Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 87

The priest was in trouble because of the troubles of the territorial people, which angered the count and punished the troubled territorial people.

After the news came out, it made the other residents feel uneasy, worried that it would affect them.

And it's even worse for those who are punished.

Although they were only punished for their food during labor, it was more uncomfortable for the people to deduct the food than to beat them, not to mention that it was still a month's ration, and it hurt every time.

And the punishment is not only for them, they also left a bad impression on the Count, and they were even registered. In the future, the Count will probably remember the wrong things they did and be hated by their own lords. What a terrifying thing, maybe there will be good things in the future and it will not be their turn to "sinners", even if the count does not remember, the attitude of the stewards towards them will change because of the count's likes and dislikes. Too bad, in the same way, other territorial residents will also reject them, so it can be seen that their life will not be very good for a long time.

But no one dared to complain, they could only swallow all the bitter fruit quietly and regret their reckless behavior.

Especially on the next day, a new order was issued from the castle.

The order this time was naturally about something they had been clamoring to learn before.

Teachers selected by the castle will go to the villages in the manor every morning for the next time to teach. All children between the age of seven and fifteen can go to the class, regardless of gender, and those who are older can go to class if they have time. Auditions are allowed. The residents in the village do not need to pay tuition fees, but they need to be responsible for the teacher’s food and transportation, and they must ensure their safety. If the teacher is in danger, the castle will decide whether to cancel the entire village’s study due to the seriousness of the situation. Chance.

That is to say, if something happens to the teacher, no matter who did it, the people in your village will not want to study anymore.

And this scope includes all the villages of serfs and freemen in the manor. Of course, the villages of freemen are a minority, and most of them are serfs.

When deciding on the scope, Wei Wei hesitated whether to include the freedmen who had recently relocated among them. The villages formed by the freedmen who settled on the edge of the manor have now begun to take shape, and they are the first batch of people who moved in independently. The freedmen who came here are obviously not the same as other freedmen who came because of the follow-up welfare.

Felix obviously had a favorable impression of the group of free people, so he told Wei Wei, "Just treat it as a reward for them, let's join in together."

Wei Wei also thought of this, but she was a little worried that other free people outside the manor would make troubles like before.

Felix felt that she was a little overly worried: "Everyone who made trouble before has been punished, and our attitude has been made clear. Others have to see if they can bear the consequences before making trouble."

Not everyone can bear the consequences of being hated by the lord.

Unless they don't want to hang out in Sardinson anymore.

Wei Wei thought about it too, so she added the village of the freedmen.

Of course, the free people didn't know it at first, because the announcement did not write the specific village name. They saw that it was only in the village within the manor, and they regretted that they were not among them.

As a result, a few days later, the teacher assigned by the castle came.

When they saw people, they couldn't believe it, but they quickly reacted. Along with the hospitality, they also began to prepare the place for class.

No one is underestimating that people are just young girls. Those of them who have done the population registration know the abilities of the children living in the church, otherwise there would not be so many people jealous of them.

Not every village can have a teacher. This time, the castle assigns teachers according to the scale of each village. A village with a large population and many children will have one teacher. If it is a small population and a small number of children, there will be two. Even if three adjacent villages study together, the specific location of the class can be decided by the villages themselves.

For the first time as a teacher, the selected children are very nervous, and they doubt whether they can do it well, because they are not the best group of students, and their grades can only be said to be above average. Can they really do this job well? ?

"Yes, believe in yourself, didn't you do a good job teaching other children before?"

Before leaving, Qin cheered them on. As early as when she had the idea of ​​popularizing education, Wei Wei planned to make use of these children. Usually after class, they would be divided into different study groups to support each other and make progress together. The group will be regrouped every once in a while. Qin, who has been paying attention silently, knows very well that this group of selected children may not have the best grades among them, but they are the ones who teach others the most. They usually help the children with poor grades with homework. , they have also accumulated a little teaching experience, and the castle has prepared a teaching book for them.

Qin said a lot of words of encouragement, and these children gradually became less nervous. They had more confidence, brought their own teaching tools, and went with the soldiers.

Seeing that they finally regained her composure when they left, Qin smiled happily, and then the smile turned into a trace of melancholy.

The progress of these children's learning is very fast, and she has almost emptied her knowledge, so her time to teach them is almost over. When the newly hired teacher arrives, Qin will return to Wei Wei and get along again. For so long, she was really reluctant.

But soon she was excited, thinking about her goals, she really wanted to be a housekeeper more than being a teacher.

The dozen or so teachers selected have gone out to teach, and most of them are girls. After all, girls are more suitable for education than boys in terms of personality, but equally, they may encounter danger. Also bigger.

So when these students first went to the village to become teachers, they would be accompanied by a soldier. When the little teachers got used to it, they would only be picked up by carriages every day. These little teachers would teach the children half a day in the village every day. The village is responsible for the food at noon. After finishing the day's course at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, a coachman will take them back to the church. There is no need to spend the night or live in the village, and the safety is more guaranteed.

It's not that Wei Wei is unreasonable, but that most of these children are girls, and it is at this age that they think they should get married, so there is no guarantee that no one will have a crooked mind, and whether it is among serfs or free people, the man forced the woman to finally put her. It is not uncommon for people to marry back, or even take responsibility for things. There are often servants in the castle to discuss such things, and the price that those scumbags need to pay is just to supplement the woman's family.

There may be a problem of "first night rights" in other areas, but in Sardinson, everyone knows that the old earl is an infatuated kind who only loves his deceased wife. The new earl obviously inherited his father's infatuation and succeeded to the throne for a year. Now, the "First Night Power" has never been driven, which has caused some scumbags to be unscrupulous.

But this situation has improved a lot now. Wei Wei hates this kind of scum very much, and Felix, as a knight, will not allow this to happen, so as long as the news reaches their ears, those scumbags will They were immediately arrested and investigated. As long as they were convicted, they would be beheaded. There was no sympathy at all. After a few times, no one dared to take risks with their own bodies.

And after Wei Wei's new hobby of liking barrows was publicized, those who were lustful and timid didn't even dare to tease people, for fear that she would suddenly bring this hobby to them.

Therefore, the safety of the little teacher is still very guaranteed, but it is also necessary to be just in case.

The houses in those villages were small thatched huts, and the classrooms for classes could not be built for a while, so before the villagers in the villages worked together to build the classrooms, the children went to class directly in the open space.

Fortunately, the weather was not hot or cold at this time, and the sun was not too big. In addition to testing the voice of the little teacher, the other problems were not too big.

The textbook is one for each teacher. In addition, they also put a blackboard and chalk in the village. The blackboard is made of a piece of wood painted with mountain black paint. There are ropes on it, which are hung on the trees. , people sitting farther away can also see the above content.

The chalk is actually a block made of lime and water. It is not as easy to use as the chalk of later generations, but the writing effect is good, and the conditions cannot be too picky.

This three-piece set is a teaching tool for small teachers.

The children who came to the class were big and small, and the adults who wanted to study and watch the fun, the surrounding area was full of water, and the little teacher couldn't help but start to get nervous.

Fortunately, these adults still knew how to keep quiet, and the young and ignorant children did not dare to fight under the reprimands of the adults. They sat obediently and prepared to listen to the class. Seeing that everyone was looking at her quietly, the little teacher took a deep breath and said on the blackboard. Write the first letter and start the class.

At the beginning, the stumbling and stumbling was inevitable, but after getting used to it, they entered the state. While taking the class as they had practiced in private, they unconsciously imitated the appearance of Qin and Father Matthew when they were teaching, and tried to speak in a simple and easy way. You know, I'll ask a question from time to time.

Because the Count's recruitment order is still hanging there, this time can be said to be the time when everyone is most eager for knowledge. Those who are ambitious and want to try will naturally not miss this opportunity, but there are also some people who feel that they have no such ability and are not interested in learning. I didn't have any interest, I just watched it would be lively and satisfied my curiosity and left.

People gradually dispersed, and the children who were brought to study began to be less obedient. The older ones are fine. They know that this may be the only opportunity that can change their future destiny. No one is willing to seize it. The children of 100 don't know this very well. They can't sit still or keep quiet, and soon the discipline in the classroom will become a little chaotic.

Fortunately, the chaos didn't last long. Before the little teacher struggled with how to make them obey, the older children would take the initiative to help her to appease the noisy children. After all, if they made trouble, their own learning would also be affected.

Since the Count has sent people to teach them to study, and it does not require any fees, the news makes others unbelievable, but thinking about the various arrangements of the Count and his wife during this period, it seems that there is nothing unbelievable. Anyway, They are rich, and they are not short of tuition fees, and they are in their own manor, so he can do whatever he wants first.

It's just that this makes other residents envious. They also want to have free teachers.

It's a pity that obviously this time the welfare did not cover the whole of Sardinson County. Except for the castle manor, even the most recent Dingle did not receive the gift of Lord Earl, so they had to find a way by themselves.

However, the actions of the Count also reminded the residents that since the church in the town could not accept so many students, they could invite one of their own.

You don't need to be outstanding, as long as you can teach common words and arithmetic, if you can learn it, even if you can't apply for the position offered by the earl, it will be much easier to find a job in the future.

Of course, they can't afford private tutors, but like the Count, it should be possible to hire one from a village or several villages. Besides, they have basically got some money in every household recently. The teacher's money is also enough.

The only trouble is, there are not many literate people in Sardinson County, most of them have their own jobs and won't be teachers for them for such a small amount of money, so where do they find someone?

Fortunately, Sardinson County is becoming more and more prosperous at this time, and the number of foreigners is increasing. If you ask more, you can always find someone who is literate and willing to teach commoners. It's just that the level of teaching depends entirely on luck. .

But in any case, it is always a good thing that the natives have begun to pay attention to education.

On this day, the servant in charge of taking care of the alchemist asked to see Wei Wei: "Madam, Master Raymond would like to invite you to come over."

Wei Wei remembered the topic she left to Master Raymond before, nodded, and decided to go to the alchemy laboratory to have a look.

This was the second time she came to this lab after returning from the capital. She was too busy before and couldn't find time. Naturally, she didn't know much about Master Raymond's recent research progress.

When she got to the laboratory and saw the semi-finished product placed on the seat, she knew that he had succeeded.

The new topic she gave to Master Raymond was mechanical. Of course, it was not a cross-generational product like a steam engine that required a lot of energy to study, but it was also of great significance.

She asked Master Raymond to help her make a pendulum clock.

The pendulum clock is a kind of clock, invented by Dutch physicist Chris Huygens more than three hundred years later. It is almost not difficult to make parts from drawings and then assemble them. However, with the craftsmanship of this era, it is very time-consuming and laborious to make parts, and requires good craftsmanship.

Moreover, Wei Wei can draw drawings but cannot give exact data, which requires many experiments, and the help she can provide is only the principle formula of this kind of clock: the law of simple pendulum.

So Wei Wei left this question to Master Raymond. As a former math teacher and now an alchemist, he not only has strong computing ability, but also has a lot of research on metal construction, and his hands-on ability is also very strong. , After thinking about it for more than a month, he fiddled with the first pendulum clock.

It is said to be a semi-finished product because this pendulum clock currently only has the internal structure and

This pendulum clock is one meter high, the shell is made of wood, the whole is a simple desk clock style, there are no extra patterns, and there are three hands of different lengths on the surface, the longest second of which really follows the pendulum swinging steadily. Walking one by one, the sound of the pendulum is very loud, in a quiet environment.

It was said to be a semi-finished product, but it was actually just that its outer shell had not been fully installed. When she came, Master Raymond was making the final adjustments, and you could see that the internal gears were moving spontaneously under the movement of the pendulum.

"Wait a minute, it'll be alright."

Master Raymond glanced at her and said hello. The work in his hand did not stop, and Wei Wei did not wait long before finishing the final work.

When he stood up, the time on the clock was adjusted. Wei Wei didn't know how Master Raymond calculated it, but the time seemed very accurate.

She sighed: "I didn't expect you to make it so quickly. When this clock appears in front of the world, they will definitely remember your name."

However, Master Raymond shook his head in dissatisfaction: "It's not good enough. I haven't made the timekeeping system you mentioned. At present, this clock can only keep time."

"This is already very powerful." Wei Wei has drawn the structure diagram, and naturally knows that the pendulum clock with the timekeeping function is much more complicated than the one without the timekeeping function, and to be honest, she doesn't really like the timekeeping pendulum clock, especially in the middle of the night. To that voice, it is easy to make one's heart tremble.

"The main reason is that some parts are not very easy to make, but I will continue to study it." Obviously, he was a little worried that he had not made a timekeeping pendulum clock.

"You don't need to fight so hard, this is really good." Wei Wei sighed: "I didn't expect you to make it so quickly."

Hearing what she said, Master Raymond said complacently: "It's just piecing together some parts. It's not difficult for me. If it wasn't that the gears were too time-consuming to polish, I would have done it already."

Indeed, this kind of hand-polished parts can't be fast.

"Then I will send this pendulum clock to someone to copy first, and then I will send it back to you after the copy is completed." It was the first pendulum clock, and he made it by himself. It is of great significance. Wei Wei felt that it should be kept write.

But Master Raymond didn't want to accept it: "You don't need to send it back to me. You can keep this for yourself, and you can just get a copy for me later."

His laboratory is not safe, and it would be a pity if the pendulum clock was accidentally destroyed.

In the end is his own blood, or to cherish a little.

When Wei Wei thought about it, she nodded and said, "Then I'll put it back in the castle, you can take it when you want."

After saying this, she added: "The craftsmen who have been newly hired recently are all good at craftsmanship. I heard that some of them are quite famous. You can try them if you need parts that need to be polished in the future."

Only then did Master Raymond become interested: "Okay, I'll go talk to them later."

Grinding parts, in the end, should let a more professional come.

After handing over the new results, Master Raymond remembered that he was not just asking Wei Wei to look at the pendulum clock.

"Several of my friends wrote to me recently, in which they expressed their desire to come and do research with me."

Saying that he was doing research with him was just an excuse, and he could see that he wanted to come and work for Felix.

Doing experiments requires a lot of money, but most alchemists are poor, and finding sponsors has always been a problem for them. Master Raymond used to be the same. Difficulty in life after being fired.

But it's different now. Not only does he have the support of Willix and Wei Wei, but he also gets a lot of dividends every month. He doesn't need to deal with food, clothing, housing, and transportation by himself. In addition, he has not spent too much money recently. In just a few months, he had saved a lot of money, and when he had money, he wanted to do his own research, so as soon as he finished the pendulum clock, he hurriedly gave it to Wei Wei. .

Before, in his letters with his old friends, he boasted a lot about how well he was treated in Sardinson County. Those who were as poor as he used to hear more, how could they not be moved, and now they want to come to Sardinson County. Very normal.

They are all his old friends, so he naturally wanted to help him with good words: "Though those people are a bit eccentric, they are still very good at alchemy. If you are willing to keep them, Madam, I promise that you will not suffer a loss. ."

In fact, Master Raymond has absolutely no right to say about his friends, he himself is a weirdo in the eyes of ordinary people.

Wei Wei: "I naturally believe you when you say you have the ability, but are these people willing to obey my arrangements?"

Master Raymond affirmed: "Of course, I think as long as you can give them good treatment, no one will be unwilling to work for you."

Such a generous employer is rare. Besides, Master Raymond thinks the topics Wei Wei gave him are very interesting, but it has increased his knowledge a lot. I think others will be as interested in this as he is. .

"Then you can write a letter and invite them to come to Sardinson County. We can talk about it when the time comes. If we both feel good about each other, then I will prepare the same contract for them as you." Wei Wei paused, but didn't He asked with confidence: "Is there no problem with the identity and background of these people? You know that Sardinson County has been too eye-catching recently. If there is a problem with their identity, it is best not to come here."

Master Raymond stroked his beard and smiled: "Don't worry, it's guaranteed to be fine."

"That's good."

Wei Wei still believed him quite a bit. Since he said there was no problem, it should be no problem, but the investigation still needs to be investigated.

In addition, since there are new alchemists coming, it is not suitable to put the laboratory in the castle. She doesn't want to be bombed suddenly one day. The safest way is to find another remote place to place them. , even if there is an accident, it will at most just smash the laboratory, and the innocent will not be implicated.

It seems that the construction team will be dispatched to rush to build the house again.

"Ah yes, and my old friend Julio heard that I had a good time in Sardinson, and wanted to come to see me in Sardinson. I wonder if the lady and the earl are willing to welcome him?"

It's just a small matter, Wei Wei readily agreed.

Seeing that she agreed, Master Raymond said happily: "That's great, I'm also worried that you won't be willing to accept it for fear of trouble. After all, the Pope always needs to be ostentatious when he goes out, and there are many people he wants to bring. "

"How hot are people...wait a minute, Pope?"

"Yeah, Giulio was elected as the new Pope last year. If I ask him why he does such a thankless thing, I'm worried about which Pope can sit for a long time in these years..."

Wei Wei could no longer hear his nagging. She was dumbfounded for a while, not understanding why an alchemist like Raymond, who was expelled from school, knew the Pope.

Although Prady people don't like to see the church, but that's the Pope. With this kind of relationship, even the Royal School should be weighed.

The author has something to say: John XXI, also known as John XXI (reigned from September 13, 1276 to May 20, 1277), was born in Lisbon, commonly known as Giulio (1215 Year - May 20, 1277). This is the Pope who was seriously injured and died during an experiment in history. Of course, there is a big difference between the private setting of this article and the historical difference.

The historical prototype of Master Raymond is Roger Bacon. Of course, only a few prototypes were used. This Master Bacon is a fierce man and has the title of Doctor Strange. He is even the first European to tell how to make ammunition. He was regarded as a heretic by the people at the time because his ideas were too advanced. He was imprisoned in a Paris monastery for ten years after being expelled from the university pulpit. He wrote his discovery of alchemy in a book dedicated to Pope Clermont V. As a condition of release, the three popes, including Gregory X, were safe and sound, until in May 1277, when Pope John XXI died while conducting experiments, he was once again violently attacked theologians and believed in astrology and alchemy. He was imprisoned for 14 years on charges of heresy, released in 1292, and died in Oxford two years later

So the Pope won't die here, and he won't have to go to jail. It is privately assumed that they are friends who have been friends for a long time.