Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 51

The men who firmly believed that their women were just dreaming were shocked when they saw the driver who arrived as promised.

A serf who happened to know one of the coachmen went forward and asked, "Tom, aren't you in town delivering goods for those shops? How come you're here?"

The coachman named Tom told him beamingly: "The Count hired us to take people from your village to and from your village twice a day, and deliver the goods for the adults at other times. The price is generous."

These coachmen are all free people. Working for the Count is not only more stable than delivering goods to merchants, but also has a higher salary. Of course, they are happy.

Another coachman also said with a smile: "Yes, and if you are in the castle at noon, you can eat meat-flavored stewed beans with everyone, and if you are in the town, you can also eat with those workers. If you change someone else, you can have kindness. How generous is the earl of yours?"

The serfs in the castle can eat the beans stewed with bones, so the food in the town will not be bad, and the stewed beans eaten by the workers in the town occasionally have some haggis in the stewed beans, and I don’t know who is responsible for cooking. How did the woman deal with it? Those internal organs tasted good, completely different from the unpalatable internal organs I had eaten before.

The men were stunned to hear that they said that there was actually a bone stew in the castle for the women to eat.

"Master Earl is really so generous? Can so many people eat it?"

"Of course." Tom stiffened his stomach. Recently, because he can eat a full meal every day, his lunch meal has been saved a lot, and the weight of the meal at night has increased, and his stomach has grown a nod. , "I heard that the earl is going to open a meat sauce factory and kill several pigs and sheep every day. Those bones are useless, and the generous earl will eat it for his subjects."

The meat sauce factory hasn't actually opened yet, but recently the castle's chef Bob was arranged to train workers to make meat sauce, so he used a lot of meat, and naturally there were a lot of bones left in the castle that couldn't be digested, so he just gave it to the workers. They have lunch.

As for where the workers came from, do you still remember Butler Patton saying he was going to the next county to buy servants? That's right, ten of these servants were cut off by Felix before they took office and sent to make meat sauce, which made the butler very sad.

But there is no way to do it. The recipe of the meat sauce must be well protected. He will be more at ease if these servants who have signed a sales contract with the Count do this job, and even if this is arranged, the recipe for the seasoning is still in the hands of the castle. In the hands of chef Bob, who has been in use for more than ten years, he will prepare the seasonings to be used, and then hand them over to the new servants to cook in the pot, although adding all seasonings except **** and garlic at one time will affect the meat to some extent. The deliciousness of the sauce, but the secrecy is indeed improved.

The meat sauces produced by these exercises were not wasted. They were all put into wide-mouth glass bottles, plugged with wooden corks, heated in a steamer, then corked tightly, and finally sealed with wax. After the meat sauce is stored in a ventilated and cool place, it can be stored for two or three months even in hot summer, and it can be stored for a longer time in winter.

This batch of meat sauce is going to be used for trial sales. They can't just cooperate with Claude. Whether it is Felix or Wei Wei, it is best to have their own caravan, so they are in the castle. The servants selected a few clever and articulate people, and planned to let them go to the nearest big city to do business with these meat sauces and a batch of freshly prepared pasta.

While Felix was busy setting up the caravan, Wei Wei was busy bringing in boiled maltose.

To make lemon juice from lemon pulp, you need to use a lot of sugar or honey. These two kinds are not available, and they can't be wasted so much, so Wei Wei thought of making malt lemon sauce, using maltose instead of honey and sugar, although maltose The sweetness is lower, but in this sugar-deficient era, the taste of maltose is enough to conquer those who rarely eat sugar.

The production of maltose is also simple. Wei Wei taught the kitchen people once to learn it. After the first pot of finished product came out, she asked all the people who helped to share a little bit, and they really believed that malt can really be made into sugar.

"I didn't expect that wheat can really be made into sugar, Weiwei, your country is too amazing."

Felix, who hurriedly sneaked around to see the results, couldn't help but follow Wei Wei's example and twisted the maltose from the pot with two wooden sticks to lick it, not to mention the sweetness that attracted him to the pot earlier. Dolores turned away.

These siblings are both sweet tooth.

Wei Wei took a sip by herself: "It's okay, the sweetness of maltose is still a little low. If there are crops like sugar beet and sugar cane, I can make better sugar."

Of course, there are sugar beets and sugar cane in her seeds, but the amount is so small, don't even think about using it to make sugar this year, not to mention that Sardinson is not suitable for growing sugar cane, the sugar cane in her grows slowly and thinly, no matter how good the seeds are It's useless, but beets have a little chance.

"Beets? I remember that several areas in Pradisi seem to have them, but they are all vegetables for eating. Can it also be made into sugar?"

Wei Wei was surprised at the beginning that Prady had sugar beets, but when she heard that the planting area lost her temper in the west of the empire, Sardinson County was far apart in the southeast of the Prady Empire.

"If you can do it, if you can grow it in Sardinson, you can get rich just by selling sugar in the future."

When Felix thought about the current price of sugar, he was immediately tempted: "I'll send someone to buy some to plant later, and we'll plant it next year!"

But that's for next year, so let's eat maltose now.

With maltose, there is no need for her to make lemon jam. There are no European cooks who can't make jam. Not to mention Bob, some of the servants in the kitchen are very good at making jam.

When the latest batch of lemon essential oil was distilled and then diluted with the source of infection, and ready to be sent to the capital, Claude's caravan sent the first batch of dried flowers.

This batch of dried flowers are mainly roses and lavender, which are the most commonly used plants for essential oils. As soon as the items arrived, Wei Wei couldn't wait to find some Roger to borrow new essential oils from a distiller. This time she could still get them. A batch of by-products - pure dew, with pure dew, you can replace toner.

Wei Wei now makes a lot of skin care products and cosmetics, such as rouge. In addition to using roses at first, the most commonly used raw material for the rouge she grows is safflower. After blooming, she uses safflower according to the ancient Chinese recipe. I made a new rouge. The colors ranged from the brightest red to the pale pink. I got several shades. Whether it is an eye shadow, blush or a lipstick, it is beautiful.

In terms of skin care products, she has no choice but to use the essence lotion, but the facial grease in the ancient recipe still makes her find what she can find, and replace it with other materials. The effect of whitening and whitening is very good, and because the material is pure and natural, it is not allergic and suitable for all skin types. The only disadvantage is that the cost is relatively expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

As for the toner, I currently use the loofah water I collected before, but the water content of the loofah is low. She and Dolores will definitely not be able to use the loofah vines to grow well next year. If there is pure dew, they can use the pure dew toner instead. , and the pure dew can not only drink directly, but also make a mask, and the effect is very good, which is amazing!

The only pity is that the hydrosols distilled from dried flowers are relatively lacking in nutrition, which is much inferior to the hydrosols distilled from fresh flowers.

In addition to the pure dew, these skin care products and skin care products, Wei Wei, are reserved for herself and those around her. They are not intended to be sold as commodities for the time being. After all, Sardinson County is so busy now that there are so many profitable projects There are still not enough manpower to do it, and the cosmetics business can be considered later.

And pure dew is an inevitable by-product when distilling flower essential oils, and they can't use it up themselves, so it's a pity that they don't exchange it for money.

After confirming in the alchemy laboratory that the distilled hydrosol is indeed edible and usable, these dried flowers can naturally be put into production, but there is only one distiller that can be used, and lemon essential oil is being produced, so the flowers Essential oils have to wait for a new still to make them.

In fact, after customizing the still, Felix spent a fortune to dig back the family of blacksmiths and apprentices who made it, and now these people are in Sardinson with a group of newly recruited blacksmiths. Felix strikes iron as a still.

There is no need to make the big ones that are used in the castle now, but make them smaller, but if you do more, the speed will be faster and the completion will be earlier if you work together.

And Claude came to Sardinson again shortly after asking his subordinates to deliver the dried flowers. The good news he brought this time was that the pasta was hot in the capital, and many people liked this simple and easy-to-make taste. Again good food.

And the batch of goods that Claude brought back is about to be sold out, so he came this time to sign a long-term trade with Felix.

In addition, because Felix promised that he would consider cooperating with Claude when the dried flowers were delivered, Claude planned to do his best to persuade Felix this time.

In order to show his sincerity, Claude not only brought a batch of wheat, but also a contract to sell wheat to Sardinson County for a long time at a price slightly lower than the market price. Of course, as a condition, Sardinson made The pasta should also give priority to serving him.

And Sardinson County is really short of wheat. They have a good harvest this year and enough food to eat, but most of the wheat is used to make pasta to make money. If this business wants to continue, in addition to improving Sardinson County It is also a good idea to buy wheat from other places.

Felix recently planned to buy wheat from the lords of the neighboring counties. Compared with the commoners, the nobles hoarded the most grain.

However, he has no contact with the nobles of other counties. Now to buy food, I am afraid that he will have to go there in person, and he really has no time to spare recently.

Claude's contract can be said to be very timely.

When Felix saw the sincere contract, he did not accept it immediately, but asked him: "It is obviously too slow to deliver from the capital. Can you guarantee the supply of wheat?"

Claude nodded with a little smugness: "Of course, as a qualified businessman, I have business dealings with Prady in many areas, so you can rest assured."

Felix nodded, but added: "The pasta can be supplied to you first, but we have to set a limit in terms of quantity."

Of course, Claude had already found out that Felix was setting up a caravan, and he also knew that he sent people to sell pasta in other counties. Naturally, he knew that he could not monopolize this business, and he really did not have this plan.

The pasta business is indeed good, but judging from the current scale of production in Sardinson County, pasta production will soon not be the only one, and monopoly is not realistic.

In contrast, he is more concerned about the right to sell perfume.

They came and went, and finally set the share of pasta at a quantity that both parties were satisfied with.

Then comes the main event, the right to sell the perfume.

Claude is very confident in this. At the beginning of this conversation, he felt that Felix would have a high possibility of agreeing to this cooperation.

Felix did agree, and he promised to sell a batch of perfume to Claude, but only if Claude could not sell it in the capital.

Felix, the perfume business in Wangdu, intends to do it himself, so this piece cannot be given up.

In addition to the price, Felix also gave him a good discount. According to the different types, the most produced lemon essential oil can be sold to him at the price of 60 gold coins, while the lesser amount of flower essential oil and rose essential oil can be sold to him. The price of a bottle is the highest, 90 gold coins, and the others range from 70 to 90 gold coins.

Claude suspected that there was a problem with his ears: "...Lord Count, are you sure this price is a discount?"

"Yes, it's a great deal."

Claude swallowed: "So is a bottle of essential oil the size of beer?"

Felix: "Of course not, a 30ml bottle, which is the standard size we use."

Claude suddenly became very angry: "Lord Count, are you kidding me? The price of a bottle of essential oil you sell is two gold coins, but you want to sell me a bottle of at least sixty gold coins?"

Perhaps his guess was wrong, and the earl did not intend to discuss cooperation with him at all.

"No, I think you misunderstood what I meant." Felix motioned him to calm down: "Actually, we have adjusted the selling price of essential oils. Two gold coins are no longer the current price of essential oils. In addition, I think You probably haven't seen the latest batch of lemon essential oil delivered from Sardinson to the capital?"

Claude endured his anger and nodded: "Yes, I happened to pass your team on the road."

"The new batch of essential oils is purified. In the past, the essential oils we made were low-concentration essential oils and could be used directly, but the new essential oils are very pure and must be diluted for use. Now the essential oils only need six drops to be diluted to the original one. The weight of the bottle, and a bottle of high-concentration essential oil can be diluted into a hundred bottles of low-concentration essential oil, and the effect will not be worse than the original essential oil." Felix spread his hands: "So, as I said, the price is true Very good deal.”

If it weren't for the fact that Claude is indeed a good collaborator, Felix would not be so generous.

Yes, according to this standard, even for the most expensive rose essential oil, he has a profit of 10 gold coins in a bottle, and with the current shortage of essential oils in the market, Felix can be said to have given him money for nothing.

Of course, the most profitable one is Satinson.

In fact, because the concentration of essential oils has increased, they don't need to buy olive oil to dilute it - that can be the customer's own business - but the cost is reduced again.

Claude calmed down: "If it's what you said, then it's really a good deal, but is the new essential oil really better than the previous one?"

"Of course." Felix took out two essential oil bottles that had been prepared for a long time, and pushed them to him: "You can smell it."

Claude opened the bottle carefully, and smelled the smell in the two bottles one after another. The fragrance was very special. It was a floral fragrance every day. It smelled like this on both sides, but one was lighter and the other was stronger. If you ask more carefully, There was a faint smell of olive oil in the light bottle, but not in the other.

He quickly thought: "Old essential oils used to be diluted with olive oil?"

Felix nodded: "Yes, of course, some other vegetable oils can also be used. If you are interested, I have a list here for you to see."

He carefully took out a piece of parchment from the cabinet and handed it to Claude.

Claude glanced at the handwriting on it, it was obviously not Felix's, it was a graceful and unique font, and at first glance it was written by a woman.

Claude vaguely guessed who the person who wrote this was, he took the guess in mind and focused on the list above.

Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, rosehip oil... are all oils that can maintain the skin, but many products from other countries are not easy to obtain in large quantities. In contrast, olive oil is the most convenient. .

Under this list of base oils, there is also the dilution standard of essential oils. Felix said before that it is a common standard of 1%. If it is used for body massage and facial massage, 3% is the most suitable, but Be careful not to use it for a long time. In addition, there are even detailed introductions and effect descriptions of various essential oils, which can be said to be very detailed.

This was originally an instruction manual written by Wei Wei, mainly to introduce the new high-concentration usage and effects to customers. After Felix got it, he copied a copy for the delivery team to take to Wangdu. This is his What he kept and kept by himself, like the list of dried flowers listed by Wei Wei last time, became his private collection.

This is something Wei Wei wrote by himself. How could he be willing to give it to others? It is a very sincere performance to show Claude.

Claude is still a little skeptical about the effect of essential oils, but Felix said that this issue can be written into the contract. If it turns out that what he said is false, then Felix can pay him back.

Only then did Claude show that friendly businessman smile again.

In the end, Claude and Felix signed the first batch of essential oil business, and successfully purchased 100 bottles of lemon essential oil and 20 bottles of other flower essential oils.

No way, even though Claude sent a lot of dried flowers, the production volume of flower essential oils is still not too much, especially at present Wangdu prefers this category, they are not enough to sell themselves, Ken even out this One has already given Claude a lot of face.

And just for some essential oils, Claude had to pay Felix tens of thousands of gold coins.

Simply stealing money!

But people who were robbed or robbed were in a good mood.

Of course, Claude naturally wouldn't bring so many gold coins with him, but he brought other things.

"Lord Earl, do you accept the draft from the Royal Prady Bank?"

The word bank sounds very modern, but in fact its history in Europe can be traced back to 2000 BC, the Huaxia Dynasty, when Dayu's father failed to control the flood.

In that era, some temples in Western Europe started bank-like services. They kept gold and silver for people, issued loans, and collected and paid interest. This was the oldest bank.

Later, the first official bank was established in 1171, and then there were banks in various European countries. Of course, such banks were private, mainly engaged in deposit and lending business, and most of them were of usury nature.

There are several similar usury banks in the capital of the Parady Empire. Among them, the most famous one is the Prady Royal Bank, which was founded by the royal family and the church. Its oldest qualification is also very high. The empire has been in existence since its inception, and it has been in operation for nearly a hundred years without any problems. Nobles and businessmen like to go to this bank for business.

Of course, they are not stupid enough to keep all their money in the bank. People believe that they keep it by themselves. However, when businessmen go out to do business, they will go to the bank to exchange money orders. Although they will charge some fees, it is indeed better than carrying a lot of money with them. It's much safer to run around.

This time Claude came to Sardinson with a lot of money orders, the money orders he wanted to use to pay.

After all, Felix has lived in the capital for many years. He is not much less familiar with the capital than Claude. Naturally, he knows that Prady Royal Bank's drafts are available all over the country, so he readily agrees. his payment method.

Claude gave him a draft of one thousand gold coins each. He probably did not expect that the business cost this time would be so large. After all the drafts were given to Felix, he also paid some gold coins to pay all the money. Money, so he can't bring back some local specialties on the way back, but thinking about the huge benefits this batch of essential oils can bring, this little trouble is nothing at all.

After Claude left, Wei Wei walked out of the secret room behind the bookshelf.

"Let me come to such a place, you are not afraid that I will empty all your treasures?"

There are always some secret passages in places like castles, and places like study rooms always seem to have some secret rooms.

This study is located on the fifth floor of the castle, on the side of the male master's bedroom. It is the private place of every earl. Not to mention servants, even the mistress cannot approach it without permission, because in the study, there is a hidden door leading to the castle's treasury. secret passage.

It was a secret that no countess ever knew, but Felix told her.

Even in order to facilitate Wei Wei to listen to his conversation with Claude, he changed the place of the conversation from his study on the fourth floor to the earl's dedicated study on the fifth floor, and let Wei Wei enter the secret room.

This is arguably the most trust Felix can give.

Now that Wei Wei has mastered the way to enter the secret room, and she herself lives on the fifth floor, as long as she wants, she has the opportunity to enter the Williams family's vault through the secret passage at any time and take away the wealth accumulated over the years.

In this regard, Felix's answer was only to raise the stack of bills in Yang's hand.

"Dear Weiwei, to me, you are my most important baby, in every sense."

The author has something to say: Felix · You'll die if you don't talk **** · Williams: Oh my baby!

Wei Big Baby Wei:  …