Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 99

Pope John woke up in the early morning of the next day, and the servant in charge of the vigil notified the others as soon as possible. The sky was only slightly lit, but Wei Wei and Felix had to get dressed and go downstairs to visit him.

In the guest room, the two bishops who lived on the first floor with Pope John came, and even Father Matthew was present.

The situation of Pope John who woke up was better than Wei Wei thought. Although he had some symptoms of dizziness and nausea, he was conscious and articulate clearly.

After asking him a few questions, Wei Wei breathed a sigh of relief: "The situation is good, there are no other sequelae, take medicine on time and rest, and you will recover soon."

When Pope John first woke up, he didn't open his mouth because of dizziness and nausea. Now the situation has eased a little. He slowly remembered what happened to him, and quickly asked what happened to Raymond.

"Master Raymond is still resting." Wei Wei briefly explained Raymond's situation.

Seeing that he was sane, Felix asked him how the lab exploded.

"I am also very puzzled." Pope John was also puzzled, their experiment today was not a particularly dangerous experiment, and it was not even the first time: "I have done it before, and this has never happened. "

Felix asked: "Since it has been done before, have you told other people about the steps of the experiment? Or has someone done this experiment with you?"

Pope John's head was still aching, but that didn't stop him from hearing the strangeness in Felix's words.

"Why do you ask? What did you find?"

Felix didn't hide it either: "The three alchemists have checked the scene, anyway, the utensils you use have been added with substances that should not be added, and the manservant who takes care of Master Raymond found that your entourage secretly entered during lunch. Lab, what was added to the labware."

"Sean? Impossible!" Hearing his words, Pope John's first reaction was disbelief: "He has served me for many years, and he has always been very loyal. He has never had any problems. It is impossible for him to betray me."

"But the truth is probably not what you hoped." Felix regretted: "After he was found by the servant, he ran away immediately. Many people saw it at that time. If he has no problem, why did he run?"

Pope John, apparently not quite able to accept this fact, turned to Bishop Umberto, who nodded at him.

Pope John was silent, before saying after a while, "Have you caught him?"

"Yes, caught." Felix said: "Although he refused to say anything, we found some powder in his fingernails, the same thing that caused the explosion."

The name of that thing was so long and convoluted that Felix forgot it after hearing it once, but he remembered that the alchemists were a powdery substance that could dissolve in water and other liquids, which normally wouldn't happen. Explosive, but react violently with two specific substances, and if you add too much, it will cause a big explosion.

Of course not all alchemists know this, they do, because Pope John happened to tell them this at lunch at noon. It was a chemical reaction he discovered during his own experiments, and no one else knew about it but them.

At first, Felix's people didn't find anything in the man's fingers, or after knowing what caused the explosion, he specially asked the other person's hand to check, and found the same thing in his fingernails.

After Pope John listened, he was silent for a moment again, and said sullenly: "I did ask Sean to help me when I did this experiment before..."

Not only that, when he discovered this reaction, he told Sean as an interesting thing, so the other party really knew it a long time ago.

But he couldn't understand why the other party would betray him.

Suddenly betrayed by his cronies, Pope John, who was already uncomfortable, was in a worse mood at this time. He closed his eyes and let out a slight moan.

"His Majesty the Pope needs to rest, so let's not disturb him here." Knowing that he was not feeling well, Bishop Umberto took him to see him off.

Others also knew that it was not good to stay at this time, so Yiyan walked out of the room.

When the door was closed, Bishop Roberto, who had not spoken, suddenly said to Felix: "Your Excellency, since this matter was done by the church, it should be the church itself to interrogate, and please hand over the person to the church. I."

The torches in the corridor had already been extinguished, and only the candlestick held by the maid shone faintly. Everyone's faces were half hidden in the darkness, and they couldn't see each other's expressions at all.

But Wei Wei's five senses are stronger than ordinary people, and her night vision ability is even better. When Bishop Roberto was talking, she looked at him. The bishop's expression is calm now, but Wei Wei noticed that he said this There was hardly a blink of an eye during the passage, and the same expression remained for too long.

Judging from her experience (watching the show), this means that he is not as calm as he seems, and even has a tendency to lie.

His question sounds very reasonable, the Pope's attendant is different from ordinary servants, just like the servants of nobles are likely to be nobles, like the Pope, his attendant is also a monk at the last time, a full member of the church , when this happened, it is understandable that he requested a follow-up interrogation by the church.

In this case, Bishop Roberto still showed such a reaction. Wei Wei thought about it for a while and guessed that it might have something to do with him.

Felix said: "I'm afraid not. Although Sean is a member of the church, his actions seriously injured Master Raymond. We have the right to interrogate him."

Bishop Roberto could not refute.

Compared to Pope John who was only scratched and the back of his head was swollen, Raymond was the one who was seriously injured. Everyone saw how he was injured at the time. Although it was said that Wei Wei was treating him, no one felt it. His legs are still getting better, and it's good to be sure that they don't get worse.

Moreover, although Raymond is younger than Pope John, he is also fifty years old. People of this age can go to see God even if they are slightly ill. With his current situation, no one can say how long he will live.

Compared to the fact that one side was only slightly injured and one side was dying, the church really had no reason to ask them to hand over someone.

Bishop Roberto wanted to say something else, Wei Wei interrupted first: "Your Excellency Bishop, don't be so anxious. After we have finished the interrogation, we can naturally hand over the person to the church. After all, it is the person of His Majesty the Pope, and he should be the one to deal with."

After their interrogation is over, who else does he want? And if the person is handed over to the Pope, he has no chance to take over.

Bishop Roberto was unwilling, but the Count and his wife did not give him a chance at all.

Felix said solemnly: "Sean is just a follower, he has no guts and no reason to murder His Majesty the Pope. Someone must give instructions later on. If something happens to the Pope, who will get the most benefits and who will be suspected. It's the biggest, so, for the sake of His Excellency the Bishop's reputation, it's better not to interfere in this matter."

Bishop Roberto's face sank: "What do you mean by this count?"

Felix has been annoyed by him for a long time, and now he is even more rude: "I mean, you should understand very well, if the Pope has an accident, the church will re-elect a new Pope, I heard that Bishop Roberto is also popular. One of the candidates?"

This has directly regarded him as the mastermind behind this incident.

Roberto was so angry that he was about to vomit blood: "You!"

"I don't care how you fight inside your church, but please remember that this is Sardinson County, not your church's territory. Anyone who dares to cause trouble in Sardinson, I will not let him go." Felix looked at him coldly. Him: "Don't let me know that you really did this."

Otherwise, what Prady I can do, he dares to do.

Leaving this sentence behind, Felix stopped looking at his face, whose face was too weak to see because of the weak light - it must be wonderful to think about it - and took Wei Wei and went straight away.

The remaining Bishop Umberto and Father Matthew looked at each other and found a relieved smile in their eyes. After exchanging a smile, they also left silently and went back to the room to rest, leaving only Roberto's face. Ugly stayed where he was, gasping for breath, looking like he was about to explode with anger.

But the servant who followed him and illuminated him felt that his anger contained a guilty conscience.

Wei Wei, who had left, was talking to Felix about Bishop Roberto: "Do you think he ordered what happened this time?"

Felix: "I can't be sure, but it's definitely related to him, otherwise he wouldn't be in a hurry to get people back." This is obviously a guilty move.

Wei Wei agreed: "Well, if the Pope's accident is really good for them, do you remember the previous curse about the church?"

"Because the church launched a war against the Eastern Church, God was angry and cursed, causing the current Pope to die early?"

"Yes, this is it." Wei Wei nodded: "Didn't you say that the Pope supports the restoration of the union with the Eastern Church? If something happens to him, doesn't it prove that the so-called curse is false? So as long as something happens to Pope John , they can say that there is no curse at all, and then replace their own people."

"I think it's because of this that Pope John is in trouble."

Pope John was also a cardinal before he became a pope. People of this class can benefit from his attendants. Even he used to be the attendant doctor of a certain pope. At that time, his status was the same as that of Sean now. It's the same, and Pope John also promoted Sean very much. Sooner or later, he can also be promoted to a high-ranking clergyman. He can bribe the person who invites him.

For example, compared to becoming a high-ranking cleric, it is natural that a high-ranking cleric with real power is more desirable.

And in the church where the hawks are in power, the only people who can agree to this and make him believe are the high-level hawks.

"It's a coincidence, I think so too." Felix wrapped her shoulders and added: "One more thing, if the Pope has an accident in Sardinson, they have the right to send someone to intervene in the investigation, and then they want to Everything is easier than it is now."

That's why Bishop Roberto didn't have any follow-up actions except for the initial disguise. He was probably waiting for this situation.

It's just that he probably didn't expect Sean to be caught, and the Pope wasn't seriously injured, so he was in a hurry now.

"Then we have to be optimistic about that Sean, and don't let people have the opportunity to destroy the evidence, such as poisoning or something."

"Of course, my dear, I promise not a single fly in the cell can get in."

He didn't believe it. He was full of guards in the prison, and there were still people who could sneak in and kill people. As for the food and water, they were all tried and eaten with caught mice before they were fed to him to ensure that he would not be poisoned to death. .

So the most important thing is that Sean commits suicide.

However, a person whose limbs are tied to a wooden frame and whose chin is unloaded and can only eat liquid food should not be able to commit suicide, right?

Raymond also woke up the next day.

After the effect of the anesthesia faded, he woke up with more and more intense pain in his legs.

Raymond, who had just woken up, didn't know what happened, but he quickly remembered the explosion before he fell unconscious.

As soon as he remembered it, he couldn't care about the pain in his legs, he put his hands up and tried to sit up.

The result was not successful, but was stopped by the servant who found the movement.

"Master Raymond, please don't move, you can't get out of bed now."

Maike stepped forward to support him, and pressed the person back carefully, but did not let him lie down completely, but helped Raymond put several pillows behind his back, so that he could maintain a half-lying and half-recumbent position.

Seeing it was him, Raymond was surprised: "Mike? Didn't you go home and come back so soon?"

Maike helped him pour a glass of water. Raymond was indeed thirsty, so he drank it as he took it, and listened to Maike's guilty explanation: "No, I didn't go home at the time. So I made an excuse to catch him, but I didn't expect that he actually wanted to kill you, and it's my fault that I was just chasing people and forgot to notify you, otherwise, Master, you won't hurt your legs."

After learning that they were injured, Maiko has been blaming himself, especially for Raymond's leg. Although it has been treated by the Countess, everyone thinks that it is not bad to be able to guarantee that the leg will not be amputated. No one believes it. He can really recover as before.

If he hadn't gone after people, but had told them what Sean had done, this accident would not have happened.

Or if he had been louder to attract the other servants who were serving the alchemists, it might not have been the same.

But the fact is that instead of calling someone, he chose to chase someone, and wanted to capture Sean by his own ability, so that he could take credit for the count and the couple.

Because of this, no one knew that Sean did tricks in the laboratory, which eventually caused a catastrophe.

But he didn't dare to tell anyone that he didn't notify others because he wanted to take credit. He didn't have the courage to bear the consequences. Everyone thought he just didn't remember it at the time.

Now facing Raymond again, the guilt in his heart almost drowned his conscience.

His words reminded Raymond of the pain he felt. He carefully lifted the quilt and saw his tightly wrapped right leg.

He froze for a while, although he didn't see the wound, but from the degree of wrapping and the pain, Raymond realized that his leg was probably badly injured.

But he didn't care about this issue for the time being, and instead asked, "You said Sean was the one who caused the accident in our experiment? What about Julio? Is he okay?"

"His Majesty the Pope is fine. He has only a few scratches, mainly hitting his head. After waking up, he was not feeling well and was asked to rest in bed by his wife."

"It's fine." Raymond breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help but look at his leg and reached out to touch it, but it was the calf that was hurt, and he couldn't reach it with his hands in this position.

"What's wrong with my leg?" Raymond wanted to show that he didn't care that much, but in fact his trembling tone still revealed his mood at this time.

Maike dared not look at him, and avoided his sight by taking the water glass and pouring water for him again: "Master, your leg was broken by the overturned cabinet..."

The power of the explosion was not small. If it wasn't for the two people noticing that the reaction in the vessel was wrong before the explosion, they left the most dangerous place earlier and did not face the explosion, or they would have been able to hold a funeral by now.

But they didn't run out of the lab before the explosion, so the Pope was hit on the head by something that fell from the cabinet, and Raymond was crushed and his leg was broken, and the two fell into a coma.

Hearing that his leg was broken, although Raymond had a hunch, he couldn't react. Fortunately, he still didn't know how serious his condition was, so although he was worried, he was not too excited. If he knew that he was He had a comminuted fracture, and he had just finished the operation, so he was afraid that he would immediately be caught in the fear of whether he would be amputated or not.

Maike didn't dare to look at him like that, so he poured the water and walked out the door: "Master, wait a moment, I'll go and invite the lady over."

Leaving Raymond in the room wondering, shouldn't he call a doctor at this time, why should he call the countess? If you want to ask about the situation, shouldn't it be Lord Earl?

Maike quickly found Wei Wei, Wei Wei heard that Raymond was awake, put the work in his hand, and came over.

"Good morning, Master Raymond, how are you feeling now?"

As soon as Wei Wei entered the room, she went straight to the bed, sat on the stool brought by the maid, first looked at Raymond's eyes, then grabbed his hand and began to feel the pulse, like a doctor rounding the room.

Raymond saw her action, and knew why Maiko wanted to call her.

Because she is a doctor.

"It's okay, but my leg hurts a lot." Raymond smiled bitterly and cooperated with her examination, patted his right thigh with his free hand: "Madam, is my leg serious?"

"Huh?" Wei Wei was carefully identifying the pulse, and replied casually: "It's okay, the operation was successful, as long as the dressing is changed on time, don't let the wound grow bad and it will recover."

"Surgery?" Raymond's face turned pale: "Is my leg hurt that badly?"

An old friend who used to be a doctor, Raymond listened to Pope John a lot about his experience, so he understood better than the average person how risky the operation was.

"Fortunately, it is a comminuted fracture. You are lucky not to hurt the nerves and blood vessels, and the broken bones are not serious. After recovery, there is a high probability that it will not affect daily activities."

Wei Wei didn't say enough. His bone injury of this degree can indeed guarantee that there will be no sequelae in the future, but now, even if she is 70 to 80% sure, she has to consider whether there will be unexpected factors.

But Raymond thought she was comforting him, and didn't believe the answer at all, his smile became more bitter: "Don't comfort me, broken bones can't grow back so easily, even if they are found, they will become strange. , there is no way to restore the original appearance.”

This year, there are a lot of people who became lame after the skull was broken and recovered. His leg was not only broken, but his bones were also broken. How could it be possible to recover.

"I didn't comfort you, really, you can recover, don't be too pessimistic." The patient's mood is also an important factor affecting recovery, and she can't keep Raymond in such a low mood.

But Raymond didn't believe it at all. Fortunately, his character is not the kind of person who can't get up when something happens. After a while, he cheered up: "As long as God bless you not to amputate."

Seeing that she couldn't persuade her for a while, she shut up. Anyway, facts speak louder than words, and sooner or later he will understand.

"I gave you medicine. After drinking it, it will have a certain pain relief effect. If you can't move for a few days, don't move as much as you can. If you have something to do, you can just ask the servant to do it."

Wei Wei finished her consultation, left a bunch of warnings and left.

After I went back, I couldn't help but complain to Felix: "Evidently, I said that it would be almost the same, but everyone seems to have lost his leg, so they have some confidence in me."

Her operation was so successful that she felt that she was great, but everyone's reaction was too shameless.

Felix laughed. He was actually a little skeptical about Wei Wei's words, but a good and qualified husband would not show distrust, and he didn't want to be kicked out of bed by Wei Wei.

He didn't follow Wei Wei's intention to discuss, but started another topic: "When do you think Pope John will recover? At least to the extent that he can ride a carriage?"

Wei Wei understood immediately that Felix was asking when the Pope could leave.

The church group had also stayed in Sardinson County for a while. According to the original arrangement, they had to stay for three or five days at most before leaving. But now that the Pope is injured, the original departure time must be rescheduled. .

"Although his condition is not serious, it is indeed not suitable for long-term bumping of the carriage. If he wants to recover to the level of travel, it will take at least about two weeks."

This time is considering that Pope John is not too young, and his recovery ability is slower than that of young people. Two weeks is the shortest time.

"Two weeks is a long time." Raymond frowned, thinking that he would have to let the church and his party stay in Fort Sardinson for more than half a month, and he couldn't be happy.

Wei Wei comforted him and said, "If you want to open up, at least the current situation is favorable for us. During this time, people in the church should not dare to mess around again. We just need to send more people to monitor."

It can only be the.

"By the way, is that Sean still unwilling to say why?"

"Well, the soldier came to report in the morning, saying that he knew that the Pope had woken up and admitted that he had done it, but he still refused to say the reason."

The trouble is that they can't impose a heavy sentence on him, even though his guilt is confirmed.

Having said this, Felix became angry: "That guy Roberto sent a Templar to the prison to watch the interrogation today, and we can't even beat him with a whip."

Sean was a member of the church, and someone from Roberto was watching. If they used severe punishment, the other party would probably say that they were beaten and would never accept the result of the interrogation.

When it comes to torture, the first thing that comes to Wei Wei's mind is the top ten tortures in China.

Of course, they are civilized people, and if they want a harmonious society, of course, torture cannot be used.

Wei Wei smiled: "Dear, do you want to know about the little black house?"

The author has something to say: Wei Wei: We are civilized people, neither barbaric nor cruel, so let's play psychology.