Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 247: bald probe

Monk Huitong is also an eminent monk after all. Although his cultivation methods are different, his Dao Xing will definitely not be able to compare with many eminent masters in this hall, but at least the Lingtai has a thorough sense of sensitivity, and he knows that these eminent masters will not make jokes about this kind of thing.


"However, the prosperity of the kingdom of Tianbao has caused demons to breed in some places, not to mention the folk gods, even in the mountains, forests and markets in the country, there are experts..."


Even if the monk knew that what he just said should be the truth, he couldn't help but say a few words.


"Yeah, although I have lived in Dazhen for a long time, I have heard of Tianbao Kingdom, and it can be regarded as a great dynasty in Dongtu Yunzhou. It is not too much to say that it can affect the mortal dust of Yunzhou, but now it is even calculated. When the time is up, it seems obvious and uncertain, and the qi machine is disordered, either the country is already in chaos, or someone is a demon!"


What Lao Long said inexplicably made Ji Yuan feel a little emotional.


To use the sayings of the previous life, the practitioners in Dazhen's water and soil are really quite "house", or it can be said that most of the practitioners in this world are more house, but Dazhen's side is more obvious.


The monk's words caused others to speculate, from cultivator Yuhuai to some shapeshifting dragons and Jiaojiao, who also expressed certain opinions, and even both parties extended this to the previous situation where they had been attacked.


When the voice of discussion in the hall became quieter, the Gyeonggi Prefecture City God waved his sleeves and pushed the mist in the hall to one side, allowing more space to flow out, then looked at the monk Huitong and then looked left and right.


"According to what Master Huitong and fellow Daoists have said, can it be inferred that the abnormality that has occurred in Tianbao Nation and even the land of Yunzhou is a matter of the past ten years, or at least it has been invisible for more than ten years ago? "


Among the cultivators of Yuhuai Mountain, Ju Yuanzi, who is the deepest in Taoism, also frowned and said.


"The evil spirits have bad intentions and bad moods. It's hard to say that they can always be patient, let alone get together in a group."


"The real person Ju Yuanzi said that most of the evil spirits have a bad temperament and are prone to tyranny. It's just that although the mood and character are related, they have no inevitable impact. The bad mood of the evil spirit will affect the way, but it may not be impatient. You have a good temper, and this matter is unusual, so you shouldn't take it lightly, so the group of evil obstacles who came to my Dazhen to participate in the Water and Land Dharma Conference didn't cause trouble in the middle."


Ji Yuan echoed a few words before expressing his opinion.


The monks in Yuhuai Mountain still hold the view of the orthodox immortal mansion. In layman's terms, they naturally despise the monsters. Most of them look down on those mountain monsters. The result of looking at people with tinted glasses is that it is easy to underestimate their opponents.


For example, Ju Yuanzi, Ji Yuan has a jade slip with his book in his hand. He is absolutely profound in terms of Taoism and conduct, and is slightly inferior to the old beggar, but although he does not deny the cunning of the monster, it is still difficult to conceal one. The meaning of "evil evil is difficult to become a climate", but in fact, the fierce and tyrannical people will endure for a while or even longer because of a higher purpose.


"Well, that's true! But..."


Ju Yuanzi looked at the City God of Gyeonggi Prefecture while he was talking.


"Where's the **** who protects the other side?"


The majority of people in the world of cultivating immortals ignore the world. Sometimes it is normal for an immortal mansion to have no one going out for more than ten years, and many times when they go out, they are also high and high, but the gods of all parties are closely related to the people and animals.


Then another cultivator suggested that it would be better to fly directly to the Heavenly Treasure Country for a parade, which was immediately opposed by Ju Yuanzi.


"Our guess is too blind, but rushing to Tianbao Kingdom is definitely not the best policy!"


"Hmph, even if you go there rashly, you can't get any results. Previously, the old dragon swam out to kill many young people, but regardless of the number, in fact, he also failed to investigate anything, and many evil obstacles followed him out of thin air. It grows out of the ground!"


The old dragon was still brooding about the fact that he failed to find out the existence of the attack on Mo Jiao. Although he said before the death of Mo Jiao that he was not sure whether he had killed all of them, in fact, the old dragon himself knew that he had not eradicated it, at least Mo Jiao's dragon tendon could not be recovered, and he could not give Mo Rong a whole body.


For a while, the ghosts, gods, fairies and demons in the hall were discussing with each other again, which was similar to when a group of mortals encountered problems, but it was less noisy.


Ji Yuan has listened to it for so long and thought about it for so long, and now she is thinking about it again.


"This time, I'm waiting for Dazhen to sweep away all the evil spirits who came to the dharma meeting. If I make any big moves right away, I can't help but startle the snakes. Also, as the old Mr. Ying said, it may not be able to achieve ideals by forcing the supernatural powers to suppress them. As a result, the matter between Tingliang Kingdom and Tianbao Kingdom must not be careless, it is better to send people to check things carefully..."


"Excellent Great Buddha of Light, and the little monk Huitong is willing to take up this position!"


Monk Huitong, who has been lacking in presence since just now, will suddenly open his mouth. Ji Yuan seems to have expected this for a long time, and looks at him and asks calmly.


"Master, although you have profound Buddhist teachings, and you often gather the virtue of eliminating disasters and praying for blessings, it's just that you have become an evil demon and heresy, and you can't be influenced by Buddhism alone. Even if you hold the art of King Ming, you will not have the chance to make King Ming. power."


"Excellent, Great Ming King Buddha..."


Monk Huitong uttered the Buddha's name and bowed to the surrounding fairy gods.


"The little monk is a monk from Daliang Temple, not too far from the border of Tianbao Kingdom, and he travels all the year round. This time he participated in the Dazhen Dharma Conference and just returned to Tingliang Kingdom, or he can travel north again and go to Tianbao Kingdom Dalun Temple for repair. Uphold the Dharma, huh... that's not the case, the little monk also intends to do the same."


But with this incident, and planning to do it, it's different.


Ji Yuan's expression showed admiration.


"Master Gao Yi, in the future, he will definitely become the King of Ming!"


"You monk is really not bad, the matter between you and me has been exposed."


Lao Long also said with a smile, he has a new understanding of this monk, and as for the others, they have a different view on this "young" monk.


However, Monk Huitong's proposal can only be regarded as one of the preparations, not all the treasures can be pressed on it, and other methods have also been discussed.


Of course, it cannot be ruled out that they are just over-hearted, and in the end it is just some kind of coincidence. After all, the rumors of Tianji Pavilion are widely spread, and it just happened to attract some of the climatic monsters in the Tianbao Kingdom. It is not impossible. ...


On the afternoon of the second day, monk Huitong had arrived at Jinzhou, the northernmost part of Dazhen.


This monk does not know how to fly. Naturally, it is impossible for him to be in Gyeonggi Prefecture last night, and he will be in Dajinzhou today, so he can only be sent here.


At this moment, on the edge of Tingqiu Mountain in the north of Jinzhou, the monk Huitong, Jiyuan and Laolong fell from the cloud.


"Master Huitong, after crossing this mountain is the country of Tingliang. We have talked about Tianbaoguo or places further north of Yunzhou, but the land of Tingliang may not be safe. After this mountain, you need to start paying attention, of course. "Before, the real dragon was still in a state of anger, and there is probably nothing going on in the south of Tingliang."


Ji Yuan said that he looked ahead and continued.


"The person who picked you up is here."


Both monk Huitong and Lao Long also saw that at the foot of the mountain not far away, a yellow halo of smoke flashed past, and a person with a face as pale as a rock appeared there, walking towards the three of them.


"Ting Qiushan Mountain God Hong Shengting, I have seen Mr. Ji, I have seen Long Jun, I have seen this master!"


"Hong Shanshen is good! The Shanshen is more polite. The little monk has seen the Shanshen!"


Master Ji Yuan, Lao Long and Master Hui Tong also bowed back to the mountain god, and the responses were different.


Although the mountain **** doesn't know the monk Huitong, this monk can stand with the two next to him. No matter what, he is a master who cannot be neglected.


"Master, Yuhuai Mountain's Taixu Jade Talisman is extraordinary, it is the top grade in the talisman, but it is too damaging to the master's mana, please use it with caution. Although the earth escape talisman can help people escape, it is not its own supernatural power, mana consumption I am afraid that I will be trapped in the ground, and it is also very dangerous if the Qi machine is blocked by the people who are extremely good at soil cultivation techniques..."


The more I heard Ji Yuan, the more monk Huitong felt like sweating on the top of his bald head. How could he hear what Mr. Ji said, he felt that whatever he was doing was dangerous.


"Haha, in short, Master, you should try to listen and read as much as possible, and don't rely too much on external things. Sometimes it may not work."


It’s no wonder that the fate is long-winded. Even in the world of cultivating immortals, there are few means of instant messaging, and some are also rare fetishes. Similar to Feijian Chuanshu, it requires both magical power and time, and it is not foolproof~www. It's still too extravagant to use the immortal sword to pass the book a few times.


Apart from monk Huitong, Laolong is inconvenient to inquire. The monks in Yuhuai Mountain are just like the old beggar and Jiyuan chatting with each other. I didn't think anyone was suitable. They were all people who had been cultivating asceticism in the immortal mansion all the year round, and it was estimated that the secular situation would not be dealt with soon.


But if you want to go by yourself, um, to be honest, one is that you don't have absolute confidence in your own abilities, and the other is that the reasoning is similar to that of Lao Long.


So it was inevitable to give monk Huitong some advice.


And here, listening to Mr. Ji's words, there is a strong sense of sight when he was held by his master at Daliang Temple and kept telling the truth when he was a child. This made monk Huitong always have an inexplicable pressure. Water can drown that.


The meeting was finally finished, and he quickly waited on the Buddha's name.


"It's good, the Great Bright Buddha, the little monk can save it, please rest assured Mr. Ji, please rest assured Longjun!"


Ji Yuan nodded, and Chong Shan Shen surrendered.


"There is a God of Laoshan, don't disturb the earth and the air can be delivered smoothly."


The mountain **** bowed to Lao Long and Ji Yuan before nodding, and put his hand on the monk's shoulder.


The next moment, the mountain **** and the monk Huitong "fallen into" the ground and disappeared.


"I don't know if this bald spy can work..."


Seeing them leave, Lao Long sighed like this.