhere to run. He was soon pressed into the prison for interrogation.

For this man, the interrogators who were ordered by the king would not be merciful, and arranged a whip package first.

Let’s just say that this person is an ordinary noble. Although he has some martial arts skills, he has never received any special training in torture. He was beaten with a whip, and his blood was blurred. Before the soldering iron, everything was confessed.

Next, is the change that swept the entire Prady.

After all the witnesses and materials were available, the king directly sent the Royal Knights to surround Duke Romanov's house, ready to arrest people.

But they came a step slower. When Amos entered the palace, Duke Romanov was at home waiting for him to come back. As a result, he didn't see anyone after waiting all night, and he felt vaguely uneasy.

At the same time, the subordinates who had been monitoring the palace reported that someone from the palace had gone to the Royal Knights, and then there was a lot of movement from the Knights. The Duke immediately knew that things might be exposed, so before the Knights came, He had packed up his luggage, took his wife, children and guards, and fled the capital in a low-key manner.

There was only one empty house left for the Knights.

When they found that the man had run away, the Knights sent someone to inform the king and immediately chased after him, but they were a step too late, allowing Duke Romanov to escape back to his territory.

After that, the king announced the crime of Duke Romanov, and at the same time deprived him of his noble status, which caused a shock across the country, but Duke Romanov, who returned to his own territory, was not afraid of him at all, and directly announced that he would leave the Prady Empire and stand on his own. for the king.

It is worth mentioning that Romanov's territory was originally on the border, and the large piece next to it was the country that was defeated and divided up by other countries not long ago, and the Duke of Romanov also quietly joined it before that, so he became independent. When he was king, the territory that the king had planned to eat himself was quickly robbed by him.

Not only that, but Duke Romanov, who had long intentionally rebelled, made a lot of preparations. After he made himself queen, he immediately launched a war against the surrounding aristocratic territories that did not belong to him. Soon, the northwest of the Prady Empire was caught in the flames of war.

The angry king almost got sick and went back.

During this period, the news of Wei Wei in the palace was no longer a secret. Felix entered the palace immediately to accompany his wife and children, and really wanted to take them out to live, but unfortunately the king did not plan to let them go at this time. , and simply left Felix behind.

So they changed the room again, and put it from the bad room to the guest room that belonged to the distinguished guests, and the king did not restrict him from entering and leaving the palace, but Wei Wei had better not leave the palace.

The king also gave a suitable reason for this. Although Duke Romanov ran away, the manpower he left in the capital was still hidden in the dark and not cleaned up. If Wei Wei went out at this time, he would probably be attacked. After all, everyone now knows that the king was poisoned by Duke Romanov, and it was Wei Wei who saved him. The Duke must hate her.

Felix was also not worried about Wei Wei's safety, so after he asked the king, he brought his knight in and was responsible for Wei Wei's safety, and he himself minimized going out and stayed by Wei Wei's side.

Wei Wei felt that she was safer than the king at this time.

Even Elina, who came to visit her knowing she was in the palace, felt the same way.

She even joked: "It's not easy to see you. The group of knights outside looks scary, but their clothes are still so handsome, I would like to suggest that Your Majesty change the clothes of the Royal Knights."

Summer is here, and the knights' costumes are naturally new again. The styles are similar to the previous ones, but the fabrics and details have been slightly changed, and this time there is a set of white uniforms, which is convenient for them to play handsome in big occasions. Now the group of knights at the door are wearing white military uniforms, not to mention how handsome, there are maids passing by from time to time, just to take a look at them.

But this time, because of the emergency, Felix brought the most trusted knights, and they were basically married. The maids who were so excited were just looking at them, but at most they wanted to develop a dewy relationship.

It's not that no knights are moved because of this, but they all know that this is not the time to talk about love, and everyone knows that the Count and Madam don't like people who are not specific in their feelings. There was chaos, so everyone behaved seriously and turned a blind eye to the maids who released their good intentions, which only increased the maids' curiosity about them.