Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 57

If you asked Wei Wei if she wanted to go back to Song Dynasty when she first arrived, the answer would be yes.

But with her now, Wei Wei no longer has that idea.

Not to mention that her identity is fake, even if there is a system to protect it, Wei Wei feels that if she goes back, it will be very dangerous, and she, a girl who returns to China from Europe, will definitely attract the attention of others, if it spreads to that person. In the ears of the seniors, he will take advantage of the situation to check what he has done in Europe, how can she hide her identity?

If you can't hide it, can you expect the other party to come to a fellow countryman with her for the sake of being a traveler and see fellow countrymen with tears in their eyes?

Don't be stupid, I'm afraid that she will be locked in a small dark room as soon as she is discovered. If nothing else, the other party will not want to take the golden finger like the encyclopedia library? Even if you can't take it away, it's okay to force her to be a transcriber, right?

Wei Wei doesn't think she can compete with a senior who also has golden fingers and is also the king of a country, so for the sake of her own life, she can't go back until the other party hangs up, and when the other party hangs up, she It must have taken root in Europe, and it is not willing to risk losing his life to go back.

The way to the east is not so easy. She grew up under a red flag, and now she is being offered with delicious and delicious flowers, how can she endure such bitterness.

Besides, it wasn't her real motherland. If it was, she might be able to grit her teeth and try it, but it wasn't.

Of course, in addition to the consideration of their own safety, reluctance is also an important reason.

Wei Wei even agreed to Felix's marriage proposal, and naturally she has feelings for him. She is not that kind of irresponsible woman. Since she said she was going to get married, how could she just leave people behind and run away because of such news. go back.

She is the scumbag who hates deceitful feelings the most!

Felix's mood improved after confirming that Wei Wei was telling the truth and that she really would not go back.

All blackened and bad practices are thrown away, and he is an honest and reliable count again.

Felix, who was in a good mood, told Wei Wei that they could go out together tomorrow.

Wei Wei naturally agreed to this invitation: "It just so happens that we still have a bunch of things to buy, so we have to bring Dolores and a few more people to get things."

What else could Felix say, who only wanted to travel alone.

When Felix went to Alan to fulfill his drinking appointment at night, the latter found that he was in a good mood.

Allen breathed a sigh of relief. Although he really wanted to know what made him better, in order not to say the wrong thing again, he wisely skipped this topic and talked directly about Felix's business.

Even though Alan is the third son in the family, it seems that when his father dies, he will have nothing but work **** his own. In fact, he is different from Felix before, he has a title to inherit.

Of course, it wasn't his current baron status, nor his father's duke title—the former was exchanged for his own military exploits, and the latter was only inherited by his eldest brother.

Allen's father, the Duke of Devonhill, is not a member of the royal family. He was crowned a duke entirely on his own commander-in-chief ability, and his original title and territory still belong to him, so the Duke of Devonhill is in addition to the first title. In addition to the dukeship, there is the second earlship, and there are also two earlships, one from his own family and one from his wife's family.

And these titles, in addition to the duke title, must have enough military merit to inherit, the rest can be decided by the Duke of Devon Hill himself.

It just so happens that the duke has three sons, so it is fair to each one from the oldest to the youngest.

What Allen will inherit in the future is the title of Earl Princia, which belongs to his mother's family. This is the surname of his mother's family and the name of the territory. When Allen inherits this title, he also needs to change his name to Allen Devon. Hill Princia, this was a promise made by his parents before they got married.

The reason why he has not yet inherited the title is because his father thinks that children should be treated equally. Since the eldest son needs military exploits to inherit the title of duke, the remaining two sons should also show some performance.

So Allen had to enter the army to work hard now. Fortunately, Prady and the surrounding countries are still in harmony. There is no large-scale war, so he has time to meet Felix in the capital.

Of course, since it is a territory that is clearly to be inherited, although Princia is still managed by her mother, in fact, Ellen has already taken over.

And Princia County is not too far from Sardinson County. If you ride a horse, you can get there in about three days.

So isn't it the right thing to talk to the lord of Sardinson about cooperation?

Felix also intends to cooperate with Alan. First, they have a good relationship, the territory is close, and secondly, Princia is close to the Mediterranean Sea, with a good climate, as well as its own port, and there is a lot of trade with other countries, and He cooperates, and Sardinson County will not suffer.

So, drinking and chatting that was supposed to be a good thing turned into a business talk, and it was about the middle of the night when it snowed outside again, and Felix was ready to go back.

"It's so late, you just stay and rest and go back tomorrow."

"No, I'm going shopping with Vivi tomorrow." Felix put down his glass, took off the cloak from the hanger, and put it on.

After drinking a lot of wine, Allen was not as shy about mentioning Wei Wei as before. He was amazed: "You are willing to go shopping with others? It seems that Miss Dongfang is really fascinated by you."

"Of course." Felix grinned, not hiding his feelings for Wei Wei at all: "I'm willing to accompany her in whatever she wants." Besides, he suggested shopping.

Allen rolled his eyes and said, "You've been in the capital for so long, and I'm afraid you don't know what's going on here. Why don't you let me lead the way tomorrow? I'll bring Avella with me, maybe they can chat. come."

"Avella?" Felix frowned: "Your new girlfriend?"

Ellen is about the same age as Felix, and he is also unmarried, but he does not get married not because he is delayed by the knight's training, but because this person is a standard playboy, and he will change a female partner every two months on average, but Although a playboy, he never associates with noble ladies whose goal is to marry him.

Therefore, his female partner was a widowed wife who couldn't stand the loneliness, and also a well-known courtesan. Basically, they were all women Felix didn't want Wei Wei to touch.

Allen looked at his friend speechlessly: "Am I really your best friend, Avella is my sister."

Felix remembered that Ellen did have a younger sister, who should be about the same age as Dolores, but she couldn't remember the name.

"Yes, but we will go out early in the morning. If you don't come before eight o'clock, then we will not wait."

Felix put on the hood of his cloak, opened the door and left, leaving Aaron behind him bemoaning his inability to get up so early.

Alan, who couldn't speak, arrived an hour earlier the next day and arrived at seven o'clock.

After that, he was very glad that he came early, just in time for breakfast at Williams' house.

Although it is said that two meals a day should be eaten in this era, for those who need to get up early for work and training, it is obviously unbearable not to eat breakfast, so both Felix and Allen have this habit.

But rushing out today, Allen didn't have time to eat. Now that they are eating, he naturally has the cheek to say that he wants to have one.

Especially after seeing the food they eat that I haven't seen at all.

Avella, who followed her third brother, looked at Felix and the others with a black face, as if she really wanted to pull her brother out.

In the end, though, the siblings joined the breakfast together.

Today's breakfast was made by Penny and the chef of the house, fried eggs, fried bacon, bacon sandwiches and drinks, it is the most common combination in Sardinsonburg, the only difference is that Felix likes it with beer , while Wei Wei and Dolores had honey lemonade infused with lemon slices.

It's all food that doesn't take too much time to prepare, so two additional guests were added temporarily, and the food was quickly brought out by the kitchen.

Obviously, the cooking method of deep frying and eating with meat and bread are very popular with the guests. To Felix, Allen has no idea what it is to be polite.

Felix looked at Wei Wei, who nodded and smiled at Alan: "You can send someone here to study."

Allen immediately understood that Wei Wei was already a veritable hostess in this family.

After breakfast, it was time to go out.

Dolores walked briskly to the door and tiptoed to get her cloak.

After getting dressed, Dolores asked her new friend Avella expectantly: "Do I look good in this way?"

When she came to the capital for the first time, Dolores always worried that her clothing taste would not conform to the trend of the capital.

"Very beautiful!"

Red-haired and green-eyed Avella is a warm and cheerful girl, otherwise she wouldn't be able to be friends with the introverted Dolores in such a meal.

But she is not talking to comfort Dolores now, but she really thinks Dolores' cloak looks good.

Unlike the usual ground-length cloaks, Dolores wears a Lolita-style pink woolen cloak. The hood and hem are rolled with a layer of pure white rabbit fur, and the hat is sewn on. Long rabbit ears, a large ribbon bow in the middle of the neckline, a row of large buttons below, the length of the cloak only reaches the thigh, and the hem is wide like a blooming flower.

The cape has no sleeves, but is open on the sides of the waist, allowing hands to stick out from inside, providing warmth without hindering movement.

This was specially designed by Wei Wei for the maid to do well. Dolores liked it very much, but she was a little worried about other people's opinions.

Wearing a cape and a hood, Dolores looks like a pink bunny, and the cute Avella wants to hug her and scream loudly.

Cute things are recognized wherever they go.

Avella envied: "This cloak is so beautiful, I'm going to make one too!"

Dolores immediately said, "I still have a few different ones, do you want to pick one?" Anyway, the cloak doesn't matter, and Avella can still wear it a head taller than her.

Avella's eyes lit up: "Is it okay?"

Just as Dolores was about to nod her head, she remembered that Wei Wei had specially made her cloak for her, and hurriedly looked over to ask for her opinion: "Can I give it to Avella?"

Wei Wei nodded, she was very happy that the little girl could make friends: "You can choose now, remember to give Avella that sweater and pants, don't catch a cold."

"We'll be fine soon." Dolores hurriedly dragged Avella to the room to change clothes.

When they reappeared, Avella also wore a pure white cloak without raw edges, with a ruffled hem, round bear ears on the hat, and a small ball-like tail on the back.

Although the capes didn't match the skirts they were wearing, no one felt that something was wrong when everyone was the same.

The two little girls came out hand in hand, indicating that they were ready to go.

It snowed in the capital last night. Although it was not big, it has not stopped so far. This will inevitably affect the travel of the carriage.

According to the schedule, they will go to the tailor shop and jewelry store today to learn about the popularity of the capital. Wei Wei also wants to go to the market to prepare for the reward dinner to be held later. You should also purchase items such as mica powder that you bought.

But now that there were guests, it was obviously inappropriate to take them to the market to buy vegetables. Wei Wei had to hand over the task to Qin and Penny, and then arranged a carriage and two servants to help them.

Qin was a little worried. When they weren't there, wouldn't Wei Wei have no one to call on?

"How about we keep one to serve you?"

"No." Felix spoke first: "I will take care of her."

Since you don't need to go to the market extra, you don't need to bring so many people.

The master said so, and the two had to bow and leave.

Ellen and Avella didn't bring their servants out, and Felix didn't bring them out in the end, so in the end, except for the coachman who was in charge of driving, the five of them went out like this.

The first thing they went to was the tailor shop, led by Allen. It is said that the owner of the shop was the royal tailor of the Wang family, so many nobles would go to that shop to customize their dresses.

"The Queen's birthday is coming soon, the shop must be very busy, it should be too late to order a dress at this time, but we can go to see the latest fashion in Wangdu, and then find other tailors to do the same, I I know a shop, although it is not as famous as this one, but its craftsmanship is not inferior to them." Allen thought that they were going to buy clothes, so he said so.

Avella pouted and said to the two girls beside her, "Ellen is a regular customer of that store. He often brings female companions to make clothes, different female companions."

Wei Wei understood, she seemed to be a playboy.

The carriage ran for about half an hour and arrived at the most famous tailor shop in the capital.

Probably because of their early arrival, there were no other customers in the store, but everyone in the store looked busy, obviously there were too many orders and they were rushing to work.

Of course, when they entered the door, the people in the store saw it for the first time.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, I am Mary. How can I serve you?"

The woman who said the welcome looked at the guests who came in and lingered on the three girls. Of course, she first saw the distinctive cloaks on the two little girls, and then noticed Wei Wei and Westerners have different facial features.

"Please introduce them to the clothes in your store." Allen pointed to the three ladies beside him.

This tailor shop is very large, there are not only a lot of fabrics, but also a lot of ready-to-wear. Wei Wei even saw a few silks in the most conspicuous part of the shop.

Mary only recently came to work in the tailor shop. She didn't know Ellen and others, but this did not prevent her from serving them.

She took Wei Wei and others to see all the ready-to-wear in the store. Wei Wei had a general understanding of the trends in Wangdu. Different from the fashion in Sardinson County, Wangdu's clothing style was more luxurious. Embroidery and jewelry embellishment were the mainstream. The color is also biased towards the bright shades of red and purple.

Light tones and simple styles like Wei Wei's preference are obviously not in line with the trend here.

Dolores leaned close to Wei Wei's ear and whispered, "I still think you're better looking."

Wei Wei smiled and replied in a low voice, "I think so too."

Thought so, they left with a few on-trend ready-to-wear pieces, as well as some fabrics and clothing accessories not found in Sardinson.

Afterwards, they went to a jewelry store not far away. This time Wei Wei didn't buy anything. She was not very keen on these jewelry, and she was choosing Dolores all the way, but Felix was interested in buying jewelry for Wei Wei. This is very enthusiastic, almost everyone he thinks is suitable for Wei Wei and wants to bring it to Wei Wei. If Wei Wei hadn't stopped it, this person would have half of the jewelry store's stock empty.

But in the end, they still spent nearly a thousand gold coins to buy several sets of jewelry.

Allen was stunned.

Not to mention that Felix's big money is a bit scary, just saying that he will buy things for women, or so much at one time, makes Allen suspect that he is being dragged out of the jewelry store with a look of regret. Was the man looking back the Felix he knew?

He would not be surprised if he suddenly heard that Felix's family went bankrupt.

After that, they went to a lot of places, and at noon they enjoyed a lunch at a famous restaurant in Wangdu. I have to say that this is indeed the most famous restaurant in Wangdu. The food is still delicious, and it is just a part of the raw materials. It made Wei Wei a little uncomfortable.

On this day, they didn't go back until it was almost dark, and Ellen and Avella inevitably stayed for dinner.

After they returned, the housekeeper in the new house brought a stack of letters to Felix: "Lord Count, this is the invitation sent today."

Felix took it and looked at it, and Alan leaned in to look at it, while whistling: "Eight invitations, it seems that our Earl Williams is very popular."

Felix said while checking the name of the inviter: "The Devon Hill family probably received more than me."

"That's for my father and brother too." Allen shrugged and asked him again, "Are you going to these?"

"Don't go."

The eight invitations are not important people, and most of them are not as important as Felix. After all, he still has royal blood, and if he goes, the price will drop.

"I don't plan to attend any party before the Queen's birthday party."

"I think so too."

That was a banquet specially held by the king for the queen. Under the attention of the former, during this time period, other great nobles would not hold a banquet to steal the queen's limelight unless it was necessary.

Having said this, Allen remembered an important question: "Did you give the queen a gift?"

Felix said: "Not yet, I will deliver it before the birthday party starts."

The birthday gifts were to be delivered to the palace in advance, but they only arrived in the royal capital yesterday. Not to mention, there were a few things missing from the gifts. Wei Wei insisted that they should be fully equipped before they were delivered, so it would take a few more days.

Allen reminded him: "It's best to send it over quickly, the queen is not very powerful."

As a beautiful and favored princess, Mirabelle's temper is really not much better, but she is very good at pretending, at least she has always been very gentle and considerate in front of the king, but everyone knows that she is jealous in private. She is very strong, especially in the past few years, she has not been very good, and her temper has become even worse. From time to time in the palace, there will be news that the maid next to the queen suddenly falls ill and needs to be cultivated, but everyone knows that it is not sick but injured. .

Felix, who was once a member of the Kings Cavaliers, knows that.

"I have my measure."

Not only Allen is anxious about this gift, but others are also anxious.

The essential oils produced in Sardinson County have become hot sellers throughout Prady. Anyone can guess that Felix must have made a lot of money from it. In this case, the gift he prepared for the queen must not be like Common as ever.

The nobles who hurriedly wrote to Felix to seek cooperation were naturally very dissatisfied with the result after receiving the letter of refusal, especially when they heard that the merchant Claude was selling in the territory of other nobles soon after. Essential oils, some nobles with small gas are jealous and jealous, jealous of Claude's success, and jealous of Felix for not cooperating with them.

Now these people are waiting for Felix to send gifts and ready to pick on them, guaranteeing that no matter what Felix sends, they can make him thankless and let him know that he is not to be messed with.

Then obediently offer the opportunity to cooperate.

Of course, this is just a group of nobles who speak noble in the capital and look down on foreign nobles, especially the frontier nobles, who feel good about themselves. Even if the real nobles are equally interested in Felix's business, their rejection will not show that. Obviously, on the contrary, they will only use a more peaceful attitude to win over Felix.

At the same time, Queen Mirabelle was probably the one who wanted the birthday present prepared by Felix to be delivered as soon as possible.

Because she felt that Felix would definitely give her precious essential oils, and Queen Mirabelle had run out of essential oils.