Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 49

The hot sale of essential oils exceeded everyone's expectations. Sardinson County, which few people knew about in the past, became a hot topic in the capital. Many people were thinking that they might be able to talk about cooperation with the young Earl.

How can such a good thing be sold only in the royal capital? In other big cities and the territories of nobles, you can also go to open a store.

If Earl Williams is not available, they can also do it for them. The price is negotiable.

So before the second batch of essential oils was delivered, many people found Zachary, but Zachary was just a store manager, so naturally he had no way to answer this question, so they could only respectfully go to Sardinson by themselves. Ask the Count.

When everyone heard that this was true, some nobles began to write letters to Felix again, and the low-status merchants naturally organized their own caravans to go to Sardinson County.

And these people who are used to doing business will naturally not go there empty-handed. They bring their own goods and plan to take them to Sardinson for sale. Although I heard that Sardinson is a poor place, they can still sell more or less. Some things, of course, it would be better if the goods could be exchanged for essential oils.

However, because Sardinson County is really far from the capital, merchants can't just leave when they travel. With this delay, it was already mid-September when the first batch of merchants entered the land of Sardinson County.

Before they came, the first group of knights who delivered the goods had already returned with gold coins and news, and even letters from the nobles had arrived in Felix's hands one after another.

Although they were very confident about the sales of essential oils, Felix and Wei Wei were still shocked when they heard the hot sales scene from the knights.

Afterwards, the letters requesting cooperation from the nobles of the royal capital also gave Felix a headache.

Naturally, it is impossible to cooperate in the essential oil business. In fact, because of the raw materials, when the flowering period is over, their own business in the capital will have to take a winter break. Where there is excess to supply other areas, so don’t think about cooperation.

In order to politely reject them, Felix spent a lot of time writing letters, using all his writing skills of more than 20 years, and then he finished replying to the batch of invitations.

As for the delivery of the letter, the nobles who received the letter knew that the essential oil would soon be out of stock, and they would start a new round of panic buying, which was not his concern.

Sardinson County is Felix's territory. Although there is no big city here, there are foreign populations, and the news of the caravan was sent to him immediately.

This is the caravan that Felix has been waiting for for a long time, and now it has finally arrived. Felix almost didn't send someone directly to invite them to Sardinson Castle as a guest.

But in the end, he held back and told himself that these people had come to him in the first place and were not in a hurry.

After the caravan arrived in Sardinson, they found that it was indeed poorer than they thought. Fortunately, a lot of the goods they brought have been sold on the road. When they arrived in Sardinson, the rest should be able to be consumed. .

The owners of the caravan who came this time do a lot of business, mainly spice business, but of course they will not bring too much expensive spices to Sardinson, but prepare after inquiring about the situation in Sardinson. A batch of salt and a pinch of sugar.

Salt and sugar are popular commodities, the former being supplemented by everyone on a regular basis, and the latter being even used on-the-spot drugs in this day and age, and are expensive.

The salt brought by the caravan has been sold on the road. Although the price of salt at this time is lower than before because of the discovery and mining of salt mines in Eastern Europe, it is still difficult for the lower classes to eat salt, especially everyone. All need to use salt to preserve meat for the winter, which leads to a relatively large expenditure on salt, so salt has always been a very popular commodity.

When the caravan arrived in Dingle, after knowing that they were a salt caravan, everyone who heard the news came to buy salt with salt jars, and the quantity was more than the caravan expected.

No way, there are too few foreign merchants here. Although there are salt sellers in the town, the price is much more expensive than the merchant's goods this time, and the quality is poor.

And recently everyone got their first month's salary, and they had some money in their hands. When they saw cheap salt for sale, they couldn't help buying more.

Therefore, the salt brought by the caravan was quickly divided up, and even a lot of sugar was sold.

And the one who bought the most is naturally the lord of Sardinson County, the Earl of Felix.

And through this business, the caravan owner also successfully handed over a letter of visit to Fort Sardinson.

This was the result Felix wanted, so he agreed to the other party's visit.

The owner of the caravan, Claude Galt, was also born in a noble family, but as the fourth son who did not inherit the family title, he only had the status of a knight, which was not hereditary and was not considered a true noble. His family has a lot of background, and he is quite good in the aristocratic circle, so when facing Felix, he is neither arrogant nor inferior, and it is easy to gain the favor of others.

Claude didn't talk about essential oils as soon as he came up, but instead mentioned the pasta he saw in Dingle.

Dingle Town is so big, the only hotel can't even accommodate caravans, so some people can only use ordinary houses, which makes them well-informed. Even if they don't inquire about it, Claude also knows about the fee. Lix recruits people in town for pasta.

The pasta is to be dried, and the location is not covered. It is right next to the mill and can be seen from a distance. Claude's keen businessman's intuition made him notice this kind of food he has never seen before, just those pasta It is not currently sold, and even the women who make it don't know how it tastes, so Claude can only judge that they should be suitable for long-distance transportation.

Now that he has the opportunity to meet Felix himself, he naturally wants to inquire.

Felix was worried that no one was interested in pasta. Seeing him asking, he happily invited him to have lunch with him.

"This is a new type of food I'm going to sell. As for the taste, you'll know when you taste it."

This time, Felix didn't let other people come over to have it together, but served Claude alone. The dishes were also very simple. In addition to pasta, there were meal packs, fried pork chops, fruit salad, and vegetable soup. And pea cakes as an after-dinner snack.

The pasta is Wei Wei’s favorite pasta with tomato meat sauce. After the tomatoes are ripe, she boils the tomatoes into tomato sauce. The tomato sauce with enough salt can be stored for a long time. The meat sauce is also cooked by herself. , Now the chefs want to make pasta as long as they cook the noodles, then mix the two sauces with the fried onions, and the simple and delicious pasta is ready.

And these two sauces are also very popular. Chef Bob is trying to develop their usage. Whether it is coating bread or cooking, he likes to add them. The people in the castle also like the taste of ketchup and meat sauce very much. No tired thoughts.

For those who need to work overtime in private, Felix has used this with bread as a late-night snack for himself. If he hadn't found time to exercise every day, the recent increase was not muscle weight, but fat.

Although this meal is simple, it is definitely the most comfortable meal Claude has eaten. Obviously every dish is very simple, and there are not too many spices added, but the taste is good. He wants to swallow his tongue. .

He dared to swear that even before his father died, he was still the favored third son of the Earl's family, and he had never eaten such delicious food when he was taken to the palace by his mother for a dinner party!

He couldn't stop eating, and he couldn't talk to Felix until he ate all the food that belonged to him, not even a bit of soup was left, and his stomach was like a woman who was about to give birth. Unable to move, he leaned on the chair contentedly.

When Felix's gaze came over from the side, he remembered where he was, and quickly sat upright with difficulty, showing an apologetic smile: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry to let you see such a rude scene."

Felix, who used to suffer because of Wei Wei's food, understood him very well, but now he just held his head high and said he didn't mind.

Claude breathed a sigh of relief. It was very impolite to put down the tableware earlier than the master. Fortunately, the other party did not show bad emotions about it.

After lunch, Claude became more interested in pasta, but he did not forget his purpose in coming to Sardinson, and finally turned the topic to the essential oils that have recently swept the entire royal capital circle.

And then naturally put forward the intention of wanting to cooperate.

"I understand what you mean. In fact, a lot of people have written to me recently asking for cooperation." Felix raised his hand to stop his speech: "But the production of essential oils cannot be improved."

Claude made a gesture of listening, waiting for him to continue.

"I think a lot of people have studied the composition of essential oils and want to know its secrets."

This is indeed, in fact, many people do it. Before seeking cooperation, they prefer to crack the secrets of essential oils and make a fortune on their own.

The shrewd businessman Claude is no exception.

But everyone only found that the oil in the essential oil should be the best olive oil, and its fragrance should come from flowers.

Everyone thinks that essential oils are too complicated. No one thinks that this kind of beauty and skin care products, and even products with certain medicinal effects, are actually only flowers and oils. They feel that they have not found that their research is not thorough enough.

"The production of essential oils requires a lot of flowers as one of the raw materials, and Sardinson is not a place rich in flowers, so the production of essential oils cannot be increased, and even after the winter, the production of essential oils will stop, which is impossible. matter."

He put the facts in front of him in order to dissuade the other party from cooperating.

Unexpectedly, Claude asked him: "Do you have to have flowers? Can dried flowers be okay?"

This Felix knew that he had seen Wei Wei dry the flowers in the shade before soaking in the essential oil so that they would not leave a trace of moisture at all, and he had also seen her use the dried lavender flowers directly, so he nodded and said yes.

Claude smiled confidently: "Then if I can provide you with enough dried flowers, I wonder if the business of this essential oil can be discussed?"

Felix was a little surprised, but soon came to his senses.

Of course, Felix knew about Claude.

This businessman is also quite well-known in the capital. His business is very complicated, mainly focusing on spices, but he also sells gems, fabrics and cosmetics, which are related to women. He has a wide network of contacts and a good reputation. Pursuing interests, but not a black-hearted businessman.

If he didn't know him, Felix wouldn't want to talk to him about the pasta business so easily, but he was unexpectedly happy.

With Claude's contacts and business scope, he does have the strength to collect enough dried flowers.

"If you can do it, I might consider taking a look, but I have to remind you that not all flowers can be used as raw materials."

"Then please make a list for me, and I will collect flowers for you according to the above requirements."

Felix smiled: "Of course, but before that, I think we can talk about the price."

Claude: "Of course."

Felix is ​​not a qualified businessman. In fact, before Claude said it, although he thought about growing flowers by himself, he never thought about buying raw materials from other places. After all, flowers are not difficult to store for so long, and dried flowers are Completely ignored by him (apparently he's not the only one who ignores this).

So he didn't know the market price of dried flowers.

But he doesn't know, but it doesn't mean that he will be fooled. He even believes that if Claude, who is seeking cooperation, is smart enough, he will not fool him at this time.

Claude really won't. In fact, the price he gave is 30% lower than the market price. Although this price is not the lowest price, Claude really doesn't make much money here.

And this price, Felix thinks it is acceptable.

As a shrewd businessman, Claude also said that he could provide him with olive oil.

"The guarantee is the highest quality, and the price is also negotiable."

This time Felix didn't accept it. He just regretted that he already had a supplier of olive oil, and the other party was her mother's family.

"But we can talk about the pasta business, which I think you'll be interested in."

Claude was really interested. He not only asked about the preservation time of the pasta, but also specifically asked whether the ingredients used in making the pasta were also within the scope of the transaction.

He was talking about ketchup and meat sauce in pasta.

"If the sauce can be stored for a long time, I think they can be sold as a pair."

Felix himself likes to use tomato sauce and meat sauce with bread for breakfast and supper. Naturally, he knows that they can be preserved for a long time, but the number of tomatoes is very small, and he can't eat enough for himself, so exporting is impossible.

But the meat sauce is much more maneuverable.

"I need to think about this."

He needs to ask Wei Wei's opinion before answering.

So he invited Claude to stay in the castle temporarily, and the latter stayed happily while looking forward to the evening meal.

End the conversation, don't ask anyone, Felix knows where Wei Wei will be at this time.

In Dolores' classroom, ten maids surrounded the two mistresses, sitting together while knitting sweaters and talking.

Their craftsmanship has been practiced. After their proficiency has risen, the speed of knitting sweaters is much faster. Although it is not like Wei Wei can knit a sweater without looking at the whole process, it is no problem to do two things.

A month is enough for them to learn and have to use a sweater, and even the fast people have even knitted sweater pants.

Wei Wei is the type of person with super-fast hands, so although she doesn't sit here every day knitting wool, she knits two sweaters faster than others, one is from Felix and the other is from Felix. It was something she was going to wear herself, and she was knitting wool pants, and by the way, discussed with Dolores what hat she wanted.

Penny has been working with the gardener's children to make paper these days. Wei Wei is behind to give advice. They have made straw paper a long time ago, and recently they have made paper similar to rice paper, although the color is still relatively yellow. It is white, and the paper is too thin to write with a quill pen, but you can draw and write on it with a charcoal strip wrapped in cloth.

Wei Wei rewarded Penny with two silver coins for this, and the children also received one silver coin each, so recently they are actively challenging to make paper that can be written with a quill pen in good color.

The paper that was successfully produced was taken away by Wei Wei for her own use. With them, Wei Wei cut out a picture book, equipped with a charcoal pen cut with a charcoal strip, and took it out to write and draw when needed. Much more convenient than before.

What she shows Dolores now is all kinds of simple and good-looking woolen hats, including the most common knitted hats without any decoration, as well as those with fur ball decorations, as well as berets, fisherman hats, and newsboy hats. Similar styles, in short, she drew all the styles she knew and could probably make.

There are so many varieties that are totally dazzling.

At this time, women can't show their hair when they go out, so it is necessary to wrap a headscarf. Although there is no need to comply with this when attending a banquet, some people are also used to wearing a round cake-style headgear, which is also a kind of hat style.

But compared to Wei Wei's paintings, the round cake hat is really weak.

Dolores took a long time to choose a style with hair **** on the top of her head and two braids on both sides of the ears with hair **** hanging under them. She even asked coquettishly if it could be made of pink.

"I like pink."


This hat is not difficult to make, and it is much simpler than knitting a sweater, because most of the yarn can be made with a much thicker thread than ordinary yarn, and in order to keep the hat loose, it uses a different needle. Like Wei Wei's way of getting lazy, it is to knit a hat with a thread thicker than her fingers. Because the thread is very thick, the number of laps that needs to be knitted is much less, and the speed is fast, and it can even be done in one or two hours.

Of course, this kind of thick wool is specially processed, and the tools used are also two small round wooden sticks with a length of ten centimeters about the thickness of the thread, and the middle thick and sharp ends are like spinning cones. One end of the wooden sticks is drilled. , with a ring needle made of copper wire fixed in the middle.

When Felix came over, Wei Wei had already knitted the outline of the pink woolen hat in less than half an hour, and only a part was left to finish.

Seeing Felix coming, she put down her hat and stepped out of the crowd.

"What's the matter?" Didn't it mean that this person was discussing business with a businessman from the capital.

Leaving the room, Felix told Wei Wei that Claude also wanted to do the sauce business.

Wei Wei was a little happy: "This can also be made into a special product."

The meat sauce she made before had no soy sauce for coloring and no cooking wine, so she used beer instead. The taste and color were still a little lacking, but the shelf life was still very long, and there was no problem with selling it with pasta.

Moreover, there are a lot of livestock in Sardinson, whether it is lamb, beef, pork or even horse meat, which can be used to make meat sauce, which is much more profitable than selling livestock alone.

That is, if a lot of production is required, it is necessary to recruit people and build suitable workshops.

And these are not things that can be done in a day or two.

Felix is ​​also very aware of this. He recently recruited people to build a suitable site for pasta, and he has been able to figure out the approximate construction period: "I'm afraid it will take half a month to prepare at the earliest. I mean that there are sufficient staff. Down."

But he's worried about leaking sauce recipes.

This is not the same as pasta. Pasta was originally intended to let people in Sardinson know how to make it. A market is so big that even if others learn it, they don't have to worry that their output will not be sold.

But the meat sauce is different. The meat sauce has a short shelf life. Because a lot of seasonings are used in making it, ordinary people must not be able to buy it, so only nobles and wealthy businessmen can buy it. , the market in this segment is relatively small. If the recipe is learned, and someone develops a better meat sauce, maybe the business will not be able to go on.

"Then split the production process into production lines, and let some people be responsible for cutting the meat, some for seasoning, and some for cooking, as finely divided as possible. The recipe of the seasoning is the key, and it can be done in advance After you have prepared it, you can hand it over to the cook. How many ingredients you add and when you add them are all very important. The taste is almost different. You can completely let your confidant take charge of this piece, as long as the recipe of the seasoning is not cracked. , then the chances of someone else trying to make the exact same bolognese are very slim."

After she finished speaking, she thought that she could also make seasonings such as soy sauce cooking wine. If she could make them, it would be very profitable to sell them.

-Why do you seem to have more and more things to do?

Felix nodded and talked about the dried flowers again.

Wei Wei patted his forehead: "Why didn't I remember it, you wait, I'll make a list for you now."

"It's not urgent, I invited Claude to stay in the castle temporarily, you can finish other things before writing."

"I don't have anything else to do for the time being." She seemed to be doing nothing but teaching people how to knit sweaters.

"Really no more? Think again?" Felix prompted him.

what else? Wei Wei couldn't think of it.

Seeing that she really didn't remember it, Felix's face showed a trace of sorrow: "Didn't you say you want to knit me a sweater?"

Dolores is knitting hats now, why hasn't his sweater been seen yet?

Wei Wei froze for a while, then laughed out loud: "It's already knitted, but I originally wanted to give it to you after the sweater pants are ready, but the weather hasn't gotten cold yet, I'll wait until I've finished knitting. No hurry for you."

As soon as he heard that there were more than clothes and trousers, Felix's dissatisfaction disappeared immediately, but he was still a little concerned: "Then you won't knit for Dolores, right?"

"Of course, she can do it for herself, so I'll just make her a hat."

Felix immediately said: "Then I want a hat too."

Wei Wei joked, "A lady's hat?"

Felix: …

The author has something to say: Wei Wei: Next time there is trouble, I'll make you a women's skirt. Anyway, men and women wear the same clothes at this time.

Felix: …