Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 415: special New Year's greetings

"Mr. Ji, there are ghosts over there..."

Hu Yun carefully spoke to Ji Yuan, and his footsteps rushed to the front of Ji Yuan, as if the ghosts and gods behind Ji Yuan would not be able to see him.

"Well, I know, let's go."

Ji Yuan just replied like this, and took Hu Yun away from the temple and headed towards Yongning Street.

The ghosts and gods are neither blind nor stupid. Although it is difficult to detect the aura of Jiyuan, the evil people who patrol the door come and go, and they always see it, but they do not show up to disturb it under the inspection.

Of course, when Ji Yuan is about to leave, this sense of existence still needs to be refreshed, and then there will be the scene of Hu Yun discovering ghosts and gods.

In Gyeonggi Prefecture City, there are three avenues close to the imperial city. The middle one is Yongning Street, and the two left and right are Shuntian Street and Rongan Street. The residence of Yin Zhaoxian, the minister of the imperial court, is well-known among the people of the government and the public. superior.

Ji Yuan took Hu Yun all the way, and when they got to these streets, there were obviously more high gates and mansions on the left and right, but Hu Yun walked very slowly, and Ji Yuan didn't walk very fast either.

Watching this red fox walk on two feet, with one claw grasping the mask, and the other claw constantly plucking hairs on his body, is also quite funny.

However, Hu Yun was doing his business. He picked out some of the red fox fur on his body, and then put it on the mask. Although the original fox mask had fur, it was actually sparse. The fur on it started to grow. More and more plump, all of Hu Yun's self-contribution along the way.

"Be careful not to shave yourself off."

Ji Yuan said with a smile, Hu Yun replied without raising his head.

"It's alright, I didn't just take hair from one place, it's impossible to be like Lu Shanjun did."


Ji Yuan smiled, Hu Yun's job at hand will not be completed in a short time, and it is estimated that this gift will have to be delayed before giving it, but they will not visit Yin's residence again at another day.

Although he never asked about the exact location of the mansion, as long as he looked at the majestic white light in the sky, he would not have to worry about finding Yin Zhaoxian's residence.

At about three quarters in the afternoon, Ji Yuan and Hu Yun arrived at a mansion in front of Rong'an Street. Ji Yuan looked up at the mansion plaque. The word was big enough, and with the special surname, he could also see that it was "Yin Yin". government".

There was a faint white light condensing in the sky above the mansion, and a mighty aura swept away all the turbidity around him. The only person who could have such a mighty righteousness in Dazhen could be Yin Zhaoxian.

There were four guards standing in front of the door with long sticks and knives on their waists. Obviously, they also noticed Ji Yuan who stopped in front of Yin's house, but it is not surprising to see Ji Yuan dressed in elegant clothes. After all, his master is known for his reputation. Yin Gong, who came down to the world for Wenqu, is admired by anyone who has read books.

Ji Yuan took a few steps forward, and even planned to go straight up the steps, but this time the door guard in the front right opened the door.

"Stop! This is Duke Yin's mansion, and it is the prime minister's mansion. Don't get close to idle people!"

Prime Minister is not an exact official position, but a description of the responsibilities of an official who has reached a certain level of official position. Several chief officials of the three provinces in the three provinces and six ministries of Dazhen can be called a prime minister, but Yin Zhaoxian is not the most powerful among the prime ministers. Definitely one of the most famous of the current regime.

Ji Yuan stopped in his footsteps and bowed slightly.

"Several, my surname is Ji, the plan's plan is from Ning'an County, Jizhou, and I am a neighbor with Master Yin. I came to see you today, and I would like to inform you."

"From Ning'an County?"


The guard frowned and looked at Ji Yuan, looking at this man with a bit of humility. It didn't seem like he was lying, but it was a little strange to visit him a few years ago. Why should he come back after New Year's Eve at this juncture.

"Wait a moment, I'll go in and report."

"It's work!"

The guard handed the wooden stick to his colleague, and then left quickly. He entered the house and hurried to the backyard. In one of the study rooms, Yin Zhaoxian and Yin Qing were looking up the official documents.

It's not that even if they are turning 30 soon, the father and son are still too busy to rest. It's just that there are some things that need to be discussed frequently with the Ministry of Rites recently.

One of them sat in front of the big desk, and the other sat in front of the small case.

The charcoal stove in the house made the temperature of the study very comfortable. Yin Qing held a pen, pointed to the content of the memorial in his hand, and said to his father.

"Father, sure enough, the decree of obedience that you implemented before was still criticized by people."

"Haha, I had expected it earlier, and this matter doesn't need to be done overnight, just grind it slowly."

Hearing what her father said, Yin Qing also smiled at ease.

"With your father's words, coupled with your prestige in Shilin and the literary world, I believe it will slowly get better."

At this moment, the guard hurried to the door of the study, deliberately making the footsteps louder, and then knocked on the door.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

"Master Xiang, Lord Shilang, there is a visitor from outside, saying he is from Ning'an County, his surname is Ji, he..."

Yin Zhaoxian and Yin Qing in the room were obviously stunned when they heard "Ning'an County" and "surnamed Ji", and then stood up almost at the same time.

The guard was still talking, but the door in front of him was suddenly opened from the inside, and a warm stream of heat came out from inside.

"Where's the person? Where was the person who brought him to the reception room?"

Yin Zhaoxian spoke very hastily, and the whole Ning'an County could not find another surnamed Ji, who was already coming out.

The guard immediately realized that the person who came was definitely someone who was very important to Xiangye, and replied immediately.

"I was in a hurry when I came. I haven't taken him to the reception room yet, so he should be waiting outside the door now."

"Oh, how can you let Mr. Ji wait? Well, I don't blame you, it's your duty, walk around and take us there!"

Yin Zhaoxian said something, and hurried out, and Yin Qing did the same.

The guard didn't dare to neglect, and quickly stepped forward and rushed to the front of the two adults to lead the way. In the process, the steward by the study and the servants accompanied him.

A moment later, in front of the Yin residence, Yin Zhaoxian and Yin Qing hurried here together. They saw Ji Yuan standing outside the steps. His appearance perfectly matched the Mr. Ji in his memory, and it was the same as before.

"Mr. Ji!?"

The words of the two father and son were in unison, with a little excitement and disbelief. In these years, whether it was writing letters or inquiring, all the news was like a rock, and they never thought that they would wait for Ji Yuan to visit at the end of this year.

Ji Yuan saw that they both forgot to salute when they were excited, and smiled with a little guilt over their hands.

"Master Yin, Yin Qing, long time no see, are you two okay?"

"It's fine! It's fine!" "We're all fine!"

The two of them were excited, and even bowed their hands in return, with trembling in their hands. The guards on the side were a little unbelievable in this scene. Facing the high officials of the DPRK and even the emperor, these two adults wanted to come calmly. .

"Yin Qing!"

A light and slightly sharp voice sounded behind Ji Yuan, and then Hu Yun got out and stared blankly at Yin Qing and Yin Zhaoxian.

As for Yin Zhaoxian, Hu Yun just glanced at it, his eyes stopped on Yin Qing for a long time.

He was wearing a thick velvet cloak, with a square crown on his head, some ravines on his face, and a palm-length beard on his chin. It was very different from the Yin Qing in memory, but Hu Yun recognized it at a glance. own good friend.

Yin Qing was taken aback by this voice, and then she was even more ecstatic.

"Little, little fox?"

Afterwards, Yin Qing, who realized that there were other people beside her, immediately shut up and winked at Hu Yun.

"Mr. Ji, you have been tired all the way, please come in quickly, please come in quickly!"

Yin Zhaoxian just smiled at Hu Yun, then hurriedly invited Ji Yuan to enter, and said to others.

"Hurry up and let the kitchen prepare for the banquet. In the evening, I want to entertain Mr. Ji. By the way, don't forget to inform the madam and bring the young master back!"


While the steward hurriedly agreed to promise Waiting for Yin Zhaoxian and Yin Qing to bring Ji Yuan into the mansion, the guards outside looked at each other in dismay.

"My darling, is this person so talented? Are both Xiangye and Shilang so excited?"

"Could it be a relative from your hometown in Ning'an County?" "Maybe..."


In the reception room of Yin Mansion, after the tea was served and the charcoal brazier was set up, Yin Zhaoxian and Yin Qing waved away all the servants, leaving only three people and a fox in the room. At this moment, Hu Yun had already rushed to Yin Qing's lap. .

"Mr. Ji, we wrote a lot of letters back to Ning'an County, but the people in the county said that you never went back. We haven't heard from you for all these years, so we are so worried!"

"Yes, Mr. Ji, but we also know that you are not ordinary, you must be fine, and the little fox..."

Yin Qing looked at the red fox sitting on her lap, fluffy and warm.

"I haven't been back for a long time. I always wanted to finish my work, but I couldn't finish it. I miss you, the big herring, and that old turtle..."

"It's my fault too. Qing'er is my right-hand man, and I rely too much on him."

Ji Yuan was just sipping the tea, echoing from time to time, and watching Hu Yun and Yin Qing jokingly chatting there, it was quite like the atmosphere of living in a small pavilion back then.

Of course, Master Yin and Hu Yun had few interactions in the past, but now he treats this fox with a great Confucianism, and his words are also an attitude towards his son and nephew.

Ji Yuan took out the preserved chicken and preserved duck and other items that he brought, which were marinated by the people of Ning'an County, and could not be found in Gyeonggi Prefecture. There are also good things to send him, but it has not been completed yet, and it is kept secret for the time being.