Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 123: fisherman

The night passed, and everyone in the temple didn't know when they fell asleep last night. Only when the sun was shining in the mountains did one wake up, and then pushed the others to wake up.

The door of the mountain temple is still closed, and the rain outside has already stopped.

Mo Tong got up and looked around, but found no figure of Ji Yuan.

"Where's Mr. Ji? Mr. Ji is gone?"

Someone opened the temple door and looked around, but there was no sign of Ji Yuan, and they understood that the immortal figure must have left.

"Mo Tong, will the magic trick Mr. Ji left last night be of any use? What if I encounter demons and monsters again..."

A woman asked worriedly. It was the first time I saw a demon, the influence of the three views was the second, and the key was the feeling of powerlessness that arises in oneself.

But before Mo Tong spoke, the boy Mo Yu shouted first.

"It's definitely useful. After Mr. Ji wrote me two words with water yesterday, I'm not panicking now! It's definitely useful!"

Mo Tong also said comfortingly.

"It's something that mortals like me can speculate about what the immortals are doing. If it really doesn't work, just follow Mr. Ji's suggestion. Once the young master notices that something is wrong, we will hurry to the Chenghuang Temple to hide!"

"That's all it takes..."

The group packed up, put the three futons back in their places before leaving, and then very solemnly kowtowed to the mountain **** statue. If there was no sandalwood in the temple, there must be an incense stick.

After doing all this, he left the mountain temple and closed the temple door to leave.

In fact, Ji Yuan left directly because he left the decree to hide Mo Yu's aura and even change his breath, but also because Ji Yuan had already seen the Qi last night and saw that Mo Yu's catastrophe was over.

And yesterday's shocking incident of the soul's separation from the body, the other party's cheap master must have also sensed the changes in the qi machine, so why did he come quickly.

This time, the world's orthodox immortals are either pure-hearted and few desires, or practicing good deeds, or in the mountains of the sun and the moon, or cultivating and comprehending the Tao. Although their personalities are different, there are still very few insidious people who will count on an ordinary child. The higher the realm, the better. In this way, one can comprehend the Tao without relying on the heart and mind, but one cannot do the opposite.

Ji Yuan has no intention of meeting each other, nor does she want to be treated with excessive respect as an ancestor along the way, so let's go ahead.

Sure enough, about half an hour after the Mo family descended from Jiaoye Mountain, someone came from the sky to ride the wind, but the Mo family couldn't see it on the ground.

The person who came was wearing a purple robe, and was hunting in the wind in the sky. He just came to the wind in the middle of the night in search of Qi, but when he arrived, he couldn't feel the breath of his undisciplined brother, and he was suddenly surprised.

He took a closer look at the ground and found a child who was obviously much shorter than the servants and entourages galloping on the road. He was relieved after confirming that it was his apprentice.

Between frowns, he made calculations based on the eight characters of his disciple's birth date and the hexagram of last night's qi machine, except for the hexagram image of turning the crisis into safety, everything else was blank.

If you can't figure it out, you can only ask the parties.

Driving the wind down, the wind on the ground gradually rose, and the person who came from the wind showed his figure as the wind blew past, and other people found that there was another person in front of him.

"Who is it?" "Protect the young master!"

Mo Tong's people were on guard like a great enemy, while Mo Yu shouted "Master!" excitedly. He had only seen each other once or twice, but he was as intimate as day and night.

And Mo Yu's reaction made the Mo family who heard the words heave a sigh of relief, and hurriedly saluted, and they were quite reassured when they met the immortals twice in a row.


The visitor came with a small crown, a hosta, a purple shirt, a long robe, a black beard and a beard that was about a foot long. He just nodded his greetings to the other Mo family members, and then walked up to Mo Yu and stretched out his hand to probe the child with magic power, but he found that his hand only touched it. When he touched Mo Yu, the obscure and hidden aura on his body disappeared.

"Yu'er, did you encounter a critical situation yesterday?"

When asked about this, Mo Yu was a little scared.

"Yesterday, four robbers came to arrest me, but the servants couldn't beat me. Then, during the escape, I was very panicked. I didn't want to be caught, so my soul ran out..."

Mo Yu croaked and said, roughly explaining how he survived the danger, and asked his master to think about it.

"The surname of the fellow Daoist you met is Ji? What's going on with this Banana Leaf Mountain God? Why did he take the initiative to find your soul? Just happened to pass by?"

Listening to Mo Yu said that the mountain **** is like a monster and not like a human being, and his teacher can basically judge that the other party is not high in Taoism. Otherwise, unless it is a complete practice of mountain and water gods, the mountain gods who set up temples will usually be close to the human body. Gods don't dare to walk in muddy waters when they pass by, right?

Mo Yu's teacher listened to Mo Yu's narration. Naturally, there was less process. When he heard the question from the fairy, Mo Tong, who was next to him, hurriedly answered.

"Reporting to Xianchang, I can see it for real. It was the Xianchang Ji surnamed last night who lifted his leg and stepped on the ground, and said in his mouth, "Please come to see the mountain **** of Jiaoye Mountain."

With the gesture and tone of Ji Yuan, classmate Mo retells it personally.

Just after speaking, others clearly found that this immortal elder was far more immortal than Mr. Ji last night, and his expression froze.

"Do you really see him summoning the mountain **** like this?"


The fairy was a little lost.

'It turned out to be a deity! Which Dao Miao Gao game crossed this border? surnamed...'

"Master, Master, I also asked Mr. Ji whether he is more capable or you are more capable. Mr. Ji said that you must be more capable. I think so, Mr. Ji can't even fly. He said that the mountains and rivers rely on his legs, and there must be no you. awesome!"

His teacher's expression became stiff again, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Yu' are mountains outside the mountains and there are heavens outside the mountains...that Mr. Ji is just self-deprecating words, some masters really like to walk slowly...forget it, you still don't understand...that's right, then Has this gentleman told you to wait for your full name?"

"No, I asked, but Mr. Ji won't tell me!"

Thankfully, Mo Tong and others didn't see that Ji Yuan used Ji's "fixation method" when chasing him out. Otherwise, he would have no idea how he would feel if he talked to this purple-robed immortal.

At this moment, Ji Yuan, who had already walked all the way, did not see the purple-robed immortal cultivator arriving, but the rain decree that left a special technique disappeared, knowing that it was time for Master Mo Yu to arrive.

But if Ji Yuan was told that Mo Yu's master said that he didn't like flying, it was estimated that someone in Ji would be in a complicated mood.

. . .

Before you know it, the season is the winter solstice. Somewhere on the bank of the Tongtian River in the west of Youzhou, there is a awning boat parked on the water. On the boat, there is a man in a hood with a hat and is grabbing one and making it himself. green bamboo poles are fishing.

Since the beginning of winter, this person has been sitting on the bow of the boat fishing in this section of the river, sometimes on the other side of the river, sometimes on this side of the river.

On this side of the river section is Youzhou, and on the other side across the river is the bureaucratic power center of Dazhen, where Zhili and Gyeonggi Prefecture are located.

This fisherman is Ji Wu Peng boat is rented by the same old man. The lease period is half a year.

About a dozen miles to the south of Jiyuan's boat is the famous Zhuangyuan Ferry among the many ferry ports on the Tongtian River.

Legend has it that it used to be a small ferry port, but in the history of Dazhen’s founding, there were once six reference priests from the east of the border who ferryed to Gyeonggi Province at that port, and then became the champion of high school.

As for whether this legend is true or a "get rich idea" that the local villagers came up with, Ji Yuan doesn't want to go into detail, but it is undeniable that most of the tributes who took the exam from the east will drop by the way to Zhuang Yuandu to ask for a lot of money. By the way, I will pay my respects to the goddess Jiang.

Presumably Yin Zhaoxian will also leave here, but he has a plan to make a ferry for his friends in person.

It is impossible to cover all aspects of heresy. Generally, only the content with "story and interest" is described, such as the failure of Chunmujiang Lao Jiao to transform into a dragon, etc., and it is written.

And although Tongtianjiang is a big river, it may be because it has been stable all the time, and heretics have not even mentioned it. It was only when Jiyuan arrived that he knew that Tongtianjiang River God was a woman.

Ji Yuan had been to the Jiang Temple for a long time, and also asked pilgrims and local villagers, and learned that Jiang Shen's mother's real name was Ying Ruoli, and she must be related to Lao Long Yinghong. .

Ji Yuan is not in a hurry to find Lao Long for a drink. He has been wandering by the riverside for so long. This Lao Long must not be at home, otherwise he would have found himself long ago. Yi Lao Long didn't tell his family that he was planning on someone, how embarrassing.

It's interesting to just enjoy the joy of the fisherman while waiting for the two friends, Yifan and Yilong, to see who will meet first.