Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 60

After it was determined that the queen's change was really because of Wei Wei, Countess Nelson's desire to talk was even higher.

She began to ask Wei Wei how the queen's makeup was drawn and where she bought the makeup.

Apparently, although she was dissatisfied with Mirabelle, her change still moved her heart.

But unfortunately, the eye shadow used for eye makeup is made by Wei Wei herself, and there are obviously no ready-made products.

When she heard that these cosmetics were made by her, Countess Nelson was very surprised: "You really did it yourself? Do you still know medicine?"

The production methods of cosmetics in this era are all in the hands of pharmacists and doctors, and are regarded as important formulas that can be passed down to future generations.

And because of the church's resistance to women's make-up — they thought it was sinful and immoral, and that women were too pretty to seduce men, especially those who were married — before all kinds of makeup needed to be done by doctors and pharmacists The limited editions distributed, even the nobles, had to line up to get them from them, and it was impossible to buy them on the market.

However, in recent years, because there are too many women protesting, and some unexplainable changes within the church, there are also merchants selling these items on the market, but the production method is still in the hands of doctors and pharmacists.

That's why Mrs. Nelson thinks that Wei Wei understands medicine.

But it is obviously very doubtful that she can master medical skills as a noble, and women are not allowed to become pharmacists and doctors, no matter whether they are nobles or commoners.

Wei Wei knew that her identity was fake, and she was always vigilant about this. Although she heard that Countess Nelson didn't have any doubts, it was just pure surprise, and she immediately gave an explanation.

"It's just a personal hobby. Our country's customs are different from Prady's. Aristocratic women will learn as much knowledge as possible before they get married. Medicine is one of them." Wei Wei said: "Everyone thinks that the person who becomes a mother can master it. Certain medical knowledge can better take care of your own children."

This reason is indeed very good. Countess Nelson did not doubt it, but she just disapproved of it: "The noble women of your country are really hard work. It would be better if the children were not taken care of by servants and nanny."

Wei Wei didn't speak. According to the knowledge she had learned from the etiquette teacher before, it's better that an unmarried girl like her should not participate in such a topic that belongs to women, otherwise it will be considered a very unladylike behavior.

The speaking Countess Nelson apparently also thought of the question and quickly turned the subject back to cosmetics.

She opened her mouth to ask Wei Wei if she had any plans to sell these. Unlike China's emphasis on farming and suppressing business, the European side takes business as a matter of course. Most nobles have their own industries, and they don't think there is anything wrong with this. .

Of course, because of the so-called honor of aristocrats, some people think that aristocrats should not do anything about production and enjoy themselves, so they choose to cooperate with merchants and only take money and do nothing.

So Countess Nelson spoke directly to Wei Wei to talk about business, which can be said to be the norm here.

Wei Wei originally had this plan, otherwise she wouldn't have spent a lot of time getting so many cosmetics for the queen.

But at this moment, she naturally can't say it directly, she can only express in embarrassment that making those cosmetics is just a small hobby in her spare time, so she hadn't thought about selling it.

Hearing that she was not planning to sell these things, Countess Nelson immediately began to persuade her, otherwise, where should she buy these things?

She didn't want to be laughed at by the woman Mirabelle all the time.

Her eloquence was really good, until Wei Wei said that she would consider this matter carefully, and Countess Nelson, who felt that she had persuaded her, closed her mouth with satisfaction, allowing Wei Wei to have time to taste the dinner.

Until their conversation was over, Countess Nelson turned her head to talk to others, and Felix had the opportunity to whisper to Wei Wei: "She and the former queen are cousins ​​and have a close relationship, so she doesn't have much relationship with the current queen. deal with."

It can be said that water and fire are incompatible. Although Mirabelle is the princess of a neighboring country and is very favored by the king of Berdo, Berdo's national strength is weaker than that of Prady, and he is beyond the reach of the whip. , so she is actually in a state of isolation at Prady.

Since Countess Nelson's family can marry the king, the family status is naturally very high, so the young lady born in their family is not afraid of the successor queen, even when Queen Mirabelle has just become the king's mistress , When she was favored, this lady dared to confront her directly.

The king doesn't even care about the conflict between them, because he himself is in the wrong. He cheated many times when his wife was sick in bed. Although this is the unspoken rule of the nobles, the queen is knowing that he intends to marry Mila. Belle passed away early because of this, which made the king less confident when facing the queen's family.

"Although she looks arrogant, this lady has always had a good reputation in Wangdu. If you want to enter the social circle of Wangdu, you can start by making friends with her."

"Nice proposal." She also felt that although this lady looked arrogant and difficult to contact, she was actually quite talkative.

In particular, it seems to be a potential local tyrant customer.

After dinner, there was a formal dance. The king and queen danced the opening dance. Under the crowd watching, the skirt on the queen's body was spinning like a blooming flower, making her dance more beautiful and attractive.

After the king's opening dance, the guests also joined the dance floor.

Felix stretched out his hand and looked at Wei Wei politely and with a smile: "Beautiful lady, can I invite you to a dance?"

"I'm happy." Wei Wei put her hand on it.

The group social dance in the capital is not the same as that of Sardinson. Wei Wei has been studying in the capital in the past few days, and she is very in harmony with the people around her when she dances, and she is also followed in private. of people raised the parity price for her.

Neither Wei Wei nor Felix likes to dance. After dancing two songs in a row, they withdrew from the dance floor. Wei Wei looked up to find where Dolores was.

She is not old enough to dance at the ball, and Dolores, who is very shy, is quietly staying in the corner. By her side is Ellen's sister Avella. She doesn't know what to say, funny. The already nervous Dolores smiled.

Wei Wei lifted her foot and walked over there, but before she took a few steps, others gathered around.

"Good evening, Earl Williams."

"Long time no see Felix."

"Is this your fiancee? It's a perfect match."

"Don't know what to call her?"

As the latest hotshot of the Prady Empire, Felix is ​​very popular at banquets. The men want to talk to him about the possibility of business cooperation, while the ladies want to ask Wei Wei about the queen. , the two were separated unknowingly.

Wei Wei was taken to the rest area by the noble ladies, surrounded by a group of noble noble ladies, and Countess Nelson was sitting beside her.

This lady is indeed as Felix said, it is worth befriending. Although she looks arrogant, she is still very enthusiastic when facing people who agree with her. At this moment, she is taking the initiative to introduce other ladies to Wei Wei.

What made Wei Wei more concerned was that, according to Countess Nelson's introduction, the group of women around her were all married women, but some of them were very young, and they even looked like Dorothy. Liz is still childish, but she is already posing as a noble lady, and her every move is similar to that of other older ladies.

And the husbands of young ladies may be many years older than them. It is not uncommon for a teenage girl to marry an old man in her tens of years.

And young ladies who can attend the Queen's birthday banquet as noble ladies with titles and are eligible to sit with such big nobles as Countess Nelson basically belong to this category, because women generally marry at a younger age than Men are early, the latter like Felix are not few in their twenties, but women must marry at the age of fifteen or six at the most. Otherwise, at the age of twenty, they may become an old girl no one wants and must go to a monastery. live.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the age gap between men and women is not small. If you are married to an heir to the title of similar age to yourself, it will be fine, but at most it will be a few years to ten years later. When the husband can inherit the title, they will are generally older, Countess Nelson is almost like this.

And if you are married to someone who already has a title, it is easy to have a wife who is several decades younger than her husband.

And it's not that rare.

Therefore, people like Wei Wei whose fiance is both young and noble are very enviable.

In particular, Felix was very popular in the capital before, and many of these noble ladies had expressed their goodwill towards him in private.

So vaguely, Wei Wei felt a subtle hostility from some people.

Fortunately, everyone is a married lady. Even if they are really jealous of Wei Wei, the emotions that should not belong to married people can only be hidden in their hearts, and will not flow out in such public places, otherwise That would be a scandal.

So on the surface, Wei Wei's first contact with them was very smooth. Everyone's attitude was still friendly. I don't know what Countess Nelson said to them. These people persuaded like her as soon as they came up. Wei Wei must sell those cosmetics as commodities, and many people curiously asked her how Queen Mirabelle's dress had such an effect.

"There is only one layer, but it can hold such an arc. Is there any special design added to it?"

"Yes, a skirt is added to the skirt." Wei Wei briefly explained how the skirt is made.

For her frank confession, the ladies are very satisfied. As long as they know how to make the panniers, the rest is not a problem. I believe that there will be a new fashion storm in Wangdu soon.

Then the conversation shifted from makeup to Dolores without knowing it.

"Is this the sister of Earl Williams? I wonder if there is already a marriage partner?"

Probably no matter what class or age, as long as they are married women, they seem to like being a matchmaker. After someone spoke, the attention of a group of people all went to Dolores.

Anyway, the issue of cosmetics will have to wait until Wei Wei officially agrees to it, but the way to make a good relationship with the Earl Williams family is all in front of you.

In their opinion, nothing can bring their relationship closer than marriage.

And Dolores is Felix's only sister, and she is just the right age. If the children in the family can make a marriage contract with her, then with the relationship of in-laws, they will naturally have more chips to win the relationship with Count Williams. .

Obviously a lot of people thought so. After confirming that Dolores was not married, they became excited and began to introduce unmarried people of the right age in their family.

But no matter how it was introduced, Wei Wei rejected Dolores because she was still young and had a lot to learn, so she had no plans to get engaged for the time being.

Of course, this reason can't stop them from promoting their own outstanding youth. Seeing that everyone has no idea of ​​giving up, Wei Wei can only take the opportunity to sneak away.

When she left the lady's circle, Felix on the other side was still in dire straits, looking at her with a sense of help.

In this regard, Wei Wei could only return a helpless look, and turned away mercilessly.

She searched around for a while before she saw Dolores alone in the corner. Avella was no longer by her side, and there was no one else around. The little girl stayed quietly and was covered by a large vase. In the corner of the room, observing other guests, he looked very bored.

As soon as Wei Wei approached, the little girl saw her, her eyes shining brightly.

Wei Wei smiled and caught Dolores who rushed over, and reached out to touch her neatly combed hair: "How was your day today, was the banquet fun?"

"It's not very interesting." Dolores pouted and complained: "Other people don't seem to like me very much, and Avella was also called away. I'm so boring by myself."

Compared with the anxiety of the philistines, who are more important than interests, Dolores is in contact with the younger generation who have not officially entered the social circle. The favored children are not as smooth as adults. In their opinion, Dolores is a country noble lady from a poor place. They think that their status is more noble and they are not willing to befriend her, especially Girls, on the one hand, they look down on her because of her birth, and on the other hand, they feel that her good-looking appearance is very annoying, so they naturally exclude her very much, but they are not good at making any eye-catching actions at this time, so they simply choose ignore her.

In this regard, Avella is also helpless. Although she also wanted to introduce her handkerchief to Dolores, the process was not smooth. In the end, Avella herself was pulled away and only Dolores was left.

If it wasn't for Queen Mirabelle, Wei Wei wouldn't be so popular today. Instead, she might be sitting on the bench like Dolores. After all, there are many female guests who are interested in Felix. If you want to get benefits from her, Wei Wei, who becomes Felix's fiancée, will not be so good.

Wei Wei couldn't help Dolores at this point either, especially now that many people regard Dolores as their marriage partner, it's not a good thing to take her to meet people.

But I didn't realize that no one would affect Dolores' mood, and she wasn't that kind of character. Although she complained, she was actually quite happy that she didn't have to communicate with other people.

Neither of them likes banquets, and staying in a corner without being disturbed can be considered a pleasure.

It was not until the end of the banquet that Felix finally got out of the crowd and came to look for them.

"You guys have a really relaxing time here."

When he came over, the two girls were chatting hot, and he didn't notice until he walked in front of him.

Wei Wei stood up: "No way, because of someone's relationship, our Dolores is very popular, so you can't avoid it."

Felix's side obviously encountered the same problem, so he understood the meaning of her words at once.

"I have already rejected it here, and no one should ask this question again in a short time."

In fact, Felix actually wanted to make a decision as early as the other noble ladies as to when Dolores would talk about marriage, but since Wei Wei did not agree, he had to listen to her arrangement.

"Can you go back?"


The king and queen left the stage not long after the opening dance - as for what to do, everyone knew it - so the queen who was supposed to introduce others to her didn't show up, but Gnar Countess Sen gave her a hand.

And when the host of the banquet leaves the venue, the guests can naturally leave. Of course, under normal circumstances, there would be no such rude situation as the host of the banquet left first.

If it weren't for the fact that the other great nobles hadn't left, it would be rude to leave first, and there were too many people talking to him, Felix would have taken them back long ago.

After leaving the birthday party at the palace, the snowflake-like invitations flew to Williams' house again. This time, not only Felix but also Wei Wei were invited, and most of them were not so easy to refuse. .

For example, the invitation letter from the Grand Duke of Devon Hill, as the elder of a friend, and the most powerful figure in the imperial army, no matter what kind of consideration, Felix received the invitation letter for the banquet he held. Can't stop going.

And since he attended the banquet of the Duke of Devonhill, it is best not to refuse the banquet of the other big noble families, otherwise it will easily offend people.

But in this way, their stay in the capital will be extended.

"It will be extended by at least a month." Felix said with a sad face: "In other words, the wedding has to be postponed."

To say who the postponement of the wedding will hit harder, it would definitely be Felix. After all, Felix is ​​more concerned than she is when it comes to marriage, and Wei Wei thinks that the invitation has not been sent out anyway. , the delay will not have much impact.

So at the moment, Wei Wei is comforting him: "This is something that can't be helped. Fortunately, the invitation has not been sent out, and the impact of the delay will not be too big."

Although it was true, Wei Wei's reaction made Felix even more mournful.

"You don't look sad at all."

Wei Wei said with a smile: "It's not the cancellation of the wedding. If this is the case, I will definitely be sad."

Felix felt that he was not comforted, his beautiful blue eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, gray and sad.

Although he is a manly and powerful knight, he is very stable most of the time, but when it comes to emotions, he is unexpectedly girlish.

But this is also surprisingly cute.

In the end, Wei Wei had to appease her fiancé with a sweet kiss.

In addition to the banquet she was going to attend with Felix, Wei Wei also received a lot of invitations to parties only for women, and most of the invitations stated in the invitations included Dolores in It can be said that Sima Zhao's heart is well known.

"Do you want to go?" Wei Wei asked the party: "Although it is said to be invited together, you can not go if you don't want to. After all, you haven't officially entered the social world, so it doesn't matter if you don't participate."

Dolores was obviously very moved: "Can you really not go?"

"Of course, this kind of invitation shouldn't invite you in general." Wei Wei shook the invitation letter on her hand. It was an invitation from a noble lady to invite them to a salon. The theme of the salon was beauty, and she was invited to visit. The guests are all married, and it is obviously unreasonable to suddenly add an unmarried girl.

So you can go or not.

"Then I won't go." Dolores said: "Avella invited me to play at her house, and we agreed to change Amy's clothes and comb her hair together."

She paused and asked again: "Avella likes Amy very much, she also wants a doll of her own, I promise to accompany her to make a doll of her own, so sister Weiwei, can you help me make a doll? version? I'm afraid I can't get it right."


After helping Dolores to draw the pattern, Wei Wei has to prepare cosmetics again, because the invitation of the beauty salon is too obvious. The theme of the beauty salon is to study makeup, and it is specially stated that everyone needs to Bring her own cosmetics. If Wei Wei doesn't want to bring the troublesome cosmetics that she is actually using, she will naturally have to prepare a new batch.

Fortunately, it wasn't anything difficult, it was all done, even her maid had mastered the skills, and it was very convenient to purchase in the capital, Wei Wei directly handed it over to Qin.

And she herself, taking advantage of the hard-earned space in the middle, and Felix met with Zachary, the manager of the essential oil store, to learn about the operation of the essential oil store.