Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 32

Since speaking out, Felix has completely turned into an actionist.

Every day, he would send flowers to Wei Wei, which was the best flower he personally picked from the garden. After dinner, he would also invite Wei Wei to go for a walk in the garden. Wei sang love songs and occasionally prepared some gifts to please her.

It is exactly the standard pattern for noble men to pursue girls at this time.

Of course, this is not very new to Wei Wei. She has seen a lot of pursuit methods when she was studying.

Moreover, the gifts Felix prepared are all precious jewelry, which seems to be the norm in the upper class of this era. They think that the more precious the gift they give to their sweetheart, the more they can prove their love for the other party, and they are also telling the other party that they are very happy. Being rich can make her life worry-free.

If it were another noble lady, he would have been moved by Felix, because he was not only rich but also handsome. He used to be very popular in the capital, but now that he has the title of earl, it will only become more popular.

But Wei Wei is not someone who will be moved by gifts, the more precious the gift, the less she can accept it.

But she would accept the flowers that Felix sent, after all, they were really beautiful.

After discovering that she did not like the jewels of successive countesses that he had found in the earl's vault, Felix decisively gave up the act of giving gifts, and the daily flower delivery changed from one to a bunch.

Wei Wei accepted it happily, turned around and made them into herbal tea, brewed a pot while working in the study, and shared it with the brothers and sisters.

"It's really fragrant, what's the recipe for today?" Dolores smelled the faint floral fragrance wafting out of the cup, and there was a hint of sweetness in it. She liked this smell very much.

In fact, before Wei Wei came, they also had the habit of drinking the juice boiled with herbs, but it was more to keep their bodies healthy, so their taste was not very good, and everyone just swallowed it.

But the herbal teas made by Wei Wei are different. They taste very light and smell very fragrant. Sometimes Wei Wei will add some seasonings such as honey in it, which is sweet and very sweet to the little girl.

"Calendula vervain, lemon balm leaves and some other herbs have a good refreshing effect." Wei Wei took a sip. "The lemon balm leaves are already sweet, so I didn't add honey. You can add some more if you need."

At this time, there was no tea in Europe, and naturally there were no tools for drinking tea, so she used the smallest jar to brew tea, and the tea cup was the coffee cup in the two sets provided by the system.

Of course, since there are only two sets of cutlery, there are naturally only two coffee cups. Based on the principle of ladies first, she and Dolores use coffee cups, while Felix can only use his usual drinking cup.

Felix had a lot of resentment about this, but he didn't have the nerve to compete with his young sister for a cup. He just asked the potter to make a set of tea sets that Wei Wei said, although he couldn't make it as white and beautiful as her hands. The porcelain cup, but the pottery tea set can still be made.

Wei Wei: "Can you help me find an alchemist by the way?"

"Those liars?" Felix frowned. "What do you want them to do? They only talk about turning a stone into gold or immortality every day, but everyone knows it's a lie."

"I'm not interested in turning stone into gold and immortality. I just need an alchemist to help me make something."

"doing what?"

"Essential oils, or some other skin care product."

Wei Wei also learned that there were stills in Europe in the tenth century when she read a book recently. Although it is very different from later generations, she has ready-made equipment. Why should she bother to hire someone to build them.

So it would be better to just invite an alchemist back.

Of course, since a border county like Sardinson is really not prosperous, there are no alchemists here. It may take a lot of time to find a suitable candidate. Wei Wei doesn't want to do nothing and wait for Felix Sis helped her find someone.

She is really fed up with using olive oil to maintain her skin after bathing with soap. Although olive oil has a certain moisturizing properties, it is difficult to be absorbed by the skin. Even using too much will cause the skin to become too oily and fat particles to appear. .

Wei Wei has never had such a situation now, and still maintains white, tender and flawless skin, just because she uses eggs, milk, honey and other pure natural materials to maintain her skin extravagantly.

But these things are precious food at this time. She feels that she is wasting food when she uses them. It is too extravagant.

Now that there are finally a batch of flowers in the garden that can be used to make essential oils, Wei Wei is naturally going to start fiddling with essential oils.

Waiting for Felix to find the alchemist? That's too slow!

Of course, she didn't plan to use the flowers and plants in the castle garden for the time being. She planned to use those wildflowers that were considered weeds at this time.

Wildflower weeds such as daisies, cornflowers, pansies and even dandelions can be used to make essential oils.

Therefore, on a sunny morning, when three people who had to get up early for work recently sat together to enjoy a delicious breakfast, Wei Wei and Felix deliberately took a leave of absence to go to the ranch.

Hearing that she was going out, Felix immediately said that he would also go with him.

His reason is very good: "We have been really busy recently, so I decided to give everyone a break today. How about we take Dolores and go to the ranch for a picnic?"

Knowing that Wei Wei wouldn't agree to spend time alone with him outside of business (such as taking a walk), Felix was used to using Dolores as a shield when needed.

Anyway, the overtime work during this period of time, the ledger has almost been cleared, Felix also wants to give himself a vacation, facing those numbers every day, now in his dreams he will see himself being weighed down by a mountain of numbers. Unable to move, it was a nightmare.

When I heard that I was going to have a picnic, the little girl who was eating an omelette sandwich in silence immediately looked at Wei Wei with glowing eyes, and the expectations inside were clear.

Wei Wei was the most powerless to resist this look, so she could only agree to Felix's arrangement.

Seeing that she agreed, both brothers and sisters looked happy. Felix immediately asked the housekeeper to make arrangements, while Dolores hesitated and said, "Can you bring Caroline with you?"

Caroline, the daughter of Felix and Dolores' eldest brother Eric, a baby Wei Wei has only seen once.

It was not long after Wei Wei came to the castle. She met Nancy, the wife of Butler Patton, while wandering in the garden, and Nancy was holding Caroline in her hand. child healthy little baby.

She hadn't seen Caroline since then, because after that day Caroline had signs of fever, and Mrs. Nancy didn't dare to bring her out again.

Now that Dolores didn't mention it, she was about to forget that there was such a child in the castle.

Not only her, but Felix almost forgot that he had such a little niece.

But when it comes to Caroline, the first thing that worries him is her body.

"I'm afraid I can't. Her body is too weak, and she might get sick if she blows a little wind. It's too risky to take her to a picnic."

It's not that Felix makes a fuss, but the mortality rate of children at this time is very high, and Caroline herself is a premature baby. She is more fragile than ordinary children and can't withstand a little accident.

So in the end, he also didn't agree with Dolores' idea that he thought was totally undesirable.

The owners of the castle wanted to go out for a picnic. Of course, they couldn't just let them go out by themselves. The three maids who were on vacation refused to take a rest and agreed to follow them to serve. In addition to the personal attendants brought by Felix, this time they went to the picnic. There were eight people, one carriage could not fit at all, only the master could take one, the manservant followed the coachman in the driver's seat, and the four maids sat in the other carriage.

In addition to the food and picnic cloth needed for the picnic, Wei Wei also brought several baskets and baskets, all of which were prepared to hold the collected plants.

The location for the picnic was something Wei Wei had been optimistic about early in the morning. It was a small **** on the ranch of the manor. There were many colorful wildflowers growing on the slope, which was her goal today.

The carriage was running on the bumpy road. When Wei Wei looked out of the car window, she found that the farmers working on the road were also looking at the carriage, and unlike before, their eyes became fearful, which was unprecedented.

Presumably, the news that Felix decided to execute the greedy people has already spread.

Although the execution has not yet been carried out, the operation of raiding the home and arresting the family members of the relevant person has been done, and those people live in the surrounding villages and towns, so no one in Sardinson County knows about such a big movement.

If the territorial people of Sardinson County had blessed their lord with contempt that they did not realize, now everyone has truly realized that this man who could only be promoted from knight to noble by his own ability The second son of the count's family is now the lord who controls the fate of all of them.

Since then, Felix has truly completed the transformation of his identity in the hearts of the people, and people will realize that this young Count is not as gentle as his appearance, and he will kill people if he gets angry.

Wei Wei turned her head and glanced at Felix who was sitting across from him, then moved away in the latter's doubtful eyes, and looked out the window again.

Forget it, it was no different to her.

The carriage went around the castle and headed for the pasture. On the way, it passed through Wei Wei's land. She took a special look at it. Several of her serfs were digging canals in the fields.

This job was assigned by her. The land Wei Wei bought was rented by serfs. Except for the fallow land, there was only one piece of land that was originally intended to be cultivated but not used. The serfs were obliged to serve the owners of the land, otherwise They need to pay more food and coins at the end of the year, but they don't have any extra food and money to pay to Wei Wei. If they don't use the service tax credit, they are likely to starve to death because they don't have enough food in winter.

So after discovering that Wei Wei did not arrange for them to work three days a week, the serfs approached the steward George tremblingly and asked him to ask Wei Wei what work they needed to do for them.

And Wei Wei, who was originally busy and had no sense of a feudal lord, found out that she had forgotten about it after George came to ask.

The author has something to say: When I checked the information, I found that the medieval science (alchemy) technology was much more powerful than I knew. The distillation technology actually existed in ancient Egypt. They would use distillation to make spices, and in Introductory books on stills were written in the tenth century.

Regarding the male protagonist, Felix's setting is that I feel that Chinese and Westerners are a little over-enthusiastic and love the romantic view of love (to be honest, I don't really understand why those male and female pigs' feet in the movie can be After drinking a little wine together, talking and laughing, they would have a relationship, start dating, and still fall in love), so his biggest feature is: he dares to say anything shameless, and he is very cheeky!