Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 88

Master Raymond knew the Pope, and the relationship was so good that the other party would come to visit him, which can be regarded as scaring Wei Wei.

That is the Pope, the supreme leader of the church, the spiritual leader of the whole of Europe, and his power and status even surpasses that of the kings of various countries.

And Master Raymond was just an alchemist who was born from a small nobleman and was expelled from the Royal School. I really don't know how he knew the Pope.

"We are an old friend." Master Raymond explained: "Giulio used to work in medicine, and he served in the church in the capital for a while. At that time, I was just teaching at the Royal Academy. I met when I was seeking medical treatment in the church."

The current Pope Julio is also an alchemy fan, and Master Raymond is indeed a genius in this regard. Since they found out that they can talk to each other very well, and many points of view are the same, the two have become good friends, even though Julio later The royal capital was transferred to another country, and they kept correspondence. Even though they hadn't seen each other for many years, the friendship still existed.

Wei Wei wanted to regret it very much. It was not an easy task to host a pope. It was not an exaggeration to show the pomp of entertaining a king. There were many special precautions. With the current situation in Sardinson County, many things had to be kept secret. of.

So she really didn't want the Pope to come at all.

She tried to go back on her decision: "It's not easy to receive the Pope. As far as I know, the crown prince should not be in Prady? Should he go to the capital if he wants to come? If you want to meet him, I can give you a break."

Master Raymond is indeed a master in the professional field, but he really lacks roots in the world, otherwise, with his knowledge and ability, he would not have been expelled just by an experimental explosion.

So at this moment, he didn't hear Wei Wei's obvious rejection at all, and said rudely: "Oh, he really isn't in Prady, it's just that Julio is going to visit several countries recently, and Prady is one of them. , they travel by boat and pass through Sardinson on the way."

The headquarters of the church is in Rome, the capital of Italy, in the middle of the Apennine Peninsula (also known as the Italian peninsula), in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, and two other islands, Sicily and Sardinia, divide the Mediterranean into the Eastern Mediterranean and the Western Mediterranean, while Pradi. The Empire is located in the Eastern Mediterranean, and the distance between Rome and Rome is barely across the sea. If the Pope travels, it is naturally the most convenient way to travel.

A special point to note here is that in Wei Wei's world, the Mediterranean Sea was only linked by the Strait of Gibraltar and the Atlantic Ocean before the 19th century, and the east was closed. one.

Until the Suez Canal was completed, it opened up the sea route from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, and then from the Red Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.

But in this parallel world, the Eurasian continent is completely disconnected, and the disconnected continent has allocated itself a "Suez Canal", so the Mediterranean Sea has been connected to the Red Sea from the very beginning. China's Maritime Silk Road has already entered the Mediterranean Sea.

Closer to home, since the Pope will pass by Prady, or by land and sea, their route should be to go to a coastal country further east than Prady.

This gave Wei Wei a good excuse, she said directly: "Saddinson has no port and cannot receive them."

This is the truth. Although they are planning to build a port, it is only Wei Wei and Felix's idea so far. The construction has not yet started, and even if it is built, it will be a few years later.

When Master Raymond heard it, he was very regretful. Since they were passing by, if they had a pier, they could still receive their old friends, but since they didn't, it could only be ignored.

"Okay, I will write to him and tell him this. I will go to the capital to visit him. I have to sort out the research materials over the years to show him - of course, don't worry, you shouldn't. I won't show him what to see."

The last sentence is a promise to Wei Wei.

Wei Wei was really worried. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the other party was the Pope, she would not even be willing to let Master Raymond go to the capital. This man is not as unknown as before, although he has never been publicized that he participated in the research on perfume and alcohol. , but the title of the inventor of the glass mirror was put on by Wei Wei herself. Although the glass mirror has not yet started mass production, she brought one to the capital at first. The existence of Master Meng.

So she said, "Would you mind showing me after you've sorted it out? I've got to make sure you don't reveal the important stuff."

"Of course you can." Master Raymond didn't mind at all. In fact, all his external letters were sent out only after being checked. Felix's above-mentioned actions made him not complaining about anything. After all, at the beginning There are security provisions for this in the contract.

"Actually, what I intend to show Julio is the book about alchemy that I have been preparing to write. In fact, I plan to show it to you after I have written it." Master Raymond said: "Madam, you are obviously in alchemy. He's a genius, and with your help, this book will be even better."

"I'm just picking up people's teeth." Wei Wei didn't dare to take credit, and waved his hand quickly: "It's just that you know that you can do it. It's too much to say that you are a genius. I'm a person who doesn't even recognize the equipment in your laboratory."

Master Raymond only let her write a letter when she was humble and sincere and complimented a few words.

Wei Wei breathed a sigh of relief. After she went back, she talked to Felix about this matter, looking rather startled: "Don't all his correspondence have to be checked, didn't you find his relationship with the Pope?"

Felix was also stunned: "No, I just asked people to pay attention not to reveal any secrets in his letter, and the others didn't pay attention. It is estimated that the person who checked the letter probably didn't know that it was the Pope who communicated with him. "

If he had known, he would probably have reported it to him long ago.

Wei Wei remembered the tone of Master Raymond's speaking of the Pope. It was indeed like talking about an ordinary old friend. If it wasn't for his addition, she would have to wait for the Pope to come to the door to find out the secret.

Fortunately fortunately.

Originally thought this was the end of the matter, except for a few words of emotion, they left this topic behind and continued to work.

After Father Matthew was frightened, he was in poor health and needed to rest. Felix found a new teacher to take over his teaching work. He even ended his teaching career with Qin, and returned to Wei Wei to continue working as a maid and secretary. She is clean, capable and strong, and as soon as she came back, she easily became the first of the six maids. Even if Monica and Mary wanted to compete, they had to admit that they couldn't compete at all, and the remaining Panikama and Lisa were originally There is no ambition, and of course you can listen to anyone.

Wei Wei, who knew her goal, gave her a new task to let her cooperate with Butler Barton to manage the affairs of the castle. In fact, it was to let her learn how to be a good housekeeper by the side of Butler Barton. Originally, the next butler that Butler Barton intended to train was herself. His nephew, Ward, unfortunately, Ward now has a better goal-he became the head of the essential oil factory. Naturally, he had no intention of coming back to continue to be the housekeeper, and could not find other suitable candidates. Butler Barton was very concerned about Wei Wei. arrangements are not excluded.

Although the housekeeper in aristocratic families has always been held by men, it is also his obligation to train a qualified female housekeeper for the hostess before there is no candidate for a male housekeeper.

Originally, the work of the housekeeper of the castle was actually in charge of Mrs. Nancy, but she put most of her experience on Caroline, and naturally did not have more energy to manage other things, so a lot of her work was covered by her. His husband, Butler Patton, took over, which added to his burden. Now that someone could take over, he couldn't be more happy.

As for whether Qin would replace Mrs. Nancy, the couple didn't care much. They believed that their master was not someone who would drive them away because of a replacement.

The earl and his wife really don't. In fact, they only raised wages for the people in the castle years ago, and the butler and his wife also received a large bonus, enough for them to buy a house in Dingle.

So this year the servants are working hard. Even if they have a lot of work that is not a servant, no one complains, because everyone has heard the housekeeper say that if they perform well throughout the year, there will be additional bonuses at the end of the year. .

In the words of the Countess, it is called the New Year's red envelope, which is a benefit that will be available during the New Year.

Wei Wei still woke up in Felix's arms that day. The latter hadn't woken up yet. She got up lightly, got dressed, and left the room without calling anyone, so that Felix could Go on sleep for a while.

As soon as she walked out of the room, she saw the maids waiting outside the door. The latter saluted and followed her to the hostess bedroom next door to serve her and groom.

While combing her hair, Wei Wei applied skin care products to herself while listening to Qin reporting on the big and small affairs in the castle, and occasionally gave some advice.

After the report, Qin opened the notebook and told Wei Wei about her and Felix's schedule today.

Of course, the count's schedule does not need her to be in charge, Qin just told Wei Wei by the way.

Compared with Felix's full schedule as always, Wei Wei has a rare and more leisurely day today. She doesn't need to go out to inspect the factory or have any stewards who need reception. Apart from helping Felix with official business in the afternoon, she has a morning rest. time.

Of course, rest is not a rest, and you have to arrange things when you have time.

Kama waited for Qin to finish speaking, and quickly added: "Last time you said you wanted to make time to prepare a new insect repellent, can you do it today?"

Wei Wei remembered that she did say that. Last year, the insecticide they used was pyrethrum water. This year, this insecticide can still be used, and the effect is good, but continue to use it and wait for the insects to produce antibodies. The way is not very good.

"Okay, do this today."

Kama has known a lot of herbs. Since last year, she has acquired a lot of new knowledge from Wei Wei when she is looking for various herbs for Wei Wei. Even the herbs that she only knew but did not use now know their functions. And usage, over time, becoming a qualified herbalist is inevitable.

Decided on the morning work, Wei Wei did not go to work immediately. She first arranged the work of a few maids, got up and went back to the bedroom to wake up her sleeping husband.

She entered the bedroom alone, the curtains were not drawn, the room was dimly lit, and the blond man was still slumbering under the covers.

He reached out and opened the curtains with a hula, and the morning light came in, which was very dazzling for someone who was used to the dark, but Felix just rolled over and buried himself in the pillow.

Wei Wei had to walk over, sit on the edge of the bed and dig him out of the pillow.

"It's time to wake up, you have to go out this morning."

"No dear, let me sleep a little longer."

Felix closed his eyes and hugged Wei Wei's waist, intending to continue sleeping like this.

Wei Wei said coldly and ruthlessly, "No, it's getting late. I didn't even ask you to get up and practice swordsmanship."

Originally, practicing swordsmanship every morning was a must-have for Felix every day, but recently because of work, his training has become three days of fishing and two days of netting. If it wasn't for him being really tired, Wei Wei would definitely urge him. She trains every day, and she doesn't want to gain a fat husband with a big belly in the future.

Hearing the insistence in her tone, Felix had to open his eyes and get up from the bed: "Okay, I'm up."

The quilt slid down to reveal his unclothed upper body, which was why Wei Wei didn't have the maids come in. Her husband was used to sleeping half-naked, so it was not suitable for others to see his naked upper body in only a pair of shorts.

Wei Wei, who was accustomed to seeing this picture and would no longer be shy, even glanced at his lower abdomen to make sure that the six-pack abs were still stubbornly there, with no signs of degeneration.

However, this is not a solution in the long run, it is still necessary to exercise in moderation.

Wei Wei handed over his clothes, watched Felix put them on one by one, and helped him organize them by the way, while relaying to him the daily routine that he had just heard from Qin.

Felix put on his clothes while listening, turned his head and kissed her after tidying up, but was pushed away by Wei Wei with disgust.

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth quickly. I'll go downstairs to see if breakfast is ready."

Felix, who was disliked, was not angry either, and stole another incense with a smile before being pushed to the next door to wash.

The current hostess bedroom has almost become their bathroom.

Wei Wei went downstairs with her skirt on, and met Dolores who had just woken up in the corridor on the third floor. Madam Nancy was holding Caroline beside her, while two-year-old Caroline was holding a doll in her arms. , is Amy of Dolores.

Seeing Wei Wei on the stairs, Dolores' eyes lit up and walked over quickly: "Good morning, Wei Wei."

Since Wei Wei and Felix got married, Dolores stopped calling her sister and just called her by her first name, which showed that the relationship between the two was even closer.

"Good morning Lola." Wei Wei opened her hands and exchanged a close kiss with Dolores, then moved to little Caroline and greeted her with a smile: "Good morning, Caroline."

Two-year-old Caroline has been able to speak some simple words under the guidance of Mrs. Nancy. She likes her aunt very much. Whenever she sees someone, she reaches out to her, her small mouth cracks open to reveal a few millet teeth. Dolores called out, "Vivi, hug!"

Wei Wei took Caroline from Mrs. Nancy and weighed it: "It's a little heavier."

Caroline, who didn't understand, just laughed, grabbed the doll in one hand, and drilled into her arms.

Mrs. Nancy replied with a smile: "Little Miss has recently started eating complementary food. Thanks to the recipe you prepared, Mrs., her appetite is much better than before."

Caroline had been drinking milk in the past, but she didn't eat too much, and the absorption was not very good. She was thin and small. After Wei Wei's suggestion, Mrs. Nancy bought a lot of food for the wet nurse to increase her nutrition. Caroline has gradually gained some flesh. Recently, Caroline started weaning, so she immediately asked Wei Wei to arrange a recipe. With a reasonable diet, Caroline has not only grown rapidly in the past few months, but has not even gotten sick. regenerated.

Wei Wei also smiled: "If you can eat it, I will adjust the recipe for her later."

She didn't return the child to Mrs. Nancy, she just hugged her and went downstairs while talking to Dolores, and everyone was used to Wei Wei's great strength different from other noble ladies, and they didn't worry about her going downstairs. Caroline, who could not hold her double chin, quietly followed behind them.

Wei Wei was asking Dolores how she was doing recently: "How are you feeling in class recently?"

After she got married, she was busy with more and more things, and there was no way to teach Dolores any more. Fortunately, Dolores had already learned the basic stitches of embroidery, and the only thing missing was practice, so she only needed to regularly Give Dolores homework and check the results.

The governess they had hired in the capital also returned to Sardinson County with them. Now Dolores is in charge of all her homework by the kind governess. Compared with the previous governess, Mrs. Bates, she has more Loris obviously prefers this new teacher who doesn't teach her with a straight face.

"I think it's good, Mrs Smith says I'll be free from etiquette classes soon."

Dolores was happy that she could graduate without having to take an etiquette class.

But the first thing Wei Wei thought of was another meaning of the lady-she felt that Dolores had studied very well and could get married.

This made Wei Wei silent. Although she thought that Dolores was still young and it was too early to talk about marriage, the rules of the church were there, and everyone thought that Dolores had reached the age of marriage. She thought about it, but it would make people feel that they were brothers and sisters and treated their sisters harshly.

If such rumors spread, she and Felix would lose some reputation at most, but it would be different for Dolores, which would make people look down on her status in the Williams family.

Then start looking for a suitable fiancé for the reason of choosing a sister-in-law. As long as outsiders know that they don't care about Dolores, they can choose slowly, and when Dolores feels that she can get married, consider other things.

Because she was too picky, her sister had to marry late, which was much better than being indifferent to her marriage.

After thinking about this idea again in her mind, Wei Wei suddenly thought of Qin and Penny. Their age is not too young in the eyes of others (one 17 and one 19). Shouldn't it be time to think about marriage?

Go back and ask them what they thought.

Wei Wei suppressed the question, listened to Dolores talk about her schoolwork, and walked to the restaurant together.

Felix also came down after a while, and the kitchen served breakfast. Today is Chinese-style steamed buns with soy milk. The steamed buns are very small, just one bite. Among them, the steamed buns are milk-flavored buns, which are mainly prepared for Caroline. The buns have meat, vegetables, and sweet buns with bean paste filling. No matter which flavor is very suitable for the appetite of the masters, Felix can even eat 20 of them in one meal, even Wei Wei and Dolores. Can eat five or six.

In the past, they would not prepare common food like beans for their masters, but Wei Wei taught them a lot of how to make beans, and the kitchen loves to make all kinds of tofu dishes. The lord's generosity learned to grind tofu and cook soy milk, no longer the only choice for stewing beans.

However, because grinding tofu requires a grinding plate, making it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. The people who are busy with work every day don’t have much time to make tofu every day, and they eat less. However, there are several tofu shops in the town, and the business is very good.

The territorial people are very grateful to their countess. If someone else masters this kind of technology, I am afraid they will hide it and use it to exchange money. How can she be so generous.

In this regard, Wei Wei said that she just didn't want to make this hard money, and there were too many ways to make money, so this is not bad.

After breakfast, Felix hurriedly said goodbye to his wife and went out. Dolores also accompanies Caroline to play in the garden. Now Caroline is in much better health, and Mrs. Nancy does not restrain her every day. She was not allowed to go out, and she took her to learn to walk in the garden every day. Now Caroline can not only walk but also run.

Wei Wei got up and went to the medicine room.

The herbal medicine room has existed for a long time. There are many medicine cabinets and workbenches in it. The medicine cabinets have the names of medicinal materials on them. Inside are the medicinal materials collected and processed by Wei Wei and Karma. Wei Wei treats most common diseases, and the place is now managed by Karma. Except for her and Wei Wei, no one else can come in without permission.

The main reason is to fear that someone will mess with the medicinal materials, after all, not all the medicinal materials collected by Wei Wei are non-toxic.

As if she wanted to make a new pesticide before, she asked Kama to bring back the plants of the Euonymus family, and many plants in this family are poisonous. Among them, Tripterygium wilfordii was found in ancient China. It's a natural insecticide, and it's better than pyrethrum. She doesn't know if it's available in Europe, but it's always possible to try it with plants of the same family and genus.

In addition, there are some plants that Wei Wei saw in Western herbal medicine that also have insecticidal functions, but the effects are large and small, and most of them need to be mixed with other plants to play the insecticidal effect. These are what she will study today. .

Although the medicinal toxicity of these plants has been roughly figured out, in order to avoid poisoning accidents during the production process, Wei Wei wears masks and animal skin gloves when handling these plants. Protection measures are also required during harvesting and subsequent handling.

After she spent the morning processing all the plants Kama collected, she could hand it over to Kama for the follow-up insecticidal experiment. After she was sure that she could finish it, Wei Wei left the herb room with confidence and prepared to clean it. Go to the restaurant for lunch.

Then unfortunately, she heard bad news.

The Pope wrote back to Master Raymond, saying that he still wanted to come to Sardinson.

The author has something to say: Wei Wei: I don't want to host, I don't want to host!

Pope: All right, I'm still coming.