Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 69

On January 1, the New Year's Day of the later generations, there is a great weather.

The heavy snowfall for several consecutive days had stopped the previous day. The sun rarely appeared in the sky on the first day of the new year. The sun in the cold winter may not be warm enough, but it is bright enough to melt the ice and snow silently, bringing the footsteps of spring to the earth. .

Earl Williams House is very busy on this day.

The time for the wedding was set in the afternoon, and the location was the largest church in the capital. Felix spent a lot of heart (gold) thinking (money) to invite a cardinal whose status was second only to the Pope, that is, The cardinal, officiating the wedding for him, and the witness is His Majesty the King who enthusiastically offered to witness the marriage for him. Felix originally wanted to ask Ellen's father to take up this role, but since the king is willing, then Nature is the best.

With these two characters here, Felix's wedding was naturally elevated to a very high level, second only to the royal wedding.

Although the ceremony was in the afternoon, Wei Wei had to get up early in the morning to prepare, because she had to do a full body maintenance first, then change her clothes, make up and comb her hair. Every detail must be refined, and the last thing to appear in front of everyone is Her most perfect side.

Of course, this is not Wei Wei's own goal, but the goal of the maids who surround her, wishing she would become an immortal.

Here today, she is a mannequin who just needs to stay still and let others serve her.

Of course, she had to do the makeup herself, and Wei Wei couldn't accept other people's craftsmanship.

While she was busy, the other host of the wedding was nervously waiting outside the door.

During this period, there was no rule that they could not meet the day before the wedding. In some areas, the day before the wedding was the day of the bridal chamber. After the bride and groom had completed this move, they would go to the church for the ceremony.

Of course, this custom doesn't work at least for Wei Wei.

Here I have to mention a bad habit in Europe and even the Yuan Dynasty in the original history - the right of the first night.

In Europe, especially in a country dominated by Western Europe, getting married is not just a matter for ordinary people. The law stipulates that the brides' wedding night does not belong to their husbands, but belongs to them. Lords, if they don't want the bride to fulfill this obligation, they have to pay a marriage tax of four silver coins like the Lord, and if the Lord likes the bride, then they can choose not to ask for money.

And this one is unavoidable for free people, as long as they live in the lord's private domain.

So the more beautiful a woman is, the more worried about this. If Wei Wei is not married to Felix, then as a member of his territory, she will be in big trouble now. Of course, if she married another powerful nobleman, Felix would have to make her pay taxes at best.

Of course, these are only ifs, the reality is that her marriage partner is Felix, her lord, so no one can ask her to pay this ridiculous tax, not even the king.

According to the wedding tradition of this period, the groom should have gone to the church at this time to wait for his bride, and the bride will be led by her mother and the groom's mother into the church, and they will hand her over to the bride.

But neither Wei Wei nor Felix had parents, so naturally there were no female elders who could lead Wei Wei into the auditorium.

Although a noble lady like Countess Nelson expressed that she was very happy to take on this role, Wei Wei felt that they were not close to this level, and she didn't want to suddenly become a dwarf, so she politely declined after weighing it.

They chose another way, with the bride and groom walking into the marriage hall, and this situation is not without precedent.

That's why Felix is ​​now sitting in front of Wei Wei's door and waiting anxiously.

Since getting up in the morning, Felix has been in a state of anxiety. Not only is he looking forward to seeing Wei Wei go to church with her, but he also wants to wait a little longer to ease his anxiety.

Alan, who was the best man, also came early to accompany his friends.

Since Wei Wei doesn't know many female friends, and Avella, who is getting along well, already has a fiancé and cannot serve as a bridesmaid, Wei Wei's bridesmaid is served by Dolores, also because the bridesmaid on the woman's side The small number of people led Felix to invite only one best man, Aaron. Otherwise, he knew a lot of people in the capital, and there were still three or five people who could be called friends.

After seeing Felix's eager and nervous performance, Alan was amused, but he couldn't help feeling that love is really a magical power, and it can turn Felix into this.

He thought he could make fun of Felix for the rest of his life.

"Trust me, you will have one of those days too."

"Hehe, I don't think so." Allen, who is a playboy, doesn't expect this day at all, and compared to Felix, who has completely independent marriage rights, Allen's marriage is in the hands of his parents, so The biggest possibility is family marriage.

This is the fate that many nobles and even commoners cannot escape. The free love at this time is just freedom based on certain rules.

Not everyone is as lucky as Felix.

They didn't discuss this matter for too long, because Wei Wei was finally ready and came out of the room.

When the door opened, Felix felt that his heart had stopped beating, looking at the pure white bride walking out of the door.

A wedding is one of the most beautiful moments in a woman's life, and if the bride herself is beautiful enough, the scenery she brings to people is absolutely stunning and shocking.

Not only Felix, but everyone who saw the bride could not find words to describe her beauty at this moment, and there was only a blank space in their minds.

Even Allen, who has read countless beauty, has to admit that this is the most beautiful and pure bride he has ever seen. He has a hunch that the title of the first beauty of the Prady Empire is likely to be replaced today.

I hope the bad-tempered queen doesn't jump off her feet in anger.

The veil that was fixed on Wei Wei's head was put down, covering herself like a hood, and her delicate face was looming under the lace-covered veil, adding a mysterious beauty. Looking down at his feet, his hands with white gloves held the skirt, revealing the white high-heeled shoes inlaid with pearls and shells on his feet.

Although she likes her wedding dress very much, she has to say that the wedding dress and veil are too long, which really affects her walking. There is no flower girl holding the wedding dress for her at today's weddings, so she can only carry it by herself if she doesn't want to get dirty. The front, and then let the maid in the back help her lead.

And they will always be taken to the church, so the selected maids also changed into the same white dresses and put on make-up, and they were considered bridesmaids in disguise.

"I'm ready, let's go."

Everyone was awake in her voice, Felix's face was flushed, and all his anxiety was left behind. To his unease, he only had his own bride in his eyes.

He carefully stretched out his hand and let Wei Wei hold her, and she walked out of the Earl's Mansion with her bride.

The carriage used for the wedding has been parked at the gate. The carriage that can only seat two people is painted with red and gold, as dreamy as Cinderella's pumpkin carriage. It is driven by two horses, one black and one white. It is the bride and groom. The horse, the jade lion is a human horse. After knowing that the owner is going to get married, it grabs the job of pulling the carriage, and the horses used in the wedding carriage must be in pairs, so its suitor Rios Nature became its partner.

Before and after the carriage, the ranks of soldiers and knights were both escorts and guards of honor.

The church bell in the distance rang, spreading throughout the entire capital, announcing that a couple of newlyweds were about to enter the palace of marriage.

In the church, the guests who were already seated filled the whole church. The king, queen and other members of the royal family sat at the front, especially the king. He was not only a witness, but also in the family and friends area of ​​the newlyweds. , which means that he admits that Felix is ​​also a member of the royal family and is his junior.

Originally, there should be a distinction between men and women in this relatives and friends area, but Wei Wei has no relatives. If it is really divided, it will make the woman look unattractive, so it is simply not divided.

At this time, neither the king, queen nor Bishop Adrian, who presided over the ceremony, had entered the venue. They would appear at the scheduled time, and they could not be allowed to wait for the two newcomers.

Without the presence of the king, the ceremony had not yet begun, and the guests were naturally chatting, guessing what the bride would look like today.

For this exotic guest, the ladies in the aristocratic circle have the biggest impression of her on the new dresses and dresses she brought. At least this winter, Wei Wei is the fashion trend of the aristocratic class in the capital. The gift to the queen, or the different outfits she wore several times when she attended the banquet, were enough for these beauty-loving women to talk about.

"Maybe it's the cake dress, she wore it beautifully at the salon, and I heard the lady say she likes the layered dress."

"It may also be other styles we haven't seen before. You must know that this is a young lady from a foreign country. Maybe it will be her country's wedding dress, such as a silk skirt." The lady who spoke raised up Example: "Like our queen, didn't she wear the traditional dress of her country when she married?"

Of course, this is when Queen Mirabelle was married for the first time.

"Speaking of the Silk Country, their wedding dresses must be made of silk. Can we see a silk wedding dress?"

"That's not very likely. Even if she was born in the silk country, can she still make a silk dress here? You know, I heard that she left her motherland because of the war, and it was because of the war. The servant intended to murder her, and she only met the Earl of Williams when she escaped, in that case, would you remember to bring your wedding dress instead?"

What happened to Wei Wei (fabricated) is not a secret. Everyone knows that this foreign lady used to be very pitiful. If she hadn't been lucky enough to capture the heart of Earl Williams, God knows what she would have become.

So don't look at that only Miss Clive stabbed her with these words. In fact, no one thinks that she really has silk from the Silk Country in her hands.

Otherwise, why has no one seen this lady take out something made of silk until now.

"That's a pity. Actually, I'm really curious about what Siguo's wedding dress looks like. It must be very beautiful."

"Maybe you can ask her later?"

"Of course, of course I want to ask."

The ladies' conversation went on for a long time, until a trumpet sounded at the door, and the king and queen entered the hall and stood under the altar, indicating that the time was almost up.

The choir on the second floor began to sing, and in the midst of the sacred music, the cardinal in full costume appeared on the altar with the rest of the clergy.

All eyes were on the door of the church, and they knew that today's protagonists were about to appear.

The carriage stopped at the door of the church, the door opened, and Felix in a black suit stepped out of the carriage.

The guests near the door were shocked to see his outfit. This kind of clothes they had never seen before gave them a big shock. Conservative men felt that it was really important not to wear traditional clothes at such an important time. It's a bit unethical, but the young man saw the fashion and handsomeness of men in his suit, and subconsciously wondered if he would be as bright as him if he wore it like this.

And the feeling of the women is very unified, regardless of age, all eyes lit up when they saw Felix, just like a bee who saw a flower and wanted to fly over immediately.

"He looks amazing..."

"Yeah, God, I want to describe him as sexy."

"If he smiled at me now, I might pass out immediately."

Obviously, these ladies know very well how to appreciate the beauty of male sex.

But all the discussion and excitement stopped when the groom in the suit stretched his hand backwards and took the bride down.

The first thing that appeared in front of me was a shoe.

To be precise, it is only a part of the upper that is covered under the long skirt.

The pure white vamp is covered with the latest hot lace pattern, and the core of the flower is embellished with round and lustrous pearls. The vamp appears in everyone's field of vision for only a few seconds, but it makes women remember it. it.

Then, the hand wearing the white lace gloves was pulled down. Before everyone could discover the beauty of the lace gloves, they were so amazed by the girl who finally got out of the carriage that they couldn't even think.

The elegant and pure white brocade exudes a pearl-like brilliance in the sun. The smooth feeling that you can feel without touching it is a precious fabric of the silk country that you will never forget once you have seen it.

The ladies who were still guessing before did not expect that they can really see a skirt made of silk today (in fact, it should be said that silk is called silk in Europe at this time).

It's just so beautiful.

Wei Wei just stood in front of the church, and the maids walked behind her as quickly and neatly as if they had practiced countless times, tidying up the skirt for her, and letting the veil cover it naturally.

In this season when flowers cannot be found, she held a bouquet of fake flowers in her hand, held her fiance, and walked up the stairs of the church.

Little by little, it entered the eyes of everyone.

The pure white wedding dress is tight at the top and wide at the bottom. It is a popular tutu skirt style recently, but it is not the same, because the skirts worn by other people will not have such a long tail.

When the bride wearing a veil walked on the red carpet of the church, the skirt in front of her swayed on the ground, and the huge skirt dragged on the floor behind her slowly passed by.

Compared with other fancy skirts, it looks too simple and elegant, and you can't even find any decorations, but the cut with all the lines is too stunning, not to mention that it is made of silk from the collar to the skirt. of!

That is silk, a rare item that can be exchanged for a lot of gold coins for a small piece. Wei Wei wearing this dress is not only low-key and luxurious, she is wearing a gold mountain on her body.

In addition to the wedding dress, the bridal makeup and hairstyle, and even the silver accessories used to fix the hair and veil on the back of the head, were all so perfect and beautiful that all the women present would be jealous.

When she gets close, you can see her beautiful face through the translucent veil. Today, she has a pure, sacred and dignified beauty from the inside out, just like the pearl earrings on her ears.

And a white bride and a black groom match perfectly.

Looking at them, you will sincerely feel that the so-called pair made in heaven really exists.

When they stood in front of the altar, even the bishop who presided over the ceremony did not immediately follow the procedure, but looked at the bride in front of him with admiration and admiration, and the first sentence he spoke was to praise her: "Few people wear white wedding dress, but you are the purest and most beautiful bride I have ever seen."

The girl under the veil pursed her lips and smiled, and saluted: "Thank you for your compliment."

In fact, Wei Wei felt that he should prefer her veil, because it covered her hair and face, although it was translucent, but for a church that asked women not to show their hair when they went out, in this kind of veil Seeing the veil all the time should be the biggest reason for him to have a good impression of Wei Wei, because other people won't cover their heads and faces at this time, and they can't wait to let everyone appreciate their most beautiful moments.

Although Wei Wei did this, it was because the shape looked more ceremonial.

After that, almost all the guests watched all the ceremony in a confused state, and they didn't remember the details of the wedding very much afterwards. Everyone's memory basically only stayed on the different and brilliant bride and groom. dress up.

The bishop in red finally remembered his responsibilities after praising them. He faced the crowd and started the first call.

[Beloved brothers and sisters of the Lord, we are gathered here today to witness in the presence of God and all the witnesses that the bridegroom, Willix Williams, and the bride, Wei Wei, have entered into the divine marriage covenant. Blessed by our Lord **** Christ and governed by the commandments of God, it is also the most sacred marriage covenant among men. Therefore, this engagement should not be done hastily or lightly, but should be done with holiness, prudence, and the fear of God.

Groom Felix Williams and Bride Wei Wei, you have indicated your desire to enter into this sacred marriage covenant together, and no one has proved that you are unworthy to enter into this sacred marriage covenant. If you know that there is still something between you that prevents you from entering into the marriage covenant, I want you to make it bold before God and before all men. 】

At this time, the two parties naturally remained silent.

The cardinal looked at them solemnly, and after making sure that no one had the idea of ​​speaking, he turned to the altar and began to pray.

[Let us bow our heads in prayer, Almighty and everlasting God, it is up to you to survive in our actions. Give us a pure heart and an upright spirit, and let not **** hinder us from knowing your will, nor let weakness prevent us from obeying your will, so that we may see light in your light through **** Christ, Find true freedom in you. Please be with us at this moment and bless our gathering today, now and forever and ever, according to your faithfulness. Amen. 】

This is an extremely long process, because after the prayer there is a part of reading the Bible, and after the reading of the Bible, the choir begins to hymn. After these steps, the most important swearing scene in the wedding.

Felix and Wei Wei stood face to face in front of the altar, their hands folded together, and they began to swear in the presence of everyone.

"In the presence of God and all the witnesses who are here today, I, Felix Williams (Wei Wei), would like to marry (marry) Wei Wei (Felix Williams) as my wife ( Husband). Now and forever, in good times and bad, rich or poor, health or sickness, joy or sorrow, I will always love you, cherish you, and be faithful to you forever and ever.”

This passage has been circulating for some unknown time. It is a **** that every newlyweds who hold a church wedding must say, but how much can really be done.

Wei Wei doesn't believe in oaths. Marriage needs to be managed. A oath cannot guarantee its beauty. What she believes in is her own vision, what she believes in is Felix's personality, and what she believes is that each other wants to make each other better heart of.

After taking the oath, Dolores, who had been holding the ring on the red pad, immediately stepped forward. The bishop was a little surprised that there were two rings on it. At this time, only the bridegroom wears the ring for the bride, because the nobles generally only wear the ring. A ring, that is the ring representing their family crest - but the wisdom of the elder made him quickly understand the meaning of the two rings of different sizes, and he handed the smaller one to Fei. lix.

Felix put the exquisite gemstone ring he specially made on Wei Wei's left ring finger.

At that moment, Wei Wei felt the trembling from his fingertips.

After that, Wei Wei also put on another matching ring for him.

The groom then kisses the bride, not lip to lip, but on the cheek—a public kiss would be reviled in an age of abstinence.

Felix lifted Wei Wei's veil, revealing her face as delicate as a rose.

He leaned over and kissed Wei Wei's cheek lightly.

Of course, the ceremony was not completed. Alan walked up to them, holding the marriage certificate in his hand. Felix and Wei Wei picked up quills and signed their names on it.

"Now, I declare that you are husband and wife, and in the witness of God, you will never be separated."

The author has something to say: In [ ] are the vocations and prayers spoken by the pastor at the church wedding today.

There is no information about the steps of the medieval wedding, so I can only combine some movie plots I have seen and the modern church wedding process, and then change it. The author does not guarantee any authenticity!