Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 177: 1 as before

This turbulence in Yuhuai Mountain will not affect other people at least temporarily, and even some cultivators in Yuhuai Mountain are not aware of the situation, and naturally it will not affect the fate for the time being.


There is no need to go around in the sky. The distance between Desheng Mansion and Ning'an County is more than 150 miles in a straight line, which is not too far for the fate of being able to fly through the clouds.


Even a person like Ji Yuan who is used to flying slowly and under the breeze with his feet under the clouds and mist, flew over Ning'an County in less than two quarters of an hour.


From a distance in the sky, you can see a faint aura gathering in the corner of Tianniufang in Ning'an County. When Ji Yuan opened his magic eyes, he could even see a faint green light hidden in the aura.


'Jujube tree? ’


Ji Yuan was a little surprised. The breeze was blowing through his clothes and hair. Ji Yuan slowly descended on the clouds, and finally landed in the courtyard of Ju'an Xiaoge.




The wind in the courtyard seemed to be stronger, and the branches and leaves of the entire jujube tree swayed.




It's easy to remember that a jujube has fallen.


"Stay here!"


Ji Yuan stretched out his hand to lead, and received a total of five jujubes that had fallen into his hands, and then lifted his left hand to stop the jujube tree's urge to continue dropping jujubes.


"Just have a taste, and if it's all gone at once, it'll be over."


The swaying of the branches and leaves of the jujube tree calmed down.


Ji Yuan put the burden on her shoulders and four of the jujubes on the stone table, then took one of them, put it on the tip of her nose, sniffed it, and opened her mouth to take a bite.


In the sound of "Zi Liu~", the juice in the entrance of the pulp blooms, and the fresh and sweet fragrance permeates the mouth.


"Delicious, delicious, even better than the old dates! Hehehe..."


With a smile on his face, Ji Yuan sat down in front of the stone table and continued to enjoy the delicious fruits in a relaxed posture, while the Qingteng Sword hovered behind him, changing the angle from time to time, as if he was also observing the Ju'an Pavilion.


After eating five jujubes, Ji Yuan looked up at the jujube tree in the courtyard. He was also very emotional. Today's jujube tree is no longer blurred in his eyes, and he can see the vitality of the veins. What is even more rare is the jujube tree. The ability to gather spiritual energy.


"It's very good, it's peaceful and leisurely without any evil spirits, and it can be regarded as a successful practice!"


Ji Yuan's soft admiration caused all the branches and leaves of the jujube tree to sway regularly, like a rhythm of branches and leaves representing joy and joy.


However, Ji Yuan also searched carefully for the gaps between the branches and leaves, but didn't see anything for a long time.


"It's a pity that it didn't bloom this year..."


Ji Yuan sat in the courtyard for a while, then walked to the main room, saw a lock hanging on it, was stunned for a moment, then waved his sleeves and took out the purse, rummaging inside to take out the key.


"Fortunately, I kept the keys in the purse, and I didn't lose them along with the old baggage, otherwise, I would lose the sense of ritual, haha!"


While laughing, Ji Yuan shoved the key into the keyhole with a "click", and the door was unlocked.




The sound of the wooden door hinge is still so familiar, and there is no mildew smell in the room.


After Ji Yuan entered the room, he quickly swiped his finger on the inner tabletop, and there was not much dust that quickly slipped from his fingers. It seemed that he had only cleaned it recently.


Although there were only wooden boards and no blankets on the side of the bed, there were still quilts and other items in the cupboard.


"It seems that Xiao Yinqing didn't go to Wanzhou together!"


With a wave of his sleeves, he brushed off the dust on the bed, which was not much, and then took out the bedding and spread it out. Ji Yuan placed the Qingteng sword beside the bed, and then lay back on his long-lost bed.


"It's still comfortable at home!"


With a sigh, Ji Yuan, who closed his eyes, soon fell asleep.


Qingteng Sword stood still on the bedside for a moment, slowly floated up, flew to the front door of the main room, and pushed the door that was not closed tightly before flying back to the bedside.


In the old courtyard of the Yin family, just when the jujube branches and leaves in Ju'an Xiaoge swayed violently, the red fox sleeping beside Yin Qing moved his ears and raised his head to listen.


After listening to it for a while, I thought it might be windy, so I continued to fall asleep.


Although Ji Yuan did not say the words in his heart, this night, the jujube tree in the Ju'an small pavilion pulled out its buds in the second half of the night, and the yellow-green jujube flowers bloomed and hung on the branches. It was dark before dawn. Xiang Piao Yi Tian Niu Fang...


This is an ordinary morning in Ning'an County, but this morning seems to be different from usual.


Tianniufang and even the villagers in the neighboring square city can smell a refreshing fragrance when they wake up.


In Shuangjingpu, Tianniufang, people were already carrying water and washing dishes in the early morning. The sound of slapping clothes and the voices of villagers and women talking were also heard.


"It smells good when I wake up this morning!"


"Yes, yes, this smell is really good, where did it come from?"


"You guys, forget it, it must be the fragrance of the jujube tree flowers in Ju'an Xiaoge. I slept more comfortably when I smelled it at night!"


"Yes, yes, I remember!"


"Wow, the jujube tree hasn't given off such a strong fragrance for a long time!"


"That's great, hehehe... Then are there any jujubes to eat this year, hahahaha..."


"Oh, you just want to eat!"




The woman from Shuangjinpu kept laughing like a bell, and there were also people who came to fetch water to chat.


Yin Qing got up early in the morning and took Hu Yun to the school. Now Yin Qing is not the only one who wants to go to school. The red fox also went to the school to eavesdrop. After all, the teacher is better at teaching.


Just smelling the fragrance in the morning, one person and one fox deliberately passed by the direction of Ju'an Xiaoge, and they saw the jujube trees blooming lushly. Naturally, it was impossible to unlock the door and go in to take a closer look, so he ran straight to the school.


Relying on a little bit of enlightenment, this red fox traversed the streets and alleys on Yin Qing's back, but it was because the Chenghuang turned a blind eye to him, otherwise, this trick would not be able to hide from the gods day and night.


It was about half an hour after Yin Qing and Chihu Hu Yun went to the school together, Ji Yuan was able to stretch out and come out of the house comfortably. When I came back, I naturally returned to my work and rest.


Looking up at the jujube tree full of flowers, Ji Yuan bowed his hands to him as if he was treating a cultivator, and then tidied up his hair and put it in a black jade hairpin, and then went out.


On a street outside Tianniufang, Sun's noodle stall is still open for business, and the years seem to be particularly unfair to the elderly. It's only about six years, and the old man Sun has aged a lot.


But today, when the stall cart was pushed to this side, I could smell a refreshing fragrance that lifted my spirits, my hands and feet were a lot more agile, and both Old Man Sun and the diners were in a good mood.


Just after finishing cleaning up the tableware for the guests to eat, Old Man Sun used the water tank behind the booth to rinse the tableware and chopsticks, and then put it on the stove to bake for a while.


"Old Suntou, are there still braised noodles and chop suey today?"


A familiar but unremembered voice sounded at the booth. Old Man Sun stood up and looked over there. There was an empty seat, and a gentle and kind gentleman with a wide-sleeved white shirt was sitting. So familiar.


"You are... you, are you Mr. Ji?"


Old Man Sun's expression changed from frowning and thinking to a look of surprise.


"Mr. Ji, are you back? Just come back when you come back! Oh, oh yes, you said that there are noodles and offal, there are some, there are some, and the offal is only haggis. I will go to a few surrounding villages. Ask if there is any beef offal!"


"You don't have the haggis is just fine, as usual, a bowl of braised noodles and a bowl of chopped offal! Old Suntou is still so energetic!"


Ji Yuan smiled and bowed to old man Sun.


Old Man Sun wiped his hands on his apron and bowed his hands in return. He felt better when he saw Ji Yuan.


"Mr. Ji, you are the one who hasn't changed for so many years! Please wait a moment, I'll give you a note right away!"


Old Man Sun quickly prepared the meal for Ji Yuan and carefully brought it to the table.


After watching Ji Yuan pick up the chopsticks and take a bite, she raised her head and praised, "It still tastes so good!", and returned to the wooden cart stall with satisfaction to sort out the utensils.


From time to time, the old man Sun would chat with Ji Yuan about the events of the past few years, mainly talking about the lack of parents such as the young grandson going to school at home, and also asking how Ji Yuan was doing outside.


In addition to listening, Ji Yuan mostly just smiled and replied "good".


During this period, there were also villagers passing by or eating at the stalls. Occasionally, someone could suddenly recognize the fate like Old Man Sun, but most of them didn't know each other. It was just that everyone would inevitably discuss the fragrance of flowers floating in today.


In the past, although Ji Yuan was a "strange man" of the villagers after a meal, but in fact, there are not many people who really know him and can recognize him at a glance. In about six years, a lot of things can be changed. old.


But in the final analysis, the sense of tranquility that Ning'an County gave to Ji Yuan has not changed.