Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 183

Of course, Wei Wei doesn't know what kind of girl His Royal Highness Prince Edward likes. She and the Crown Prince are just a relationship between a doctor and a patient. The daily treatment is also related to the disease. It's not Wei Wei's business to gossip and ask some personal topics. style.

Countess Nelson's wish to know something from her failed, and although it was a pity, it did not eliminate her chance to try hard.

Although I don't know what kind of girl the Crown Prince likes, it should be right to look for a candidate in the opposite direction of the former Crown Princess.

Wei Wei didn't intend to interfere at all in the Wang family's marriage, and she didn't even want to participate in the banquet. She might as well read more books and do more work when she had time.

After Felix went to war, only Wei Wei could take over the large and small affairs that he was responsible for. Now it's summer time. Wei Wei is not in the territory, but she is still responsible for all the reporting work. The stewards in the manor press She prepared the documents according to her wishes, and chose someone to take the documents to the capital to report. Dolores always wrote to her to tell her about the daily situation in the castle, and every time she wrote a letter, she would also reveal the details. I hope she will go back sooner. I heard from Butler Barton that the little girl is now managing the castle, but she still has a little self-confidence. She always doubts herself that she is not doing well enough. Over the months, she lost several kilos.

Wei Wei also wanted to go back, but the king's poison was cured, and the crown prince's illness was still in the treatment period. She couldn't pack the people and take them away, so for the treatment, she was afraid that she would have to live in the capital for the first half of the year. Loris' question can only be comforted.

The person who was sent to report was Wei Wei's earliest steward, George. Because he had reported to the king in advance, George did not suffer any difficulties when he entered the palace, and went to Wei Wei to report the recent situation of Sardinson smoothly. .

The weather in Sardinson this year is good, and various crops are growing well. In addition to the crops that have been promoted before, such as corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, etc., the harvest of crops such as peanuts and sesame that have begun to expand their planting area this year is also very good. What's the difference, in short, a big harvest.

When George came, he not only brought the summer harvest data of the territory this year, but also brought a boatload of crops, all of which were harvested recently. Because the Count and his wife are likely to live in the capital for a while, so the manor As soon as the stewards discussed it, they asked George to bring some of each new crop harvested and sent them to the current Marquis of Williams mansion, whether it was for his own use or as a gift.

It is worth mentioning that when Sardinson had a bumper harvest, most of the areas in the Prady Empire that were planted with corn and sweet potatoes also had a good harvest, although because it was the first planting, the yield was not as good as that of Sardinson. But compared to other local grains, the harvest is definitely a miracle from God, especially corn and sweet potatoes are not only easy to grow, but also easy to eat. It doesn't need to be stewed for a long time like beans. The easiest way to cook is to put it in the water and cook for ten minutes before eating. It tastes good and full, and doesn't grind teeth. Medieval people with serious damage to their teeth. It's very friendly, so there's nothing you don't like when you've eaten it.

If it weren't for the poisoning of the king and the rebellion of the Duke of Romanov, the nobles would not care about the harvest in the field, otherwise the bumper harvest of corn and sweet potatoes would definitely become a very good topic.

Of course, although the limelight was robbed, all the people who planted these two crops, led by the king, were still very happy after knowing the harvest, but at the same time, crops that were easy to grow and had huge yields were destined to become the first choice for ordinary civilians. The price of corn and sweet potatoes can be expected to fall soon, so while they are still in short supply this year, everyone chooses to keep some of the seeds and sell the rest, intending to take advantage of their prices before they plummet. Earn money before.

The same is true of Sardinson's plan. Last year, the price of these crops was three times as good as that of wheat seeds. This year's lowest price has dropped to about twice. Of course, this is the market price. In fact, there are also foreign businessmen willing to pay. They bought at a higher price, but not many people were willing to sell them. Although the king did not order to prohibit the sale of these crops, the nobles themselves also had a mentality of xenophobia. If the price was the same, they would naturally be more willing to sell them to their own subjects. That way you can pay more tax.

In particular, most people didn’t buy much corn and sweet potatoes before. After the first year’s bumper harvest, most of them still have to keep the seeds, and the share that can be sold is not much. However, the demand from foreign businessmen is very high. If you buy in large quantities, you can only find Sardinson who first planted these.

Among them, Wei Wei received a letter of purchase from Pope John. The price given by the other party was the same as the price of corn and sweet potatoes sold by Sardinson last year, which was higher than the current market price. The amount is very large, and the direct opening is 10,000 tons, or 20 million catties, which is much more than the total output of sweet potatoes last year.

Although this figure is completely affordable for the output of Sardinson this year, and because Wei Wei does not plan to plant corn and sweet potatoes on the current scale next year, but plans to retain only one hundred acres of planting area, the remaining The land below is planted with potatoes, peanuts and other crops, so they don’t need to keep too many seeds. The amount of corn and sweet potatoes that can be sold is hundreds of thousands of tons. The Pope can give him as long as 10,000 tons. , but Wei Wei did not intend to do this business.

She knows very well that after letting them buy so many seeds with the church's behavior, the church will inevitably promote these high-yield crops with the church in those countries that believe in them, so that everyone is grateful to the church, and completely ignores where these plants originally came from. come.

Although Wei Wei had a good relationship with Pope John, she did not intend to give the opportunity to raise her face to the church she hated to help the church increase its prestige.

So she did not agree to Pope John's request, but only agreed to sell him one million catties (five hundred tons) of grain, of which sweet potatoes accounted for 70% of the corn and 30% of the corn, no more.

While writing her reply, she also thought about how to deal with the remaining seeds. First of all, of course, she must meet domestic demand first. However, the people in Sardinson County have followed suit and planted corn and sweet potatoes this year, and the harvest is not bad. They can keep their own seeds, so they don’t need seeds very much, but the residents of other counties have such needs. Wei Wei plans to set aside a part of the seeds for the caravan to sell them all over the world. In recent years, their caravan in Sardinson has been expanding day by day. , there are more and more areas to come and go, and their shadows can be seen everywhere in the country, and because the prices are fair, honest and trustworthy, they have a high reputation among their peers, and their business is booming.

And most of the rest, Wei Wei intends to sell all to the king.

"Sell it to me?" The king was very surprised when he heard Wei Wei's trade request, especially when the amount she said was too large, the king couldn't help but gasp: "I don't think I need that much food. ."

He admits that corn and sweet potatoes are good things. With these two kinds of food, the people of Pradi will never go hungry again, but he has also planted a lot this year. Now, the output of Sardinson is already comparable to the annual wheat output of the entire empire in the past, so much grain, he can't eat it even if he keeps it himself, it's really unnecessary.

"Your Majesty can use these grains for national trade with other countries. I think many people will be interested."

Wei Wei felt that instead of letting the church take advantage of this and win the trust of the people, it would be better to let the Prady Empire earn this good name.

High-yield grain is something that all countries like to have. If not for the beginning, these grains belong to Sardinson, and the monarchy in the west is not highly centralized, and basically cannot be controlled by the lords, and the king himself lacks this aspect. The foreseeability of these grains may be banned by him from selling them soon after they appear.

Since the first step is too late and some seeds are left, other countries will sooner or later be able to plant these high-yield grains on a large scale. Therefore, since it cannot be banned, it is better to take advantage of other countries when there is still demand for these high-yield grains. , direct trade exchanges in exchange for higher benefits.

Especially in the recent civil strife in the Prady Empire, the surrounding countries are a little ready to move. If Prady can use these high-yield grains as bait to find more allies, so that the neighboring countries dare not act rashly, then they do not need to worry too much about the border for the time being. problem.

Therefore, although making these grains into by-products can make more profits, Wei Weisi thought about it and decided to make this deal with the king.

Of course, Wei Wei only made an opinion, and it is up to the king to decide how to do it.

But her suggestion was just in time.

In fact, before they knew it, several countries around Prady did move their minds to attack Prady, and some countries had begun to secretly contact other countries to prepare for alliances, and it was Mirabelle who led the way. father of King Baldur.

Before receiving the letter from King Prady, King Berdo actually already knew what his daughter had done secretly. He even tacitly accepted that the crown prince was poisoned. After all, he also provided Mirabelle's secret medicine. .

The secret medicine that was originally given to her daughter was intended for her to find a chance to use it on the king's family. If it wasn't for the sudden death of Mirabelle's ex-husband, the king's family who prevented her from ascending the throne would have already been poisoned by many people. died.

King Berdo is a very ambitious king. He has long coveted the territory of other countries, but his Berdo is only a small country and has no ability to directly resist neighboring countries such as Prady, so he adopted a marriage policy. , married several of his daughters to the royal families of different countries, on the surface, to make friends with other countries, but in fact, his daughters were taught before marriage to seek welfare for their own country, if possible , it would be better if the next king of those countries would have the blood of Bordor.

In order to achieve this goal, it is understandable that the means are darker, isn't it?

After Mirabelle's actions were exposed, King Berdo was a little worried, because he didn't just give this secret medicine to one daughter. If this matter spread, the actions of his other daughters might also be affected. It was found that, fortunately, according to his observation, King Prady did not link this matter to Berdo, and even kept it a secret because he did not want the scandal of the royal family to spread, so King Berdo knew His daughters are still safe.

But if he can't think of it now, it doesn't mean he can't think of it in the future, so King Baldo quickly thought of taking advantage of the good time of the civil strife in the Prady Empire to join other countries to attack Prady and carve up this rich country.

The high-yield reputation of corn and sweet potatoes has spread to Pradi last year, and this year's bumper harvest proves the truth of this rumor, and high-yield crops are also exciting things. With the unprecedented high-yield plants as bait, and the pillow wind of the princesses of Berdeau, many countries really agreed to form an alliance with Berdeau and jointly attack Prady.

As a result, at this time, many countries suddenly received a message that King Prady agreed to his request for mutual help in exchange for high-yield crops and another alliance of great powers farther away from them in exchange for sufficient benefits.

That is to say, if the small country headed by Berdo really attacked Prady at this time, then the big country behind them would send troops to attack them.

After the news was confirmed, several countries that had just formed an alliance began to collapse. Many people decided to unilaterally destroy this cooperation as the alliance did not exist.

No way, they were originally a small country sandwiched between several big powers, and it was okay to take advantage of a certain domestic turmoil, but if the big powers on both sides were allied, they would not dare to make small moves.

Moreover, the original relationship between that big country and the Prady Empire is not bad. There has always been a marriage between the two countries. The two country lords can still be regarded as distant relatives, and neither of them are warlike people. There are many, but the relationship is not bad. Since they have spread the news of the alliance, the credibility is very high.

And not long after, spies from various countries saw that King Prady sent a fleet to send supplies to the Confederate countries, and brought back a large amount of materials from the Confederate countries. It seems to be frequent visits and trade cooperation. .

This time, even King Berdo's heart cooled down, and he continued to install quails quietly. He didn't dare to take the opportunity to make trouble for the time being. He just prayed that King Prady would not associate Mirabelle's affairs every day. to him.

Will King Prady ever think of him, of course he will.

Originally, when he wrote a letter to King Baldo, he meant beating, and the latter secretly contacted other countries to prepare for a conspiracy to attack Prady. Although he did it secretly, he also arranged spies in those countries, even if the identity of the spies was not high enough. This kind of secret can be detected, but the fact that the Baldu kingdom sends messengers to various countries to meet the monarch at the same time can still be discovered with a little attention, so this also confirms that the Baldu king does indeed harbor evil intentions.

It's just that King Prady is not free to teach him for the time being. Originally, he still had some headaches for this alliance. After all, although they are all small countries, if they really unite, it will be a great deal for Prady, who is in civil strife. danger.

And Wei Wei's proposal just gave him a chance to deter them, so he deliberately selected one that had no direct connection with Prady's country, and was closely related, and at the same time could deter allies of other countries, The covenant was exchanged for sweet potatoes and corn. Of course, these things are not free. The money that should be paid still has to be paid, but it is still much lower than the current market price. In addition, the king also gave the allies an important message about Burr. There was news of a special secret medicine in many countries, and there happened to be a princess from Bordeaux in the allied countries, and it seemed that there had been cases where the heir suddenly fell ill and died.

A condition plus a message in exchange for the other party's promise to verbally spread rumors that he will help when Prady is in crisis - of course, will we actually see the situation at that time, but just this can scare away those A small country that is just around the corner.

Not to mention that if the allies really find out something, I am afraid they will not let the Bolduo country go.

Of course, he did not sell all the corn and sweet potatoes to his allies. In addition to this ally, the king also contacted some other countries with good relations and cooperation, intending to take the opportunity to expand the international status of the Prady Empire in Europe.

Wei Wei didn't know about these things. She only knew that she had done another good business, selling both sweet potatoes and corn, and making a lot of money.

The money was paid by the king, his business with the allies was separate, and Wei Wei was not involved, so after the king agreed to the deal, Sardinson sent all the food over, and the king sent someone to receive it to confirm that it was correct, so she accepted it. When the money arrived, a bank draft was worth the annual financial income of the Prady Empire.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions. The king has solved a big problem in his heart and his health is better. After Wei Wei finally confirmed that his health is no longer in serious trouble, the king who originally wanted to wait for Felix to return in victory and then hold a celebration banquet, I can't wait to hold a banquet in advance, officially announce my recovery, and show off the crown prince who has grown a lot of flesh recently and looks healthier.

Of course, for some well-known reason, the king planned to invite all the nobles to attend the banquet this time, and the invitation also stated that they should bring all the unmarried girls of the right age in the family.

The invitations were sent out quickly, and the banquet was scheduled for a month. This gave time for other nobles who were still in the territory to come to the capital. However, because the territory of the empire is large, those who live too far may be afraid. I couldn't catch up with the invitation, and I can only regret that I missed this opportunity.

And those nobles who had the opportunity to come naturally began to prepare new clothes and new jewelry for their unmarried girls, trying to dress them up beautifully. It would be best if they could attract the attention of the crown prince. If not, then Second, there are other unmarried men who can make friends.

This must be the biggest banquet of the Prady Empire this year, even bigger than the king's birthday in previous years. The number of people invited is more than a thousand noble families, and it is impossible to predict how many families they will bring. It is so grand. The banquet is obviously not suitable to be held in the banquet hall, so the palace is prepared to hold an open-air banquet, and the venue is set in the garden.

Due to the condition of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the decorative flowers that were most often seen at banquets were naturally not suitable to appear at this time, so Elina specifically asked Wei Wei which flowers would not cause allergies, and then put them on the table. Among them, look for flowers that are suitable for decoration and dress up the garden.

At the same time, the guests were also instructed not to wear flowers on the invitations in advance. Although they did not know the reason, they still followed this rule and removed the flowers from the decorations.

The commercial street in the capital finally recovered from the previous depression. Every day, a large number of customers came in and out to buy dresses and jewelry. There was even a scene in the hat store where two noble ladies almost fought because of the same hat. , The unmarried ladies will compare and hostile to each other as long as they meet, secretly assessing whether the other party will become their own enemy.

Now the nobles all know that this time the king has relaxed the conditions for the crown prince to choose a concubine. He no longer only depends on the status and family background as before, so everyone has a chance. As long as the crown prince can see it, becoming the next crown prince and concubine is a certainty. thing.

Although it was said at the same time that the crown prince was unable to marry his wife for the time being due to the treatment, but what does that matter? As long as they can grab the position first, they are willing to wait no matter how long it takes.

At this time, Wei Wei was also preparing the dress to be worn at the banquet, but it was not her own, but for Prince Edward.

At first, she came to the capital in a hurry, so she didn't prepare much for the dress, but this time she appeared as a marquise again. If she didn't dress up, she might lose Felix's face. Fortunately, it was in her wardrobe. There are all kinds of dresses, some made by the old tailor, and some made by the maid on her own whim. Even Dolores, who is busy making her own wedding dress, will design a dress for her from time to time in her spare time. A hat, and these dresses were packaged by Qin and sent along with the medicinal materials shortly after she came to the capital and decided to stay here for a while.

So she is not short of clothes.

But Prince Edward is lacking, and there are many things that can cause his asthma. Wool is also one of his allergens. After discovering this, it means that Prince Edward will probably not be able to touch this fabric for a long time in the future.

Fortunately, although he is allergic to wool, as long as he does not inhale it, it will not be affected, so he can still wear leather clothes, but because of this, many of the crown prince's original dresses can no longer be worn, so Wei Wei has to help the tailor. Determining which fabrics he can touch is very simple, but Prince Edward is very interested in Sardinson's knight uniform, and because this time he wants to choose a concubine, he is also looking forward to this banquet, which is rare I was embarrassed to ask Wei Wei to ask her to help her design such a handsome military uniform.

This was originally a trivial matter, so Wei Wei agreed directly. Anyway, she didn't need to make it by herself, and the highly efficient director also invited Sardinson's old tailor to the capital. With his cooperation, he was not afraid of making clothes. not come out.

It turned out that the king and Prince Andrew who heard the news later also expressed their desire for a similar outfit, so she had to draw a few more designs for them to choose.

It can only be said that military uniforms are indeed very attractive to men and women.

The author has something to say: Wei Wei: Do I have to become a royal tailor in addition to being a royal doctor? It's really busy everywhere.

Dolores: My eldest brother won't come back, and my sister-in-law won't come back either. I'm dying of exhaustion. I've been so busy with work that I don't have time to write a letter to Adonis QAQ

Felix: During the war, I miss my wife and children...