Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 67

Now that he has roughly the identity information of the mastermind behind the scenes, Wei Wei doesn't plan to stay at home and pretend to be too frightened, ready to go out to meet people.

They have been staying in the capital for nearly a month, and in about a week it will be the New Year. This was originally the wedding day that Felix and Wei Wei had planned, but they were destined to miss it.

The Williams family is a new favorite in the social world. Except for the few days before the Queen's birthday, they have been able to have a little peace of mind this month. After the birthday party, they have been receiving various invitations. Wei Wei attended Countess Nelson at the beginning. This kind of thing happened after the salon, and after hiding at home for about ten days, it was time to go out and make a fool of yourself.

As she looked at the invitations that would come every day, even if she went to one house at noon and went to another house at night, she felt deeply troubled.

She complained by the way: "Fortunately, you can even take out the wedding dress and wear it repeatedly to attend the banquet. Otherwise, after so many invitations are gone, where will my clothes be enough?"

Compared with later generations and China today, Europeans in the Middle Ages were really frugal in terms of clothing, because the textile industry was underdeveloped and the price of fabrics remained high. The set of clothes can even be preserved for decades to be used by future generations. If you wear a set of clothes this year at the banquets of officials and nobles in Huaxia, if you wear them next year, you will be considered as a poor family.

Of course, there are also silk fabrics that are not easy to preserve, and the printing and dyeing process at this time is also defective. The reason why many fabrics will fade after wearing for a long time is that.

Therefore, if the textile industry can be started, it will be a huge profiteering industry. Like the woolen clothes and woolen trousers that she asked the maids to bring this time, as the best thermal underwear in winter, they were sold out in a few days after hanging in the store. Now The popular tutu skirt has to be worn inside to keep warm, otherwise it will be too cool under the skirt. Ladies who can't buy it late can only choose to put several petticoats inside the tutu skirt to keep warm.

Wei Wei, who has returned to the social circle, has received a lot of attention. When others see her, the first sentence is basically "poor girl". It was a cruel and inhumane persecution, and they were the family members of the victims. Together, they grieved for her and spurned those terrible robbers.

God knows that there are many people she has never met before, and she doesn't know where she can relate so much.

However, Wei Wei has used the polite smile very skillfully. She can agree with what others say, positioning herself as a "weak, poor but lucky innocent lady".

She felt that after going through the capital like this, if she had the opportunity to return to the modern age, she might be able to join the entertainment industry and become a movie queen.

Among them, Countess Nelson's reaction was the biggest. After all, it happened when she returned from the salon she held. This lady also visited Wei Wei in person when she had an accident. Now I see Wei Wei with a more friendly attitude and again. Take the initiative to be an introducer, and bring Wei Wei and Dolores to know all the powerful and powerful noble ladies of Wangdu.

Wei Wei also knew that when Dolores plucked up the courage to participate in Wei Wei's place before, in addition to Avella's help, the lady also gave a lot of care. As for the reason, in addition to expressing apology for Wei Wei's experience In addition to winning Felix in this way, the feeling of gratitude also accounted for a large part.

In the days when Wei Wei was away from the social circle, the niece of Earl Nelson, Miss Daisy Nelson finally found a suitable engagement partner, and the other party was even the heir of a noble family, although it was only a lesser-known baron family. The heir, but for Miss Daisy, it is already a very good choice.

Countess Nelson attributed the good news to Wei Wei's cosmetics, and is naturally grateful to her.

It has always been Countess Nelson's heartache to let her niece get married before she is old enough to enter the convent, because if there is a young lady in the Nelson family who can't marry, they will become a laughing stock. Younger daughters are not good either.

Now that her heart disease is gone, she naturally finds Wei Wei more pleasing to the eye.

Wei Wei had never met Miss Daisy's fiancé. These news came from Dolores, and Dolores also heard from Avella at first, but she has met people later. It is said that although she looks ordinary , but he is smart and motivated, and he is still a student at the Royal University.

Hearing the name of the Royal University, Wei Wei suddenly thought that Felix seemed to be planning to dig some talents from that school. After all, the students from that school still had some knowledge, and a large part of them came from noble families. However, there is no family business to inherit, so he can only go out and work hard, and if he has the ability, he can go to the Sardinson group. Such a person is naturally the best candidate.

During the banquet, Wei Wei paid special attention to the three families that Felix mentioned. As a woman, she was naturally in contact with the wives and young ladies of the three families. See something wrong.

Then Wei Wei found that Miss Jessica Clive had an even worse attitude towards her. Although neither of them would take the initiative to talk to each other, Wei Wei could feel Miss Clive's vote every time. Jealous eyes, if she followed her line of sight at this time, she would definitely get an arrogant white eye, and the raised chin perfectly expressed the master's disdain.

She obviously didn't like to see her like that, as if she wanted to rush over and slap her a few times, but this lady with high self-esteem was different from the last salon. She didn't approach or talk to her.

It is very contradictory, and there is still a sense of disobedience. If it wasn't for Wei Wei's lack of definite evidence, and Felix directly naming her for her lack of ability and brains, Wei Wei would have suspected that the previous kidnapping case was Clive. Miss planned.

"What's wrong with her?" Wei Wei covered half of her face with a fan and asked Avella's ear.

Although Avella was young, she grew up in the capital. She had been involved in various banquets since she was a child. Before she officially entered the social world, she knew a lot about the secrets of many ladies. As for Miss Clive, naturally won't miss it.

I saw that she also covered her mouth with a fan, gossiping with Wei Wei and Dolores: "Not long after Wei Wei's accident, there were rumors that it was related to Miss Clive, so she It hasn't been very good recently, I heard that several suitors who were originally interested in her have all found other goals, but she can't argue with others about this matter, so it will become like this."

Avella glanced over there, and Miss Clive just happened to look over. I don't know if I guessed that they were talking about her, and her face became even worse.

But in the end, he just turned his head proudly and went elsewhere.

It really looks more like a guilty conscience.

But this made Wei Wei feel that this Miss Carlef was just like what Felix said, and she was not expected to do bad things, because it was suspicious no matter how she looked at it.

Avella thought she was sympathizing with the other party, and quickly persuaded: "Don't sympathize with her, do you know what she has done recently?"


Avella looked around to make sure no one else saw it, so she told her: "I also heard from a friend, she said that she saw with her own eyes Miss Clive secretly at the last banquet at Turner's house. Follow Earl Williams, block him on the balcony and confess to him."

So hot, why didn't she hear Felix say it? Wei Wei narrowed her eyes and turned to look at her fiancé who was surrounded by men in the distance.

The latter suddenly felt cold all over his body and couldn't help sneezing.

"Of course, your fiancé, Earl Williams, refused outright. I heard from Molly that Miss Clive's face was ugly at that time." Avella was a little gloating, but she looked down on this kind of person who hooked up with other people's fiancés. .

"But she's not an exception. You haven't attended the banquet these days, and many people have come out to show their hospitality. It's really unsightly." After speaking, the girl is not too lady-like and pouted, anyway, she was covered by the fan. No one can see.

She turned to look at Dolores, who also nodded to her and whispered, "There are indeed, but they were all rejected by my brother."

Because Felix wouldn't let him speak, lest Wei Wei be upset, Dolores never said anything. Seeing that the matter was revealed, she felt a little guilty, and at the same time she vaguely felt that Felix might be bad.

Think how excited you are? Dolores was ashamed of her own mind for a second.

When Felix finally got out of the crowd to find Wei Wei, the latter's gaze at him made his hair stand up.

Could it be that the surprise he secretly arranged was discovered? But it shouldn't be this reaction, right?

So it must not have been found.

He comforted himself secretly, regained his composure, walked over calmly, stretched out his hand, hugged his fiancee naturally, and looked around at the three girls.

"What are you talking about so happy?"

"It's not a happy thing." Wei Wei cocked the corners of her mouth, but she didn't smile: "We are saying that Earl Williams has been very lucky recently, and there are many charming ladies and ladies who are in their arms."

Felix froze all over, and realized that his situation was not very good.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Avella pulled up Dolores and ran away without saying any excuses.

"I think I need to defend myself." Felix took Wei Wei and walked out. He felt that it would be good to go to the secluded balcony to see the night view. At least if Wei Wei got angry, others would not see him. Disgraceful look.

"Well, I'll wait." Wei Wei moved in coordination.

In the banquet hall, many people saw them leave the hall and go to the balcony. Everyone tacitly exchanged smiles with each other, and the topic turned to the fiancée.

"Did you get it?"

"Yes, you got it too?"

"I also received it. The earl is really interesting. He even asked us to help cover."

"Yeah, I couldn't see that romantic before. I always thought he was a wood that doesn't understand style."

"It depends on who the object is. If I also have such a fiancée, I'm afraid I'll be as diligent as he is."

"Haha, I'm worried about being overheard by your wife."

The heavy curtains that mopped the floor covered the excitement in the banquet hall, as well as the smiling conversations of people. Only some candles came out and illuminated a corner.

Winter nights are very cold. The balcony that used to be very popular with guests in summer looks very deserted. Looking left and right, there are several balconies on the same floor, and only they are there.

When they came, it was still snowing outside, but now the snow has stopped, revealing the moon in the clouds. Under the moonlight, the snow-covered Wangdu is lonely, without the hustle and bustle of the day.

Wei Wei was still holding a glass of wine in her hand. Of course, she didn't like to drink it, but she just held it for a show, and left it on the balcony.

She turned to Felix, waiting for him to speak.

"I didn't provoke them, you know, I don't care about anyone except you." Felix hurriedly expressed his loyalty.

Although this may sound like a playboy's rhetoric, Wei Wei knows that it is indeed the truth.

She wasn't really angry, she just wanted to see his reaction suddenly.

And sometimes even knowing it's rhetoric, it still sounds pleasing.

No wonder so many people like to listen well.

Wei Wei hooked the corners of her mouth, followed Felix's strength to hug her, leaned on his arms, her expression was soft and moving, and it didn't match her words at all: "You better remember this, don't make mistakes of principle, You must know that lover and mistress are not popular in my country, if you dare to do something wrong to me, I don't mind castrating you first and then getting a divorce."

Afraid that he wouldn't understand the meaning of "castration", she also made a visual comparison.

Even without such thoughts, Felix felt a chill subconsciously after seeing Wei Wei's actions.

He grabbed Wei Wei's gesturing hand, bowed his head and kissed it affectionately, and reassured, "There won't be that kind of time."

Wei Wei is noncommittal: “Some things still need to be said with facts.”

But the threat returned, she still stood on tiptoe in reward, kissed her fiancé's mouth, and then unsurprisingly let Felix deepen the kiss, noticing that the thick curtain not far away moved slightly, It seems that someone has left from there.

Looking at the back, it seems to be Miss Clive?

Then the dissatisfied man held his cheek.

"I'm still paying attention to other things at this time. Is my kiss not enough to attract you? Dear Vivi?" Felix said hoarsely, rubbing the tip of her nose while talking.

"Just a little bit, now we can try again." Wei Wei smiled, put her hands too high, passed through his neck, and wrapped around her man: "But don't wear my lips."

"Of course, it's all yours, my dear."

When they left the banquet, Wei Wei's lips were swollen, as if they were coated with honey. Fortunately, candlelight was no better than light, and it was not difficult for others to see that all the lipstick on her mouth had been stolen. .

After she resumed attending the banquet, Wei Wei became busy again. She was so busy that she couldn't even find time to visit the group of children she bought. Fortunately, Qin and Penny took good care of them. Come back and report that some of these smart children can already recite all the letters, and they can also simply memorize a few common spelling phrases. The fastest one is naturally their own name. In mathematics, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are naturally not yet. Teach, but have memorized the Arabic numerals from 0 to 10.

"There are a few who are very talented. Not only do they master spelling more than other children, but they also learn inferences about numbers. Although they only learned 10, they can already count to 100 by themselves."

Qin's tone of voice was a little proud when she reported. These are all the students she handed over, and now she already has some teacher's intuition.

Wei Wei nodded, then asked her, "Where's Penny, how is she?"

Qin smiled and said, "She just finished reading a book recently. When I came back, she asked me to help you borrow a new book."

Although Penny said she was going to take care of the children with Qin, the children were very obedient, and she didn't really have much to do. This little maid, who didn't like studying very much before, seemed to be able to calm down now that she was hanging out with the children. Follow along to learn.

Wei Wei doesn't have high requirements for her, she can write and read. She is very relieved to hear that. She gets up and goes to the bookshelf to get a book and hand it to Qin: "Give this to her."

These books were bought by Wei Wei in the capital. They were all made of parchment paper, and the price was naturally high. She bought them to bring back to Sardinson County. Occasionally, when she was tired of studying, she would flip through it to change her mood.

But the books are all available in her encyclopedia, so anyone who wants to read them is happy to lend them out, as long as they can make sure they don't damage them.

It's a pity that only four maids from Sardinson County will borrow books from her, and the little girl Dolores has no interest at all.

In her words, reading a book is not as good as embroidering or making baby clothes.

"Are those kids thinking about running away recently?"

"No more." Qin shook his head: "Actually, I can see that some people thought so at the beginning, but they didn't take action. Recently, they have become more conscious and even ask me if there is anything they can do."

Being able to eat and wear warmly, without starving or freezing, the children naturally don’t think about running anymore, but it was like a dream at first, and the children who suspected it was just a dream were very uneasy, especially Girls, when they are at home, they basically have no food if they don’t work, so they are always worried that such days will suddenly disappear, so not only are they obedient in class, but they also always hope to find some work.

Wei Wei: "Then arrange something for them. Do you know what they will do?"

Qin thought for a while and replied, "Although he is young, he can still do a lot of things. Naturally, he can do housework. Girls should be able to do some work such as spinning and weaving. Boys are not very clear. "

They were all born poor. If they had any skills, they would have been sent to work or apprentices long ago, and they would not have been sold.

"This is really a bit difficult to arrange." Wei Wei was a little distressed. Felix was already contacting the mercenaries, and the convoy to transport the serfs was also being prepared. The children won't stay here for too long. Scheduling work is also not easy.

But if she didn't arrange it, she was also worried that these children would make herself ill. It's winter now, and adults may catch a cold if they don't pay attention. It's easier if it's a child. In this era, a cold can kill people.

In the end, Wei Wei didn't think of anything suitable for the child, so she had to ask Qin to bring back some wool from the warehouse. The wool was left over from killing sheep and eating meat in winter. It was originally going to be spun into thread, but the maids were very Busy, no one has time to deal with this, just piled up in the grocery room.

"Let them sort the wool and spin it into thread." It's not hard work but patience and care, and it's good to pass the time to the children.

After Qin left, Wei Wei got up and left the room again. She strolled around the earl's mansion, and not surprisingly found that the number of servants in the mansion was reduced by half. She didn't know what they were doing. Want to know whose handwriting.

Fortunately, when she needed someone to help, there was always a shortage of people, otherwise Wei Wei would have to think about whether she needed to hire another person.

Later, when Felix came back, Wei Wei asked about the mercenaries and the convoy.

"Everything that should be prepared is almost ready, but it has been snowing recently, and the road is not easy to walk. The meaning of the mercenary group is to hope that the snow will stop before leaving."

There are several mercenary teams contacted by Felix, all of which are small teams. They promised to run in with each other after taking the task to determine the position of the leader. The car of the team was rented from the car dealership, and the driver was also provided by the car dealership. , the safety of the convoys and serfs on the road are all responsible for the mercenaries.

The order Felix gave them was to ensure that the convoy and the group of serfs all returned to Sardinson County safely, without too many personnel being damaged.

He can still accept the loss of individual personnel. If the final loss is too great, then the mercenary and the car dealer will have to pay him how much he dies. The mercenaries don’t have much money on hand, if not for the special commission given by Felix. At the same time, it is guaranteed to provide enough food and warm items to the serfs. They do not want to take this order at all. After all, traveling in winter is more prone to accidents than other seasons.

So they were determined not to leave until the snow stopped.

"I asked, and the snow will stop in a few days at most."

"Although the snow will stop, there shouldn't be less snow on the road, right? Can the carriage really set off at such a time?"

Wei Wei was very suspicious. It was snowing on their way to the capital. Of course, it only started to fall when they were close to the capital, but it was also a fact that the road was difficult to walk when it snowed. The roads in the capital were cleaned every day. From time to time, Xuedu could hear news of passers-by slipping and horses breaking their legs, not to mention those untreated wild roads.

"The coachmen of the car dealership are experienced in this kind of thing. Their carriages are special. As long as the snow is not too deep, they can walk, just slow down." Otherwise, he would not have specially rented a carriage and a coachman.

Seeing that he has the bottom line, Wei Wei nodded and didn't ask any further questions. She just said, "In the future, you should choose a different season. Although the price may be a little higher, it is convenient for transportation."

"I mean it too, so I've already spoken to a few slave traders. In the future, they will have suitable candidates who can send them directly to Sardinson. We only need to pay a little extra for the journey."

Although Felix doesn't like the way of slave merchants, but doing business is like this, many things are inevitable, especially those slave merchants have nobles behind them. He recruited serfs in the capital and was already stealing business from them. Now Give them some benefits, and look at each other's face.