Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 181

Shortly after Felix returned, Alina ended the tea party and left.

The maid took away the cups and plates she had used, and took them clean again. Wei Wei poured out the tea from the teapot, added milk and sugar cubes, and pushed them along with a small teaspoon in front of Felix.

"What's the matter with you? It looks preoccupied."

After two years of marriage, Wei Wei is very familiar with Felix's every move. Even though he seems to be no different from usual now, Wei Wei can still see the irritability and...guilt in his eyes at a glance?

Wei Wei is drinking black tea today, and the tea set with Jun kiln glaze that is as bright as the sunset in the king's collection is one of the trade items brought by the Song Dynasty mission last year. Together with several other sets of porcelain, it has become the king's collection. It can be used, but now it has been given to Wei Wei, which shows that he really has a good impression of Wei Wei.

Many people don't like the bitter taste of tea leaves, but milk tea is almost universal in Prady and even all over Europe.

Two-thirds of black tea, one-third of milk, and two cubes of sugar beet sugar with just the right amount of sweetness are Felix's favorite combination.

Felix stirred the small teaspoon in the quilt, waited for the sugar to melt, and took a sip. The bitter and sweet milky rich taste spread in his mouth, and his nervous heart slowly calmed down.

"Your Majesty asked me to lead troops to conquer Duke Romanov."

Wei Wei helped him get the snacks: "You agreed?"

"Yeah." Felix glanced at her with a guilty conscience, and explained, "Your Majesty intends to improve my title, and this time leading the army is also to allow me to accumulate merits, so I can justifiably be promoted."

So he had a fever in his head and agreed.

Wei Wei didn't say whether it was good or bad, but just asked him, "How sure are you that you can defeat Duke Romanov?"

Felix: "We have a huge advantage, no surprise, it's only a matter of time before the war ends."

But isn't the battlefield is changing rapidly, anything can happen?

Wei Wei didn't say this. She was a little worried about Felix's safety, but she could see that Felix wanted to go very much.

She couldn't say anything to dissuade her, so even though she was a little uneasy, she nodded and said, "When do you leave?"

"The specifics have not yet been arranged, but it should not wait too long."

Duke Romanov's army is already attacking the surrounding territories, the nobles of those territories cannot support him for too long, and the king cannot allow him to expand himself.

Although it will take some time to recruit the troops of the nobles, they can recruit all the way, from the capital to the territory of the Romanov family, and there are many noble fiefs in the middle. A large army has been formed, and in addition to the troops on these fiefs, there are so many nobles in the capital. Each noble has its own knights and soldiers, and they have the obligation to serve the king in the military. The knights and soldiers must be sent.

Equipment such as weapons and horses, according to European practice, are prepared by the knights and soldiers themselves. Even the food problem during the war is the nobles responsible for the rations of the knights and soldiers of each family, and hand over to the king as much as needed. How much, and then the king will send people to the front line, so if Felix leads the army, he doesn't need to worry about the logistics at all, because other than his own knights, everyone else has their own supplies.

And the king can't bear the Duke Romanov anymore, he will definitely let Felix set off with the fastest speed.

Wei Wei can't get involved in matters in the army, and even because she's not at home, she can't even help with packing. Fortunately, Felix's weapons and armor are all with him, and he also brought his own mount on this trip. I brought it, so even if I set off right away, I can act immediately.

But she can help Felix prepare some medicines that can be used, such as emergency supplies such as gold sore medicine hemostatic.

Wei Wei pondered what medicines should be prepared, while corresponding to what medicinal materials the imperial doctor had. If she didn't leave immediately, she could also ask Kama to go outside to find medicinal materials merchants to buy some back.

Seeing her pensive look, Felix asked worriedly, "Are you angry?"

"Eh?" Wei Wei came back to her senses: "No, I was just thinking of preparing some self-defense medicine for you."

Felix breathed a sigh of relief.

Wei Wei raised her eyebrows: "Why, are you worried that I won't let you go?"

Felix nodded.

Wei Wei asked him, "If I really don't let you go, you won't go?"

Felix guiltily lowered his head to drink tea, avoiding her gaze.

Wei Wei suddenly said angrily: "Since you can't listen to my advice, what should I do with that energy in vain."

Seeing that he didn't speak, she continued to scold: "It is your duty as a noble to fight the king. I have already prepared for this, and since His Majesty has spoken, why can't I object? Who do you want to be?"

And strictly speaking, their relationship with Duke Romanov is also very bad. If the Duke wins, their family will also be liquidated.

So in public and private, she has no reason to stop Felix from going to war.

Felix immediately raised his hands and surrendered, just about to perform kneeling on the washboard for her: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have thought you would object."

He also heard a lot of those knight colleagues complaining to him when they were drinking, that their wives always complained that they went out to fight and kill, so he thought that Wei Wei would also mind this.

"It's good to know."

Knowing that Felix was going to lead the army soon, Wei Wei got busy all of a sudden. She and the king took a few days off and went back to the earl's house to help Felix pack the luggage he needed, and help him and the knights. We prepare dry food. Although the Earl's House is only where Felix occasionally lives, there are many daily necessities. Felix can pack everything he needs for his expedition, and dry food is more convenient. Go directly to their house to sell real goods. In the shop, take away the food that can be stored for a long time, such as canned pasta, instant noodles, meat sauce, etc. in the stock, and then write to Sardinson to ask them to send more, and then send the convoy directly to the front line to ensure that they will not There is a food shortage.

Of course, Wei Wei, who signed up for the medicine, also brought a lot of people, and not only did Felix get an equal share, but the Cavaliers had a share, because this time they came to the capital and only brought fifty The members of the Knights, together with their new attendants and ordinary soldiers, add up to no more than 300 people, so this time to the front line, Sardinson only sent so many people, and the rest of the troops were from the army and other nobles. It was recruited, and Wei Wei didn't have much time. For the time being, he only prepared a bottle of golden sore medicine for each of the 300 people, but even so, everyone was very moved. They all knew the effect of Wei Wei's medicine. No matter how good it can be, it can all be a life saver.

And when she was almost ready, the king also recruited enough troops, which also meant that Felix was about to set off.

On the day of departure, he wore armor with the Williams family crest printed on it, and rode on a black high-headed horse. Behind him was a neatly arranged army. Although the members of this army were drawn from various nobles, many nobles still They were all locked up in prisons waiting to be released. In order to please the king, the people they sent were their own elites. The knight armors of the Prady Empire were all of the same standard, but the family crests on them were slightly different, so you can see at a glance. Go, this army is mighty and tidy. The knights in the front are wearing polished and shiny silver-white armor, and they ride valiantly on their horses.

The king, who had been in bed for a long time, also appeared in the crowd at this time. After a period of recuperation, although his face was still full of sickness, his spirit was already recovering. He did not need anyone to support him. He stood in front of the army and sent them out. King's capital.

The appearance of the king is an inspiration to everyone. Since he was in bed, everyone has been worried about his health, and then it was revealed that he was poisoned. Prady people can't help but think , the king can't stand it.

If the king dies at this time, it will definitely bring unprecedented turmoil to the Prady Empire, which no one wants to see.

But seeing him appear now, and he looks pretty good, everyone is like a reassurance pill, obviously their majesty seems to be in good health, so there is no need to worry about that kind of thing happening.

The king even gave an encouraging speech in front of everyone, small but useful, and most importantly, in front of everyone, he made Felix a marquis, saying he was more than an earl. noble aristocracy.

This unprecedented title shocked everyone. Although the king himself said that it was just an honorary title and did not really represent a new title level, everyone still smelled the hidden meaning.

They guessed that as long as this war was their victory, the Prady Empire would gain a new duke while losing a duke.

And the honorary title of Marquis is just a bargaining chip added by the king to Felix, allowing him to suppress and lead the army, which is both an honor and an actual right.

When Felix himself heard the king's promotion, he was very surprised, because the king had not told him before, but he still managed to react, dismounted and knelt in front of the king, and accepted his promotion.

Later, when the king gave him the badge representing the honor of the marquis, he knew that the king had probably planned for a long time.

Wei Wei and Elina stood aside watching this scene, and were very happy for him.

The first marquis, this alone will make Felix's name go down in history.

This kind of participation did not give Wei Wei and Felix a chance to speak. After the promotion on the spot, Felix got on the horse again, greeted the king again, and led the team off under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Wei Wei hugged her son, stood on the city wall and watched her husband lead the team away from sight, until she could no longer see it, then she looked back and lowered her head to meet the confused little Anthony.

She whispered, "your daddy went to war, we'll be here waiting for him to come back."

Little Anthony laughed and called "Daddy", clapping his hands while shouting, jumping excitedly in her arms, not knowing what he was really happy about.

After Felix left, Wei Wei returned to the palace again, just as Sardinson sent the medicinal herbs she wanted by boat, Wei Wei officially began to treat Prince Edward.

Prince Edward originally thought that taking medicine was a terrible thing, but he didn't expect that there would be even more terrible things.

He was immersed in the black-brown water with a strange smell that was boiled with a lot of medicinal herbs, and started the medicinal bath treatment that Wei Wei said.

The tub used in the medicated bath is a characteristic of Wei Wei's looking for people. It is the kind of wooden tub that was commonly used in ancient China. There is also a chair inside for people to sit on. There is also a lid on the tub. The semicircle the size of the head allows people to expose the upper part of the neck, while the whole lower part of the neck is covered in the tub.

The temperature of the bath water is higher than the normal bath water. When Crown Prince Edward ran in with the help of his servant, he almost couldn't bear to climb out. Fortunately, after getting used to it, apart from the bad taste, it felt quite comfortable.

And after he soaked in it for about half an hour and rinsed off with a strange medicinal smell, he was asked to wear only a pair of wide boxer shorts and lie on the massage table by the bathroom.

This massage table is usually used for the nobles after bathing to apply olive oil essential oil and other things to maintain their skin. Prince Edward used to enjoy it after taking a bath. He thought it would be the same for the next time, but he saw that it should not appear in the Wei Wei here came in through the door with the maid, and suddenly her face was flushed and she wanted to get up.

Although it was said that the big man was nothing to be seen, and he was not wearing pants, and the key parts were well covered, but this is the bathroom, and Wei Wei suddenly came in, of course Crown Prince Edward would be very embarrassed.

He thought Wei Wei was here to check on his medicated bath, so he hurriedly said, "Madam, can you wait for me to get dressed before coming in."

"You don't need to wear clothes, you lie on your stomach, and I'll give you acupuncture."

Wei Wei feels that the king and the crown prince should not doubt her ability now, so there is no need to hide it and plan to use acupuncture to treat Prince Edward.

Prince Edward didn't know what acupuncture was. Wei Wei said the word in Chinese. He didn't understand it at all, but he saw what the maid standing behind Wei Wei was holding.

It was Karma who followed Wei Wei in. She was holding a blanket in her hand, and on top of the blanket, there was a piece of spread out cloth with needles of different shapes and different lengths inserted into the cloth one by one.

Suddenly, he vaguely had a bad premonition.

But before he could think about it, Wei Wei had already winked at the servant. The latter had received the king's order early in the morning. As long as it was for the crown prince's illness, he would fully cooperate with Wei Wei, so after they received the order, they sent the crown prince back Pressed back.

Wei Wei took the blanket from Karma's hand and covered it with Edward, then asked Karma to come over, glanced at the silver needles, chose one of them, and began to apply needles on Prince Edward's back.

This scene shocked the servants. If it wasn't for the king's order, they would have stepped forward to stop her, but now they are just staring at her and turning the crown prince into a hedgehog.

The dense needles were stuck on the crown prince's back, which looked scary, but the crown prince who was pierced didn't seem to feel anything, and he could answer Wei Wei calmly when he asked him.

Crown Prince Edward really didn't feel anything, oh, it's not that he didn't feel completely at all. In fact, when Wei Wei had the first injection, he had already figured out what she was going to do. At that time, he was nervous, but he also After taking this injection, he was prepared to be very painful, but he just had to cooperate with the treatment if he wanted to recover his health. He promised that he would cooperate with whatever treatment Wei Wei used, so naturally he could not break his promise at this time, so he gritted his teeth. Plan to endure.

As a result, no matter whether it was the first injection or the following ones, he really didn't feel any pain except for some soreness and numbness.

So when Wei Wei asked him how he felt while putting down the needle, he could tell her how he felt after experiencing it carefully, and he was very cooperative.

After the needle is inserted, the needle will be kept for a period of time, so the first acupuncture treatment lasted for almost two hours. It is simply summer, and the temperature is high enough that the crown prince does not need to worry about getting sick without wearing clothes.

After Wei Wei had pulled out all the needles and put them away, Prince Edward sat up from the table and couldn't help but reach out to touch his back while turning his head to look at his back. Of course, he couldn't see it at all because of the angle. I don't feel anything when I touch it.

His servants also came over and stared at the crown prince's back. He just felt incredible. Even though he had so many needles, not even a drop of blood was left on his back, and even the needles should have left. No blood spots were seen.

Wei Wei: "How do you feel now?"

Prince Edward moved his body and said hesitantly: "It seems to be easier than before." I just don't know whether it was because the medicated bath relaxed the body or the effect of acupuncture.

Wei Wei nodded: "In the future, I will pierce you every other day, and the medicinal bath will be once every three days. Please cooperate with Your Highness and make time for today."

The two-hour gap a day was still arranged by Crown Prince Edward, so he nodded and said he would cooperate.

Afterwards, he curiously asked Wei Wei what happened to the treatment method just now.

"I've never seen such a treatment," he laments.

But curiosity is curious, and there is no fear.

Because among the doctors he has seen, there are many people whose treatment methods are scarier than this.

Thinking of the doctors who said his heart was not very good and advised him to open his chest to take a look, Crown Prince Edward shuddered.

The servant thought he was feeling cold, so he hurriedly brought his clothes over and served him to put them on.

Wei Wei simply explained the role of acupuncture in two sentences, but Huaxia's medical system is completely different from Western medicine. Prince Edward did not understand it, and finally left only one sentence "Acupuncture is amazing, and it is very beneficial to his body." helpful" concept.

But as long as you know it's good for him, it doesn't hurt anyway, and it's okay to receive treatment on time.

Several days later, after a course of acupuncture and medicated bath treatment, Prince Edward clearly felt the changes in his body.

The most real change is that his sleep quality has improved. In the past, Prince Edward coughed for a while every night because of his asthma. He often couldn't fall asleep in the middle of the night. When he woke up suddenly, he was in poor health from the beginning, and he didn't rest well, which further aggravated the deterioration of his body. At the same time, the dark circles on his face could not be eliminated, and his face was very ugly.

But recently, he basically slept until dawn, no longer insomnia, and even the occasional heart palpitations.

In addition, in addition to the insomnia, his physique has also improved significantly. Before, his daily exercise was walking, but now he changed it to jogging. Although he was still very tired after running around the palace for two laps, he would recover after a short rest. And in the past, if he exercised like this, he would easily cause asthma, but now it has never happened once.

He himself felt that his body became more comfortable every day, and as bystanders, others could see the difference between the crown prince even more.

In the past, the crown prince was good-looking, but he was very thin, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, his face was pale, and his lips were bloodless. The whole look of a vampire, if it wasn't for the crown prince's love to laugh, when he looked at people with no expression on his face, his appearance was actually Very creepy.

But now, although his complexion hasn't changed much, it is also a little bloody, the dark circles under his eyes have also subsided a lot, and his lips look a little more rosy than before, and they don't look so scary.

More importantly, the crown prince has a good appetite recently. Although he eats bland food, the nutrition is balanced and easy to absorb. With proper exercise, the crown prince, who has been losing meat all the time, has finally started to grow meat. Although Not much, but it is indeed long. Standing on the scale, it has grown three pounds! ! !

Wei Wei asked the servant to help record the weight. For this reason, the director specially made a scale for the crown prince to use. After knowing that he had grown fat, the director told the news to the king as soon as possible.

This made the king happy. When the crown prince was treated, the king's poison was almost resolved. Although it would take a while to restore the previous monitoring, he no longer needed to stay in bed all the time and could get up and move around.

As soon as Wei Wei said he didn't need to stay in bed, the king began to take back most of the state affairs that were handed over to the crown prince, and the rest of the less important ones continued to be practiced by the crown prince, which could also make each other a little more relaxed.

After he resumed dealing with state affairs, the crown prince had more time to receive treatment. The king also asked the crown prince about the situation every day, and regarded his body as more important than himself.

And it was also because he saw that the crown prince was getting better every day, the king himself was refreshed, and the speed of recovery was faster than Wei Wei expected.

After knowing that the crown prince had grown flesh, the king was happy and decided to hold a celebration banquet so that everyone could see that his son is so energetic now, and he will live a hundred years in the future.

Even, he was thinking about choosing a new crown princess who was delayed by illness. Although Wei Wei told him that the crown prince needs to abstain from **** during this time, it does not prevent him from finding a gentle and caring wife for the crown prince to take care of him. what.

Since a grand celebration banquet is to be held, some things that have been delayed before have to be dealt with.

The nobles who were locked up in prison finally ushered in the trial, probably because they were in a good mood. The king, as the presiding judge of this trial, gave most of the nobles an open hand, and only asked them to pay money to atone for their crimes, although the amount of the fine was not large. Small, but no one was deprived of his noble status because of this, he was already generous.

Because of this, the nobles who thought that Felix was begging the king for them because of the rumors, were even more grateful to the Williams family, so they prepared a lot of gifts for the earl's house - not the marquis' house now - to give Go and thank him for his help.

Wei Wei was a bit dumbfounded when she saw the list of gifts that the housekeeper had brought to the palace, but since it had already been delivered, of course she would not want it, but she just prepared a return gift for the manager to send to each family.

Of course, those nobles who were loyal to Romanov were not so lucky. For these people, the king did not spare any of them, and many even had their heads beheaded together with their wives and children, trying to cut down the roots without leaving any future troubles.

Among them, Mirabelle, who originally thought she could escape, naturally also included.

However, the king was concerned about the face of the neighboring country, and did not directly execute Mirabelle publicly. Instead, after writing a cold-worded letter to her father, he asked Mirabelle to bring her own preparations to her. The secret medicine made her in fear and remorse, desperate and unwilling to slowly die of illness.

The author has something to say: Marquis did not represent a title level before 1385. Although there was such a title, only a few regions had it, and it had the same meaning as earl, which was basically no different.

Felix went to war, and when he comes back, our heroine will be the Duchess~~~