Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 192

Dingle's trial operation The government said that there is no family planning committee in the part it owns. Of course, in the current situation, family planning is obviously not in line with public sentiment. However, Wei Wei feels that the work of the women's director is still needed, but it has not been specially designed before. It has been prepared, but it must be established in the future.

The candidates who can apply for the exam are indeed basically male, and almost no females. Of course, it is not because women cannot apply, but ordinary women today are basically uneducated, while educated women are basically nobles and wealthy families. of girls, their goal is to get married, and there is no job in their life plans, so no women have taken the civil service exam since Sardinson began.

However, since Sardinson opened a multi-processing factory, more and more women have gone out of their homes to work in the factory, and many civilian women have had the opportunity to work, and the promotion of the factory has stipulated that it only depends on ability and not gender, so many women Women gradually realized the importance of knowledge. After education began to spread, the residents of Sardinson, both men and women, had the opportunity to receive education. Children were sent to school, and adults also actively participated in literacy. Ban, finally this year, some women finally realized that they can also take the civil service exam like men and become government officials under the lord.

So this year, there are also women who signed up for the exam, although the number is still small, but it is always a good start.

Wei Wei said that we need to strengthen publicity efforts. When necessary, we can find a person with good performance among these female candidates to set up a model for publicity, so that everyone can know that as long as they have the ability, both men and women can become a member of the government.

The faces of the examiners and invigilators were different. Obviously, not everyone agreed with Wei Wei's statement that women could also be civil servants, but no one dared to refute, nor did they have the ability to refute.

First of all, because the Family Planning Commission is already in the preparatory stage, everyone knows the specific planning and work content of the Family Planning Commission. Most of the work is dealing with women. The women's director even has to help women deal with family problems. It is suitable for men to do, and it would be bad for a woman's husband who is not misunderstood.

If it is said that women are not as capable as men, then they can't say it. The bright example is right in front of us. The prosperity of Satinson is almost all the credit of Wei Wei, and her ability is obvious to all, especially the people who do things for her. It's clearer, let them say that women are not as good as men in front of her, and they don't say it because of their guilty conscience. I'm afraid that in the future, the Duchess will also have an opinion on herself, and if the Duchess has an opinion on herself, the Duke will only have more opinions. , then do they still need to work? So just for the sake of their own future, they didn't dare to open their mouths.

So they have to agree to this matter, and they have to do it beautifully, otherwise they will be considered to be in violation of yang and yin or their ability is not good, then it will be bad, even if they have already entered this system, but who doesn't want to go further? Now that the Count has become the Duke, the stage they can have in the future is even wider. The candidates are dreaming that they can become the mayor or even the city lord in the future. Of course, it would be better to have the title of a noble, don't they want to? ?

So the work must be done, and it must be done beautifully.

Wei Wei said as she walked, if in one of the exam rooms, she would stop for a while because she saw a familiar figure.

There have been a lot of servants coming and going in the castle. Some people have been working as servants of the author, and some people have been promoted to stewards or assigned other jobs because of their outstanding abilities. For example, there are some in their own factories and caravans. Many small leaders are promoted from servants. Wharton, the nephew of Barton's butler who is currently the best, is now the director of the essential oil and perfume factory. He is responsible for producing essential oils and configuring perfumes. He also follows those perfumers. She has been taught by Wei Wei for a period of time, and it was this person who burned fire dung with Wei Wei at the beginning, so even after the other party did not work in the castle, she was familiar with him.

She didn't expect to see Wharton in the exam room.

However, it is not stipulated that factory workers cannot take the exam. Even some of the people who take the exam are born serfs. As long as they pass the exam, their identities will not change, but they do not need to be trapped in the manor like other serfs. The same as ordinary free people, but if they want to leave the territory, they need special approval from Felix or Wei Wei.

So far, they have approved less than ten serfs. The serfs work more than the free people. Even the children have to start working for the lord after a certain age, and there is almost no opportunity to learn. Before that They have no chance to receive education. All serfs basically learn from scratch and can stand out in exams. They are either people who have been educated and have just become serfs, or they are very talented and learn much faster than ordinary people. Genius, and this kind of person is really rare among thousands of serfs.

So since the serfs can take the exam, Wharton, who was not born as a serf, can also take the exam. Even though he is still the director of a perfume factory, he came to take the exam, which made Wei Wei have to worry about whether their factory director is not. Plan to quit.

However, she was worried and worried, so she didn't go in and ask people now, but just left quietly and silently, planning to ask people to ask about the situation after the exam was over.

Her tour ended after walking around a circle. Afterwards, before the exam was over, Wei Wei left the university and went to the aristocratic residential area not far away with Crown Prince Edward.

This piece of aristocratic residential area has basically been subscribed. In the beginning, only some nobles in the royal capital bought houses out of love, but after the king bought the houses here for both princes, the nobles immediately started They followed suit and bought a house. If Wei Wei hadn't left some of the houses unsold, I'm afraid that by the time they left the capital, the aristocratic mansions in Xincheng would have been sold out.

After that, the news spread back to Sardinson. The local and surrounding nobles, who had the financial resources, said they wanted to buy one without even looking at it. For them, it didn't matter how the house was, just to please the Duke, The chance to be neighbors with the crown prince is what matters.

So the house here has been settled, but their owner has never even seen what the house looks like.

Today, Wei Wei brought the crown prince to let him drop by to see the house.

The houses in this area are all of the same shape and structure, which can be changed after the owner moves in. But now, at a glance, even the garden looks exactly the same. The carriage is walking on the road, giving people the illusion that they are spinning in place.

The house left to the crown prince is located in the middle of the entire noble district, next to it is reserved for Andrew, the other side is reserved for Felix, and the opposite side of the crown prince belongs to the Duke of Devon Hill, it can be said that the house here is the most middle. Several houses are completely arranged according to their status, but except for the middle ones, they are all on a first-come, first-served basis, so those aristocrats who signed up to buy houses at the earliest are now considered cheap, because they are sandwiched between a group of big nobles, and They became neighbors, which also gave them the opportunity to visit their neighbors, of course, after the other party moved in.

After the carriage stopped, Wei Wei personally took Felix to visit. The houses here are all the same, and many convenient facilities such as water supply, heating and toilets were improved from Wei Wei's villa, and because the glass factory has been in The manufacturing process of flat glass has been improved. Today, these houses are equipped with a large number of windows, and the glass on the windows is very large. The appearance and internal structure are very similar to the noble mansions of the 18th and 19th centuries (if you don’t have a specific look in your mind). If so, you can refer to the aristocratic houses like Downton Abbey, but the scale is relatively small).

To be honest, before coming here, Prince Edward actually had no expectations for the house under his name. He had a good life in Sardinson and saw a lot of markets, but I have to say that the housing conditions in Sardinson are better than The capital is a lot worse. Sardinson Castle itself is an old castle. The problem of disrepair does not exist, but the degree of aging is severe, and the houses where other territorial residents live are not very particular. It is difficult to see a beautiful building. .

But the new town is very different. Not to mention the imitation of the Hogwarts university, although it is just passing by, but it looks unique and gorgeous, like public works of art, even these identical residences are very beautiful.

Entering the house, this feeling is even more profound. Even in the palace, the lighting in the interior is very poor. Don't look at the large windows in the room where the king and his family live, but that is only the daily life of the king's family. The area, other areas are not so good, and even in the area where the king's family lived, many corridors and passages did not open the windows, and it was dark during the day, and the torches and candles on the face were lit.

The houses here are different. They have a boxy layout. There are large windows on both sides of the corridor in the middle. Although the light is still a little dim, it is much better than the dark corridors. The rooms on both sides are without exception. The windows, bedrooms and guest rooms are also equipped with balconies, the interior lighting is very good, and although there is no furniture in the room, the wall arches and ceilings are beautifully decorated, and there are beautiful reliefs everywhere, and some ceiling vaults are even painted. Murals, the whole building is a work of art from the inside to the outside, and the ventilation system inside is good, warm in winter and cool in summer, very suitable for living.

After seeing the house, Prince Edward can't wait to think about how to arrange it. Although he will not live here for a long time, even if he lives for a month every year, it is a good vacation opportunity.

After You Qi left here, Wei Wei had already taken him to see the Chinese-style park next to him at the time, and then stopped by to visit the next few public buildings that had been built, even the city hall that was half-built. Among them, the Chinese-style park was an eye-opener for Felix. He felt that the park with oriental characteristics alone was worth visiting. It is so beautiful now that it is not completed. He must come and visit it when it is completed.

After taking the crown prince to visit, they went back to the castle. Although Crown Prince Edward really wanted to live in a new house, there was no furniture there. Even now, it would take a lot of time for the contact person to arrange it. Obviously, it is temporarily impossible to live in.

However, his own house can't live in temporarily, but the duke's house can. Wei Wei had planned to move from the castle to the villa in the winter to live in the villa, vacating the castle and looking for someone to renovate it. The villa has been built for several years. Yes, but she has only been there for a few days now. It's a waste of time, but now it comes in handy.

However, her villa is not big. After living in their family and a few guests, there are fewer servants that can be accommodated, so who to take with them, who to stay in the castle or temporarily go home to live, has to be carefully selected. .

On the second day of the test day, Wei Wei called Ward and asked about his intentions.

"I didn't plan to quit my job as the factory manager." When Wei Wei suddenly called to ask about this topic, Ward nervously clenched his hat.

He explained that he did not take the exam to become a civil servant. Although the job of an official has a new attraction for him who was born as a commoner, now he is the confidant of the Duke and serves as the director of the most secret perfume factory in all factories. Ward Knowing that if he resigns from here, even if he can work in the department, his future will not necessarily be better than he is now, and it may even make the Duke sceptical about his loyalty-after all, he and the general only master a certain The steps, the ordinary workers in the production line are different. He holds the secrets of essential oil manufacturing and perfume blending. If they are bought by others, these secrets will be exposed, so he also knows that in the public and private, the Duke is all Impossible to let him go.

"I just want to prove myself by taking the test."

Ward's idea is actually very simple. With the emergence of the civil service exam, more and more people regard passing the exam as a kind of honor, and they value their knowledge more and more. Ward himself has never attended a university, but he accepts it. He has been privately educated, and his knowledge is good, but he really can't be recognized in terms of academic qualifications, and he himself has a good face, so he wants to pass the test to prove his ability, so that everyone can be more convinced of him, and also let the duke and his wife recognize him more. ability.

So he secretly went to sign up for the test. Originally, his plan was to announce the good news if he passed the test, and then reject the opportunity to work.

However, he didn't expect that Wei Wei would recognize him from so many candidates, and he deliberately asked him to talk.

Worried about being misunderstood, he quickly explained it.

Knowing that he is not about to quit, Wei Wei is relieved. After all, his job is really important, and Wei Wei is really worried about leaking secrets, so as he thought, if he really wants to leave, Wei Wei can only Tell Felix to let him deal with it.

If it is handled by Felix at that time, it may not necessarily be the result.

Now that she found out that it was just a misunderstanding, she was relieved.

When Ward left, he just walked out of the door of the study and turned his head to see Butler Patton with a dark face.

Immediately, he felt even weaker.

Butler Barton hated the iron and looked at his distant nephew. He wanted to train him to be a butler at first, but this kid wanted to be a steward even more, and it was a good way out to be transferred to be the factory manager. I'm quite satisfied. Now that I see him secretly taking the civil service exam, I think he wants to change careers again, so I'm here to block people.

"Come with me!" He had to talk about him well today, lest this kid get more and more arrogant and leave the job of the factory manager to take the civil servant exam. If the Duke misunderstands him, it's not good, let alone civil servants. Now, even my life is at risk.

The housekeeper didn't care about etiquette, and directly stretched out his hand to pull his nephew's ear, and pulled him away in the sound of the latter's screaming pain.

If you are so worried, you need to be educated.

Wei Wei heard Ward's screams across the door, but this was the housework of the uncle and nephew, and she didn't interfere.

She got up from the chair to prepare for some activities. When she walked to the balcony to look at the scenery and relax her eyes, she just looked down and saw the slave residence outside the castle.

This year, the number of slaves in the castle has increased a lot. They are all bought from slave traders. As long as they do not make mistakes, even if they become serfs, they will not want to become slaves. Therefore, most of these slaves They were all bought from abroad. Because they lacked people to work, they always bought batches after batches. Now, when I look at it, that large piece of house is worth the size of a small town. Fear of three or four thousand.

Of course, some of this number are children born in the past two years. The children born by slaves are also slaves. Their lives in Sardinson are not bad, and they live together. Many of them have formed families. Naturally every year Wei Wei didn't know the exact number of newborns, but there must be one or two hundred newborns, so you can often see those slaves working with their children on their backs.

But this number of slaves is indeed a bit too much. Not to mention other nobles, even the royal family will not buy so many slaves. Now everyone uses serfs. After all, it is serfs or slaves who work in their own territory. In fact, there is no difference, anyway, they are their own private products, except that they cannot be killed casually - but when they need to be killed, it is only a matter of one sentence - they have always used serfs as slaves, and serfs are cheaper than slaves, nobles Of course I would like to buy the former.

And too many slaves will cause unnecessary trouble, and it is easy to think of the problem of private soldiers.

Wei Wei rested her chin on her deputy on the balcony, tapped her finger back and forth on her cheek, thinking about the problem.

Soon after, the stewards in charge of the slaves were ordered by the Duchess to write a list of slaves who had performed well in the past, regardless of age, gender, and normal work, and handed them over to her.

The stewards thought she was going to choose slaves to do important work, so they seriously wrote down the list of people they thought were good, not only their names, but also their basic information and specialties. After all, many people's names It's all the same, it's easy to get confused if you just remember the name.

In the end, this list turned into an information booklet, which was similar to a resume except that there were no photos.

After Wei Wei had read it roughly, she asked someone to inquire about the details. After a few days, a message suddenly made all the slaves dizzy, and she wondered if her ears were the only problem.

Their noble duchess actually liberated some of the slaves from their status as slaves and turned them into serfs!

Although to the nobility there was no difference between serfs and slaves, there was an essential difference between serfs and slaves themselves.

The serfs felt that they were no different from ordinary freedmen except that they had no land of their own and could not easily leave the lord's territory, and even their life might be better than that of ordinary freedmen, especially the serfs of Sardinson, who gave The duke and his wife work, earn the same wages as ordinary freemen, and even work in factories that they can't. Many people feel that they are better off than freemen.

And slaves, they are the lords even their lives. If the duke and the lady are not good, they are willing to give them houses and clothes and let them fill their stomachs. These slaves are afraid that more than half of them would have died in the winter. , especially those old people and children, who are not destined to live long.

Although few of the slaves who came to them have died so far, for serfs, slaves are slaves, and they are much worse than them.

And if the slaves have the opportunity, they don't want to be slaves. They were all caught and sold to slave traders at first. Although they feel hard about the past civilian life, they also yearn for it, especially what is the civilian life of Sardinson? These people also saw what they looked like, and it was impossible for them not to hope that they would be able to live that kind of life one day.

But everyone knows that as long as they become slaves, they will be slaves from generation to generation, and their descendants will be slaves. Almost no one can escape this fate.

But no one thought that one day he would actually be able to get rid of the slave life.

When the steward came to announce the news, all the slaves couldn't believe what they heard, staring blankly at the talking steward, thinking they were dreaming.

But while the talking steward called the name, someone called out the named person and called him to check their identities. Soon, one hundred lists were read out, and all those people were found.

These people ranged from old to young, male and female, single and family members. The situation was different, but without exception, they were the hardest working slaves.

However, if you look closely, you will find that almost 30 of them are among the more than 100 slaves in the castle when Wei Wei first arrived. Probably because they were originally slaves, they cherished their current life. Other slaves who were originally ordinary civilians or who were captured and sold as serfs worked harder, so many of them were selected.

Of course, the slaves who were there at that time were not all so diligent. Some were more slaves than others, and naturally there were also those who liked to be lazy, so in the end, only 30 of the more than 100 people were selected.

When everyone finds out that they are not dreaming, those selected slaves will really become serfs. After moving out from them and living and working with other serfs, other slaves will be fine. In addition to envy, I also secretly tell myself that in the future If you want to be more slaves, you will be able to get rid of the status of slaves sooner or later, and those who have been lazy before will regret it.

Knowing that they can get rid of the status of slaves, they have to work hard and show themselves no matter what they say.

It's better now, the impression of being lazy in the past remains in the minds of the stewards. In the future, they will lose a section compared to other slaves. If there is such a good thing, they will naturally not consider other people instead of them.

I don't know if it's too late to regret and try again!