Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 180

The king was almost poisoned by the queen, and the instigator was the Duke of Romanov. After this incident was made public, it caused a huge shock in the entire Prady Empire.

And shortly afterward, the duke fled, and took his subordinates to openly resist the arrest of the king and set himself up as the king, which made it clear to everyone that his long-planned ambitions.

The king, who was still in bed, immediately dispatched his army to the territory of the Duke of Romanov to crusade against the duke army who was conspiring to rebel.

Most of them are actually not optimistic about the rebellious behavior of the Duke. The Romanov family may be strong and its territory is wide enough, but compared with the entire kingdom, it is still far worse, and the soldiers in the hands of the Romanov Duke There are not many horses, and there is no military talent, so regardless of his current momentum, in fact, there is no way to fight against the king who holds the royal knights, and if necessary, he can also mobilize the soldiers of other nobles. If Without the intervention of other external forces, failure is only a matter of time.

Therefore, most nobles believe that the outcome of this war has absolutely no suspense, and the king's side will definitely win.

But in this way, those nobles who once stood on the side of Duke Romanov and supported him will be worried at this time.

Originally, Duke Romanov had a lot of vassals, and this number increased a lot during the period when the king was sick, completely suppressing the royalists who were loyal to the king and the neutral parties who remained neutral. If the king was like Romano The duke and the duchess died as expected, so the duke's coup d'etat could almost be said to be an easy task.

But now, the king has recovered, and the duke's conspiracy has been made public. Most of the nobles standing beside him were not his loyal subordinates. The Duke's ship was about to capsize, and if they were on the same ship, if they didn't try to save themselves, they might drown with him.

What is even more chilling is that when Romanov escaped, he did not notify those nobles who truly supported him, so on the day he escaped, those nobles were taken away by the Royal Knights without their knowledge. .

There was a lot of commotion at that time, and the Royal Knights would not be dispatched easily, but they carried out a city-wide search that day. Countless nobles were arrested, including the Duke's henchmen without exception, and there were even some who had been Nobles who have been neutral or support the king since then.

At the beginning, this arrest list was actually only a part of the nobles, those nobles who took the initiative to stand beside the Duke Romanov and oppose the king a long time ago, and then Amos couldn't stand the punishment and confessed some people they didn't know. List, after these people were caught, some people gave new names to protect themselves, so there were more and more people on the list, and finally the number of prestigious nobles reached as many as 300, and more. Not to mention the other subordinates.

With so many people filling the prison in the capital, the number of guards guarding has also increased several times, and the number of prisoners is still slowly increasing, which has caused the head of the prison a headache.

After all, most of the people inside are nobles. Everyone knows that it is impossible for the king to kill all these people. They will come out sooner or later, so these people must not be neglected, but the nobles are very picky, and the prison environment obviously cannot allow They were satisfied that in order to meet the demands of these big men, the prison guards were almost turned into hotel waiters.

Every day, people are arrested and put in prison. The atmosphere in the capital is getting more and more depressing. The bustling streets of the past have become deserted. The commoners of the lower classes are hiding in their homes and dare not even go out. The royalists here and the neutral party, which has always been very low-key, everyone else is panicking. They are afraid that someone will knock on the door to arrest them. , the nobles were not even allowed to leave the upper city, and it was impossible to return to the territory.

Those who haven't been caught can still hide at home and be frightened, but those who are in charge of the home can only endure the fear, go out to visit other people in fear, and find a way to fish them out.

They can't come out.

According to Prady's law, the nobles can generally pay for their crimes directly. The worst thing is that their titles and fiefs are revoked, but that is a common crime. In the case of murdering the king, it is like treason. A major crime is not something that can usually be eliminated with money.

And the people who are being captured now are all arrested on suspicion of conspiring with the duke to poison the king. If the king is really crazy and cuts down all the captured nobles, the other nobles will have nothing to do with him. .

Of course, most nobles know that this is unlikely. After all, the king has always been shrewd, and it is impossible to do such a thing with serious consequences, but this also involves Crown Prince Edward, and everyone is not so sure.

Although Prince Edward himself has been kept secret, there are still some rumors in the palace that his condition may also be caused by poisoning, and the nobles have more or less heard about it.

How much the king likes the crown prince, they are very clear, whether the king who loves his son will anger other people because of this, no one dares to gamble.

Moreover, although most of the captured nobles should be released in the end, there must be someone responsible for this, and others must be punished. The size of the crime will also affect the price they need to pay. Before the trial begins, who knows if they will become the unlucky ones who lost their lives? And even if they saved their lives and were deprived of the title and fief, they didn't want to accept it.

Therefore, in this period of anxiety and turmoil, some nobles' mansions are more lively than before. Every day, people send greetings, asking them to help the king.

Among them, in addition to those families that have always been valued by the king, the most popular is naturally the Count Williams family who has the most credit in this incident.

By now, everyone knows that Countess Williams saved the king's life, and Count Williams has always been highly valued by the king. Now, with his wife's credit, the Williams family is in the king's heart. I am afraid that I am going to climb to a very high level.

At a time like this, if Wei Wei could come forward and ask for help, one sentence of hers would definitely be more useful than ten sentences of others.

However, Wei Wei lives in the palace now, and the palace is still in a state of prohibiting outsiders from entering and leaving. It is impossible for those noble ladies who have been arrested by their male masters to see her, let alone ask her for mercy, so everyone's goal is to Yes, although he also lived in the palace most of the time, Felix who would go out from time to time to take care of his business.

As a result, as soon as Felix left the palace, all kinds of encounters would follow, and the banquet he attended became a grand occasion where everyone squeezed their heads to get the invitation.

Felix was so annoyed that he didn't want to get involved in their affairs at all, but people lowered their stance and begged to come to the door in a good voice. very.

After a few times, Felix simply left everything to his subordinates and couldn't get out of the palace.

However, when the king heard about it, he called him over and made fun of him.

He even told Felix: "You can actually take all the presents from those people."

Anyway, if he doesn't accept it, he doesn't accept it. As for whether he wants to help after accepting it, it's not up to him.

Although the king was very angry and arrested so many people, but after he calmed down, he really did not have the idea of ​​punishing everyone. Of course he would not let go of the few people who were really involved in this matter, but those nobles who were sure not to know, he It was put in after the investigation and trial were over and they had to pay a ransom.

So even if he accepts the gift, he doesn't do anything, and when they are released, the captured nobles have to be grateful to him.

Felix should be well aware of this, but he didn't do it. Although it is easy to offend other nobles, for the king, he prefers him to do so.

So after he laughed, he suddenly asked him if he wanted to go to the northwest.

"That guy Romanov seems to be secretly cooperating with other countries. He has more soldiers than I expected. I can't mobilize too many people now. I can only recruit a group of people from the nobles. These people I don’t feel relieved to leave it to others, if you are, you should be able to lead them, right?”

Felix used to be the king's knight. Since he was a knight's attendant, he has always performed very well. The king is also very optimistic about his ability. , If it weren't for the fact that the Prady Empire had been calm and peaceful for these years, and there was no war to fight, Felix would have earned himself a title long ago with his ability.

The king intends to send him this time. First, he can't do it himself, and he has to keep the Royal Knights to guard the capital, so he can't send it out, and the army has also cleared a lot of Duke Romanov factions before. There are even fewer people who can lead the army. He is not at ease when shooting other nobles leading soldiers. After thinking about it, he still thinks Felix is ​​the most suitable.

First of all, he is capable, and he has been in the army for a period of time, so many people are very convinced of him. When the king heard about the training of the knights brought by Felix, his strength was no better than his own royal knights. Poor, so if Felix goes there, his knights will naturally accompany him, which can increase the strength of his side.

Then again, the king wanted Felix to take this trip. As long as he wins, he can justifiably give him an official promotion.

Yes, after being rescued by Wei Wei, the king intends to promote Felix's title, but Felix himself is already an earl, and then the duke's title, and the duke's title, in addition to the royal family, must have something to do with the country. Only those who have made major contributions can get it. Although Wei Wei saved him, it can be regarded as a major contribution, but it is not very good to let Felix be promoted to the title with his wife's contribution, so the king thought about it and planned to let Felix be promoted. Si went to save a military merit, so justifiably justified.

He revealed what he meant. Although he didn't say it explicitly, Felix also heard it. He was also an ambitious man, and as a knight, he naturally yearned for the battlefield. Now he has the opportunity to walk around. Naturally, he would not refuse, so he accepted the king's proposal as soon as his head was hot.

But when he came out of the king's bedroom, Felix calmed down, and found that he forgot to discuss it with Wei Wei first, and then agreed to such a thing. Suddenly, he felt a little guilty.

So the guards guarding the corridor found that Felix left the king with a heavy face, as if something bad had happened.

Not long after that, under the intentional arrangement of the king, the news that Earl Williams was reprimanded by the king for helping other nobles to intercede quietly spread out, making those nobles who were annoyed by the rejection of gifts all changed. In view of his opinion, they all said that Earl Williams was really a kind and upright nobleman. He obviously refused their gifts, but he was willing to help him at the risk of being reprimanded by the king. .

So these people doubled the gifts they had prepared and sent them all to the Earl Williams house. No matter how the housekeeper and servants who stayed behind refused, they just put down the things and left, unable to hold them back.

Felix, a good man who made a fortune because of the king, had to rack his brains at this time to figure out how to explain this to Wei Wei without making her angry.

At this time, Wei Wei was receiving the second princess, Elina.

There are only five masters in the palace today, of which the queen has been placed under house arrest. Among the remaining four, the king's colleague who is recovering has to be concerned about crusades against the duke. Prince Edward accepts some foreign jobs while still needing to rest. Andrew The prince has to help the crown prince to share some of the work he can do well, and he is also very busy, so everyone has no time to manage the chores in the palace.

So Elina, the only second princess who was still able to do things, had to accept the job that should have belonged to the queen, and with the help of the general manager, temporarily helped to take care of the palace.

Although Elina has learned a lot from her mother, after she really started to take over, she realized that it was more difficult than she thought.

After making another mistake, Elina couldn't help but ran up to Wei Wei and poured a lot of hardship on her. The purpose was to ask Wei Wei to help her, but she knew that this sister-in-law, who was not much older than herself, would be the sister-in-law of the future sister-in-law. But a very powerful hostess.

Not to mention a castle, it is said that she and Felix manage the entire Williams family's territory, and the management is well-organized. This ability is rare even among men.

That's why Elina wanted Wei Wei to give her some pointers and let her grow up a bit.

After all, although Elina was prepared to become a queen in the future, in order not to raise her ambitions, her mother Salina taught her to be a competent noble lady. She didn't teach her the responsibilities of a queen who didn't even understand herself, so Elina was really at a loss for managing the palace.

Originally, this work has always been the responsibility of the crown prince, and while she is managing, the noble ladies living in the palace will also assist her in doing these things, and the crown prince's original position in the palace is also very delicate and strong. The noble ladies of her will even suppress her right to speak and handle palace affairs on their own, so even the crown prince has little knowledge of these, let alone Elina, who has been married for only a year and has never come into contact with them.

But the crown prince and the crown prince got divorced in the spring of this year. Soon after, the king fell ill, the palace was under martial law, and those noble ladies were also driven home. The general affairs of the palace were directly in charge of the general manager, and now the king asked her to take over. , the manager is always busy with other things, and there is really not much time to help her, so Elina can't even find a helper.

However, despite the trouble, Elina was more than willing to do something because she was so boring.

During this period of time, Elina couldn't leave the palace, and she didn't want to have contact with the queen, so she could only shut herself in the room, and she was going to be idle.

So now there is something to do, of course she won't give up easily, or will she continue to wait in the bedroom for the grass to grow? God knows when the king can lift the ban on the palace.

So she didn't even think about it, so she came to Wei Wei for help.

Wei Wei happened to be in the palace and panicked. Although she was in charge of treating two patients and taking care of the children, she was only in charge of diagnosis and prescribing medicines. Karma and the imperial doctor could do the rest. Child, Anthony finally got out of his psychological shadow recently. He no longer had to be held by her to feel at ease, and more and more toys in the room became more attractive to him, and there were maids to play with. Now Wei Wei only needs to be there when he can. Stay where you see it, even if you don't play with it.

So she had a lot of free time, just when she didn't know what to do, Elina came to the door for help, and the two sides hit it off, and she acted as a staff for Elina.

Although Wei Wei has never managed the palace, the rules and regulations are there, and she needs to read more and think more. It is not difficult for her to master it, and she is only responsible for giving advice and does not need to do it herself, so the job is still very easy. of.

Elina's abilities are still there, but her personality is too gentle, many things are not decisive enough, easily shaken, and she is a novice, and the servants of the palace don't take her very much, which makes her always make mistakes, but with Wei Wei With the help of Elina, and Elina's own high savvy, she slowly got started. After the initial chaos, the palace returned to its former order.

Elina, who was very satisfied with her own growth, had a better relationship with Wei Wei, and she was willing to talk to her about some private matters.

Now Elina is discussing her marriage with Wei Wei.

Although it was not Elina's will to marry Prince Andrew, but after getting married, she was quite satisfied with her married life, especially Prince Andrew listened to her very much and didn't mess around like other nobles. They just like to stick to her, so they gradually have feelings for each other.

Now Elina is worried about the child.

They have been married for a year, but have no children yet. Before the king was not sick, and before the other noble ladies left, there were some people who said some bad things behind their backs because of this, and she was worried about it.

It happened that Wei Wei was a doctor, so she wanted her to see it for herself.

"You are in good health, don't worry about it." Wei Wei almost rolled her eyes: "How old are you now, it's not good for you or the child to have a baby too early, it's better to think about it in a few years."

"But..." Elina was not persuaded by her. Now is the age of early marriage and early pregnancy. There should not be too many people who have children at the age of twelve or thirteen. She is not too young, right?

Wei Wei had to persuade her: "It's really not good to have children too early. Look at those who have children in their teens. How many are in good health? Even children, how many can grow up safely?"

The death rate of this idea is really very high. Even nobles who have given birth to several children are lucky to have two or more of them who can grow up safely in the end. If you can find other collateral, everyone's business is cheaper than others.

Wei Wei gave her an example of the facts, and told all the circumstances of the noble families who had been married and pregnant early that she knew, and finally made it clear to Elina, let her not be anxious because of this kind of thing, just go with the flow.

However, Elina couldn't help but said, "But I'm not in a hurry, so will your Majesty and the donkey rider."

When she said this, Wei Wei also thought of the situation of Prince Edward.

Compared with whether Prince Andrew has children, in fact, the king is more worried about whether the crown prince has descendants. After all, that is the heir he values ​​most. For him, the king even agreed to let him and the former queen family who let the crown prince marry because of guilt. The reason for the divorce of the crown prince is to find a more suitable marriage partner for the crown prince and give birth to an heir.

If it wasn't for his accidental poisoning, the new crown prince should have been set, and even the wedding.

But this matter really can't be rushed at the moment, because Wei Wei wants to treat Prince Edward. For the sake of his health, Prince Edward has had to have few desires for a long time, so even if he comes back with another crown prince, he can only be a concubine for the time being. furnishings.

Wei Wei told the king about this, so the king recently gave up the idea of ​​letting the crown prince remarry, and planned to wait until he was healthy.

Anyway, his son doesn't have to be afraid that he will not live to be twenty years old now, and a man is not afraid that he will not get a good candidate if he gets married later.

However, Wei Wei heard that the candidates for the crown prince and concubine that the king was looking for before seemed to be relatively young. She felt that it was necessary to talk to the king and ask him to find someone who was older and in better health, otherwise the crown prince would be like this Too bad, many diseases still have the possibility of heredity. If they don't find a healthy crown princess, what will happen to their children's health?

Of course, it would be better if this object is what Crown Prince Edward likes himself, but there are too many things to consider in the Crown Prince's marriage, and it is not possible for everything to go according to his heart.

She remembered the one who always looked at her with the eyes of the younger generation, but in fact she was the junior crown prince in her eyes. She felt that she could mention this for him by the way. After all, keeping a good mood is good for your health. If the crown prince is satisfied Wife, as soon as he is happy, his health may be better.