Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 196

For the people of Oder City, the wedding of their city lord is destined to be the most eye-catching feast this spring.

As a young, handsome and rich earl, Adonis is definitely the golden tortoise-in-law in the heart of the young lady in the city. Since the news of his engagement came out, a lot of women have been heartbroken, but those who do not give up are still one. I caught a lot of them, even knowing that he even had a wedding date set, and some people thought that even if they couldn't marry him, it was okay to be his mistress, after all, he was good-looking and powerful.

Of course, none of the women who think like this have succeeded so far. Even the most beautiful women, Adonis turns a blind eye. He looks very good-looking, so he doesn't really care about this aspect, no matter how good other women are. It doesn't attract him at all.

The more you can't get it, the easier it is to be missed. The wedding day is approaching, and the more chances for Adonis to have an affair, even to the point where someone sneaked into his bedroom at the banquet and stripped him off and seduced him, and the final result was With a dark face, Adonis asked the servant to throw the other party out of the castle, and the man and her family would never be allowed to enter the castle again.

This kind of thing can be regarded as a scandal for Adonis, so he was very nervous when he went to pick up Dolores. Adonis knew that his elder brother was very powerful, and he must have left a message in Od. Net, he is very worried that the other party will misunderstand that he is unfaithful to Dolores after hearing the news, and then tear up the marriage contract.

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen. My uncle clearly knew the truth of the matter, so apart from hitting him when we met, he did not embarrass him, and the wedding went smoothly.

The ladies who adore Adonis had to attend their wedding with jealousy.

They put on the most fashionable dresses, the most fashionable makeup, and secretly want to press the bride's head at the wedding. Since they can't get the favor of the lord, they will steal the bride's limelight. Go away, out of the resentment in my heart.

Of course, they had met Dolores and admitted that she was good-looking, but at that time Dolores was not fully grown, no matter how beautiful she was, she was just a yellow-haired girl. Appearance is still more brilliant.

It's a pity that the bride hasn't seen it yet, so she was suppressed by her dowry first. What are the girls competing for when they get married? It's the dowry, so much dowry, even if this Miss Williams is ugly, there are many men who are willing to marry her, not to mention that she is a rare beauty.

And the plan to try to steal the limelight didn't work. The bride at the wedding was simply stunningly beautiful. The wedding dress was made of silk, embroidered on the upper body, and embellished with a lot of gem-core flowers on the skirt, which set her off like a forest. Fairy, the long-opened facial features are exquisite and bright, and the whole person is so beautiful that everyone who looks at it can't take their eyes away.

All the women who came with a comparison mentality knew that the moment they saw the bride appear, they were destined to be only supporting roles, and even their carefully prepared makeup and dresses were not as good as being hired by Salina to be the bride. The girls of the bridesmaids were brilliant, and they really lost completely.

Compared with these young girls who still have a heart of youth and can't hide their loss and decadence, the other guests, no matter what they think in their hearts, at least have sincere smiles on their faces, wishing the newlyweds their best wishes.

The wedding banquet after the wedding was arranged by Salina herself. As the wife's family, Felix and Wei Wei naturally sat in the best position. After enjoying a meal, the dance began.

And for this banquet, Wei Wei specially prepared a performance for them.

The opening dance was naturally performed by the new couple, but before that, the musicians who stayed in one corner and played music suddenly changed.

The music stopped abruptly, causing everyone to look over there.

A group of unfamiliar players took the place of the previous players, and one of them lifted a large covered guy, opened the lid, and sat down.

If it was someone else, they would have looked away at most, but when they found out that it was Duchess Williams sitting down, everyone's attention was drawn to her.

Wei Wei touched the keys. This is a piano. Wei Wei found a group of masters who were proficient in making musical instruments to study together when she went to the capital. Together with some others, including the violin, it was originally used in this period. Like the musical instruments that did not appear, it was a musical instrument she specially prepared for the opera house.

This piano is the original finished product, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in terms of tone, but it does not prevent Wei Wei from moving it to Aldrich to play a piece for them at the wedding reception.

The reason why she played it was mainly because it wasn't long after the piano was researched, and she had no one else who could play the piano, so Wei Wei had to go into battle in person and perform with others.

And the reason why I chose to play at this time is that in addition to sending blessings to the newcomers, Wei Wei also has a little selfishness of her own.

After her musicians were all seated, a beautiful girl came up with a skirt, stood in front of the musicians, and bowed to the other guests.

The young Ovella was originally an ordinary commoner girl in the capital, but unfortunately she was beautiful and good at singing and dancing, but she was eventually sold to a brothel by her parents who were greedy for money, but Ovella, who did not want to become a trick girl She fought hard and tried to escape many times, but she was almost beaten to death on her way.

In the end, Wei Wei bought her with money. After discovering her singing talent, Wei Wei began to teach her to sing opera with her consent.

Of course, it was not only Ovira who was taught. In addition to her, Wei Wei also specially asked people to help them find a lot of people, both men and women. Many of them were born like Ovira, and some were not. Less choir and circus born commoners.

Wei Wei is also an art student herself. Although she studies Konghou, she has taken the Chinese and foreign opera classics as an elective. She has also watched many performances with her friends. With some understanding, it is more than enough to teach a group of people who don't understand the basics.

She and Neng were optimistic about Ovella and felt that she was very suitable to be a heroine, so she took great pains to train her.

And Olvera did not live up to her expectations. After more than half a year of training, she finally graduated from Wei Wei and could officially perform.

This banquet was Ovira's first time on stage. Facing the gazes of so many guests, she was very nervous, her palms were cold, but she looked back at Wei Wei, who was in charge of the performance, and the latter gave her a soothing gesture. With a smile, those tensions miraculously disappeared.

you can!

She cheered herself up, took a deep breath, and nodded to Wei Wei, who raised and lowered her hands, her fingertips beating on the keys, and the beautiful and vivid sound of the piano circulated in the banquet hall.

As expected of the piano known as the king of musical instruments, when the keys sound, all voices disappear into the music.

Olivera opened her mouth and sang the first lyric along with the music.

Different from the popular singing style, the protracted pronunciation is only found in ancient Greek dramas. Although this kind of drama has not been popular in recent years, you can still see some performances occasionally, but listen carefully. Come, you will find that there is an essential difference.

What she sang was an opera that described the wedding process. It was not a famous opera that was passed down in later generations, but was written and arranged by Wei Wei with a court poet who served the king. The content was simple and storylike. Everyone was in it once, and it seemed that they saw the grand wedding in front of them.

After being stunned for the first time, Adonis quickly came to his senses, led his new wife onto the dance floor, and danced the opening dance to the music.

The beautiful, high and joyful singing surrounds their ears. They are like the newlyweds in the song, holding their wedding with joy, accepting the blessings of everyone, and finally living happily together forever.

The newlyweds look at each other and laugh at each other in the music. The fairy tale songs may not represent reality. Their marriage has just begun, and they may experience various problems in the future, but as long as they love and understand each other, they firmly believe in themselves. The future will be as beautiful as this song.

The wedding went well. Wei Wei's piano performance and Ovella's singing performance were also recognized by the guests. People were curious about the musical instrument they had never seen before and also inquired about the singer's identity. The families of the prepared bride and groom took advantage of the charm of the opera, and then stumbled into being persuaded to agree to an opera performance that would take place a few days later.

The opera performance that followed was all the repertoire of the opera selection at the banquet. The actors who performed on stage for the first time would inevitably make mistakes because of their nervousness, but the novel performance still opened the eyes of the nobles, who were immersed in the ups and downs. In the story of the drama, I feel empathy for the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the people in the play, and completely forget about the rest, so a little flaw can be completely ignored.

What's more, the pianist in this performance is the Duchess of Williams. Although some old-fashioned people will frown at her behavior, many more people are honored to hear her performance, not to mention Wei Wei's specially trained piano skills during this period completely conquered all the audience, even if she was hidden behind a curtain from beginning to end and did not show up, it would not affect everyone's pursuit of the new instrument at all.

It is a pity that this opera performance called "Wedding" was only performed once, and there was no more performances, which caused great dissatisfaction among the nobles who had just been exposed to opera. It's the same repertoire, and they're willing too.

But Wei Wei just wanted to hang their appetites, saying that Sardinson's Opera House is about to be completed, and the next performance will naturally be arranged there.

She even specially promoted it, and the performance will be matched with various costumes at that time, and the performance effect will definitely be more exciting than the temporarily arranged performance. Everyone is welcome to come and visit at that time.

In this way, after she roused everyone's curiosity, she reluctantly said goodbye to Dolores and returned to Sardinson again.

And behind their motorcade, with a long tail, are the businessmen who want to go to Sardinson for money and the nobles who plan to go to the opera.