Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 9

Probably after staying in the capital for a long time, Felix's way of speaking is more or less tainted with the frivolity and exaggeration of the nobles of the capital. Fortunately, his demeanor is decent, his eyes are upright, and his appearance is not small. The extra points made Wei Wei not feel bad about him.

Today's dinner is a feast, and they are not the only ones who eat. The knights who participate in the hunting will be seated. This is a routine reward after each hunting.

Wei Wei was invited to sit on the right side of Felix in the main seat. On her other side was Felix's sister Dolores. On the opposite side was an elder in a priestly robe, Father Matthew. .

The knights sat at the end of the long table, the middle of the long table was empty, and the people on both sides were clearly separated.

If there were no unmarried female guests, Felix would have them sit up front, but it was clearly inappropriate now.

The food on both sides is not the same.

The main course of the dinner was the wild boar caught today, but the knights ate meat cooked with adult wild boar, while the four people on the main seat were placed in front of the roast suckling pig roasted with wild boar cubs.

In addition to wild boar, bread, fruits and vegetables are also on the table.

The bread was white bread that only nobles could eat, but unlike the soft bread Wei Wei knew, they looked very hard and tasted like biscuits or some other flour product.

Fruits and vegetables are common types nowadays, but the habits of people eating them are different in later generations.

At this time, people believed that fruits were cold and harmful to the body if eaten raw, so they had to be cooked and eaten raw, and only inferior people would eat fruits raw.

Vegetables are the opposite.

It's not that Wei Wei has never eaten cooked fruit, and isn't canned fruit also a fruit from various countries?

But the way of cooking at this time is very problematic.

Wei Wei glanced at the soup on the table, and her sharp nose told her that there were a lot of spices in this bowl of fruit soup, and the most obvious thing was that there must be pepper in it.

If fruit soup is salty and sweet, Wei Wei must be the latter, and she doesn't accept any added flavor other than sweetness.

The vegetables served as salads are a mix of cabbage, turnips, carrots, and onions.

Seriously, she can accept raw cabbage, but aren't raw carrots and onions really challenging the human sense of taste?

Wei Wei didn't even like cooked carrots, let alone raw ones.

Wei Wei didn't want to touch the roast suckling pig, which was highly praised by everyone.

The suckling pork is very tender, and the chef's roasting skills are also very good. The roast suckling pig is golden brown and crispy, but the other party is obviously not very proficient in removing the smell, especially the wild boar's smell is stronger than that of the domestic pig, although the other party tries to use a lot of The spices removed the peculiar smell of meat, but Wei Wei's keen sense of smell still caught the smell.

She found out that she had become a finicky foodie after she switched bodies.

【I think my nose and mouth will starve me to death in this world sooner or later. 】

[No, you have the craftsmanship of a chef now, you can do it yourself if you are not used to what others do. 】

Wei Wei thought about it and thought that was the truth.

While she was complaining, the servants had already served the dishes, and Felix picked up the knife, which meant it was time to eat dinner.

There were table knives and soup spoons on Wei Wei's table. The four people on the main side were like this, but the next knights shared a table knife. Fortunately, everyone had a spoon.

It seemed that the tableware she brought herself was useless, but Wei Wei still took out the things.

She smiled apologetically at the few people who came over curiously: "I'm sorry, I'm not used to the tableware here, can I use my own?"

It's not that she has to do it, it's just that she really doesn't trust the hygiene habits here.

The hands of the servant who had just brought the cutlery were all black.

Even, the dishes may not be so clean.

No, I can't think about it anymore, I really can't eat it anymore.

Although Felix was a little surprised that she would bring cutlery, she still nodded: "Of course, please feel free."

The others didn't respond either. They had a deep understanding of the willfulness of a noble lady, not to mention that this was a noble lady from the far east. They didn't know what kind of customs the mysterious East had.

But when Wei Wei took out the tableware from the long box, especially the pair of blue and white chopsticks, everyone showed a surprised expression.

"Is this china? I've never seen patterns like this before, they are so beautiful!"

The blue-and-white utensils of this period are still relatively rare, and you can hardly see them in China, let alone abroad.

In contrast, the equally exquisite knife, fork and spoon are less conspicuous.

"These are chopsticks." Wei Wei demonstrated the use of chopsticks. She hesitated for a few dishes, and finally picked up the cabbage in the vegetable salad.

The flexibility of use is impressive, but this utensil obviously takes practice to use well.

Wei Wei didn't use those pair of chopsticks to eat either - she was surrounded by a group of foreigners, and she was eating Western food, so it was quite inappropriate for her to use chopsticks.

She put down her chopsticks, picked up a knife and fork, and gracefully sliced ​​a small piece of roast suckling pig that Felix highly recommends—it’s not bad except for the savory smell—and took the cabbage from the salad with a fork, served with dried I barely ate some hard bread, and the fruit soup really didn't move at all.

She regretted letting the system recycle all the food.

"You don't seem to have a good appetite."

A thin voice came from the side, Wei Wei turned her head and saw that it was Felix's younger sister, Dolores.

This little girl is a head shorter than her, and she doesn't look very old, but since Westerners are more precocious, Wei Wei is not sure if she is younger than the outside world.

Dolores and Felix look alike, both with blonde hair and blue eyes, with a few cute freckles on their cheeks, and delicate facial features, making them a beauty embryo.

But compared to her identity, she looked a little cowardly and timid, and she didn't dare to look directly at her when Wei Wei came over.

But from what she asked, this should be a kind girl.

Just maybe not very favored?

Wei Wei glanced at Felix, who was discussing issues with Father Matthew from the corner of her eyes, and gave the little girl a friendly smile.

She also whispered, "I'm not used to the eating habits here. You know, I'm from the East, and the food here is not the same as here."

Probably affected by her smile, Dolores also relaxed, her voice a little louder: "But you should still eat more, you look too thin."

The little girl looked at her, focusing on her waistline.

No, I am a standard A4 waist and not thin at all.

Wei Wei smiled politely: "I think it will take me a while to get used to it."

The little girl nodded understandingly, and told her, "You are your brother's guest, you can tell the servant if you need anything, and if you are not used to the food, you can also tell the kitchen, the chef's craftsmanship is good, and he should be able to try to make some for you. Food you're used to."

Wei Wei thought: "Is that so? If possible, can I go to the kitchen to make food by myself?"

"You actually want to make it yourself?" The little girl's eyes widened in disbelief: "Do the noble ladies in your place also cook by themselves?"

of course not.

"We have a lot to learn, cooking is one of our compulsory courses." Wei Wei smiled: "Although we don't cook often, girls like us must be good at cooking, thanks to the help of the Earl. , I want to say thank you for cooking a meal for you."

"You're too kind, Miss Wei," Felix said, "I didn't do anything."

Wei Wei turned her head: "No, you not only helped me get out of this predicament, but you are also willing to temporarily take in me, who has nowhere to go. I will remember such kindness in my heart."

Her eyes were serious and firm, and she really remembered this feeling.

Felix was indeed the first to reach out to her, and for whatever reason, she thanked him.

Felix was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Then I'll look forward to your craftsmanship."

"Of course."

After dinner, instead of going to the lounge with them to pass the time, Wei Wei, who got up to go back to the room to rest, told the maid that she wanted to take a bath.

The two maids immediately went to prepare for her.

After the hot water was boiled in the kitchen, they led Wei Wei to a special bathroom. The floor here was lower, so the servants could bring hot water. There was a large wooden bathtub in the bathroom. After pouring in the hot water, petals were sprinkled. , looks like it's perfect for a bath.

And to Wei Wei's surprise, she was worried about how to clean herself without body wash and shampoo, but there was soap in the bathroom even though there was no such thing.

Yes, soap already exists in the West at this time. Although it is different from the later generations, the cleaning effect is not bad.

Although bathing with soap is also a challenge for Wei Wei.

She refused the service of the maids, and only let them stand outside the door. She took a shower and came out with a wet hair.

When the maids saw her coming out, they immediately surrounded her. Wei Wei could not refuse this time. They quickly stripped her off. One massaged her body with olive oil, and the other used something that smelled like head oil. Take care of her hair.

Resisting incompetence, you can only lie down and enjoy.

It's like doing a spa in a beauty salon.

To be honest, their massage skills were pretty good. Out of curiosity, Wei Wei asked casually, only to find out that the two maids turned out to be Felix's sister-in-law's personal maids. The young lady loved bathing and massage before she died, so They have special practice.

Wei Wei suddenly realized that she could inquire about Sardinson County from the two maids, although Felix also told her something, it was not clear enough.

With this thought in mind, she consciously brought the topic to this point.