Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 342: tiger demon legend

"Boom..." "Roar..."

The roar of the tiger was mixed with the sound of thunder, and it came from the depths of Niukui Mountain. When it reached the periphery, the sound was much weaker, so it was overshadowed by a new round of thunder.

The group of hunters carrying their prey and mountain goods hurried on the road. If it rained heavily at this juncture, and the mountains were wet, slippery and cold, the road would be very difficult to walk, and they might have to spend the night in the mountains.

"Rumble rumble..."

A special echo came. The leading man stopped and looked back at the depths of Niukui Mountain. From a distance, on the farthest peak that could be seen clearly, many trees and bamboos were shaking, as if there was a gust of black wind. Swept out from the deep mountains.


Another voice faintly came, causing the leading Orion to have a strange hallucination in a trance. In his eyes, he seemed to see a dark fog rising to the sky, forming under the dark clouds in the sky. The head of a huge beast was roaring against the thunderclouds in the sky.


This scene made the man gasp subconsciously, and his legs were as hard to move as if they had been injected with lead.

A hunter suddenly found that the leader was not following, and turned to find that the other party was parked over there looking at the deep mountain, and hurriedly asked a question.

"What are you looking at? Is there any prey?"

These words scared the man for a while, and when he looked at the sky in the distance, there was nothing to see. It just seemed to be an illusion, and he turned to look at the hunter next to him.

"It's nothing, nothing, hurry up, you can't stop if you have prey, and you can't spend the night in the mountains!"

The leading man urged, and hurriedly ran again.

"Who would want to spend the night here when it's so cold."

"But this time I hunted a lot, it's heavy!" "Run and run."

A group of men carried their prey constantly through the mountains. Fortunately, although the dark clouds were getting bigger and bigger and the thunder was very frequent and frightening, it did not rain immediately after all, allowing the hunters to reach the bottom of the mountain smoothly.

At the entrance of the village, a group of villagers had long been waiting there, and when they saw the hunters coming back, they all cried out with joy.

"Look! It's back, there are a lot of big goods!" "Go and help."

"Look at you, there's a big worm on the front!"

"Mother, big bug?" "No, no, don't talk nonsense, that's a big leopard!"

"The jackals, tigers and leopards, leopards and worms are not too different."

"Yes, yes, they are all top-notch skins!"

The family members of the hunters and the people watching the fun in the village all rushed out to help the hunters carry their prey together. The heavy wild boars and the brightly colored beasts were all fat meat and furs that could be exchanged for money in the eyes of those who knew the goods.


The sound of thunder exploded again, followed by the pouring rain of "Crash la la la..." finally fell, and the hunters and their family members and villagers hurriedly fled home together.

The scale of the mountain village itself is not very large, and two wild boars were cooked that night. It was planned that every household in the village would be given wild boars, so that they could enjoy a fresh game at the beginning of the spring when they went home.

However, the leading hunter man had been a little restless after returning, so he decided to bring something to go to her parents' house with his daughter-in-law.

Carrying a pork chop and a front leg of a wild boar, along with his daughter-in-law and children, the hunter man came to the house of the old village chief, his father-in-law.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came up with the steaming wild boar pork chops and wild boar. Before cooking, they wiped the spicy wild **** and wild peppers from the mountains, which largely removed the odor, but the front hoof was rotten by itself. Put in a large bowl.

"Come on, Daddy, eat it while it's hot, your favorite front trotter!" "Yeah, Daddy, we kept it on purpose, and it was rotten."

The daughter and son-in-law laughed together and urged.

"Hey, hey, you have filial piety!"

The old village chief said happily, picked up the chopsticks and raised a piece of hoof skin, and handed it to the little grandson.


The latter opened his mouth wide and took the pigskin away, puffing out his cheeks and chewing hard.

"All sit, all eat!"

The family sat around and moved their chopsticks. In addition to a pot of radish stew, mainly two pots of pork, plus a pot of rice wine, this meal, even the people in Ning'an County are envious.


The thunder sounded again, but these people in the house were used to it, and they all ate the meat and vegetables on the table with an oil lamp.

After eating for a while, the man asked the old man in a low voice by pouring wine for his father-in-law.

"Father, let me ask you something. I remember when I was a child, Niu Kuishan seemed to have been making trouble with monsters for a while?"

"Oh, what are you talking about!"

The mother-in-law next to her glared at her son-in-law, but the child was excited.

"Monsters? Do we have monsters here, what about gods and immortals?"

"Aren't all gods in the temple! Eat yours."

The child's mother replied with a smile, picking up a piece of radish and stuffing it in the child's mouth, otherwise the little guy would eat all the meat.

"Father, I vaguely remember that this happened when I was a child, and the government seemed to..."

"Not bad! Something similar happened back then."

The old village chief has been the village chief in this mountain village for almost 40 years. He has a good relationship with him every time he manages the two surrounding villages, and he also remembers some important things in the past.

"Counting the years, it's almost twenty years!"

Said this sentence with emotion, the old village chief drank the rice wine in the small cup.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, tell me!"

The little grandson swallowed the radish and meat in his mouth, pushed aside his mother's chopsticks and begged, and the hunter man also hurriedly refills him with drinks, and took a piece of elbow with meat.

"Okay, I'll talk about it!"

The old village chief took a sip of rice wine, put his elbow in his mouth and chewed, squinting his eyes, as if he had returned to that period of panic.

"I can't remember exactly how many years it has been, but I guess it's been almost twenty years. Your father was not much older than you back then."

The old village chief pointed at his little grandson and smiled.

"I remember in those few years, there was a tiger disaster in Niukui Mountain. For a period of time, the government recruited and organized me and other hunters on the mountain to enter the mountain to eliminate tigers..."

Eighteen years ago, in fact, not only the area of ​​Niukui Mountain and Ning'an County on the edge of Desheng Mansion, but also the other two prefectures adjacent to Niukui Mountain, there was a similar situation, but Ning'an County was more serious, and the old village chief could not reach it. The news from such a distant place.

"At that time, my body was still strong, and I went into the mountains twice together. We also found the nest of a giant insect and killed a giant insect with our own hands, but no human bones were found around it, but later..."

The old village chief showed a look of fear.

"As the old saying goes, the wind follows the tiger and the cloud follows the dragon. Everyone has heard it, but no one has seen it, but we met that time!"

"That night, we and more than 30 seasoned hunters from the neighboring villages guarded together in a deep mountain hill where it was determined that ferocious tigers had haunted... The wind was clear and the moon was bright, but suddenly the wind was blowing violently, and the mountains and rocks were Xisha's eyes are captivating, and the tiger's roar is heard together, and the roar is terrifying, even the bravest hunter will be terrified!"

The little grandson has subconsciously approached his mother, not even chewing the meat in his mouth.

"But we are all hunters, no matter what, we have to hold our breath, so no one makes a sound, but the big worm seems to know where we are, and grabs a hunter from a neighboring village with a single pounce, screaming all the way, we chase together. Go out, you can't see the shadow, what's even weirder is..."

The old village chief deliberately got close to his little grandson.

"The wind has stopped too!"

"Oh, old man, why are you scaring the child, you are not serious!"

"Hehehe... Children don't like to hear it!"

"The little face is white with fright!"

The hunter man hurriedly refilled his father-in-law with wine.

"Dad, go on."

"Well, when we came back, we were a little lost, and we were frightened enough, but no one could feel at ease except for a tiger that eats people. The government's reward is also great, and we dispatched officials who know martial arts to prepare to act together, and some of us hunters are also I wasn't happy, so I went again."

Speaking of this, the old village chief sighed.

" brother was gone that time too. That fierce tiger is really weird. It took two people away in a playful manner, and even killed seven hunting dogs. The mountain winds came and went, and the roaring made the listener's legs weak. , After that time, some old hunters and I were cleared. We hunters are definitely not opponents. After that, no matter how much the government lobbied, we would not be able to enter the mountains..."

The old village chief took a sip of wine to suppress his shock.

"The fact that the tigers in the mountains became elites began to spread after that time, but several villages on our side kept it a secret, and no one talked nonsense, for fear of attracting them."

"Later I heard that the government posted the list, and also went to Desheng House to ask for help to post the list, and then came some powerful Jianghu heroes, who are Jianghu people with high martial arts, actually killed the tiger, or have been Rare big white tiger, the skin was displayed at the gate of the county government for many days, and many people in our village went to see it!"

The hunter man grabbed his chopsticks and frowned, drank the rice wine in his glass in one gulp, and asked.

"Father, are you sure that tiger is really dead?"

"That's still fake? That big white tiger, two ordinary big insects can't stand up to them, they are absolutely vicious creatures, and after that, Niu Kuishan will be at peace, not to mention the man-eating tigers, even the ordinary big insects are almost never seen! "

The Orion man hesitated for a moment, lowered his body and asked again.

"Father, is it possible that the tiger spirit isn't dead yet?"

The old village chief's scalp was numb like a conditioned reflex, and he turned to look at his son-in-law.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Did you see it?"

"No, It's just that when I went down the mountain this time, the thunder sounded like a beast roaring, the dark clouds in the sky also descended, and the beasts all ran out from the deep mountains. In my heart, I panic... "

Both the old village chief and the man looked out through the windows. The deep mountains were blocked and they couldn't see too far, so they could only look at the sky.

this moment.


The thunderous noise was deafening, and a thick lightning bolt seemed to be carrying three forks, and it fell straight into the mountain.

Everyone in the entire mountain village trembled at the same moment.


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