Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 98

The Pope's condition is just like what the servant said. It's just a minor injury. The cause of the coma should be caused by the bag on the back of his head. It is not ruled out that there is a sequelae of a concussion, but judging from his pulse, the situation is not very serious. There is no sign of intracranial hemorrhage, so the coma is only temporary, and he will wake up soon after thinking about it.

Raymond's situation was a little more troublesome. His right leg was crushed by a heavy object, and the bones inside were broken. It was a little troublesome to take it back. As for the coma, he probably passed out of pain.

While she was treating her, Bishop Roberto kept her duty to Felix: "Count Williams, His Majesty the Pope is in a coma now, and you still won't let me take him back to the room to wait for the doctor, something happened to your Majesty. Can you be responsible?"

"I am a doctor." Wei Wei just threw this sentence to him and suppressed his words, regardless of the latter looking at her suspiciously after listening to her, and continued her work: "His Majesty's situation is not serious. , it's just a flesh wound, you can send him back to the room to rest, Master Raymond's bones are broken and need to be re-bonded, you guys should make two stretchers first." Then she said what a stretcher looks like.

Immediately, the castle servants responded.

"Kama, go get my medicine chest."

Kama replied, "Madam, I have already brought it here."

Wei Wei saw that she had her own medicine box beside her.

Several layers of wooden boxes were locked with a lock, and in addition to a pile of bottles and jars, there were clean gauze inside.

She took out the gauze and asked Kama to find a plank, and temporarily fixed Raymond's broken leg. His bones were broken and needed to be restored by surgery. There are also bone surgery in traditional Chinese medicine. Wei Wei can do this. Tools such as pliers and tweezers, there is no shortage of equipment at the moment, but the current environment is not suitable, and people have to be sent out of the tower.

In addition, although the injury on the Pope is not serious, it needs to be paid attention to. Kama has already dealt with the wound. She prescribes the medicine and asks Kama to get the medicine.

"After you get it done, hand it over to the kitchen to boil it, and you go and prepare something for me."

Since being asked by Wei Wei to collect herbs for her, Karma has also learned a lot of herbal names from Wei Wei, as well as the basic numbers and units. She looked at the prescription and read it to Wei Wei, and then read it on another piece of paper. After listening to what she needed to prepare, Wei Wei nodded her head.

Karma then collected the list and hurried down the tower.

Taking advantage of the gap before the stretcher was delivered, Wei Wei had time to ask what was going on.

"At present, it is because of the explosion caused by the experiment, and the specific reasons still need to be investigated."

Felix's face is very ugly, and the Pope has an accident in his territory, which is not a small problem.

If it wasn't for Karma's insistence not to move the wounded at will, he would have sent people into the laboratory to search, but it was precisely because everyone was at the door that the accident scene in the laboratory was completely preserved.

Bishop Roberto, who was on the side, saw that Felix finally spoke about the situation, and immediately said with a yin and yang strange responsibility: "Before you said that you can ensure the safety of His Majesty the Pope, we are willing not to bring too many people. Now that something has happened to His Majesty the Pope, You, Sardinsonshire, take full responsibility!"

Felix looked at him with a sullen face: "Your Excellency Roberto, I think an accident like an experimental accident will happen anywhere, unless you can keep His Majesty the Pope from entering the laboratory." So why don't you say don't let the Pope into the laboratory? ?

Bishop Roberto choked up when he heard the words, because there is really no way to do this. It is true that accidents often happen in training experiments. You can see from Raymond's resume. Isn't he expelled because of the bombing of the school dormitory.

It's even more impossible not to let the Pope do the experiment, and he doesn't care about the life and death of this Pope John.

The speed of the servants in the castle was very fast. Here Wei Wei fixed Raymond's broken leg and asked about the situation. There were several servants over there carrying two stretchers that had been rushed to work.

Everyone worked together to carefully move the two wounded patients on a stretcher and carried them away. The Pope would be sent back to the guest room to rest. Butler Patton sent more servants to take care of him. The sudden accident made everyone's heart clouded. The shadows, especially the people in the castle, they are worried that this is a conspiracy, and they are afraid that there will be follow-up means against the Pope, so the Pope must not leave people around.

Wei Wei paid attention when she left the tower, and asked her to report the absence of the servant who had a problem with the Pope's entourage.

She gestured to Felix, who understood and deliberately walked slower, and the servants in the middle stepped forward to help him block the church people.

"The servant who was in charge of taking care of Raymond said that there is a problem with the Pope's entourage. Who is he in the group?"

"The other party has been out of the way since the accident. I have sent someone to look for it." Felix heard Wei Wei's report about the report, and he was also a little concerned about the attendant in question. There is no figure of him in the tower, which is very strange. Even if the other party is not in the tower, as the Pope's attendant, he should come to see if such a thing happens.

In addition, Raymond's servant was not present.

The two looked at each other, and it seemed that things were not very simple here.

After leaving the tower, most of the people followed the Pope, and Raymond was also carried to a well-lit room.

The normal operating room cannot be prepared, it can only be done. The things in the room are removed, leaving an open space in the middle. In the middle, two long tables are put together to form a simple operating table. The table top is disinfected with alcohol, and then covered. A layer of freshly dried sheets, with white cloths stretched around and on top, looks like a battlefield operating room during the Anti-Japanese War.

The scorching sun in the afternoon shone through the white cloth, not dazzling, and the brightness was sufficient, but Wei Wei still had candles and bronze mirrors prepared, and the bronze mirrors were used to adjust the light, while the candles were prepared. Who knows how long the operation will last.

Wei Wei also brought everything Kama prepared. In addition to the surgical instruments and needed medicines, there were also a bundle of willow branches, a bowl of raw chicken blood, and a carpenter.

The carpenter is called to cut the willow branches. This is the willow branch bone grafting method in traditional Chinese medicine - cut a section of fresh willow branch, peel it, preserve its mucus, cut it into the shape of a bone, and then drill the middle of the willow branch into a bone cavity. , After cleaning and sterilizing with licorice water, apply hot raw chicken blood on both ends of the switch bone and the cut surface of the broken bone, and place it in the middle of the cut surface of the two pieces of broken bone to replace the removed bone.

The tissue fibers of switchgrass are very similar to the structure of trabecular bone, and after being implanted into the human body, it can not only play the role of a medical steel plate, but also gradually calcify to become a part of the human skeleton, and no surgery is required to remove it.

Wei Wei drew the shape of the willow branch she needed, and the carpenter cut it for her and soaked it in licorice water. The licorice was the licorice that Wei Wei planted last year, and the surrounding area of ​​the castle was not suitable for licorice growth. I was reluctant to use it. This time I used the ancient method of bone-setting. I couldn't think of a suitable substitute for a while, so I used most of it.

Wei Wei used an anesthetic for Raymond. It was a professional anesthetic formulated with three herbs, scopolamine, hemlock, and poppy. This anesthetic formula has been available in Europe for a long time, but she doesn't know how early. Anyway, the formula is The best thing to find, of course, the opium poppies in this period existed as ornamental flowers and medicines, and its toxicity was not known. Wei Wei didn't plan to let people know about this, so as not to cause bad incidents, only told Ka The flower of Ma has a certain calming effect, but overdose can cause death, so don't use it if you don't need it. There used to be some in the castle, and the anesthetic in her hand was made from the flowers in Huo Huo's garden.

After Raymond used anesthesia, he became even more ignorant. Karma handed her something to wipe off her sweat, watched Wei Wei cut off Raymond's trouser legs, disinfected the skin, and then cut the muscle with a scalpel. Very complicated.

It's not that I'm afraid, the doctors at this time will also perform surgery on people. Her husband had done suture surgery on a wounded person who was cut by a knife before, but the other party finally died because the wound festered after the operation.

Moreover, the success rate of the operation during this period is very small, and the patients undergoing the operation are very painful during the operation, and they need many people to press them to prevent them from moving.

But now she watched her mistress cut Raymond's flesh, but the other party was still sleeping soundly, there was no sign of waking up at all, his expression was still calm, and he didn't seem to feel any pain.

Wei Wei, who was also wearing an apron, a mask, and a headscarf, kept her head down and worked seriously. Although it was the first time to actually operate it, she was very professional because of the dexterity that was integrated into her body. The bones were taken out with tweezers, while instructing Karma to bring the treated willow branches, clamp them with tweezers and place them in the correct position and fix them. After confirming that they were correct, they sprinkled the powder that can promote muscle growth, and finally sutured them with needles and threads. , and then continue on a layer of medicine.

After doing this, she looked up at Karma: "The bandage can be dealt with."

She is talking about plaster bandages, which are made of starched gauze bandages and plaster of paris powder. After soaking in water, they can be hardened and shaped in a short period of time. Due to technological limitations, they cannot be as light and breathable as later generations, and they are bulky and stuffy. And the shortcomings of difficult nursing, but it is still much better than the commonly used plank fixation method and the Arabs' method of mixing plaster powder with water and adding a mold to fix the fracture.

This gypsum Wei Wei was also the method of making it when Wei Wei used gypsum to make tofu, and suddenly thought of looking up the information to find the production method. She felt that this thing could be used sooner or later, so she made a large roll and prepared it, so as not to miss it when it was used.

It's not in use now.

Kama immediately went out and brought hot water. Wei Wei measured the water temperature and felt it was suitable. She quickly soaked the plaster bandage in the water, squeezed out the excess water and spread it out, and put a cotton pad in the middle—of course not medical cotton made of absorbent gauze. Pads, the conditions are limited, they can only use the pure cotton pads that have been sterilized and dried. Fortunately, the weather is good enough, and these cotton pads are dried before the operation is over-then fix the plaster bandages on the limbs, and finally use ordinary The bandage is then fixed and wrapped.

It was a little difficult for the two of them to work together in the last step. Raymond was in a coma and could not move. Karma was not strong enough to lift his feet, so he had to go outside and find a strong servant to come in to help, and then she helped Wei Wei fixed the cloth and made her wrap a plaster bandage. When the plaster was cast, the three of them were all tired and sweating.

Especially Wei Wei, she doesn't know how long she has had the operation. It was bright outside at the beginning, but now the sun is about to go down outside. In addition to the preparations for the operation and the time for the final cast, she is afraid that she is too busy. Three hours.

I didn't think that I was focused on it before, but now I can rest assured that no matter how good her physical strength is, she can't bear it.

Kama was very distressed when she saw that she was sweating and her turban was wet: "Madam, go and rest, I'll do the rest."

Wei Wei shook her head: "You have been busy with me for so long, and you also need to rest."

She opened the door, and the personal maids, such as Penny and Qin, who had been waiting outside, immediately surrounded her.

"Madam, are you hungry? Dinner has been sitting in the kitchen. I'll let them bring it out. Do you want to eat in the restaurant or go back to your room?"

"Hot water is also ready for bathing at any time."

When Wei Wei heard this, she knew that she had missed dinner: "I'll just wait until I go to the restaurant to eat. You first find someone to carry Master Raymond to the guest room. By the way, where is Felix?"

She thought that Felix would stay here too, but she came out without seeing anyone, and was a little disappointed.

Qin said: "Lord Count, let me tell you that he has caught His Majesty's attendant and is interrogating him. Let us notify him when you are done."

"Interrogation? Are you sure he has something to do with this?"

Jean was instructed by Felix, so she knew a little inside story: "I heard it has something to do with him."

Wei Wei asked her again, "Is Pope John awake?"

This time it was Penny who replied, "Not yet, so Bishop Roberto keeps getting angry." She couldn't help but curl her lips as she spoke.

It is also a bishop. Bishop Umberto stayed in his bedroom when the Pope was in trouble and has not left until now. Bishop Roberto left after staying for a while at the beginning, and accused Saul at the dinner table. Dinsonburg didn't even invite a doctor to the Pope, thinking it was a complete nonsense to let Wei Wei see it.

The reason is very simple, they have never seen a female doctor.

The people in Sardinson Castle were angry when they heard this, but the servants were not easy to refute. His Excellency the Earl didn't seem to want to discuss this issue with Bishop Roberto, but his face was terrifying, but he didn't speak at all, and chose to ignore him. On the contrary, Bishop Roberto became more and more proud of his words. Looking at his appearance, if he didn't remember Wei Wei's identity, he might have given her the hat of heresy.

Everyone hates him anyway.

Wei Wei didn't know about this, and only asked about the Pope: "Has he taken medicine?"

"Drink it, and feed it according to the method you said. Although the Pope is still in a coma, he can still swallow, and he did not spit out the medicine."

Penny and Qin were the first to follow Wei Wei, and they were almost inseparable. They were often there when Wei Wei taught Kama, and naturally they also learned something.

At this moment, they also took the opportunity to file a complaint: "Bishop Roberto stopped us from feeding the medicine when he saw us. It was Bishop Umberto who didn't stop him, but his face looked ugly."

As for the bishop, Wei Wei waved her hand indifferently: "Don't worry about him, just wait until the Pope wakes up."

The maids quickly called someone to transfer Raymond to the stretcher again, and everyone couldn't help but look at his swollen legs.

Raymond didn't live in the castle originally. His room was in the tower, but it was not suitable for sending him back. He simply arranged for him to live in a guest room not far from the Pope, so that Wei Wei could see a doctor regularly.

After settling down Raymond, Wei Wei ordered two servants to take care of him, and said when he would wake up, how to take care of him after waking up, and some precautions. After making sure they remembered it, he went to the next door. pope.

The Pope was still awake. The back of his head was only swollen without bleeding, so he just applied the ointment to activate blood and remove blood stasis. During this period, the hairstyles of clergymen were all shaved on the top of their heads, leaving only the corners, which looked like a "Mediterranean" , The part that the Pope injured happened to have no hair, so there was no need to shave his head, but because of the injury, he could only lie on his side. At this time, his eyes were closed and his face was pale.

As expected, Bishop Umberto was still in the room, praying for the Pope by the bedside. He didn't stop when he saw her coming, but just nodded to her as a greeting.

Wei Wei didn't bother him, walked over to check the Pope's pulse, and found that his pulse was better than before, but he still didn't seem to wake up for a while.

Of course, it would be easy for him to wake up now, with just a few injections, but Wei Wei didn't plan to reveal her abilities in front of the church.

Bishop Umberto finally finished his prayer, and then said to Wei Wei, "I didn't expect Madam to be a doctor. I wonder what happened to Master Raymond?"

"The operation went well. He has been sent to the guest room to rest. His Excellency the Bishop can visit him tomorrow."

Hearing the operation, Bishop Umberto frowned. He didn't think the operation was bad, but worried about the outcome of the operation. Many people lost their lives because of the operation. In their opinion, the operation means that there are no other means of treatment. The last attempt that had to be made later was that if you survived, you could still live, but if you couldn't survive, you died. Among the ten people, seven or eight people's results were the latter.

However, he looked at Wei Wei's calm and confident tone and obviously tired look, and didn't say anything. Instead, he asked about the Pope's situation: "When will your majesty wake up?"

"Tonight at the earliest. If it's slow, I might have to sleep for a day or two." She said, "The lump on the Pope's head is not small, and it was obviously hit hard. It would be good for him to rest more." Otherwise, it will be uncomfortable after waking up. .

Wei Wei stayed at the Pope's place for a while before going downstairs to the restaurant for dinner. At this time, she felt that she was really hungry, and her hands were shaking a little. Fortunately, the food was already on the table, and it was twice as fast as before. After finishing a pasta and having a little something in her stomach, she slowed down and continued to eat other things.

Just as she was cutting the roast lamb chops, the sound of footsteps with wooden soles hitting the ground came from the corridor, and the rhythm was familiar.

After a while, Felix appeared in the restaurant.

Seeing Wei Wei who was eating, Felix smiled, and didn't care how embarrassed she was at the time. He leaned over and kissed her forehead: "You should have eaten earlier."

"I got busy and forgot." Wei Wei ate the mutton in her mouth before she said, "Have you caught Pope John's entourage? How was the interrogation?"

"I didn't send someone to catch it, it was the manservant who reported it to you." Felix pulled out his chair, sat down, and explained to her, "Didn't we not see him before, he was at that time? It's thanks to him that I went after the escaped followers, otherwise people would run out of the manor, and it would be troublesome if they try to find them at that time."

As for why the followers are running, things are probably like this.

The manservant serving Raymond was named Mike. Mike had received Wei Wei's instructions before, so he secretly discussed the matter of the Pope's entourage with the servants who served several other alchemists in private. Go to the handle of the attendant and tie the person directly to the count.

But it was probably because Maike was watching too clearly. In the following days, the entourage suddenly became calmer, no longer running around, and only guarding the door of Raymond's laboratory. As for whether he still peeked, Maike not found.

He couldn't catch the other party's handle, and Maike was also anxious, so he thought about it, and thought that since the other party didn't move, he would create an opportunity for him to move.

So he asked Raymond to ask for leave early in the morning in front of the other party, saying that something happened to his family and he wanted to go back. Raymond was very fond of him, so he naturally agreed.

After Maiko left the tower, he left the castle in a hurry. Then he found a place outside, changed his clothes, and slipped back quietly through the back door of the tower, which he could not see. He also deliberately avoided those churches along the way. Man, back to the tower again.

Under the cover of the other three servants, Maike successfully concealed the other party and returned to the first floor of Raymond's laboratory.

At noon, the other three servants came up to find the Pope and Master Raymond to go downstairs for dinner as agreed in advance. Originally, the two people who were addicted to the experiment did not want to leave the laboratory, but the servants said, "This time, the three alchemists have invited them. The dinner was just downstairs, they didn't have to go to the castle, they could discuss their favorite topics at the dinner table" persuaded them, and the two left the laboratory.

The pope's entourage naturally followed, while Maike remained quietly in place, waiting quietly. Sure enough, after a while, the other party quietly came back and entered the unlocked laboratory.

Seeing that the other party finally took the bait, Maike sneaked out of the room at that time, and went over to plan to get a personal loot and get it.

When he touched it, he happened to see that the other party was fiddling with something on the experimental table with his back to the door.

The other party was startled by him, but he reacted very quickly. He threw away the things in his hand and ran away from him. When Maike saw that he had run away, he naturally wanted to chase. Then the other party was also very powerful. Scud ran out from the back door of the castle. , Maike didn't have time to call the others, so he ran out.

If it weren't for the fact that the entourage was unfamiliar with the environment here and chose the road to the villa, and was stopped by the guards over there when he wanted to run into the forest, Maike probably would not have been able to catch anyone.

At this point, Felix added: "The laboratory has already invited several other alchemists to see it, and the liquid they were experimenting with added something that should not have been added before it exploded."

Hearing this, Wei Wei frowned: "So, did he accidentally mix something in when he was rummaging, or did he do it on purpose?"

This is a really good question. If it was careless, then this incident was really an accident. If it was intentional, then it was a premeditated murder.

"He's very hard-mouthed, and he hasn't asked yet, but," Felix pulled the corner of his mouth: "I asked someone from the church, that servant has been with the Pope for many years, and I heard that he also studied alchemy in private. Occasionally, Pope John will ask him to help him when he is doing experiments.”

"Things that shouldn't have been added didn't cause a reaction at the time, and only exploded after new substances were added."

Therefore, if the scene Maike saw is definitely true, that person is likely to be directed at the Pope.