Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 521: Jin Wenyan's book, the law looks at me

"Hurry up, get the wooden bowl ready."

A Ze was also in charge, and the other companions stretched out wooden bowls, and A Ze served them mushroom rice soup. And there are a lot of mushrooms, and everyone's bowl is full.

This meal was the most comfortable meal they had eaten since they entered the mountain. In fact, they hadn't had enough to eat for a long time. Even if they kept looking for wild vegetables and fruits, they were lucky to be able to survive here.

A large pot of bran rice stewed with mushrooms was finally eaten by five people, and there was not a little bit of broken bran left.

After eating, the five people sat next to each other by the fire, leaning against the horned mountain wall and looking at the blue sky. Even though they knew that the weather was suitable for traveling, no one got up and enjoyed the sit-in after eating. comfortability.

"Brother Aze, do you really think there are gods in the sky?"

"My grandfather said yes, he never lied to me!"

"But... Grandpa Zhuang has always said that good and evil are rewarded, why is our village suffering, but those bad guys are fine? If there are immortals and gods, why not punish them?"

A Ze looked at the sky, not angry, and answered after a moment of silence.

"My grandfather said that if good and evil don't wait for retribution in life, there will be after death."

Everyone looked at the sky blankly, and a companion suddenly said.

"Grandpa Zhuang used to tell us stories, saying that the people who plan and eat food in the fields have a hard time imagining the lives of princes and nobles. Then what kind of life do you say that gods live? Some people say that gods don't need to eat, so why go to temples? Where are the big fish and meat to offer sacrifices?"

Obviously this young man can't distinguish between immortals and gods, or in fact, many people are like this.

A Ze looked at Aaron next to him and teased.

"You can't even imagine the life of princes and nobles, and you still want to be immortal? It must be very powerful anyway!"

"Who said that, I know a little about the lives of princes and nobles. My family's pots have been replenished seven or eight times. My mother always complained when she was cooking, saying that if it was the daughter-in-law of the most wealthy family, she would only make up for it once, or Just get a new one!"

The youngest child laughed "Hahahaha...".

"Brother Along, Grandpa Zhuang said before that the daughter-in-law of the most wealthy family doesn't even cook!"

Aaron froze for a moment.

"Ah? Don't cook? Don't you starve to death?"

"Fool Aaron, you forgot what Uncle Qiao used to do. He worked for a long time in the noble family's house in the big city, sweeping the floor and cleaning things. The rich people must have hired someone else to be the cook!"

"Oh, thinking about it this way is really, hehehehe..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone laughed for a while, and soon became silent again. The more they thought about the past, the stronger the sense of loss and sadness afterward.

"Come around and go through Qingtian Mountain to Duyang. It should be stable there. If you have hands and feet, you can always have a mouthful of food."

Qingtian Mountain is the No. 1 mountain in the Central Plains, and it is said to be the No. 1 mountain in the world. The mountain range occupies an extremely wide area. Among them, the mountains are high and forests are deep and cloudy and foggy all the year round. There is never a unified view on how big it is. Or no one has explored it at all, and there are many legends of immortals circulating.

The steep Qingtian Mountain is an insurmountable moat, but if you pass through it from one side, you can quickly reach Duyang, the prosperous place of Dongsheng Kingdom, which is much faster than taking the normal official road, provided that you can pass through the Orion. They don't want to go too deep into Qingtian Mountain.

"how about you?"

Hearing the companion's question, Aze answered naturally.

"Of course I'm going to find the immortals. If I can find the immortals, I beg the immortals to save the people in the village, and I will come to you again."

"Then what if I can't find a fairy?"

"Aze, don't think about immortals. People who entered Qingtian Mountain to find immortals have not succeeded, and many have never even come out. We have been walking in the mountains for so long, and everyone knows that we can't find them."

Azer shook his head.

"Emperor Chang Dong succeeded. He entered Qingtian Mountain alone and never turned back to the east. Everyone thought he was dead, but many years later, someone saw him in his hometown, wearing fairy clothes, and sent him to help him back then. The neighbor is rich and rich! Everyone has heard of that play!"

The people of Duyang Jin Changdong searched for immortals, which is a widely circulated folk story in Dongsheng. The world calls it Changdonggong. There is also Changdonggong Temple in Duyang. Widely used to encourage people to do things consistently. Of course, many people will also try to enter Qingtian Mountain or other famous mountains to find immortals.

Hearing Azer say this, Aaron, who was beside him, directly retorted.

"But you are not Duke Changdong! Legend has it that Duke Changdong was born with jade, and he was born with unforgettable memories. He only needs to learn everything once. They all say that he is born a **** and does not belong to the mortal world! Aze, we Shall we go to Duyang together?"

Azer shook his head.

"Grandpa said, don't care if the Lord Changdong's immortality is true or not, anyway, it is definitely impossible to be a natural **** who was born with jade, all of which are beautified by Yangren in the back, if you have a firm mind, no one is better than Changdong. tolerance!"

Aaron was in a hurry.

"Look at your face, look at your hands and feet, they're all wounded! There are still beasts and poisonous insects in the mountains, and you'll die if you can't find immortals!"

"I won't, I will find the immortal world, find the immortal, we all saw the Celestial Light of Qingtian Mountain more than three months ago, we all saw it!"

It is precisely because they have seen Xianguang that these teenagers and children who escaped the disaster because of military disasters want to enter the mountains, not only to avoid disasters, but also to find immortals.

But in the past three months, everyone's illusions have been worn away, and only A Ze still thinks so, so when A Ze said this, A Long stood up.

"Yes, we all saw it, but so what? Maybe it's just a watch? Who do you think you are? You go into the mountain alone, and no one takes turns to watch the night. Can you stay up all the time?"

"My grandpa said..."

"Grandpa Zhuang himself is dead!"


A Ze got angry, stood up and threw himself on Aaron.

"You are not allowed to say that, no!"

Aaron was also very angry and scuffled with Azer.

"It was, it was, if Grandpa Zhuang was alive, he would definitely stop you!"

"He will live, he will live, and when I find the immortal, he will live!"

"Stop fighting, stop fighting!"

"Don't fight, woo woo woo..."


Half a day later, the five of them embarked on a journey together, facing the east, no longer in the direction of the depths of Qingtian Mountain, and diverted to Duyang.

Strange to say, originally heading towards the deep mountains, but also towards the mountains, the weather gets worse, it is not windy, rainy, thunder and lightning, cold and tide, and thorns blocking the road, and beasts appear, but this change of direction, everything changes. It went smoothly, the road seemed to be easy to go, and I could find mountain springs and streams from time to time. Even the weather was mostly sunny and sunny, and the direction was naturally easier to identify.

About half a month later, a group of five people finally reached the edge of Qingtian Mountain.

But after a short period of excitement, no one cheered. Aze carried his hemp rope on his back and resolutely turned around and entered the mountain again. The other four partners just stared blankly at his back.

Those who should be persuaded, those who should be scolded, those who should cry, and those who should be beaten have all experienced it, and everyone knows that Azer will not change his mind.


Only a short day and a half has passed on Jiufeng Mountain. At this moment, Yunxia Court seems to be as usual, and even the door of the living room is open, but in fact, a great formation is already shrouded in it, and all the disciples of Jiufeng Mountain have been told not to approach. Yunxia Court. Of course, this time it wasn't a magic weapon, nor would there be a true Samadhi fire that would make everyone unable to stay at Xianlai Peak, just not close to Yunxia Garden.

This time, the table, desk, and study room are complete with all the four treasures, and there are more than 100 small characters flashing with a faint golden light, surrounding Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan closed his eyes and thought for a long time, opened his eyes at a certain moment, lightly dipped the pen with ink, and then directly wrote on the paper.

"The virtual division of yin and yang, the real division of the five elements, the way of the transformation of heaven and earth..."

As Ji Yuan began to write, the surrounding small characters began to form a formation, and a faint glow opened up around the desk. The change of the hundred and ten small characters was extremely fast. every word. At this time, the living room of Yunxiayuan was shining brightly, as if every time Ji Yuan wrote a word, the same but bigger golden text would appear in the surrounding Ji Yuan's state at the moment is very magical, and on the other hand, she writes Great effort was devoted to the writing and writing on the paper, and on the other hand, it seemed to have transformed into the huge body in the artistic conception, standing on the Xianlai Peak, looking at Yunxiayuan, and also looking at the one who wrote on the paper. .

It seems that only Jiyuan himself can feel this dharma giant, and most of the monks in Jiufeng Mountain have no idea.

'Perhaps after the completion of the Refining Book of Heaven, the lower half of "The Wonderful Law of Heaven and Earth" will also have a look! ’

Originally Jiyuan believed that the top priority of "The Wonderful Law of Heaven and Earth" was the transformation of heaven and earth in the upper half, but this time, the five people in the refinement discussed the yin and yang and five elements of Dao, which once again opened up Jiyuan's horizons. At the same time, this discussion of Dao, In fact, it is also very in line with the meaning of heaven and earth, and can also understand the wonders of heaven and earth. The second half of "The Wonderful Law of Heaven and Earth" is not as simple as I thought before, not to mention the insights related to Taoist songs, which may be integrated. in.

Because of the involvement of these layers, it is not difficult to imagine that people who truly practice the complete "Wonderful Law of Heaven and Earth" will be able to better understand the true meaning of the Book of Refining. Easy is only relative, and it must still be very difficult to learn.

The illusory Dharma image is like another perspective of Jiyuan and another state of mind. It is surrounded by the wild and embraces the world. At the moment when Jiyuan keeps writing, the Dharma image suddenly looks down in the southerly direction.

This is a strange feeling, like vision but not vision, as if seeing the bad weather in the mountains in the distance, but also feeling a strong obsession.

In addition to the Taoist platform at the top of the mountain, the Tiandao Peak of Jiufeng Mountain is also a training ground. At this moment, the headmaster of Jiufeng Mountain is standing with his hands behind his back, looking at the distant Xianlai Peak. Thoughts kept going.

At the moment when Jiyuan Faxiang looked at him, the headmaster of Jiufeng Mountain also turned to the far south.

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