Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 133: old friends meet

Such a big fish?


Yin Zhaoxian and the scholar surnamed Shi were also shocked for a while, and stared blankly at the fisherman lifting his rod.


A bighead carp weighing more than 20 pounds is more than half the length of an ordinary person's leg, so the visual impact is still there.


"Clap, clap, clap..."


Ji Yuan didn't walk the fish at all, the water on the side of the Wu Peng boat was rippling violently, and a green bamboo pole was bent like a half moon.


"Hehehe... It's time for the big fish to take the bait, and there are friends coming from afar, very happy!"


Although the big fish shot the water very well, the curved fishing rod was extremely stable in Ji Yuan's hand. With a shake of his left hand, he lifted the whole fish out of the water and put it into the fish basket at the bow of the boat.


The big fish basket with a small mouth and a thick body was so dangling that it was loaded into this fish. The fat head of the bighead carp almost got stuck in the mouth of the basket. Even now, half of its body was shaking outside.


As for Yin Zhaoxian and the scholar surnamed Shi, who were on the shore, hearing the fisherman's upright and clear voice, the latter was nothing, and the former was overjoyed.


"It's Mr. Ji! Mr. Ji~~~ Yin Zhaoxian is here~~~"


Yin Zhaoxian was so excited that he waved and shouted in the direction of the Wu Peng boat several meters away from the river bank. The scholar surnamed Shi next to him was a little surprised. He and Yin Zhaoxian had never seen this person so excited along the way.


Ji Yuan's wrist flick at this moment has caused the fish hook to come out of the fish mouth. He put down the fishing rod and put on his hat, turned around and bowed his hands to Yin Zhaoxian on the shore.


"Master Yin, after the years go by, Master, is everything going well?"


Really seeing Ji Yuan's unchanged face, Yin Zhaoxian was even more excited, and hurriedly returned the salute to Ji Yuan, and the scholar surnamed Shi next to him also subconsciously bowed his hands together.


"Everything is fine in Yin's house, everything is fine. We also clean the small courtyard of Mr. Ji from time to time. Mr. Ji, come over quickly!"


Ji Yuan also bowed his hands to the scholar surnamed Shi, and shouted with a smile, "Come on!"


The big fish in the fish basket was still fluttering. Ji Yuan sat on the bow of the boat, picked up the boat and swayed a corner, rowing the boat close to the shore.


Seeing Yin Zhaoxian's excited look, the scholar surnamed Shi couldn't help asking curiously.


"Brother Yin, do you know this fisherman?"


"More than knowing each other, Mr. Ji is not only a neighbor of Yin Mou's hometown, but also my best friend. After many years of separation, I didn't expect to meet here!"


The boat docked in a few moments, and Ji Yuan stepped down from the boat in one step.


If it were replaced by Jiyuan in the previous life, meeting a real best friend whom he hadn't seen for many years would definitely be a bear hug, but most of the people and friends in this life are more reserved, Yin Zhaoxian is just excited to help each other with Jiyuan, but the hand is strong. Use a lot.


After a few breaths, the two sides released their hands, and Yin Zhaoxian introduced others to Ji Yuan, stretched out his hand and said to Ji Yuan:


"Mr. Ji, this is a fellow from Jizhou that Yin traveled together on his way to Beijing."


The scholar surnamed Shi once again surrendered to Ji Yuan and reported his name: "Shi Yusheng is from Chunhui Mansion!"


Ji Yuan also politely surrendered again.


"I'm planning on fate, and I'm an old acquaintance with Master Yin."


After the introduction, this is considered to be an acquaintance. Ji Yuan smiled and pointed to the fish basket on the bow of Wu Peng.


"It's better to come early than coincidence. A big fish just happened to be hooked. Let's entertain Master Yin and Master Shi with this fish at noon today, get on the boat, and let's go to Chenjia Village together."


At the gracious invitation of Ji Yuan, Yin Zhaoxian and Shi Yusheng both boarded the Wu Peng boat, and then he stepped on it again.


After lifting the oar, Ji Yuan smiled and reminded the two who had just sat down on the boat:


"Sit tight!"


Then the oars slammed on the shore, and when the boat slid off the shore, it rippled on the waves, causing the two newly boarded scholars to sway from side to side and quickly hold on to the side of the boat, not to mention standing up casually. .


Since this awning boat was rented from old man Chen, Chenjia Village is naturally close to the water. As long as you row the boat two miles north and turn into a small river, you can reach Chenjia Village in another half-mile. The road is not far. You can see the outline of the village even if you stand on the shore and look out.


The boat was driving on the river, Yin Zhaoxian and Shi Yusheng got used to it for a while and they no longer panic because of the boat's bumps.


"Where have Mr. Ji been visiting all these years, Qing'er has been thinking about you all the time, and he said that when he sees it, he must tell you what he saw outside. There is also the jujube tree in the courtyard, which only bears fruit again in three years. ...and a great old gentleman came can eat jujube very vigorously..."


Ji Yuan listened to Yin Zhaoxian speak clearly or vaguely while rowing the boat, and only smiled when he was almost finished.


"Xiao Yinqing probably misses that little red fox more, hahahaha..."


Shi Yusheng was also listening with a smile. He had never seen Yin Zhaoxian who talked so much, chatting non-stop.


Both of them had been walking for a long time, and they were already tired. Now they are sitting on the Wu Peng boat, enjoying the beautiful scenery along the river, which is both relieved and comfortable.


"By the way, Mr. Ji, you haven't said where you've been all these years, but do you have any strange views and interesting experiences to share with Yin?"


Unknowingly, he had reached the mouth of a river channel. He planned to turn the oar to make the boat turn, and then rowed the boat on another side. At the same time, he also smiled and said to Yin Zhaoxian in a joking tone:


"Over the years, Ji has killed demons, eliminated demons, seen the judges of the underworld and the local land, met the high gate of the immortal mansion, and participated in the Dragon King's birthday banquet. It's wonderful, wonderful, hehehe..."


Ji Yuan has an open mind, and it is also quite proud to say these words.


Hearing these words, Yin Zhaoxian, who faintly felt that it was most likely the real thing, was overwhelmed, and Shi Yusheng, who was beside him, was so happy that it was all a joke.


There was not much road in Chenjia Village, and soon the boat docked at the side of the village, tied the boat rope, Ji Yuan greeted two villagers who recognized him, and led Yin Zhaoxian and Shi Yusheng to Chen Laohan's house .


Seeing Ji Yuan coming over, the old man Chen's family was very enthusiastic, especially when there was such a big bighead carp in the fish basket, the old man Chen was also amazed.


It was almost noon, and Shi Yusheng, Yin Zhaoxian, and Ji Yuan sat and talked at a table of the Four Immortals. The table had already been placed, and the delicious smell of fish and meat was wafting from the kitchen.


Yin Zhaoxian and Shi Yusheng hadn't had a good meal for two or three days. They were all choked up, while Ji Yuan watched it funny.


At this moment, Yin Zhaoxian suddenly noticed that Ji Yuan's eyes were not gray, and asked in surprise.


"Mr. Ji, are your eyes okay?"


Ji Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Blindfolding, blindfolding."


He also raised his hand, Master Yin, don't make a fuss. Although Yin Zhaoxian didn't understand what blindness was, it was fine to understand it literally.


"The fish head is good~~~"


Old man Chen came up with a steaming washbasin with a rag, Ji Yuan quickly stepped forward to help, and put the pot of fish head soup on the table of the Four Immortals together, which took up a lot of space.


"Hey, Mr. Ji can still eat it. Our Tongtianjiang bighead carp is very delicious, especially this fish head is the essence of the essence, such a big head carp that weighs nearly 30 pounds is rare, and this fish head almost fits in a pot. If you don’t, you may not be able to eat even if you go to a big restaurant in Gyeonggi Prefecture!”


Old Man Chen said with a smile, then went back to the kitchen and brought out some other side dishes, including pickles and some sauced pork, and even brought out a pot of local wine.


"Mr. Ji also has two scholars, you can take it easy, the old man's family is eating in the kitchen!"


"Okay, Uncle Lao Chen is here!"


"Thank you, Uncle Chen!" "Thank you for the hospitality!"


Ji Yuan and others thanked them together before preparing to move the chopsticks, and the Chen family happily went back to the kitchen to eat. Ji Yuan only needed the fish head for such a big carp, and the rest would naturally be given to the Chen family.


With the aroma of fish overflowing, I ate a hearty meal. The fish head was thick and full without many fish bones. The key was that the soup was mellow and delicious.


At the dinner table, Ji Yuan also talked about the local customs and customs of various places. Compared with Yin Zhaoxian and the others, they had to hurry and hurry along the road.


The kind of festivity and harmony in which the strangers meet but attend the newlywed's home, send the congratulatory couplet with a pen and win the whole house; the comfort of helping each other and eating in the same boat; the kind that although the surname is not mentioned, it is also felt that the other party suffers under the friendship of the world. Shi devoted all his strength to each other for decades of kindness...


Everything from Ji Yuan's mouth is full of flesh and Yin Zhaoxian and Shi Yusheng are both sighing and envious.


At the end of the chat, Ji Yuan also suggested that the two scholars take his Wu Peng boat to go to Gyeonggi Prefecture on the other side. As for the lucky draw of Zhuang Yuandu, they only need to row the Wu Peng boat to Zhuang Yuandu and let the two of them board. The boat will do.


Naturally, the two scholars readily agreed.


After a meal was eaten for half an afternoon, most of the food on the table went into the stomachs of the two scholars. Anyway, looking at the posture, Ji Yuan felt that there was no need to prepare dinner for them.


The two scholars shared a room at Chen Laohan's house that night, and Ji Yuan would row to Zhuangyuandu to wait early the next day, and then sleep in another room.


After the lights went out at night, Shi Yusheng, who was lying on both ends of the headrest with Yin Zhaoxian, was still thinking about the day.


"Brother Yin, who is this Mr. Ji? How can he go through so many things?"


Yin Zhaoxian smiled.


"Forget it if you've heard it, let's think about the imperial examination. How can someone like Mr. Ji be a mediocre person like me."


"Yes, yes, Brother Yin used the word game red dust very well! If it wasn't for a day of contact, he really felt like a free and easy fairy, and it's no wonder that Brother Yin invited him as a close friend."


"Haha... go to sleep, go to sleep!"


Yin Zhaoxian tightened the quilt and stopped talking.

