Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 97

The carriage circled around the manor, watching what you should see and what you want to see, without any delay, and went straight back to the castle.

Compared to when he came here, he always opened his mouth to ask questions. On the return trip, Bishop Roberto closed his eyes and rested, silent, not even opening his mouth.

In the next few days, I thought there would be twists and turns, but it turned out to be calm, and nothing happened except for Bishop Roberto's roundabout clichés.

There were no more than no less than fifty people in the Pope's party. Seven of them were servants who served them. The remaining forty were knights and soldiers who were guarding. But these people are very quiet in the castle. It's not that they didn't run out, but they also left the castle to go to Dingle to drink and have fun.

After watching the people in the church for a few days, Felix vaguely wanted to understand. I am afraid that Bishop Roberto's previous actions were meant to inquire about the news, but I am afraid that it is also a bit of a show. On the surface, People looked down on him because of his undisguised actions, and felt that he was not shrewd enough and that he was not a person who was good at calculating.

But in fact, someone who can climb to a high position second only to the Pope like a cardinal, even if he is not good at calculating, should not be such a person who makes it obvious at a glance that he has bad intentions.

What's more, the attitude of the people of Sardinson to the church was clear from the beginning. They did not welcome the church, and they were even more unwilling to enter the church in Sardinson, but they had to receive them. Knowing that he is unpopular and showing all kinds of inappropriate behaviors makes the master more vigilant, this is not justified.

So after thinking about it, Felix immediately realized that I am afraid that the other party is pretending to show them this way,

"It's very likely that they were just a pretense and someone else actually did it."

Felix remembered that the first time they met in Princia, Bishop Roberto was not like this. When the other bishop spoke, he was very quiet. Later, the atmosphere between the two sides was tense before he spoke up. It doesn't look like someone who doesn't surrender.

So his actions these days are likely to be

The more he thought about this, Felix became more wary of Bishop Robert, and privately asked people to continue to monitor them, while asking the guards in the manor to pay more attention to the entry and exit of people inside and outside the manor, and strengthen patrols and guards, especially the factory. The guard strength has been directly doubled.

The latter is fine, but the former is a little more difficult. Although the serfs could not enter and leave the manor freely, the freedmen were able to do so, not to mention that the freedmen who rented the fields in the manor had to work in the fields every day, only the factories. There are still a lot of unfinished projects on the side. Recently, the construction period has been suspended due to the busy farming season. When the busy work is over, those workers will come back to continue the repairs, and there will be more people coming in and out when the time comes.

In addition, there are caravans that deliver raw materials, people who go to church to worship, and even people who visit relatives in the castle.

And although there is a fence around the outermost part of the manor, it is only a half-human-high stone wall. Children can climb over it, let alone adults. It does not have any protective effect at all, it is just a sign for dividing the boundary.

Thinking about it this way, the guards of the manor can be said to have problems everywhere.

Felix was worried that the guards of the manor were too weak, and it was easy for people to take advantage of them, but he also knew that this was impossible, but he was not particularly worried. Every building in the area used to build the factory had a The tall fence is also guarded by guards day and night. After dark, the gate of the factory is blocked, and entry and exit are not allowed. There are no lighting facilities in the workshop. If someone sneaks in at night, they can’t see anything clearly. Torch, it will be immediately discovered by people outside.

Since those factories were built, or even before, there have been many people who want to inquire about information, not to mention those who break into factories secretly, and it is not uncommon to buy workers in private, but after so long, except for them to announce it intentionally Yes, the formula that is really in hand is that none of it has been leaked.

In addition to being strict, the assembly line production they use is also an important part of the security measures. This method not only improves the speed, but also allows the workers to only remember the piece of work they are responsible for, and then where to send things, It's totally unclear who is taught to be in charge,

Take a cosmetic factory that has just opened for example. They produce many kinds of things. The workers who handle the raw materials are divided into different groups, and they are only responsible for the processing of one material. The subsequent production process has to go through several different production rooms. There are different people in charge of the steps, but there is not much communication with each other, and even the dormitories are not in the same place. The environment is like being in prison, but the benefits are still very satisfactory to the workers. The workers in this factory are all female serfs, but working here can be regarded as servitude. The things they do are simple and easy. Wages can be paid, but it is much less labor-intensive than building roads and houses. The unruly people are driven out of the factory by killing chickens and monkeys. In the future, such good jobs will not be their turn, and no one dares to violate the rules. .

Those who can enter the factory to work are all serfs who have been reviewed in advance and have good character. It is precisely because they are all serfs that their lives are in the hands of the lords, so even if they occasionally go home on vacation, they work in the factory. They also don’t dare to tell others about their job content. If they are heard by other people in the same village and report it, their jobs will be lost and they will have to be punished.

What's more, if someone wants to bribe the workers to find out how to make it, they can't actually provide anything, it's just a waste of effort.

So now the factory's confidentiality measures have been doing very well, and Felix has not relaxed this one. Even if these factories have been short of manpower, he has not agreed to use freemen, but also to ensure safety.

After the Pope and his party stayed in the castle for three or four days, Wei Wei was thinking about when to send them away when the servant who usually took care of Raymond's daily life came to tell her something.

The Pope and the two cardinals have always been taken care of. In addition to the people sent from the castle, they also brought their attendants. What the servants told her was that the attendants around Pope John always tried to enter for various reasons. The laboratory of the alchemists, every time they go in, they secretly look at it, looking sneaky.

The servant also bumped into a few times when he was delivering food and water to Master Raymond. At first, he didn't think it was wrong. After all, he was the Pope's attendant. When he saw each other outside the teacher's laboratory, he felt something was wrong.

"He has been circling outside the laboratories of the alchemists. I also saw him lying at the door and peeking at Master Raymond and His Majesty the Pope doing experiments. There must be some premeditated plan."

The servant was very angry. He had been assigned to take care of him since Master Raymond came to Sardinson County. Although he looked down on this sloppy alchemist at first, after getting along for a long time, he could find that the other party was a learned man. , and is very valued by the Countess. Everyone in the castle knows that the Countess has a scary half-length full-length mirror with high definition and is made by him. He also made the pendulum clock that can't be messed up in seconds.

After knowing that he was a master with real skills, all the contempt of the servants disappeared. He served him with sincerity and thoughtful attitude every day, and he would also sincerely flatter a few words from time to time, which made Master Raymond very optimistic about him, and occasionally needed help. Every time I ask him to help in the lab.

Therefore, the servant has also heard the conversation between the Countess and Master Raymond, and knows that they want to make those inventions into commercial products. The nobles smashed their heads, and now they meet the sneaky attendant, no matter how they look at it, it seems that they are coming for the invention of the alchemist.

Wei Wei also had the same idea. Her mirror is not a secret. There are also hand mirrors she sold in the capital. After the pendulum clock is made, she will put it in the study so that they can see the time when they are working. The castle His servants also knew that, and Bishop Umberto went into the study on the first day and talked with Felix about things. Naturally, he could not see the pendulum clock. It is also possible that he said it.

Fortunately, Raymond is prudent. Since he signed the contract and made what the employer ordered, he also gave her the production drawings when he delivered it. If anyone wants to go to him to inquire, I am afraid that even his mouth will be lost. Can't pry open.

After the Pope came, she went to see it specially, and knew that their current topic was about panacea, which was entirely the Pope's interest, and had nothing to do with Sardinson, and the other three alchemists had not taken it from her. When it comes to important projects, I am not afraid of being seen.

But since the behavior of the attendant was too suspicious, he couldn't be left alone like that.

And this person is still the Pope's attendant, Wei Wei is not sure if this is instructed by the Pope.

Although she was guaranteed by Master Raymond, she did not completely trust the Pope and the Bishop of Umberto.

"After you go back, keep an eye on him, and if there is any suspicious behavior, arrest him directly."

"Understood ma'am."

The servant decided to find someone to spy on the attendant after he went back. As long as the other party acted sneakily, they would directly arrest the person, catch the thief and take the dirty. The facts are in front of him, and two people will testify together, and he will not allow him to quibble.

The servant went back in high spirits to prepare for arrest. Wei Wei didn't worry about the tower head when he saw this. After all, he was just an ordinary attendant. Since he found out, it wouldn't be dangerous if he wanted to come.

It didn't take long for something to happen.

After returning to the castle, in addition to taking the bishops out for a walk, Wei Wei was still busy with things in the manor every day, but Bishop Roberto began to play deeply, just staying in the castle every day and not going anywhere, Umbe Bishop Tuo almost became her tail, and she followed whenever she went out.

Of course, his reason was very legitimate, and he wanted to learn some planting techniques from her.

Shortly after Bishop Umberto negotiated a deal with Felix, he received a wheat planting manual sent by him. It is very difficult to say. Bishop Umberto knew that this booklet was written by Wei Wei, so he went to her in the name of asking for advice. At that time, Wei Wei was going to go out. After knowing that she was going to the field to see, He actively followed.

On the one hand, it is indeed for the purpose of asking the contents of the brochure, on the other hand, the fields should be cultivated for a period of time after the wheat harvest, waiting for a new season of wheat to be planted in autumn. To make another round of oatmeal in the middle made him curious.

"Is it really possible to plant oats in the middle? What if the oats are not mature and the autumn planting is delayed? And don't we need to let the fields rest? Will the land be affected by such frequent planting?"

Wei Wei originally planned to visit the villa, but since Bishop Umberto followed, she canceled the trip and only went to see other fields.

Along the way, Umberto has been asking about the fields. Although he has never planted any land, he also knows that the fields have to be rested. Now the land in Sardinson County is not only not rested, but also needs to increase the planting time. Not a good idea, right?

Hearing her question, Wei Wei smiled and said, "The growing season of oats is about three to four months, and the autumn sowing time of wheat is in October, so the time from sowing in June to maturing in October is too late, of course. , this situation is not suitable everywhere. We chose to replant oats because of the suitable climate in Sardinson. It should be possible in your country, but I have never been to your country and am not sure. If you want to try it, in addition to For oats, you can also try beans. Beans have the effect of fertilizing soil, and you can plant wheat after harvesting in autumn without fear of lack of soil fertility.”

Umberto is a native Roman. After he joined the teaching, he basically worked in the headquarters. Rome is located in Italy and has a Mediterranean climate, which is similar to the climate of Melk in southern Sardinson. Since Melk can grow , Rome can also do it.

Of course, in addition to replanting oats and beans, you can also plant peanuts, corn, sweet potatoes, sesame, and cotton. However, cotton growth requires a lot of fertility, and the roots of the plants are deep. However, the soil in the Mediterranean area is loose and the water is easy to evaporate. Deep plowing is naturally not suitable for growing cotton, and only Wei Wei has corn, sweet potatoes and sesame here, and she will not have enough to return it to others.

And now their relationship with the church is unclear, Wei Wei also has reservations about Umberto, and it's all right to mention such a sentence.

Bishop Umberto also understood what he meant. He smiled and thanked Wei Wei for his kindness. He followed him in the fields and didn't care about the sun. He paid attention to Wei Wei's every move throughout the whole process, and raised questions from time to time. The way he studied seriously, he didn't have the majesty that a bishop should have, and he didn't even care if he was sweating, but Wei Wei was worried that he was too sunburned, so someone gave him a straw hat.

Bishop Umberto didn't refuse, but couldn't help but argue for himself: "Don't look at me like this, I used to stay in the monastery for more than ten years, so the sun can't trouble me."

After staying in the monastery for so many years, you can’t farm the land. Don’t your Roman monasteries practice penance?

Wei Wei opened her mouth and didn't complain, but if she did, Umberto would tell him that the monastery he stayed in wasn't really a place for penance.

Other monasteries had to farm their own land to be self-sufficient, but the one he stayed in was different. The lord of the monastery was a brutal nobleman who was thinking about going to heaven after death. Very willing to donate to the monastery, let them pray for himself every day, and remove his sins so that he can go to heaven after death - so that he doesn't have to worry about it when he is alive.

Therefore, the work that the people in the monastery did not listen to was praying, praying, and praying, and other chores were handled by handymen, and it was not their turn to do anything at all.

When Bishop Umberto came out, he didn't wear the robe of a cardinal. It was the brown robe of an ordinary priest. It didn't look very conspicuous. The serfs in the fields only regarded him as an ordinary monk. It was over at a glance, and all my attention was on listening to Wei Wei's precautions.

Bishop Umberto was also listening. He was afraid that he could not remember to borrow Wei Wei's pen and paper. Fortunately, the latter always brought a pen and paper with him when he went out. Moreover, in order to facilitate writing, these papers are now fixed on a thin wooden board. Bishop Umberto asked her to borrow it with clips, and she took off the one she had used, re-fixed the remaining blank, and gave it to him together with the wooden board.

Bishop Umberto took a pencil and wrote a line and smiled: "This pen and paper are more convenient to use than a quill and parchment."

Wei Wei also smiled: "Your Excellency likes it, this is for you."

Bishop Umberto did not delay, he accepted it with a smile, and asked, "I don't know where I bought this kind of pen and paper? I want to take some with me when I leave."

"I made this myself, but I haven't started selling it yet, but if your bishop wants it, I'll ask if there are more after I go back."

Umberto didn't expect that this was also what they came up with, but when he thought that there seemed to be a lot of novelty items in Sardinson County, he was not surprised for a long time, and thanked him again with a smile.

However, before they could stay in the field for long, a soldier came galloping on a horse, raising a cloud of dust, and hurriedly stopped not far from them.

The soldier dismounted from the horse, and without salute, he said eagerly to Wei Wei: "Madam, go back and have a look, His Majesty the Pope and Master Raymond are injured!"

"What?" Both of them were shocked when they heard the news. Bishop Umberto's face darkened and he hurriedly asked, "How could His Majesty be injured? Is it serious?"

The soldier was just a subpoena, and he didn't know the specific content. He only heard that there was an accident during their experiment.

"At that time, the whole castle heard a loud noise, and there was smoke in the tower. I heard that there was a problem with Master Raymond's experiment."

As for whether the injuries were serious or not, the soldiers did not know. He didn't see anyone, but was sent to find Wei Wei. Because he didn't know where Wei Wei and the others were, the soldiers who were sent to find someone divided several paths to find someone. .

"His Excellency, I'll go back and have a look first."

He took the whip from the soldier's hand, turned on the horse neatly, turned the horse's head, and with a wave of the whip, the horse's front hooves stood upright, neighed, and galloped out.

Seeing her back as she straddled the horse, Umberto froze for a while, and then he asked the soldier why he came to Wei Wei, shouldn't he go to the doctor?

The soldier said proudly: "The Countess is a doctor, and her medical skills are very good."

I am afraid that not only is the medical skill very good, but also the horsemanship is very good. The posture of the horse is no worse than the knight he has seen.

After only a little distraction, Umberto climbed into the carriage and asked the driver to take him back to the castle.

Wei Wei rode on the horse, as fast as the wind, and they were not very far from the castle. It only took about five minutes to go back after a 20-minute journey.

After entering the castle, Wei Wei turned over and dismounted, handed the horse to the servant to take away, and hurriedly walked through the gate.

The servant who had been waiting at the door immediately stepped forward and said, "Madam, please come with me!"

Wei Wei took off her hat and handed it to the maid, and quickly followed, asking Pope John and Raymond how they were doing.

The servant replied: "Both of them fainted. His Majesty the Pope has only some scratches on his body. It seems that Master Raymond's leg was crushed."

Hearing that both of them were unconscious and Raymond's leg was broken, Wei Wei turned to ask, "Where's Kama?" In this castle, besides her, Kama has some knowledge of medicine, so she will need her help later.

"Kama is already waiting over there."

The two injured people have been carried out of the laboratory, but they were not carried far away, and they were placed at the door, because Karma, who was originally in the yard with people handling medicinal materials, ran over to check the situation immediately after hearing the loud noise. It was also after she found other alchemists to confirm that the smoke floating in the laboratory was not poisonous, and stopped the latecomers from trying to move the Pope and Raymond out of the tower.

For this reason, Bishop Roberto, who came later, was furious, thinking that it was very disrespectful for her to let the Pope lie on the ground, but Kama said that the reckless transfer may aggravate the injury of the injured, without the consent of the doctor Before, they had better not move around.

Karma, who studied herbal medicine with Wei Wei, did not miss any remedy attempts. She remembered every word of Wei Wei firmly and followed it to the end.

If it weren't for her being late and not arriving before the others moved in, I'm afraid the two of them would have to continue lying at the scene of the accident at this moment.

Kama’s words were approved by Felix, and he also agreed not to move people. As for letting the Pope lie on the ground, how could he care about it at such a time, not to mention that the ground was covered with a blanket beforehand, which would not let them get cold .

When Wei Wei arrived, she saw a group of people surrounding the door of Raymond's laboratory. Roberto got angry at the others and asked why the doctor was not there yet. In the middle of the crowd, two wounded people could be seen lying on the ground. , Karma was standing by their side to treat the Pope's wound, the door of the laboratory was closed, and even the door was blocked with cloth to prevent the smoke from escaping, but when she saw it under the tower, there was no smoke inside. .

There were not many people standing at the door, and most of the guards were driven away, but the corridor of the tower was already narrow, and just a few people standing made it crowded.

"Get out of the way, Madam is back." The servant who led the way shouted.

When the others heard it, they quickly parted ways to let Wei Wei pass by.

Wei Wei walked into the crowd and squatted down to check the situation of the two of them.