Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 201: full text

There is only one city in Sardinson County, and the name of the city and the county are the same name, which is called Sardinson City. Of course, the local people prefer to call it the new city.

This new city is the most prosperous and famous city of the Prady Empire, and even the whole of Europe.

This city is the capital of fashion and commerce, as well as the capital of entertainment and food. It is also the place with the most population and the most complete public facilities in Europe. It is the best living city in the eyes of both nobles and commoners.

The area of ​​the new city was small when it was first established. Later, after the completion of the first phase of the project, Sardinson invited large-scale external bidding, and entrusted the construction of various areas of the new city to the businessmen. It took another three years to complete the construction. The city was completed, and since the later works were undertaken by different builders, the final completed new city became a peculiar city where each street has its own different scenery, but the overall style is unexpectedly unified.

And this is the fifth year after the completion of the construction of the new city, and another invention that caused a sensation throughout Europe appeared here.

"Mummy Daddy, hurry up!"

Ten-year-old Anthony led his six-year-old brother Abner and ran at the front of the line. After running for a while, he stopped and waved to his parents behind him.

Wei Wei and Caroline walked arm in arm. Beside her, Felix held their youngest daughter, followed by Andrea, who was three and a half years old, and then a large number of servants and guards.

Caroline, who is almost fourteen years old, is now a big girl, healthy, cheerful and beautiful, and is the most popular unmarried lady in Sardinson.

At this time, the big girl looked as excited as her cousins, chatting non-stop all the way.

And what got them so excited was the steam train parked at the newly built train station on the outskirts of the new town.

This steam train is the highest technology of Sardinson. After Master Raymond developed the steam engine, Wei Wei hired more people to come to Sardinson to study and utilize the steam engine with him.

So in these years, various steam-driven machines have been developed one after another, and machines have replaced manpower and made up for the lack of labor.

Even their ships have been replaced with steam ships one after another, greatly shortening the time of sea voyages. In these years, the shipyard has used this technology to earn them a lot of wealth.

After several years of research, they finally built the steam train "Williams".

Today is the trial operation day of the Williams. The rails in the railway station were constructed at the same time when the steam train was started. Because it is a trial operation route, the rails are not too long. It is from Xincheng all the way Paved to the town of Dingle outside of Fort Sardinson. If the trial run is successful, they will be paved to the remaining towns by rail in the next step, and then extended outwards, eventually connecting the entire duchy of Felix. stand up.

Today's trial run is very important. Not only the Williams family, but the noble nobles of the entire Prady Empire have received invitations. Even Crown Prince Edward attended the event on behalf of the royal family.

The black steel monster was parked in the train station, dragging several carriages behind it. The platform was full of people. Looking into the distance, there were also people outside the isolation net pulled up by the rails.

On the steam train, Master Raymond and several other main researchers occupied the front of the train. They decided to drive for the first time in person, and no one else could stop them.

On the platform, Prince Edward and Felix talked about the steam train, completely shocked by its appearance, it is hard to imagine that it can really run.

In the face of the curiosity and doubts of others, Felix was very calm. Although it was a trial run, in fact, they had already undergone many tests before, and only after ensuring that there was no problem with the steam train did they dare to carry it out in public. test.

Wei Wei, on the other hand, got together with the crown prince and other noble ladies. Although the women were also curious about whether this big guy could really run faster than a horse, their topic would always shift to on family children.

Crown Princess Sandy and Edward have been married for many years. Their sons are now five years old. He is a lucky little guy who did not inherit Prince Edward's asthma. He is healthy and smart, and is very popular with the king. This time When the crown prince and his wife left the capital, the little prince did not follow.

Unfortunately, Dolores was pregnant again not long ago. This is the second child of her and Adonis. After Dolores became pregnant, the reaction was relatively large. Adonis was reluctant to leave his wife to come alone. Satinson, so only one confidant was sent to participate in this trial run.

"Mom, can Abner and I really not get on the train?" Antonio, who had taken his brother to watch the train up close, took his brother's little hand and walked back again. The two brothers were several years apart in age, but their relationship But very good, always inseparable.

Wei Wei smiled and shook her head and refused: "No, let's wait for the next time, okay?"

Although a lot of tests have been done before, each time is only a short-distance test run. This time, the test run is to let the steam train run from the new city to the platform outside Dingle Town. For four or five hours, although the speed of the steam train is about twice as fast as that of the carriage, it still takes two hours to run, and this trial run is only ready to let the steam train run to Dingle and it will end. , If Anthony goes up, he won't be able to come back today.

Since the new city was built, the Williams family has moved from the castle to the new city. There is only a small stay in Sardinson Castle every spring and autumn. After today's trial operation, there is a banquet for guests at the city hall. As the organizer, Wei Wei and Felix have to attend, and Antonio will also attend.

He is ten years old this year. Although it is still early, Felix has already begun to educate him as an heir. He will definitely take Anthony by his side to teach him this kind of large banquet.

"But I want to go, Mommy, let me go up, okay? I can come back with Grandpa Raymond!" The youngest son Abner hugged Wei Wei's leg and acted coquettishly.

Unlike his black-haired brother, Abner, who is blond and blue-eyed, is said to look exactly like Felix when he was young. Even though he is well-behaved, he is a naughty bag in time and full of ghost ideas, but he is special. He knows how to be liked, and is especially good at acting like a spoiled child. Every time he gets into trouble, he will use innocent and cute expressions to deceive adults' forgiveness. Even Felix can't do anything about him.

Only Wei Wei would not be coaxed by him at all.

She smiled and touched Abner's messy little curly hair, but she had no intention of changing her mind: "We agreed, we will go back after the train starts, do you want to break the promise?"

Originally, Wei Wei didn't want to bring a few children for this trial run. Anthony and Caroline were all fine. After all, they were big kids. They knew what to do and what not to do, but Abner and Andrea were both too It's too small, and it's not suitable for such a place where there are too many people and the environment is more complicated. If Felix hadn't been entangled by Abner, and promised to bring him, Wei Wei would not have put him and Ender at all. Leah brought.

Hearing his mother's refusal, Abner pouted, rolled his eyes, and said, "Then can I go up and have a look now? I'll get off when the train starts!"

Hehehe, when he goes up, he won't come down!

"I can't be scary, dear Abner." Wei Wei had already seen through his ghost idea: "The train will leave soon, now, you are not allowed to go anywhere, dear, you all stay here with Ender Leah."

She kept her reluctant young son beside her, put Andrea down by the way, and let her two brothers take care of her.

Whether it is the calm Anthony or the naughty Abner, the two children are standard sisters. As long as they look at Andrea, even Abner will temporarily let go of his wild ideas, darling Take care of your baby sister.

Especially when Andrea sweetly called their brother, the two brothers couldn't notice other things at all.

So let them look at Andrea, Wei Wei can save a lot of heart.

The start time of the steam train is at ten in the morning. According to the plan, the train will arrive at Dingle at around twelve noon, and it will be repaired there. After confirming that there is no problem, it will be ready with Dingle next time. The goods returned to the new city, and the return date is expected to be three days later.

Before the train starts, people in the stands can enter the train to visit, but after nine o'clock, they can't go up again. Before the start of the train at ten o'clock, the staff will do a final inspection, and wait until ten o'clock, and the train will depart on time.

Before the departure of the train, the staff completed the final inspection and pulled up a cordon on the stands to prohibit people from approaching the train.

"Going to start!"

Black smoke came out of the locomotive first, which was a sign of burning coal stoves, and shortly after, white steam began to emerge from the locomotive, and when it was ready, the whistle sounded, and soon after, the train was in Under the accompaniment of Kacha Kacha, he ran along the rails.

"Moving, really moving!!!"

Everyone's attention was attracted by the train. Everyone subconsciously followed the train. At the beginning, the speed of the train was not fast. It was not difficult for them to chase. It was a miracle they saw. After the speed of the train increased to such an extent that they could no longer catch up and disappeared at the end of the tracks, they stopped chasing the car, but everyone's mood was like a stimulant, calm. not come down.

"God, it's really running! And so fast, faster than riding a horse!"

"I can't believe my eyes."

"Miracle, it's definitely a miracle."

"Lord Duke, I will have the railway repaired when I go back. Please make sure that the train goes to me first!"

"No, please come to me first, my territory is closer!"

Everyone knows that the carrying capacity of a train is unmatched by a carriage, and it is faster. With a train, travel or delivery in the future will be shorter than using a carriage.

With such business opportunities in front of them, everyone wants a piece of the pie.

Felix was quickly surrounded by the crowd, and even Wei Wei was surrounded by noble ladies who complimented her, and she grabbed the collar of Abner, who almost ran out with the crowd, and looked at the distant rising while replying and laughing. The black mist rose and the faint roar came.

——I don’t know what she will be able to get by using this technology next time when the Great Song embassy comes again.

The author has something to say: the end of the full text ~ give yourself a like.

Thank you for your continued support, see you next time~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ

Pre-collection pit, ready to open in February

"Sacrificial Bride"

As a princess who has the right to inherit the throne but was chosen as a sacrifice to the devil, in the eyes of everyone, Hatis is undoubtedly the saddest existence.

But is this really the case?

The black-haired queen lowered her head and showed a meaningful smile.

It looks weak and pitiful and has a miserable life. In fact, the powerful heroine X swallowed the former sacrifice of the former demon **** and became the demon **** male protagonist.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-09 17:47:44~2019-12-1017:24:50~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 0°C Wei Xiao, 1 pmpp;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 87 bottles of rare names; 50 bottles of jun; 20 bottles of Huihui, A Tie, 19197356, IEVAMeow; 10 bottles; 6 bottles of Hei Meow Meow; 5 bottles of Xiao Wu in the forest; 3 bottles of Tuoba, ZHAOPMM; , Difficult to suffer, Xiaojuanma, Dirty King Dog Love Candy 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!