Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 61

Zachary, the manager of the essential oil shop, is very proud of the spring breeze recently, and he walks with wind.

The store he was in charge of was originally an inconspicuous grain store in the capital. The store address was located in the mid-city area of ​​the capital. There were ordinary civilians living near the street. The monthly business was barely enough. For a time, Zachary thought that the store would not be able to open.

However, since the new Earl ordered to change the grain store into an essential oil store, the re-opened store after the refurbishment has become a popular store in the entire royal capital. The customers in the store range from the royal family to the nobles to officials and merchants. Like the frenzied buying of their goods without money, often the essential oils will be sold out within a few days of arrival.

Of course, this kind of hot scene actually lasted for a period of time. After the supply of essential oils has stabilized and the price has been greatly increased, although there are still many customers, it is finally no longer the kind of grand occasion that requires a lot of pomp to buy things. .

But this does not mean that the business of the essential oil store has deteriorated. On the contrary, the stable source of customers is not crowded because the store now sells concentrated essential oils, which can be used for a long time in a large bottle, saving customers the time to travel back and forth. , but the price of concentrated essential oils is higher, a bottle is hundreds of gold coins, although the number of daily sales is relatively reduced, but the income is higher than before.

From the first time he received thousands of gold coins, he almost fainted without excitement, and now he has passed tens of thousands of gold coins every day without changing his face. Zachary does not remember what he experienced.

"According to your request, sir, all the gold coins have been deposited in the bank. This is the ledger and this month's certificate of deposit."

Although banks in this period basically dealt with bills of exchange and loan sharks, large deposits would still carry a certain interest. By relying on certificates of deposit, Felix could go directly to the bank to exchange for a large amount of gold coins.

Moreover, when these certificates of deposit are deposited, it is stated that only Count Felix Williams and the person with his seal can withdraw the money. If others do not have relevant certificates, even if they go to the bank with the certificate of deposit, they will not be able to get a copper coin. Security can be said to be very high.

But even so, after teaching the certificate of deposit, Zachary breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

There is no other reason. Although I know that I can't withdraw money with the deposit certificate alone, the amount on it seems to be disturbing.

That is a gold coin deposit certificate of hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is the net income of the essential oil store for a month. If it is stolen and robbed, even if the gold coins in it cannot be retrieved, it will cost a lot of money just to go to the bank to re-apply. He can't afford to sell it.

And it's not that he was delusional about being murdered, but Zachary is sure that the essential oil store has not been peaceful recently.

Since the essential oil business started, the shops on both sides of the essential oil shop have been bought by Felix, but he has no plans to expand the essential oil shop or do another business. Instead, he sends soldiers to guard and ensure the safety of the essential oil shop. .

At first, when essential oils were delivered to the capital, they would be sold out almost overnight. At that time, there was no need for guards at all, and the store was very safe. However, when high-concentration essential oils appeared and the store had stocks, safety issues had to be taken seriously. .

For a long time, even if he knew that the store was guarded by soldiers, Zachary insisted on guarding the store every night, otherwise he was really worried.

This was a very wise decision. On two occasions, Zachary, who was in the store, heard an abnormal noise and called the soldiers on both sides to frighten the thieves away, so as not to cause major losses to the essential oil store, and then the guards The number of soldiers increased again, and it was only during the night that silence returned.

But that's enough to make Zachary nervous.

Because he vaguely felt that those guys who came prepared and ran quickly were probably sent by some aristocratic noble.

The business of the essential oil store is really good, and many people are jealous, but even knowing that this store is opened by the Earl dares to steal, it can't be ordinary thieves, because they don't have the courage, but they are caught. But the crime of being beheaded directly, and the fact that the essential oil store has guards has never avoided the nearby residents, you can find out with a little inquiries.

It can't be those robbers who are extremely vicious and fear nothing for money. Such people are basically on the wanted list. Not to mention that they can't enter the capital at all. So easily frightened, he didn't even have the guts to meet the soldiers face to face.

So Zachary guessed that it was most likely that someone sent them to steal, and the only people who had the courage to do so could be the nobles who coveted the huge profits brought by the essential oil business.

If it is really a noble, if they stole the deposit certificate, it is not impossible to realize the bank deposit certificate. Private banks have deep water behind them.

Therefore, a large amount of gold coins are exchanged into certificates of deposit every day. Zachary, who is turned in uniformly every month, is extremely afraid that these certificates of deposit will be stolen.

Especially because the Count is coming to the capital this time, the deposit slip last month was not brought back by the knight who delivered it, but stayed in the store and waited for the Count to check. The accumulated amount in two months was nearly 400,000 gold coins. As much as half of the tithes that the church collects in the Prady Empire every year.

Such a huge amount, if donated to the country, an earl title can be bought.

Now that it is finally handed over, and his mission is over, Zachary is relieved.

He looked at the count, who was counting the deposit receipts, and boldly told him his guesses about those small children.

"I see."

For this matter, Felix had the same guess as Zachary, but those thieves didn't even show their faces at all. They ran away immediately after being discovered, making him unable to find out who was behind the scenes, so he could only increase it again. A defensive force to prevent accidents from happening.

Since he started the essential oil business, Felix can be said to have made a lot of money. Every day, transactions with an amount of more than 10,000 (gold coins) are signed in his hands. It can be said that he is very used to seeing a lot of money.

But now with a certificate of deposit of nearly 400,000 gold coins, he couldn't help but be moved.

He handed the ledger to Wei Wei on the side, and took the stack of deposit slips to count and check the authenticity. Wei Wei, who received the ledger, gave him an angry look, then opened the ledger and glanced at it. , after confirming that there is basically no problem, hand over the ledger to the back.

The maid Qin automatically stepped forward to take the account book, bowed and stepped back.

Since taking over the accounting job, Wei Wei has basically been responsible for all the work that needs to be settled here.

After confirming the authenticity of the deposit slip and the correct number, Felix asked Zachary about the store.

When it comes to the business in the store, Zachary is elated: "It can't be better, I dare to say that in the entire royal capital, no, there should be no better store in Prady than our business, and there are even many aristocratic stores every day. The lady went to the store to buy essential oils in person, and the VIP area on the second floor specially developed according to your requirements often has too many people and there is not enough space to entertain them, I think we should expand the store."

Felix nodded, the expansion is necessary, because there will be other items in the store soon.

For example, perfume and flower lotion, as well as all kinds of cosmetics that will appear in the future, these products will inevitably make all women flock to them, which cannot be afforded by the current essential oil stores.

So expansion is inevitable.

However, Felix and Wei Wei had discussed this issue before, and they agreed that in addition to the expansion, they could actually open another store.

The present essential oil store is located in the middle urban area of ​​the royal capital. This area is basically populated by some small and wealthy middle class. Although the security is better than the lower urban area where the low-level civilians live, it is better than the upper urban area where officials and big businessmen live and only Nobles can live near the central area of ​​the palace, and the security and conditions here are still much worse.

Essential oils are now a high-end luxury item, and only rich people can afford them. There are not many people who can afford it in the midtown area. The store here is not only not safe enough, but also not suitable for the future development of the store. .

So they are already considering the better environment to open stores in the uptown area, and they are starting to look for suitable stores.

Zachary, who didn't know the owner's plan, also said: "Many customers complained that the roads in Midtown are not very good, and I hope we can open the store to the upper town or the central area, so that it will be more convenient for them to come to the door. ."

So Felix asked him, "What do you think?"

Zachary said: "I think it is possible to open another store on the commercial street in Uptown, but the store in Midtown can still continue to operate."

Felix intends to test him, so he said, "Why? Shouldn't the store be moved out? There shouldn't be any customers in Midtown, right?"

When it comes to the scope of his work, Zachary eloquently said: "It's true that people in Midtown are not as rich as Uptown and the aristocracy, but it's not that they can't afford the goods in the store at all."

A whole bottle of high-concentration essential oil is indeed very expensive, but it can dilute dozens of bottles of low-concentration essential oil. They can afford high-concentration essential oils, but they can still afford diluted essential oils.

"We don't allow this kind of sales in our store, but some merchants will buy goods in the store and then dilute it to sell in the midtown area. I heard that the business is very good." Zachary has long seen that those speculators are dissatisfied, obviously it is OK Why is the money we earn cheaper for others: "If we dilute and re-retail ourselves, business in Midtown can be done."

This retail method may not make as much money as selling high-concentration essential oils directly, but it will add up to a lot of money.

His proposal is really good. Felix still trusts the store manager left by the old earl. Of course, this trust has been tested. The knight who was in charge of delivery before was later sent to the store to guard the soldier. Zachary's performance will be reported regularly. So far, the store manager's performance has been very good. The business in the store has never gone wrong. The essential oils and money in stock have always been in line with the amount, and there is no illegal activity. , and the clerk is also well managed by him, with a good service attitude and diligent hands and feet, which is very satisfactory to his boss in all aspects.

Wei Wei leaned into Felix's ear and whispered a few words to him, the latter nodded and said with Zachary: "We do have plans to open another store in the upper city, if you have a choice, you choose Stay in the current store, or would you like to go to the new store?"

Zachary was very excited when he heard the words. Not ordinary people can enter Shangcheng District. If he can become a store manager in Shangcheng District, his identity will become more decent.

But the slick Zachary did not directly express his wishes, but sly and flatteringly said: "It's all up to you, my lord."

Felix smiled: "Then go to take charge of the new store, and your salary needs to be adjusted."

Zachary's heart tensed. Salary was more important than decent status.

He looked at Felix nervously.

Felix doubled Zachary's salary, not only him, but also the employees in the essential oil store, and he also prepared a year-end bonus.

The year-end bonus of a gold coin goes directly into Zachary's hands, which is an affirmation of his work.

"After you go back, make a list based on the performance of the employees in the store. The outstanding performers will get 5 silver coins, and the rest will each have 2 silver coins. The money goes directly from the store's account, which is regarded as a reward for everyone's hard work in the recent period. "

Not only has the salary doubled, but there are also bonuses available. The salary was originally an ordinary standard, but now it has become the highest-paid among the peers, which makes Zachary very happy.

He left the earl's mansion with great gratitude and went back to announce the good news. If they wanted to hear the news of the raise, they would all jump for joy.

As for the transfer, he has to wait for the new store to be renovated and recruit a suitable new store manager to take over his job. During this period, in addition to finding a suitable store manager, Zachary also has to recruit and train new employees. Getting ready for the new store opening.

Of course, the recruitment of new clerks is not Zachary's final say. He is only responsible for the primary election. The real decision is in Felix's hands. After all, this position will involve a lot of money. If there is a problem with finding an identity, Or people who are greedy themselves, in addition to problems, they are in trouble.

The commercial street in Shangcheng is very prosperous. Before the four of them went shopping, the first tailor shop they went to was on that street. The customers on the street were all wealthy people. The business of each shop was good, and the price of the shop was naturally low. Gao, not to mention that Felix doesn't want to rent but buy, it's even more difficult to find a suitable store.

But in the end, Felix still bought a suitable store, a large two-storey store located on the interrupted commercial street and covering an area of ​​more than 500 square meters.

The location of this store is good and the place is big. The owner of the store can make a lot of money just by renting out the place and collecting rent every month. It was impossible to sell it, but the other party is also a noble who wants to cooperate with Felix. One, Felix used a contract for an essential oil order to get the other party to agree to transfer the store to him. Of course, the price is still based on the market price, and there are not many discounts.

Before preparing for the decoration, Wei Wei went with him to the store to have a look, and discussed the details of the decoration with the decoration team. In addition to the decoration style, the new store will also add a special trial area. Of course, this will have to wait until they return to Sardinson. , after the start of the assembly line production of cosmetics.

However, perfume and hydrosol can be prepared before the opening of the new store, so that the goods in the store will not be too thin.

But the work is really increasing.

In addition to work, they are also busy attending various banquets. After Queen Mirabelle's shining appearance, the new dress has become a new trend in the upper class. However, in a few days, when Wei Wei attended the banquet again, she saw It was a group of noble ladies and young ladies in big skirts and swaying fans with fans in their hands.

At that time, she attended the beauty salon held by Countess Nelson alone. All the guests were women, and their dresses were similar to Queen Mirabelle, but with some minor changes, As if to show their wealth and status, there are a lot of decorations on the skirt, and they also choose precious ones.

Just like Countess Nelson, she wears a dress woven with gold threads in all colors. The skirt is also decorated with gems, and the chest is also decorated with a corsage made of gems and bird feathers. The fan in her hand is even more beautiful. Made of silk, the butterfly and love flower embroidery embroidery work on it is ordinary to Wei Wei, but it is a rare treasure for others.

Naturally, the organizer of the salon was praised by everyone, and she herself was always happy to show everyone her skirt and fan in her hand, with a smug expression on her face.

However, when Wei Wei arrived, everyone, including Countess Nelson, focused their attention on her.

Or the vanity case she let Penny carry.

"Dear Wei, you are here." Countess Nelson, the host, was the first to greet her and praised her kindly and politely: "You are so beautiful today."

Wei Wei exchanged a close kiss with her according to her intention. She also wore a large petticoat following the trend today, but it was different from other people's fancy styles. Wei Wei's large petticoat did not have too many decorations. The white long skirt only has the big metal family crest button on the collar of the shirt and the wide red belt around the waist with different colors, but her skirt is very special. It is a layered cake skirt, giving a sweet and sweet Playful innocence, many ladies of the same age as her eyes lit up when they saw it.

And she also put on make-up. Although it was very light, the salon was held in the afternoon. Under sufficient light, the makeup on her face was not covered up. Women who are very sensitive to this aspect naturally noticed her putting on makeup at first sight. The more delicate facial features afterward felt a little deeper than the last time we met, and it was more in line with their aesthetics.

"Thank you for your compliment, madam, your appearance today is also amazing to me." Wei Wei smiled and complimented her back, while she put her eyes on the fan in her hand, with nostalgia in her eyes: "And your fan also makes me feel nostalgic. , I haven't seen anyone using silk for a long time."

When she said this, everyone immediately remembered that silk came from her country.

"I think there must be a lot of silk at Miss Weiwei's place? I wonder when it will be brought to open our eyes?"

A voice suddenly interjected, and Wei Wei followed the source of the voice to see that it was a girl with outstanding looks. Judging from her dress, she should be an unmarried girl.

At this time, the other party's staring at Wei Wei was not very friendly. Although what she said seemed to be just out of curiosity, looking at her expression, it was not like she wanted to look at silk, but she was sure that she couldn't get it out. The hidden hostility and contempt could not be more obvious.

She has noticed that it is naturally impossible for other ladies to not feel it.

"Jessica!" Standing beside the girl, Mrs. Gui, who looked five or six similar to her, warned her daughter's name, then turned her head and said to Wei Wei, "My daughter is a little curious, and she especially likes Si Guo. silk, so I made such a request, I hope you don't mind."

Although she said something like an apology, she didn't end the topic, and when she said this, Wei Wei couldn't refuse it.

So Wei Wei could only answer with a polite smile: "If there is a chance."

She didn't know the previous lady, but her mother Wei Wei still remembered that Baroness Clive, her husband served as the finance minister in the capital, and was highly valued by the king, so although she was only a baroness, she was still in the nobility. Very talkative.

Seeing that the situation was not very good, Countess Nelson couldn't help frowning, and she was also a little unhappy, but no, this unpleasantness was not for Wei Wei, she just felt that Baroness Clive and the young lady were in front of her. For Wei Wei, she slapped her in the face a bit.

But she was not happy, she didn't get angry directly, she just glanced at the two of them, raised a smile and invited Wei Wei to take a seat.

This beauty salon was held in a warm lounge. There were only a dozen or so guests, most of whom were married ladies. Among the rest, except for Wei, who was already engaged, they considered half married. In addition to Wei, there are two unmarried young ladies, one of them is Miss Clive, and the other Wei Wei doesn't know, but the freckles on the other side's face that can't be covered by foundation still make her secretly look at them. at a glance.

To tell the truth, although most Europeans have freckles, it is a bit scary to the extent that they look like pockmarks.

Probably because of this, the freckled lady looked very inferior, and her whole person was full of frustration.

Before she could take another look, Countess Nelson couldn't wait to ask about the vanity box she brought.

"Is it the birthday gift from Earl Williams to the Queen?" She got a positive answer, and she was even more excited: "Open it up and let us see it, I can't wait to see what's inside."

Wei Wei noticed that Miss Clive's face was a little strange when she mentioned Earl Williams. She wrote this down and vaguely knew where her hostility came from.

Not only Countess Nelson, but everyone else can't wait to see her vanity case.

Wei Wei didn't give a **** and motioned Penny to open the box.