Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 200

The ships in the Song Dynasty mission were really the ones that Sardinson originally ordered. They also happened to meet the pirates, saw their identities, and saw the Wei character on the pirate ship, and they killed each other. .

Otherwise, the pirates would not dare to provoke such a large fleet.

After knowing the origin of the ship, the Song Dynasty mission did a favor and returned the ship to Sardinson.

Two years later, Da Song's fleet once again came to the Mediterranean Sea, a place they both love and hate.

The Song Dynasty is too far away from the Mediterranean Sea. At the current speed of the ships, they have to go back and forth for more than a year. In addition, they stopped halfway to avoid the wind and waves for replenishment and trade with the countries along the way. They spent the last sea voyage. It took two full years to return to the Song Dynasty.

But the rewards are also very impressive. In the last voyage to the West, the Dasong fleet brought back a large amount of gold, silver and various precious goods. Close your mouth.

But it was not the gold and silver jewelry that allowed the delegation to be rewarded, or even promoted to rank, but the high-yield crops they brought back.

The ambassador of the embassy still remembers the complicated look on the official family's face when they saw the corn, sweet potato, potatoes and other seeds they offered up.

It was an expression mixed with a series of emotional changes such as surprise, surprise, regret, and understanding. Because it was too revealing, it made everyone who saw it lowered their heads subconsciously, daring not to peep at the holy face.

Thinking of the order given by the official family before this trip, and during the interview, the official family kept asking about the countess' deeds. There are very different feelings, and even, maybe the countess is from the official family...

No, I can't think about it anymore, it would be a great disrespect to think about it any longer.

The ambassador hurriedly threw away the idea of ​​offending the official's family, looking at the pier which was getting closer, his mind also shifted to business.

Because of the large amount of property brought back by the first mission to Europe, the second voyage to the West has received more attention. This time, the number of ships in their fleet has increased by more than ten, and the number of people has also increased to 30,000. The variety of goods carried is also more abundant.

Part of the cargo prepared by the fleet was specially prepared for Sardinson.

To be precise, it was for Wei Wei.

After seeing the familiar crops, the emperor of the Song Dynasty inquired about Wei Wei in detail. In the end, he determined that this was a "foreign visitor" like himself.

For a moment, just as Wei Wei had expected at the beginning, the emperor really had murderous intentions.

As a senior who was born, and an emperor who saved the declining Song Dynasty from the Mongols through killing, when he found out that there was a traveler like himself, his first reaction was definitely not happy and wanting Come to a "hometown to see the hometown, two tears are wet", but first think about whether the existence of the other party is beneficial to you, and whether it will affect yourself.

If Wei Wei is wearing Da Song, unless she hides her secrets carefully from beginning to end, she will be placed under house arrest as soon as she is discovered, squeezing all the available value.

Because if she is a man and her status is not high, even at such a long distance, the emperor will probably decide to eliminate this potential enemy.

Fortunately, she is a woman and has a noble status. The emperor who was a little macho finally gave up this plan and chose to cooperate instead.

Therefore, the mission brought a lot of Chinese specialties to Sardinson this time. They needed the same amount of silk, tea, porcelain and medicinal materials, and the quality was very good. Even, the fleet also brought silkworm cocoons and mulberry trees in exchange for more many seeds.

Although the mission brought back a lot of seeds before, the main ones were corn, sweet potatoes and potatoes. Wei Wei didn't have many other seeds, so what he could give them was just a sample. The team kept it very carefully, but some seeds were inevitably necrotic, not to mention other seeds, including corn, sweet potatoes, and potatoes, all of which were damaged to varying degrees. There are more left, which can barely guarantee a certain scale of planting, otherwise Da Song will have to exchange some more this time.

There are a lot of these goods used for planting, but more of them still have to be traded with them. The officials told the ambassador before the fleet went to sea that there must be more in Sardinson they did not have. The good things found, I must stay there longer this time, as much as I can dig back.

Although the ambassador did not know what the good things the official said, it did not prevent him from extending his stay in Sardinson.

Others are also very willing, because after arriving in Europe, the food here can make them feel the atmosphere of their hometown.

However, the ambassador did not expect that when he came to Sardinson again, the owner of the place had changed from an earl to a duke.

The ambassadors who have a certain understanding of the European elite and the ruling system know that where the duke is in Europe, the nobles here can completely rule their own fiefs like the previous princes, and have great power, and the duke is a status other than the king. the highest nobility.

The change of identity made the mission show enthusiasm after meeting Felix and Wei Wei.

After the greeting, the ambassador took out the carefully treasured imperial edict.

"Duchess, this is the official order for you, please accept the order."

Since this is a foreign country, they don't care about the normal etiquette for receiving the order, and even if Wei Wei chooses to curtsy to receive the order, they just don't see it.

The content of the imperial decree is naturally in classical Chinese. Wei Wei's level of classical Chinese is very poor. She can hear most of the content of the imperial decree in a fog. She only feels that the general meaning is to praise her, but she still understands the general meaning.

Her transcendental senior decreed to accept her as a righteous daughter and conferred the title of Princess Changping.

Wei Wei: be my father? shameless!

After Wei Wei listened to the content of the imperial edict, her first reaction was that she was taken advantage of. Although it was said that the two parties could indeed be father and daughter at their current age, the title of this princess was not only nicer, but also made the other party her father. what is the benefit?

Indeed there are still.

After the imperial decree was announced, the ambassador took out all the rewards given to her by the official family.

The princess has a salary that can be taken. In addition to the salary and silver, there are also a lot of regulations such as Lumi, cloth, silk and charcoal. Wei Wei also has these things. This time, the mission converted her salary into gold and silver. Sent for twenty years.

"The official said that these are to make up for the share that you did not receive in the past." After the announcement, the ambassador immediately changed his name.

I couldn't help but think again in my heart, is this new princess a relic of the official family, or why not only gave the imperial decree to accept the righteous daughter, but also gave so many rewards?

Even in the previous precedent for the royal family to accept the righteous daughter, they have never heard of the fact that the righteous daughter will be given a supplementary salary. It is easy for the officials to think wrongly.

Wei Wei knew that this was just a gesture of goodwill from the other party, even her princess title.

Changping, doesn't it just hope that the two sides can maintain long-term peace and that there will be no disputes.

Wei Wei accepted the imperial decree and also accepted the reward, which was regarded as agreeing to the other party's request.

The Emperor of Song Dynasty did not let the envoy say that she should go back to Song Dynasty when she had time, and she did not mention it. After all, they knew each other very well. It is best not to meet each other in their lifetimes, otherwise, if they really want to meet, the official family cannot. Make sure that she will detain him or she will go back, and Wei Wei is not going to take this risk.

Because of this imperial decree, the delegation of the Song Dynasty was welcomed more seriously. Felix was very happy that the Song Dynasty attached great importance to Wei Wei, and after the news that the Duchess had become the princess of the silk country, not only the people Even the kings and nobles of Prady are no longer so afraid of the silk country, worried that they will become another Mongolia one day.

Felix personally entertained the delegation and took them to live in the noble district of the new city. During the day, he visited various buildings, and at night, he held a banquet and listened to the opera. Since the last time the delegation came, Felix has learned a little from Wei Wei. In Chinese, I can generally understand their conversations now, but I am not very good at speaking. I often bite my tongue because of problems such as flat tongue and tongue, and most of the people on the mission can speak Latin, so the communication between the two sides is not a problem at all. .

And with Wei Wei's relationship, this time the Great Song Mission did gain more in Sardinson.

——Of course, in fact, everyone thinks that the bigger reason is that the silkworms and mulberry trees they brought satisfy Wei Wei, so they can get those harvests.

This time, all the seeds that they had planned to exchange had been exchanged, and there were still a lot of them. In addition, Wei Wei even provided them with some rubber tree seeds that Kingsley had brought back before, and put the new ones with plastic tires. The horse-drawn carriage gave them a test drive, which made these people deeply aware of the use of rubber. They couldn't even wait until they went back to plant them. Instead, they stripped away a piece of vegetable garden on the ship and planted the seeds.

Compared with the greatly reduced germination rate of the seeds after taking them home, it is better to start cultivating them now and save time.

However, because Wei Wei mentioned the source of the rubber, he asked the mission to change the return route to be the same as last time, and go to the southern coast of the Mediterranean to take a good look. Why didn't they find such a good thing last time.

In addition to this, there is another big gain. The Song Dynasty mission got the design of the steam engine from Wei Wei.

Although the emperor of the Song Dynasty was a military enthusiast and had a lot of golden fingers, he himself did not know the specific structure of the steam engine. Although he had been studying it for years, he had not achieved much.

And the delegation came by coincidence. When they met at the castle, Master Raymond, who had locked himself in the research institute for a long time to study steam engines, suddenly ran unkempt and told Wei Wei that the steam engine was finally made, and then he was heard. The word and the impressive ambassador of the mission came to mind.

They used several drawings of the ship and finally got the steam engine from Wei Wei. The negotiation process was very severe, and the two sides almost didn't fight. Wei Wei wanted the drawings just to give herself a legitimate explanation for knowing the drawings. She Ken gave them the steam engine drawings just to make some contribution to Huaxia, but in the eyes of the mission, they suffered a loss, but Wei Wei insisted that if they wanted a steam engine, they could only agree.

"Don't worry that the officials will embarrass you. Give him this letter, and he won't be angry."

Wei Wei's letter contains only one paragraph written in pinyin, the structure of Zheng He's voyage to the Western Ocean.

She was just telling him that she knew this, so the steam engine was actually given to him for nothing. By the way, she expressed it vaguely. If they have any technical needs, they can also come to her.

Of course, in this way, they will not be able to meet each other even more. After reading the letter, the Emperor of Song Dynasty would probably want to arrest people and torture them to force a confession to empty her brain reserves.

Wei Wei is not stupid. She dares to say that it is because she believes that Huaxia cannot send troops to beat her. After all, this is her home court, and Song Dynasty is not Mongolia. If the emperor wants to fight over, he must first convince others, and he cannot and dare not tell the secret. Come out, as for her, she will never go back to Huaxia in her life, not even when the emperor dies!